
The Gamekillers(YouTube) "Meet TheMTOne. A tiresome old bore from youth to midlife. Full of meaningless references, meta in thought, and no real substance at all. With literally no understanding of family, friendship, or any relationships in a meaningful way. An odd creature; a 2m tall (could he stand) hairy and pale pasty vampire; no tan at all. Shit brown for eyes and short spiked hair. A rarer specimen who should probably spend more time looking in the mirror rather than not. He can derail anything, anytime, with anyone, because he is centered nowhere. The only way to stop his game from killing yours is to prevent him from showing up in the first place."

Humor aside, I am not like you. At least none that I have ever met, seen, or read about. Not in life, how I am, and definitely not how I think. Someone could be having a mental breakdown 20ft away, and aside from my annoyance I wouldn't care at all. Neutral is not exact, neither is ambivalent, but comes close. I could read/see the most vile thing imaginable, so far beyond anything remotely considered ok (and believe me when I say vile it is beyond anything any person on this rock would consider such), that the truly most open minded would ban it. However if it had 1 moment that amused me, 1 phrase uttered at the right time, or even 1 line I liked then I would bookmark/favorite it to be read again, if not remembering/saving it for later.

While there is a lot on Literotica that is worth liking, there is also a lot that is not, but I have never seen one with 0 redeeming qualities. There is no media I would ban, burn, destroy, nor that I would censor in all of existence. To me it is all fiction. Even if it isn't, it would be merely a curiosity to me. Few things in life are totally worthless, in the all senses of that word.

People invariably will Bitch about blasphemy, murder, fidelity, violence against women, harming children, animal cruelty, cuckolding, religion, politics, morals, ethics, etc; things that invariably gets the dander up of those consuming it. As for me, I tend to think "that is something 'interesting'" or "fascinating 'Fiction' compared to others", and I would save it for later. This to me holds true of all things, whether it be a movie, game, story, or tall tales told over a campfire.

In the end I am very clear on the difference between reality and fiction, and a creator is one who makes new fiction, not reality. It may be deplorable, or taboo in ways that would offend the largest free speech believer, myself aside, to the point of censorship, much less what this site will allow. However at the end of the day to me it is FICTION. Nothing will bother me, because I can tell the difference between reality and not. People say they agree often, or believe in freedom of speech to any degree, but I find that when it comes down to it, sooner or later all people believe in some form of censorship. I do not.

I believe in free will and that everyone is responsible for their own actions. Respect is earned, never given. I do believe in civility and tact, and not being an ass, but NEVER to the point of censorship. If someone wants to write a story for aliens on how to cook human children, with graphic descriptions, drawings, diagrams, & a video on how to do so, with so terrible a food preparation process that it would make a jaded pig farmer pale from its mere description, and I would still be fine with it. Why? Because doing and thinking are 2 different things. I swear many believe seeing rape in a film can turn someone into a rapist, which is bullshit. (a simple example, yet applicable to any subject)

Live your life how you want, but I refuse to spend my time hating or idolizing writers / actors / politicians / creators, instead I focus on the idea and how I think and feel. Hero worship to me is equally ridiculous. Worship or study an idea, not the one who speaks of it. I have no heroes, for what does a person matter when discussing an ideal? I have no villains for the same reason. You can reference anyone, regardless of what terrors they have committed, and I support doing so. Maybe even more so given the context of who said it, as subtext can also matter. I could be in a room of convicted murderers talking shop, but it doesn't make me one. I could be at a political rally, but I will never be a member. I could be at your house, etc etc.

I belong to no groups. I do not belong, observe(in the classic sense of that word), and am not a card carrying member, of anything. Those things do not belong to men and I stand for my own words and beliefs, not those of any group / party / organization no matter how vile/noble they may be. I am me, and all else is presumption.

The rest of you are just NPCs in my life, and I don't think of you at all. Imagine Spock (Star Trek) with his eyebrow raised, saying "Fascinating" looking on in mild interest, as that is my entire life. It is what is in my mind that matters to me. I am just another fucking observer.


Between East & West; ΚΟΣΜΟΠΟΛΙΤΕΣ


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