
Stories by TiltingatWindmills

Ladies invite a disruptive newcomer to chastity game night.

H 4.77 9.7k 21 6 48
37.9k 51 14 123

Things go downhill when he disobeys his keyholder.

H 4.75 24.8k 42 9 99

Quinn submits, but Abi only becomes more cruel.

H 4.73 13.1k 9 5 24

Tamiko's student controls her husband's orgasms.

H 4.7 27.8k 36 15 96

A new chastity drug has some powerful side effects.

H 4.51 45.2k 51 8 122

Young women coerce and corrupt a devout male classmate.

H 4.65 46.6k 56 10 141

Rhiannon continues to tempt her innocent new toy.

H 4.62 18.9k 19 9 41

Rhiannon isn't the only one who wants to play with her toy.

H 4.81 14.7k 23 6 36

Snapshots of a woman's life in a world of male chastity.

H 4.7 23.3k 40 11 89

A world where women are far stronger and hornier than men.

4.13 25.7k 32 3 64

Sex addled teen wants to control her stepbrother's orgasms.

H 4.59 50.3k 65 15 149

Niece finds the only thing better than teasing is denying.

H 4.65 37.3k 44 8 104

A reluctant husband is pressured to vote for male chastity.

H 4.62 26.2k 66 10 114
144k 166 21 355

Following a pandemic, surviving men are a rare commodity.

H 4.62 52.3k 85 6 197

John meets his other students.

H 4.51 25.6k 23 5 43

A student's perspective on pursuing Mr. Stark.

H 4.69 18.8k 19 2 35

Three students sneak into John's room at night.

H 4.54 19.4k 18 1 38

John and Jenna accidentally spy on her roommate.

H 4.67 9.7k 9 1 17

John surrenders to two aggressive students in the corridor.

H 4.53 17.8k 12 6 25
by TiltingatWindmills
Fetish& more 06/11/2023
155.8k 163 25 307

Another day for a husband locked in chastity.

H 4.56 44.6k 63 3 141

Steve is humiliated in front of Sara and her friends.

H 4.55 32.5k 27 5 40

Sara plans new ways to tease her husband.

4.46 28.4k 24 4 38

Sara and Maggie have some fun while Steve is forced to watch.

H 4.58 17.7k 19 3 38

Steve decides to stand up for himself.

4.45 14.4k 14 1 23

Steve is sent to Lian's house.

H 4.58 18k 16 9 27