
Stories by ex_riter

She thrashes him at cards - and might thrash him for real.

3.88 13.2k 5 2 9

She changes his little game, taking control.

19.6k 5 5 12

She found him and he seized the opportunity.

H 4.5 21.1k 2 5 8
by ex_riter
Exhibitionist & Voyeur& more 09/22/2022
31.3k 5 4

For once she doesn't win.

3.78 14.5k 4 3

She'd lost and would go on losing.

4.1 16.8k 1 1

He makes a plan and fails.

4 18.3k 1 7 3
Now What 2 Parts
48k 7 3 25

They met at the checkout, and then in the carpark.

4.1 27.5k 6 2 18

Starrting out naked, she ended without a stitch or a bauble.

4.35 20.4k 1 1 7

She had an ass worth chasing -- or Not.

20.7k 1 1 4

He makes a wrong assumption.

31.4k 5 1 12