
Update 12/27/20
Well, I get it. I finally get why so many of my favorite authors disappear off the face of the earth. They go and have kids! Lol. I’m a first time mama and I love my baby to bits, but man oh man do I get it now. Being a parent is all consuming. No spare time for nothing. Especially when you’re the breadwinner too. My thoughts are definitely with you though, and someday I will return, though I can’t promise that like so many others I won’t do the smart thing and publish for profit. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good new year!! —J

Hello all. Just following up to report baby and I are doing well. Well as can be expected during the pandemic. Although the baby is really my bigger issue when it comes to time. I’ve been unable as of yet to commit any time to writing, but I’ve been brainstorming about what I want to do—I’m thinking of adding a new chapter to ALLT, which given my new circumstances would be easier to complete quickly. Jumping back into DID will be much more challenging and time consuming. But I’m thinking of you all and missing you. Stay safe! —J

Update 6/28/20

Good news! I am planning to return to writing once a week starting in August. Probably won’t submit a new chapter of DID for a while but maybe I’ll work on ALLT or do some short steamy stories to warm up for what youve all been waiting for. Looking forward to getting back to it, slowly but surely!

Update 5/24/20

Well loves, I've finally come up for air. It's been an insanely busy couple of months. The busiest of my life thanks to my newborn baby. Before the birth, I was slammed with padding my account (which thank Christ I did with this COVID19 freezing our economy) by working my ass off, and now obviously I'm busy with round the clock feeding, changing, and sleeping whenever baby allows me to. As an independent contractor, I have no paid maternity leave, and since I'm still technically active in my field, I don't technically qualify for unemployment. AND my health insurance, which routinely causes me to just break even, is now increased (again a major blow because I'm independent). So no, I'm not writing right now, and I don't anticipate having time to do so anytime soon. I'll be busy doing whatever I can to put food on the table. But, I want to. Very badly. As expected, I have a shortage of kinky thoughts when I've been consumed by poopy diapers and booboo talk, but heaven help me when I look at my baby and she smiles, or stares at me for several minutes in wonder. I get lost in her eyes. She's amazing. An angel. To those who have been a parent, I know you understand. To those who haven't and put pressure on me to write, you know where you can stick your complaints. As always, love to you all, and I hope to write again someday soon. Take care this Memorial Day! :) --J

Update 11/27/19

Hello loves. Sorry to report that I have not had any time to commit yet to continuing any of my series. This has been an absolute shit year for my business, and my health, and all of my leads are piling up fourth quarter. I have no choice but to commit all my time to converting leads to sales, and when I can, resting and taking care of my baby due in April. I worked myself into the ground a few weeks back, couldn't even walk. I imagine Curt, Joe, and Mark would have been extremely displeased with me. Lesson learned, and I'm trying to manage my time and health better. I can say that I do really want to get back to writing. I really do. Just gotta focus on paying bills right now. Love to all! J

Update 10/5/19
Hello all. Just wanted to check in and say my thoughts have been on you and getting back to work on DID. Been dealing with the pregnancy and being flat broke. My focus has been on generating more business so I can pay the bills not on writing erotica. But I want to get back in the game—hopefully get enough rhythm to maybe have something worth publishing for profit. I expect it will be years before I reach that point, maybe even decades thanks to the life growing inside me. Thanks to all my loyal fans, I love you and I’m thinking of you. —J

Update 8/19/19
I’ve been totally exhausted the past month and as it turns out I am pregnant! I’m over the moon but too tired and too broke to focus on writing. Not sure exactly when I’ll resume DID but I do want it to be soon...sorry just wanted you all to know I’m not giving up. Just tired and trying to get over the hurdle of my first trimester. :)))



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Bdsm, Impregnation, Non Consent, Degradation

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