
I have finally finished my story named Why I became an escort. I still have several stories in the pipeline and I cant say which one I will finish first but keep in mind that I am still out there writing.
Hello again. I have received a few emails that have described my stories as unoriginal and same old same old. I agree. The facts are that every conceivable plot line has at some point been written. My only desire when I write is that my characters seem life like and believable. I also realize that I may stretch the boundaries of believability sometimes. That's called literary license so get over it.
Now that I have vented and feel better, I have been thinking of ways to end The Woodsman. I have posted The Nudes as The Nude Drawings and I have started another story called Why and How I became an Escort. its about a divorced woman that is in extreme financial hardship that is rescued by her bestie that is in the business of dating for pay. I have another story that is in final edit. Its name is Intervention. Its about a woman that has been destroyed in a divorce and her two children have to intercede before she ruins her life forever. I will post this one in incest and taboo.
My writing has slowed while I deal with this winter cold. I am almost finished with another chapter of woodsman. I expect to finish within two chapters. I am also trying another genre, I have begun a story with some Sapphic love called " The Nudes". I'm hoping that I can capture the feelings of female love in this story but as a guy it might be a crapshoot.
I am still looking for an editor, preferably a female that can give me another pov to my characters. Thank you for the votes so far in my tales. I do read all the comments and hope that you enjoy my stories.

Still trying to self edit. I'm getting better I think but slower to post chapters. I have another chapter to Woodsman almost ready then I will end it with possibly one more chapter after that. I also have several uncompleted stories that I want to finish so I'm not going anywhere.
Cheers jott

i am sorry that there is such a gap in my story submissions. i am having a problem with my editor and have decided to drop her and go without for now. i hope that my self editing skills are enough until i get hooked up with another editor. if any female editor would like to apply for the job shoot me an email through my erotica portal. my woodsman series is still underway and i have submitted two more chapters. I also have several stories that i have completed and I will be submitting them as I get this self editing thing mastered.
Just really love to read good erotica.
I have bit the writers bullet. I have several stories completed and I hope to have edited soon.
Unfortunately I have not found an editor that suits me.
I really want to work with a female editor so I can get a different perspective on my stories but for various reasons no one has fit. FYI the lit voluntary editors list has been worthless. Either the people don't respond or when I send a story to the person I never hear from them. If my stuff is that bad then lets work on it together to make it better but I am not waiting for a year to get it right.
Also I have turned the voting and comments off on Size Queen and Tim and Erin. The reason is because of the assholes that just feel a need to attack the author personally. You know who you are. 99% of you list your comments as anonymous. While I want criticism of my work, I neither need nor want personal attacks from some asshole that just wants to spread their vitriol. Life is too short to deal with assholes so as much as humanly possible I wont. So until literotica lets me screen anonymous comments out no one gets to give their opinion. Sorry folks. If you have constructive comments please feel free to send a private email.
Now about my stories.
They are mine. The concepts are mine, the writing is mine, the people are mine. All mine.
If you don't like what I write or how I treat my characters then move on to someone else.
If you think you could write a better version, maybe give someone a more happy in your mind ending, then send it to me and I will post it and give you full credit. At this time I self edit so all mistakes in the flow of my story, punctuation, sentence structure and verbiage is my fault but I am willing to turn that over to someone that is willing to work with me but the characters are mine, the physical descriptions are also mine, and most importantly what happens to my characters is totally up to me.
Enough of my ranting. I have several stories both completed and in the works. They will be submitted when I am satisfied with them. All I am asking from you as a reader is to enjoy them as they are written. If you can't there are several thousand other writers to choose from here so don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave.


S/W Michigan, USA



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