
Hello everybody,

My office job is in-house counsel for a company, heading up a legal team of mainly women, but a couple of guys too, who certainly know their place and that is why I hired them.

My day job is stressful, as you can imagine. In recent years I found myself thinking back to my university student days when I used to earn money cleaning other people’s houses, being a simple cleaning girl, a housekeeper, a maid. I remembered how much I had enjoyed the simplicity, submissiveness and repetitiveness of domestic service, being told what to do and the subtle humiliation of doing a job at the very bottom of the social ladder.

Now, several times a month, on WFH days and on some evenings, wearing a nylon house-cleaning dress and yellow rubber gloves as needed, I am to be found on my knees scrubbing another woman’s toilets, shower or kitchen floor, making their bed, hanging up their wet laundry and ironing their clothes; a significant contrast with my high-powered self at my office. The women I work for have absolutely no knowledge of my lawyer job, pay me low wages, cash in hand, and treat me exactly as domestic staff should be treated.

Compared with my office job, the simplicity is addictive: attend at the house, do the same as last time, take out the rubbish when you leave, repeat next week. By the way, while I am submissive and entirely obedient in my cleaning roles, I am seen as an alpha female in my office job; but I need this escape deeply.

House-cleaning is not easy and it is hard physical work, but while I may not enjoy every minute of it at the time, from a psychological point of view I LOVE my secret life as a domestic and find the fact that no one (except a couple of close girlfriends) knows about my double life quite delicious.

My stories are based on a combination of real life experiences wherever possible, coupled with private fantasies, and it is not always easy to tell which is which.

Please do make comments and give my stories scores because it makes the real work involved in writing all the more worthwhile.

Part of me fears that one day I may find myself doing house-cleaning jobs five days a week instead of my lawyer job. Part of me longs for that.

Thank you for reading my bio.

Kristina x





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Writing, Pilates, Cooking, Tennis, Reading, Gym Classes, Walking


Spanking, Submission, Humiliation, Exhibitionism, Caning, House-Cleaning, Bondage

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