
Stories by peppermintpatty2006

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A children's book for mature adults only.

3.95 28.1k 5 3 7

Human Sexuality 101.

3.46 25.8k 3 2 7

The incredible cock - women only please!

3.8 31.8k 2 3 5

How to give her an orgasm.

4.04 38.1k 6 5 7

Let's talk about size!

4.14 62.1k 4 7 9

The Mouse ran up the...

3.94 31.7k 2 2 4

Home for Dinner Honey?

4.33 25.4k 4 5 5

Pleasure and Pleasuring the sexes.

3.7 35.9k 6 1

Her pretty pussy is played with.

4.17 61.1k 5 7 6