
Stories by storieslou

60.5k 149 241

Everything works out fine when they talk.

51.3k 124 198

The family plans for Sue's second visit with Cole.

9.2k 25 43

Sister makes an effort to know her brother better.

27.1k 42 79

A little girl unites a single mom and widowed man.

by storieslou
Romance 02/02/2023
9.8k 20 35

A house renovation regnites old desires.

14.3k 27 43

Step-siblings get close.

31.3k 56 97
63.2k 82 145

Sister shares a brother's secret and then more.

49.4k 61 113

Abbie and Todd and Amanda become a family.

13.7k 21 32

An act of kindness leads to romance.

by storieslou
First Time 06/23/2022
12.2k 19 24

Widower invites Ukrainian family women into his home.

by storieslou
Romance 05/17/2022
14.7k 20 29

What would it be like to live with your adult daughter?

79.4k 59 129

Betrayal leads to romance.

30k 60 101

Fate gives a separated couple a second chance.

22.7k 60 111

She didn't want to at first but then she did!

28.9k 29 54