How do I post a reply to a forum thread?

The Literotica Forum is a place where Literotica community members can engage in wide variety of discussion topics ranging from adult kinks to every day life.

The easiest way to get started on the Literotica Forum is to reply to threads started by other members. When you view any thread on the forum (while logged in to your account), there will be a reply form at the bottom of the thread. You can simply type your reply into that box and hit the “Post Reply” button to add your message to the thread.

If you’d like to quote another post/user in your reply, you can click the word “Reply” at the bottom of any post in the thread you are replying to and the quote will be added to the reply box. You can quote multiple posts by clicking the “Quote” text at the bottom of any post in the thread and then clicking “Insert Quotes” at the bottom of your reply box.

You can also start your own forum thread.

Please be sure to be respectful to other members, follow our Community Guidelines and Forum Rules when making replies on the forum.