How do I start a forum thread?

If you have an interesting discussion topic you’d like to share with the Literotica Community, you can start a new thread in the Literotica Forum to get the conversation started. Please make sure to browse the forum first and find the correct relevant forum to post the topic in. For example, there are forums for topics about authors, for general discussion, for site feature requests, for interactive story discussions, for politics, etc. If you post a thread in a non-relevant forum, the thread may be removed by the moderators.

Once you’ve found the correct place to post your thread, look for the “Post Thread” button at the top of each forum to get started. You must be logged in to a valid Literotica account to start a new thread. If you aren’t logged in, the Post Thread button may not appear.

After clicking “Post Thread”, you will be able to enter a Title for you new thread in the “Thread Title” field. Remember to make the title catchy and informative so that people will read your post. Enter the text of your message in the larger box below. In some forums, you can add image attachments if needed. You can also click the “Watch Thread” box if you’d like to get alerts when users reply to your thread. Once you’ve done all of the above, don’t forget to click the “Post Thread” button to share your post with the world.

If, after posting your thread, you find you’ve made any error, you can always edit your own post using the “Edit” feature by clicking little pencil icon beneath the post.

You can also reply to forum threads.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Forum Moderators for help.