What are Literotica Story Tags?

Story Tags are keywords or phrases that Literotica authors add to their stories to help readers find them. Story Tags allow readers to find more specific/niche content than the broader Story Categories.

The simplest way to explain a story tag is: “a keyword relevant to the story”.

For example, if a character in a story has green eyes, an author may choose to use “green eyes” as a story tag. If a reader were to view the “green eyes” story tag in the Literotica Tags Portal, they would find a list of stories featuring characters with green eyes. If the story takes place in Iceland, then “Iceland” might be a story tag. If there is oral sex in the story, then “oral sex” might be a story tag. If the author is using the world of Lovecraft, then “Lovecraft” or “Lovecraftian” might be a story tag.

The number of official story categories on Literotica is limited to keep the site organized and manageable for readers, but the potential variety of Story Tags on Literotica is unlimited. Authors are free to create their own relevant story tags for each work they publish.

The Literotica Story Tags Portal displays the most used tags, random tags, and a list of tags which are only used on a single story. The Story Tags Portal - which allows the selection of multiple tags, filtering by category, and other filters - gives readers an easy way to find stories matching their interests.

Story Tags for individual stories can be found in the Story Info Box at the top of every Story Page, just below the Story Title.

All story tags on Literotica are required to be relevant to the story they are attached to. If you believe you have found a story with one or more irrelevant tags, please use the “Report This Story” button and tell us the specific tag(s) that you think are irrelevant. All reports will be reviewed, and action will be taken as needed.

If you are a Literotica author and you would like more information about how to best use tags on your stories, please read this article: Story Tags How To For Literotica Authors.