Meeting Monique


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She didn't fall asleep but rather started daydreaming, mostly about naught things. Her thoughts eventually drifted to the encounter with Monique the previous day, and how she had been almost enthralled by this busty neighbor. She did actually recognize the feeling. Particularly in her younger years, she had been drawn to powerful women. In the beginning this had taken the shape of seeking their approval, but later it turned into something stronger than that. A few of her female friends had admitted to her that they had sometimes developed some sort of crush male teachers in school, but that was never the case for Emily. In men, she looked for equality and one of the things she really appreciated about Tim was tat he allowed her to be in charge whenever she was in the mood for that. But while she never admitted it to anyone, she had occasionally felt drawn to women of authority, particularity those a bit older than herself such as a university professor or a soccer coach.

She still remembered the first time she had woken up after dreaming about a sexual encounter with a female teacher. While she clearly had been aroused by her dream, she felt ashamed, not wanting to admit to herself that she might have such desires. Eventually she had however accepted it and allowed herself to fantasize freely about being with these woman when the thoughts popped up. She couldn't deny that some of her most intense masturbation sessions had been while fantasizing about sex with a powerful woman, usually in a situation with herself acting somewhat submissively. She never acted on her fantasies though and had never experimented with girls at all. She knew a few of her friends had done this occasionally, but she was never interested in any girls of her own group and age. It was only women that she admired that had this effect on her.

These fantasies had somewhat faded over the years, perhaps with her developing into a strong, independent woman herself. Yet, there was no point denying how she had felt captivated by their charismatic hostess. She couldn't really figure out why though. Monique probably wasn't really older than herself, probably around the same age. Neither was she in any position of power, which had been the case with the women who previously had this effect on her. Supposedly, being the owner of the house they were staying in gave Monique some leverage but more so, there was something almost enchanting about this woman that made Emily feel very attracted to her. Her deep brown eyes sent out a sort of mystic vibe, while at the same time, her personality was warm and open. Plus, her curvy shapes probably added to the sensuality she expelled. With a smile Emily thought to herself that those big tits made Monique's body scream of female power.

Tim kept looking at his girlfriend, watching her heaving chest move with her heavy breathing. It was obvious she was thinking of something that excited her. He eventually leaned over and gave her a soft peck on the lips, to which she responded by pulling him in closer for a deep, wet kiss.

"I think it's time to head back," she said as she broke the kiss. "I need more than a kiss from you."

They quickly got dressed and Emily didn't bother putting her bikini top back on, instead covering her upper body only with a thin, white singlet. Her hard nipples were clearly visible through the sheer fabric, making it hard for Tim to focus on where he was walking. He couldn't wait to get home and get those lovely buds in his mouth.

Monique in a bikini

When they got home, they first headed to the backyard to hang up their wet towels to dry. There they found Monique suntanning in a bikini. Seeing her in so little clothes made the couple stop in their tracks, again feeling shy and not sure what to do. Tim actually started turning, feeling that it would be shameful to impose on the woman, even though she was sitting in backyard, which she explicitly had welcomed them to use freely. Monique saw them and got up to greet them. She didn't bother to cover up and it was an almost hypnotizing sight to watch her approach, wearing nothing but a pink bikini. Her hips were swaying ever so feminine, and her heavy tits were bouncing on her chest as she walked towards them. If it had been hard to not stare at her chest the day before, it was now an impossible task.

"Hi guys," Monique greeted them.

The bikini was matched by a pair of equally pink sunglasses, so you couldn't see her deep brown eyes. Still, when she gave the a warm and irresistible smile, it made them both weak to their knees.

The pink fabric of her bikini top would have been generous enough to cover up most women, but on Monique it left most of her round globes exposed. Tim was almost expecting that they would break free completely during the bouncy walk, but to his disappointment it didn't happen.

"How was your day?" Monique continued as neither of the two had gathered themselves to reply.

"Oh, hi Monique..." Emily started, almost stuttering. "We didn't mean to disturb you."

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone," Tim added, feeling guilty about his hope of her tits coming into clear view.

"Don't be silly," Monique laughed. "I think this backyard is large enough for us all. So, what have you been up to?"

Emily started telling her about the nice little beach they had found, saying that they had a very nice time there. As his girlfriend was talking, Tim couldn't resist to repeatedly let his eyes drop to Monique's large tits. He was kind of hoping he might get away with it if Monique was focusing on Emily talking. After awhile he however thought he saw a bit of a knowing smirk on Monique's face, indicating that she of course wasn't oblivious to the effect her tits was having. She didn't seem to disapprove of the attention though, and while he wasn't sure it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him, Tim actually thought she was pushing her chest out further.

He however didn't want to come across rude and instead decided to turn his attention to his girlfriend, who was still sort of nervously rambling on about the beach they had been to. He noticed that Emily's nipples were now even more erect than before and the shape of her tits were completely outlined by the tight fabric. Between this and the heavy chest of Monique, Tim felt a stir in his crotch and realized that the effect would soon become visible. He quickly made his excuse, mumbling something about being thirsty after the beach.

Emily also excused herself and soon followed him. She kind of suspected the reason behind Tim's sudden departure, and she sure couldn't blame him. It might not be as obvious on her, but Monique definitely had an effect on her as well. Emily actually didn't feel at all jealous. She was secure in Tim's devotion to her, and knew that he absolutely adored her body too. Plus, how could she possibly be mad at him for looking at Monique's chest when she was doing the same thing? Well inside she walked up to Tim and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then with a wink she matter of factually stated:

"So, that Monique has got some big tits."

Tim laughed, revealed that she wasn't reacting negatively to his behavior.

"Yes," he said and continued with emphasis. "Yes, she sure does."

Teasingly, Emily took of her top and threw it at him.

"Well, me and my small tits are going to have a shower to wash off the beach. Perhaps afterwords you might be interested in giving them some attention?"

"I most certainly am!" Tim replied. "You've been teasing me with those beauties all day"

Emily disappeared into the shower and Tim started fiddling around with unpacking their stuff. From a small window over their kitchen sink, he could however see out on the backyard where Monique had return to her tanning. She had pushed the straps of her bikini of her shoulders and Tim kept returning to the window, hoping that her tits would fall out. During one of these occasions, he suddenly felt a sharp sting on his ass. Turning around, he realized that Emily had sneaked up on him and slapped his ass. Wrapped in her towel, she was grinning at him and teasingly accused him of being a peeping tom.

"I'm pretty sure I caught you looking at her tits too," Tim playfully defended himself.

She actually though she had been discreet about it and being caught made her blush a little.

"Well, they are pretty hard not look at. It wouldn't be human to completely divert your eyes," she said with a giggle. "Now, go get a cold shower you naughty boy!"

As Tim obeyed and headed towards the shower, she added:

"Well, not too cold. I have a job for you when you're ready."

As the water rinsed off the sand and salt from his body, Tim started thinking about how Emily had been acting around Monique. It was obvious his girlfriend was affected by this woman, acting a bit nervous and silly whenever she was around. It was a new side to her that he hadn't seen before. She usually showed a lot of confidence, so he was intrigued by this novel behavior.

It wasn't completely out of the blue though. A few years back he had accidentally stumbled on the browsing history on her computer and found that she had visited some lesbian porn sites. This was surprising to him because she had never expressed any such tendencies. Letting the curiosity get the better of him, he clicked one of the links and found a lot of videos involving lesbian encounters between teachers and students. The general theme was that the students were acting submissively in the sex scenes. If it hadn't been for the fact that Emily was at the time a student herself, he would have thought that if anything she would have identified more with the dominant teacher.

His first intention had been to approach Emily about this, primarily to let her know that he certainly was OK with her having such fantasies. However, he decided it was probably best to leave it. If she hadn't told him about it, it was probably something she preferred to keep to herself. He actually felt a bit guilty for spying on her, even though he had only accidentally found the links. As time went on, he never saw any other traces of these desires in his girlfriend, so he hadn't thought much about it until now.

As he got out of the shower, he found Emily looking out the kitchen window, much like he had done before. Like himself, she was still wearing the towel from her shower and he suspected she had been standing there watching their neighbor since he left. He thought about sneaking up and slapping her ass to repay her for what she had done with him. But instead he slowly approached her from behind and started caressing her, starting by rubbing her thighs. She didn't flinch, so Tim suspected that she had heard him all the time but still remained watching Monique. He let his hands wander over up her body, eventually making the towel drop to the floor and leaving her completely naked. He gently kissed her neck before whispering in her ear:

"Pretty hard not to stare, right?"

Emily replied by just nodding, still not turning away from the window. She was mostly covered from the outside, with only her head peeking out. She also figured that on such a bright day you couldn't see much if you looked inside. So rather than moving to avoid being seen by Monique, she stayed in her position, slightly bent over the kitchen sink, as Tim continued to caress her body. He was letting his hands roam freely and when they found her tits, he payed extra attention to her erect nipples. He had obviously longed for them all day and as he gently pinched them, Emily moaned with pleasure.

Tim felt his cock press against the towel. From the teasing at the beach and the encounter with Monique, he was in desperate need to get inside his girlfriend. He quickly yanked the towel, making it fall to the floor. He then slowly kissed his way down Emily's back, across her little round ass. As his lips found her pussy, he could feel how incredibly wet she was. He started by licking along the outside of her swollen lips and then moved on to flicking his tongue on her clit. She replied by moaning loudly. He took his time and eventually let his tongue flip inside her. The sensual taste of her wetness was driving him crazy.

"I'm going to fuck you!" he said, kind of stating the obvious.

Emily replied with a soft nod and even heavier breathing but remained looking out the window at her busty hostess, who was still sitting in the backyard in a revealing bikini. As she felt Tim push his hard cock inside her, she yelled out in pleasure. She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw Monique react to her scream. As Tim started pounding her hard from behind, she didn't really care if she was being caught in the act. If anything, the thought that Monique might actually see her now just made her more excited. Behind those sunglasses, it was hard to see where Monique was looking. Was she actually looking back at her now, watching her being fucked? Where they actually spying on each other? The thought overwhelmed her, and she started coming hard. The excited screams of his girlfriend sent Tim over the edge as well, causing him to also scream out with excitement as he pushed hard into her with a his last thrusts.

As Emily came back to her senses, she peeked out the window again. She still wasn't sure if Monique could see her, but with the loud screams of their simultaneous climax, surely she would have heard them? Looking at Monique's face, Emily could see a smirk on her face, suggesting she knew what they were up to. Emily turned to her boyfriend, meeting his eyes for the first time since he started touching her. They kissed passionately, feeling that they were sharing something new and very special.


The next day, Emily ran into Monique in the backyard again. She was not wearing her bikini from the day before, much to the disappointment of the blonde woman. Still, she looked absolutely stunning in her green summer dress, which showed off a fair amount of cleavage. If she had seen or heard them the day before, she wasn't letting it show now. As always, she greeted Emily with a warm smile, giving the blonde girl a tingling sensation. Emily still felt nervous around Monique, but she now managed to control herself a bit better. They talked briefly about the book Monique was writing and she explained that she was trying to finish a chapter to send of to her editor today. Emily could relate to the deadlines, having recently finished writing her thesis. The two women shared their experiences on the subject, and concluded that while they were writing very different things, there were still many parallels between their works. Emily was delighted that Monique seemed to value her opinion and it felt reassuring she didn't come off as a stuttering fool this time.

Monique soon had to excuse herself, saying that she had to get back to her writing if she were to finish it today. As her neighbor was about to leave, Emily suddenly built up the courage to ask her to come over for a drink later.

"Oh, that would be lovely," Monique replied. "I'll make sure I get my work done as fast as I can. How about eight a clock?"

"That's perfect!" Emily replied, making no effort to hide her excitement.

When she got back inside, Tim asked her what she and Monique had been talking about. Emily tried acting casual, saying they discussed some of their work etc.

"Oh, and by the way," she said, "I've invited Monique over for a drink tonight. Hope you don't mind."

Clearly, he did not. Like two kids excited about Christmas, they started tidying up the place, clearly both eager to make a good impression on their guest. Emily then took the car to go get ingredients for mojitos. She knew she made them good and wanted to impress Monique.

As the night approached, they both made an effort to look their best. They prepared much like they were about to go on a first date, and while they didn't say it out loud, there was a silent understanding that they were both trying to make a good impression on Monique. They hadn't really brought any fancy clothes, but Tim found an iron for his only button down shirt. Emily put on a tight skirt that showed off her smooth and slender legs. She also put on her most low cut top, giving her a nice cleavage. She wasn't at all trying to divert Tim's attention from Monique's chest. She just wanted to look her best, and while her tits where no way near the size of Monique's, she was still very proud of them. Maybe she could even make it hard for Monique to divert her eyes?

Soon after eight a clock, they heard a knock on the door and they both ran to open it. Monique looked as sensual as she always did, still in her green summer dress:

"I made it!" she stated with a smile on her face and went on to explain how she just had sent off the chapter to her editor. The couple invited her to sit down and Emily handed her a drink.

"Thanks, I both need and deserve that," Monique said with a slight laugh.

Monique pointed out that the drink was exceptionally good, which was obviously pleasing for Emily. She was even more pleased when Monique pointed out that Emily was looking very cute in her outfit. Unlike the way that Emily and Tim had been throwing guilty glances at Monique's body, their hostess slowly and confidently looked the blonde woman up and down. Her gaze lingered a moment at Emily's bra-less tits, making the blonde woman feel all warm inside. As she had on their trip over, Emily was wearing her hair in two plaits on her sides, and Monique even reached out and touched them as she complimented her.

"I love these, they look great on you."

"Thank you Monique. You look great too, as always," Emily said, knowing that she was blushing. Nevertheless, she made a mental note to wear her hair like this for the rest of the trip.

As Emily collected herself, they made casual chit-chat about different things. As the topic drifted into more female oriented subjects, Tim remained silent and slowly sipped his drink. It wasn't just Emily who was getting nervous around Monique. He had always been attracted to powerful women. With Monique, it was clear that her curvy physique had an effect on him, but it wasn't just that. Something about her charismatic ways made her personality hard to resist. Looking into her deep brown eyes, he sometimes felt that she knew about the effect she was having on him.

As they were talking, Monique started stretching her neck. When Emily asked her if she was OK, Monique explained that her neck was sore from staring at her laptop all day. Emily quickly jumped at the opportunity.

"I can give you a neck massage if you want to."

"Oh," Monique started, taken by surprise by the eager offer. "Yeah, sure. That would be very nice."

She finished her drink and leaned back in her chair as Emily got behind her. Tim watched with excitement as his girlfriend started massaging the neck and shoulder of the dark-haired woman in front of him.

"Ah, that's just lovely," Monique sighed and pushed the straps of her dress to the sides to give Emily better access to her shoulders.

"You have such nice olive skin," Emily said, hoping she wouldn't sound to eager to compliment the woman.

Monique smiled and leaned even further back in her chair and closed her eyes as she relaxed. She then moved on to put her feet up on the armrest of Tim's chair. He wasn't sure how to react, but he couldn't help to openly admire the tanned legs and the ever so feminine feet right next to him. He looked at his girlfriend, hoping she would indicate what he was expected to do. She smiled at him.

"Tim is really good at foot massages, he used to help me unwind that way when I was busy with my studies. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you one."

Monique didn't even open her eyes. Instead she just slowly moved her feet from the armrest onto Tim's lap. Without a word, he started rubbing her feet, feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world. He kept admiring her shapely legs as well, and from his position he could see far up her well toned thighs. He also noticed that one of the straps of Monique's dress had fallen off her shoulder completely, making an increasingly large part of her left tit expose. Looking at his girlfriend, he could tell she had also noticed this and they were sharing their hope that it would fall even further down. Monique's chest was heaving with her increasingly heavy breathing, and with every breath the dress seamed to fall a little lower. No one said a word for a long time.