All Comments on 'A Deer, and a Dear?'

by tanglosax

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Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

Nice story. I like it. AAAA+++++

lujon2019lujon2019over 1 year ago

emotional cucks get one star too

lying sack of shit shoulda told his kids what the lying whore did

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 1 year ago

I find how cute he reacted over the fact that the man who saved was the one who nearly got him killed. Very cute way of telling a miserable story. At least the skank got dumped but still the hubby got screwed by laying alimony to his wife who can have sex with any man laid for by hubby. I skimmed half end of page 2. Cute story.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 1 year ago

Not a lot of emotion but not a bad story... except for the deer. Keep at it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So you were a man before but after the crash you became a pussy 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A strange, emotionless story. If their sex life was great why did she suddenly become a whore. It turns out that her lover was weak in sex. So why. And such a strange ending, where the lover is not punished by conveying the news of his betrayal to his wife. Lots of holes in this story. Slut wife cheats for several months, in their marital bed, and sons do not blame her for breaking up the family. The spouse himself divorces without emotion, he still pays her alimony. Maybe they still remain friends? 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A thought-provoking story with a different twist and I enjoyed reading it.

SunnyU2SunnyU2over 1 year ago

Pretty good

Reminds me of another story were the cheater saves the MC's family from a house fire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well that went like piss or rice water! Tasteless and insipid

SyzyguySyzyguyover 1 year ago

Sad with an interesting twist with them, fortuitously, saving his life, and the way she destroyed the bed.. There wasn't really any other possible outcome once she confessed to the nature of the affair and the times they were at the family home. Joan was probably wise to confess fully (even if only for the benefit of your readers) as there was no way forwards without that. I liked her naivety too - "picnics meant, you know, doing it on the ground"

Should Fonderot have had more comeback? Not sure, it's your story. How did Fonderot explain the scar to his wife. Not sure.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 1 year ago

This was really pretty good and entertaining!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just when you think you won't get caught and everything is alright. Bam! You could have elaborated more about how and ehy he decided to file for his divorce.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Interesting story!


kage440kage440over 1 year ago
Liked it

I did like the story, but it needed more character development. A good start, but after he got home from the hospital, it went to quickly to the epilogue. I would have loved more development about why she did it.

Karma is a bitch. How do you want revenge on a guy who both killed your marriage and saved your life.

Impo_64Impo_64over 1 year ago

Just a question remains: Didn't Fonderot's wife had the right to know about his cheatings? For sure this wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last...Why was he the only one to get a divorce? 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story but too many clichés.

-Sex wasn't great

- several months

- the hotel was expensive to force so it was better in our bed.

- it meant nothing (but for whom?)

But I love you and I will always love you.

I love you too !

you believe it ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good and interesting story and quite a plot twist from the normal. Very creative, personally I would like more details, not of the sex. I agree the end needs work but in all. not bad at all. Thank you for writing in a forum where the amateurs can comment, thats bravery in my book. thanks for the story.

demanderdemanderover 1 year ago

He should have gone to a rehab facility and cut her off completely. But he did the right thing in the end. Use her then dump her. D

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cheating slut got off way too easy!

Burner70Burner70over 1 year ago

Was prerty good keep writing . Thank you for a good morning read

TajfaTajfaover 1 year ago

It was good but finished very abruptly. What was her reaction when he told her he wanted a divorce? Why didn't he tell the guys wife? Why didn't he tell his sons about the mothers cheating?

SeafoamzoneSeafoamzoneover 1 year ago

Great story, as always.

Really wished that they could have worked it out.

MwestohioMwestohioover 1 year ago

Nice twist with the asshole saving the main character

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You have her give no reason for cheating? That makes for a weaker story. There is always a reason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No reason not to let his wife know. She deserved to know and he deserved to have his marriage destroyed too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The first 2/3 of the story was great, but it ended with a hardly a whimper. I felt his angst, when he was in the hospital, but once he got home, we didn’t really get much of a peek into his head.

BTB wasn’t his thing, and that’s fine, but the story finished with the usual, saw a lawyer, sold the house, split the money,

The best stories leave the reader with a deeper understanding of the hero’s emotions and actions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was so-so. The deer part was fine, but telling adult children a lie about "growing apart" was utter crap. "Not your business" or "Ask your mother" would work, but do not lie to them. They deserve better,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I know the BTB crowd will not agree, but I don't see throwing away a good 25-year marriage for a stupid affair of a few months. Especially when she was willing to make all those concessions to remain married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The guy saved his life after an accident that wouldn't have happened in the first place had he not been sleeping with his wife. No, he should not have gotten off scot free and his wife should have been informed.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

Why not give the dates, instead of May _?


"The car was older, not a rental car, so no visiting relative." - Why does the age and rental status mean no relative? Do they all drive newer cars, or live too far to drive?


On one hand, they saved his life, on the other hand, his life wouldn't have been at risk if not for them.


"I have no excuses, no reason why I cheated, except that I'm a bad person." - So there, for all of the apologists who want to know, "Why?"


Why do so many wives cheat the day before their husbands are due home? If a husband is going to come home early, it'll probably be by one day.


"And John, the sex was okay, but it wasn't great, it wasn't...." - Yet, they kept doing it.


Kind of petered out at the end, not enough of a confrontation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He had no choice. She was fucking that guy for months, and would not have stopped on her own. And her “remorse” was for what it did to him…and not for doing it in the first place.


Never understand why cheated on spouses getting divorced don’t explain it to their adult children — especially when the cheating spouse refuses to explain.


The epilogue was way too brief. Made it sound like Joan was OK with the divorce. Which pretty much confirms that her “remorse” for cheating was…at best….very shallow. He was well rid of her.


Kudos for the plot device of the cheaters saving his life. That introduced an interesting dilemma for the MC to resolve.


4 ****

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

Interesting twist. He didn't really owe him his life. What Fontenot did in his bed with his wife caused the events that lead to the accident. Fontenot owes him for the loss of months of his health, his wife, his home. At the very least, the scumbag's wife should have been told. He deserved some punishment. Divorcing Joan was the only thing he could do. She could never be trusted again. She had no good reason for cheating so what would keep her from doing it again.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

A well told story with an interesting plot. I'm just amazed why you let them both tell a lie about the divorce? What reasons are there to protect a cheater from the opinion of her adult sons? 4*!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good effort . Why does anon know what piss taste like. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She didn't pounce when the iron was hot, of course he divorced her stupid ass. "I got bored" is a very honest admission, but a hard one to accept. What happens the next time you get bored? "Ill never do it again" You promised never to do it when they married.

Honesty was important, but it's not enough. Love and respect are. She cared for him, and that was required. She never seemed to go above and beyond. She should have quit her job IMMEDIATELY and gotten counseling IMMEDIATELY. And instead of seducing him with skimpy cloths (that's what you do when people actually LIKE YOU) she should have gotten a paddle and punishment toys from a sex shop. Then she shows him and demands he punish her because...yes...she deserves it. That's how you entice the man. Showing off your naked bits to a man that's seen them a million times, and the last time was when you were fucking some dude cuz, "I was bored" isn't a winning plan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A quirky, entertaining read with an original plot device in the collision with the deer. I liked it. Some commenters seem unduly angry that he had to pay alimony but, hey kids, life isn't perfect and sometimes we have to settle for the best deal we can get. At least he freed himself from the treacherous skank, so overall he can be reasonably satisfied with the outcome. 4 stars.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredover 1 year ago

Anonymous commenter is confused as to why he decided to file for divorce? Seriously? Isn't it patently obvious? She cheated on him, repeatedly, in their marriage bed. How could he NOT file for divorce? Sheesh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There really was no other outcome possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nope. Joan and Fonderat are the reason John ended up back on the road to begin with. Had John come home to an empty garage, he would have been home for the night and all would have been well. So Joan and F-boy saved his life, the accident should not have happened to begin with. That's what John didn't take into consideration when he met Joan and F-boy in the hospital. John should have talked to Mrs. Fonderant AND made Joan go with him to do so. Joan should have been the one to tell Mrs. F just how her hubby got that big scar on his forehead. John should have stayed married to Joan and forced a lopsided post-nup. She messes up again, she leaves with nothing. John gets equal numbers in hall passes for every single time Joan and F-boy did the deed. I feel John never really got his pound of flesh from either Joan or F-boy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What's this nonsense about never telling the other betrayed spouse and keeping the affair a secret from the rest of the family? You're protecting the cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Taking an old trope and making it interesting - not easy to do. 5

I farm wheat, and this was hilarious: "This past week, I had had a run-in with two brothers who were claiming a huge loss on some wheat that I believed they had actually harvested and then flooded their own fields."

You might as well have written that the brothers claimed that space aliens had harvested and stolen the wheat.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

No, you had a 38 because we have the second amendment

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 1 year ago

Average unknowing husband and his cheating slut wife. Yes, it's a short story with lots of holes and unfinished business. I didn't like how this ended. There were several ways that this could have went. Sam's wife should know how sleazy her husband is, Joan's coworkers should have been notified of her betrayal to her husband, John. This tale of betrayal ended to quickly with no real harm done to the cheaters. 2 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Joan and I sat down with our sons and told them we had grown apart, hence the divorce. They were grown up enough that I think it didn't bother them too much."

So, why lie to the sons? They're adults. They know what sex is all about. I'm sure they know that having sex with someone other than your spouse is cheating. The wife only owned up to the affair to her husband and kept it a secret from everyone else. If you make shitty decisions and if your actions and behavior hurt and destroy someone else that you claim to love then for fucks sake own your shit. She got bored with her husband and decided to start fucking someone else and did so for several months. Joan's still hiding her affair...hiding it from her sons, family and all their friends. I'm sure her work colleges knew that she had something going on the side with Fonderot. Fonderot's wife should know that he cheated. Why should his life continue like nothing happened. The story just ends with a whimper. John living didn't have much effect on the story. Might just as well had John die in the accident with the deer.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

Do I rate the story 1 star or 5 stars? Or something in between? So, I gave a 3 stars rate. The story was written well and clearly. But since I am a BTB type of person, the ending left me flat. The "lover's" wife should have been told. The "lover" himself should have suffered more. The wife should have suffered more. But hell, it is your story to tell, and since I cannot write for shit, I will just leave you with the thought to just keep writing. You did do a good job, despite my gripes. Will read more of your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

And why doesn't Sam's wife not know about the affair?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pretty good story with good writing. Not quite sure why I didn’t have any emotional attachment to the MC…or any of the other characters. Maybe it was because he was immobilized/dependent for much of the story. It will be interesting to see how the author develops in future tales.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 1 year ago

He did not need to elaborate anything as that would be nothing but a cliche as everybody does the same here with a lot of psychobabble.

The way it is the story holds well, not much of a plot but the little it is, sounds decent and more creative than usual "car in the driveway" crap on LW. Not bad.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I liked it! 5*****! The author made some different choices, but in the end the duration of the affair and the use of the marital bed was the end of the marriage. I like that he tried, but she should have come to her senses a lot faster than that. I won't quibble about telling the other guy's wife. It's best that he move on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry but it was a waste of time reading this. MC is very weak

MasterKoteMasterKoteover 1 year ago

Skipped over the ending where the divorce should've had more dialogue. Not asking for a BTB but they all got off Scott free.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 1 year ago

A good but strangely emotionless story. Entirely missing is any real explication of why the wife fucked Fonderat given that, according to the wife, her husband seemed better choice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very competent and efficient story,

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

The cheating wives in these stories never seem to see the disconnect between their words and their actions.

Joan says she didn't tell her husband about the lunches because they were just lunches.

If they were just lunches she would have mentioned it to her husband. It may have been at a subconscious level at first but, somewhere deep inside herself she knew going to lunch with another man was wrong so she didn't mention it to her husband.

If it's all perfectly innocent and platonic why wouldn't she mention it to her husband?

lbeachamlbeachamover 1 year ago

Cheating is the worst you can do in a marriage. Period. Don't do it. It solves nothing.

usaretusaretover 1 year ago

Believable, but at the same time not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cheating on a spouse is the lowest thing you can do.

That’s why so many couples divorce.

Couples that share with others and do so with each other’s permission are so much happier and closer together. Their divorce rates are less than half of the national average.

Cheaters should be shot.

timrivtimrivover 1 year ago

Unable to forgive is sad sure they cheated, but they saved his life and Joan stood by him during his recovery. He should realize she would never cheat again and the boyfriend was out of the picture. His telling the guy he would kill him if he ever saw him again and to stay away from his wife was inappropriate he should have said they were cool shook hands and told him they were even and he could have his wife if and when he divorced her till then stay away.

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 1 year ago

not quite a cuck story but in the end, it's about the ending. this flopped. Of course he needed to divorce her but not tell the boys? seriously? wtf

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 1 year ago

Well done.

Delicately handled an explosive situation.

Where every reader has his opinion.

I don't agree lying to their sons about the divorce.

If they don't want to know, they have the right.

But they also have the right not to being lied to.

And, as with many recent stories,

the aftermath is missing.

We get our guy's recovery from his accident,

but nothing on his recovery from the betrayal.

Why is that less important?

4 out of 5 from me.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Decent story overall. My only complaint is the way the story unfolded it was as sterile as the hospital that took up most of it. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What someoneother Said.

This was a good story, but....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She screwed the guy repeatedly in "their" bed during their lunches... Sam didn't pay any price.. John should have made the wife go with him to the house and confess to the wife.

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

"John, the motel was expensive, and someone might see us, and picnics meant, you know, doing it on the ground, and his wife was home, so uh yeah we did use our bed a few times, but only when you were gone, and I always washed the sheets and cleaned everything before you got home."

While you were doing well, you couldnt resist dipping her into the idiot LW pool though, could you!

Still better than the useless trash by the cucks and morons for the last two days. And for once I think the morons posted more than the "I love other dudes cum" crowd did.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 1 year ago

Dear, Deer, Dear. That was a unique twist in the middle. Having the cheaters save his life under those circumstances. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Solid 3 star effort. Fairly well done.

Perhaps rating could of been boosted by a few paragraphs of the wife and boyfriend's guilt trips and worry while hubby was recovering.

Wife and boyfriend experienced a difficult 3 minutes then got off rather easy over the months that followed. They didn't even face the embarrassment of family, wives and co-workers learning the truth.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 1 year ago

Nicely done, but nothing new, maybe the deer.

PowersworderPowersworderover 1 year ago

It was a decent story until the end, which was surprisingly anticlimactic.

He went to a lawyer, they got divorced. The End.



After all that setup with the hospital convalescence, this was the big conclusion to the story?

At the absolute bare minimum, I expected Joan to ferociously "fight for her marriage", like most cheating wives do when their husbands threaten to divorce them. She was constantly apologising and saying how much she loved him, so I can't see a woman like that ever just giving up.

Then they lied to the boys about the reason for the divorce. Why? It's going to be painfully obvious that they weren't told the full story when he doesn't want to socialise with the ex-wife in the future. And why cover for her cheating ass anyway?


As for forgiving Joan and Sam because they saved him... fuck that!

The husband only hit the deer in the first place, because the discovery of his wife's infidelity put him back on the road and in harm's way. The cheating couple were 100% responsible for the accident, so saving his life made them even. However, that didn't settle the score for the cheating, or the massive disrespect of fucking in the marital bed.

DelawareRiverRowerDelawareRiverRowerover 1 year ago

Should have told the boys why they divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Disappointing. It could have been so much better with the set up. But it read more like laundry list. Other than the wife crying and saying she’s sorry, there was nothing to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Reads like the adultery was the symptom rather than the disease. No great simpatico, no great emotional or physical attachment, just some new dick to fuck when hubby was not around, so why not? I mean its not like the fucking was all that important to her, about as important as her marriage, apparently. The parents withholding the real reason for their divorce from their sons is consistent with people who deny the truth and try to avoid being honest when it is uncomfortable. Of course one day somehow the sons will find out their mother was fucking around on their father, and I wonder if they will care, or even be surprised. It was an interesting story, perhaps made special by its blandness and lack of energy. Thanks for the effort.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Zero emotions. Dull. No revenge. No reason why she did it. Boring.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

Any way you look at it...going to lunch with someone of the opposite sex in a one on one context, is a date. There's no other thing to call it. That's why she didn't tell him so her dates could continue. She deserved worse than she got.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 1 year ago

Very realistic. 5+++++++/5. Bonus points (+) for: no SEALs; no Martian Slut Ray; no "don't talk bad about her, she's still your mother" line; no reference to STD/STI test; no steel-toed Boots v. Genitals; no puking fits/crying jags; no deleting wife's VMails/Texts.... Nicely done!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I guess you have never had a feeding tube. I have. I goes in your nose and is very annoying, I wanted to rip it out. It does not effect your talking however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Funny how when caught they always love the cheated-on partner more than life itself, so why then did they do it in the first place? One of loves mysteries I suppose shit happens never easy to clean that up and the smell always lingers long after its all wiped away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

wow! There are so many BTB guys here. I would have been happy if he had forgiven her and reconciled.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

As laptopwriter wrote, this required a little more emotion but it wasn't bad by any means. Verisimilitudinous :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 1 year ago

He pistol whips someone, threatens to kill them and you think he won’t be going to prison?

If I’m fucking some guys wife and he pulls that shit, one of two things are going to happen: either he kills me or I kill him. After all, she invited me into her house and “I was afraid for my life”

She gets an instant divorce, his money and his insurance and he gets to tell St. Peter that it’s all a giant mistake.

Or else he will kill me and because I was unarmed, asleep and not a threat, he will be going to prison for the rest of his life.

Either way, not a concern.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

I liked the first half or more of the story. Perhaps I could see him saying he was not going to go after Fonderot because he had saved his life. Then he went on and issued a threat of killing the guy if he even saw him on the street. Not smart. He should have said, "YOU will confess to your wife, though."

He asks his wife to help him with the rehab? Why? Because he does not like the idea of a facility but he wants to spend time with the bitch and let her grovel a bit before he divorces her?

The ending was very weak. Friendly divorce not even telling the sons the reason. He did no have to go scorched earth but she should have at least been singed.

MikeT said the wives in these stories do not see the disconnect between what comes out of their mouths and their actions. Of course not. A cheater makes up their excuses for why they did it. Boredom, the spouse is unavailable, got caught up in the thrill etc but NEVER really thinking they'd get caught. The ones who do it defiantly in the man's face show even more disrespect as they think the husband too weak or stupid to do anything about it. But like anything else, they are not really bad in their own eyes, they are just doing it for themselves. Without that attitude you wouldn't have any stories here. Instead the story would read "Spouse 1: Not happy with our relationship anymore, getting a divorce, bye. OR: Oh by the way, already shopping for your replacement."

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

Great Story, Loved It!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A good realistic tale and the realistic made it an easy read which made it a successful story. It unfolded as it would have in real life.You had some contradictions by your MC towards Sam but it did not ruin the story.Just be aware in future stories that contradictions can and do so. Realism raised this tale above average...4 stars....JZK

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good effort . Very easy to read . The plot could have had a twist or two in it , but didn't.

Glad they divorced . I think that was a given .

Like others , I wonder why Fonderot got off so lightly . Apart from the bedroom confrontation , nothing .

He had been enjoying sex with another man's wife for some time and his own wife had no clue about that betrayal .

Perhaps Joan should have been made to go round and apologise to her . Fonderot and wife might not divorce but at least he would have some pain to deal with and she would know the character of man she was married to .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not enough details in the end it went to qiick from work to divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A visit to Fontenot home during the day to inform his wife about her husband. No revenge, an act of kindness for her. She should know of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases she was being exposed to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, just lame. She got bored. No big change in personality, character, great emotional upset in her life, just bored. It wasn't a matter of who, just when. He got what he married, so he got what he deserved. She had to have been a cheap selfish shallow person for most of their marriage, and was getting worse with age. Good thing he found out so he can maybe find a decent woman for the rest of his life. But not telling their children that their mother was a whore? That was weak. You never stop being a parent, never stop teaching and guiding, and at this critical moment they lied to their children. Yeah, just another weak shallow tepid marriage of weak shallow mediocre people. Let's hope their children are better and smarter people. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


MasterKoteMasterKoteover 1 year ago

Ending happened too quick and left the best part out where the cheating slut just breaks apart

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


"The truth will set you free" seems another casualty of our society.

Always want the easy way out .

That's not what I taught my kids and hopefully they will pass it on to all the grandkids

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

Wellll.......Been there done that. At least the wife never brought anyone home. She just started going out to bars by herself. 13 years and two daughters lost because she got bored. I liked the story but agree with the anon about boredom and sometimes we get married for the wrong reasons. The other anon suggested a visit to the guys wife, I definitely agree with that one. The dovorce was a foregone conclusion, once a chater.............

Never marry someone younger than you especially if you have nothing in common. I was 6 years older than her when we married, she was 19 with a 2 year old. It doesn't sound like much but when I reached 39 she was only 33 it is a big difference and there was no communication, that's what's important. A much better story than the Martian Slut Ray so I give it 4 stars. A kittle BTB is helpfull sometimes. Oh yeah, my divorce was amicable and cheap we did it ourselves, all it is is a bunch of paperwork if nobody goes nuclear, if you know what I mean. Keep writing.

usaretusaretover 1 year ago

While it has the ring of reality to it, I did not care for the final act.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

The scumbag didn't save his life...He was the cause of the accident in the first place. Should have sent the license to scumbag's wife with a little note telling why he had it and how her husband got his scar. Also, the sons should have been told the truth. She didn't deserve any consideration at all. At least John can go find a better woman. They are out there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Propranolol 20 mg is OK if the dose is oral (taken by mouth). The intravenous dose is 1 to 2 mg, so the 20 mg dose IV would have killed him within minutes.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 1 year ago

I gave it a 2, because once again why is he worried about what the kids will think? She’s a cheating whore but for some reason her reputation means something to him. Fucker she cheated and move on.

KRD19254KRD19254over 1 year ago

Nope sorry that dog don't hunt....


John would have never left home, driving away, in an impaired mental state if he would not have found coitus in his bed. John's payback equality was misplaced in that Fonderot did save his life but only in return for not getting a bullet in Fonderot's head....


She is a repetitive CHEAT that could not ever be trusted again.


The simple almost painless divorce was not enough for John's pain and suffering and near death experience from a buck.


2.9***, hooyah.... but no salutes.

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