A Long Time Apart


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"He...I don't know." He said and went to his bathroom.

"He better come back soon, Mr. Ross or he'll find me unapproachable." She said and he stopped in his tracks.

"Jake...get a shower and change. Then get your cute butt out here in ten minutes or I'll never talk to you again." She said arms crossed.

Jake looked at her with his stern look hoping to be in charge, but she would have none of it as she simply held her hand up and tapped her watch. Bewildered he shook his head and hopped in the shower. As fast as he could Jake washed off and came out in his pants and a tee shirt. He went to his closet and got a dress shirt and shoes on. As he went for his coat she hopped off the desk and stopped him.

"Times up!" She said and yanked him along.

As she dragged him out of his office, Melissa, his secretary giggled at the sight of her boss being dragged along by the head of the Legal Department. She immediately cleared his logs for the day and decided to take the day off herself. Adele pushed him along to the elevator and waved Lawrence off as he came up. The mood she was in stole anything he may have said. She tossed him in the elevator and hit the garage button. He started to say something, but the look she gave him silenced him cold. They got to the garage and she held out her hand. He was confused so she responded by digging into his pocket and took out his car keys. Jake laughed as she took his hand and pulled him along to the car. She tapped her foot impatiently and he got into the car. Adele made sure he was sitting and buckling up then got in and started it up. The sensation of the powerful engine that the car had as it turned over made her shudder a bit. She never had a car like this and the pure power under the hood made her grin and ponder taking it for a spin more often, or even making him get her one! She pulled out of the spot then drove out of the garage slowly.

"OK, this is what's going to happen. We are going out and you will enjoy yourself. If you don't I will do something that will make you enjoy yourself less and less." She said matter-of-factually.

"Oh really?" He asked intrigued.

Adele suddenly stopped the car and turned to face him. She smiled a coy grin and her hand gripped the front of his shirt and yanked him close to her. Her wild eyes bored into his as they were nose to nose. For all his stern manner Jake was shocked at how blunt she was being. She smiled teasingly and rubbed her nose along his slowly. Sensing an opportunity Jake went to kiss her but she pulled away.

"You had your chance to kiss me freely once, now you have to earn it." She said dismissively as she shoved him back to his side.

"That was three years ago!" He exclaimed.

Adele simply looked at the roof of the car and gave a subtle roll of her eyes as she focused on the road and drove out of the lot. They drove in silence as he was still stunned that she was being this bold. He knew they could have had a thing once, but was unsure if they would again. It seemed now she wanted something from him so he decided to play the nice guy. She turned on the radio and his play list came to life. She was not ready for the hard rock he was listening too and it showed as she gave a shocked look and frantically turned it off.

Jake was laughing at her misfortune as he reached down to make a better selection for her. Adele didn't find that amusing so she gave him a sour look and spoke softly. "That cost you one surprise." Jake looked at her quizzically as she continued on.

"Don't lose anymore or you'll not enjoy this." She said in a mock scolding. She drove into the night district of the city. It was still early, but she had ideas for him. They drove to a small sushi bar she had found and dragged him into it. He was enjoying the moment so he went with her plan. They ate a meal of sushi and miso. Adele actually said very little and he kept up the charade of being silent as she was. After a long while she looked him in the eye and spoke.

"You know why I'm doing this Jake?" She asked to which he nodded. "Oh you do, do you now? I don't think you do. You see three years ago I was ready to rock your world and then some. Now I think we could have something fun, but you don't seem to be capable of fun." She said as she ate another bite.

"I have plenty of fun. I go to football games, work out, and go shopping. I go out! I also have fun at..." he started to say when she cut him off.

"No Jake, you are joyless. I can see that, you can't, but I can. I missed you and it was sweet when you took me to that point on my first day. It was fun going to lunch then driving through the city. Then you just ignore me and treat me like an employee!" She said at length. He noted her eyes were burning and she seemed agitated by something.

"What did I do to make you so mad?" He asked concerned.

"You, other than ignore my constant wish for your attention, did nothing. I am now docking you another surprise for asking silly questions. You had six and are now down to four. Ask another dumb question and you lose another." She said sternly.

Jake went to say something else, but the look in her eyes told him to be silent. He ate his meal and paid for it when they were done. She got up and dragged him to the car again. The people in the bistro had a good chuckle seeing the woman definitely in charge of her man. A few younger black men felt a twinge of jealousy as a very sexy black woman was leading a white man away by his hand in a suggestive manner. They ignored the gawks of the people in the kitchen and as they got to the car she shoved him in the driver's seat.

"Now I want you to take us somewhere FUN. You have one chance to impress me and if you don't you lose a surprise," she said simply.

Jake nodded his head and started up the car. He decided to impress her so he drove to the wharf. She was confused as he drove her to the district and thought he was joking. Her mind changed when she saw the club he pulled in front of. It was only 7pm and the club was just beginning to get their doors opened. Jake flashed a wad of money and they were let in. As they entered the club she noticed he was a man of good taste, as he secured the main table on the overlook. He had a fine bottle of vodka brought to them and they made themselves comfortable as the club filled and the DJ went to work amplifying the mood. They sipped Grey Goose and cranberry for a while feeling the mood overtake them. He got a bit brave so he decided to try something. He slipped his hand around her shoulders. She didn't mind the arm being where it was and gave him a warning squeeze on his hand to let him know to keep it where it was. They sat for a while and talked of nothing and everything as the people below them began to make the scene of the club spectacular. They watched as scantily clad women did their best to be tramps and she even made jokes at their expense.

"Aren't you glad I'm not a little slut like Miss Thing down there with her ass hanging out?" She said pointing at a little blonde doing her best to be picked up by anything around her.

Jake laughed and nodded. He looked into her eyes and she saw the look in his eyes as the one she wanted. She wanted him hungry. Hungry, but not desperate. Adele slowly leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. Jake sighed as her thick full lips pressed against his cheek and then she smiled and got to her feet. She suggestively pulled him to the floor and they danced. To him Adele was a force of nature as she bumped and grinded on him. His poor libido was taken into overdrive as she did a low drop and lock on him making a loud groan escape his lips. Jake had learned to dance with Belinda. She was a freak on the floor and made him die a little each time she danced with him. He used what he knew to try and keep up with Adele, but she was too much for his skill level.

Adele realized that she was going to wear him out so she decided to call it for a while. They went back up and sipped their drinks a while then phase two of her plan came to mind. She got up to go to the ladies room and as she did she instead veered off and began to dance with another man. Jake saw this and his mind jumbled. He was pissed. Here he was with a woman he could respect and now it seemed she was slutting herself out to another man in front of him. His snarl came from his belly as he got up and stalked down to the floor. The man saw the look in Jake's eyes and backed off of Adele. She turned to see him stalk up to her and walk by her without a word. She laughed and followed him out. They got out and Jake was in no mood for anything. He stalked away to the valet to get his car. Adele rushed after him and grabbed his arm. He turned and his eyes showed what she wanted, Anger!

"I knew there was life in you still Jake." She purred as she engulfed him in her embrace. Jake's eyes were confused as she hugged him tight. He was in no mood for games, but she had just played one with him he realized.

"What the fuck was that Adele?" He nearly spat.

"That was to see if you still had life in you or you were going to just mope around for the rest of your life!" She said back forcefully.

"Oh and what do I get as a reward then?" He said near mockingly.

Adele was ready to spring her trap now. She knew that she had to get him to this point for it to work. And work it had. She hugged him tight then leaned into his ear. "Clear your schedule from 2 PM tomorrow till 3:15. You'll get your first surprise then." She purred and motioned for a cab.

Jake was shocked as she smiled and then kissed him fully on the mouth. Adele snaked her tongue along his and after a long hot kiss she pulled off him and got into her cab. Jake watched stunned as the cab drove off and he was left alone. He got his car and was about to drive home when a text message hit his phone. It simply said, "No touching yourself until you see me tomorrow!"

He laughed aloud as the thought of that passed his consciousness. He shook his head and drove off. He went home and didn't realize how turned on he was. The dancing she did made him really feel alive. She was truly a treasure, but he wasn't sure he was ready for another wild woman in his life. He took a shower and went to bed with his mind full of anticipation.


Adele went home and was massively aroused. Jake was now almost completely wrapped around her finger. She wanted to make sure that he realized what he was getting himself into. She decided tomorrow was the day she made him hers. Giddy as a school girl she went to her closet and pulled out the outfit she selected for this day. She pulled out a pair of black peep toed high heels with ankle straps. They had five inch heels and made her ass stand out. The skirt she found was just short enough to hide the tops of her stockings, but if she crossed her legs they would show. It was black as well. Her rich navy blue blouse was a nice silk that would hide the rest of her ensemble. She pulled out the bra and thong and set them on the table. Opening the package on the new pair she set out her lacy topped sheer black stockings. They were purposely a size too big so that they nearly went up to the tops of her thighs, making the area frame out better.

Adele took a long soothing bath and planned out each move she was going to make. She smiled like a little girl when she thought of it. The plan was she was going to simply corner him in his office and by the time she was done he was going to beg her to belong to her. The thoughts drove her to madness and her fingers didn't stop their exploration of her body. She moaned loud and long as she diddled her swollen labia only to have two fingers slip inside. Adele moaned and bucked her hips wildly against them until her mind filled with his face and she cried out his name and came hard. She spasmed for a good five minutes before she calmed. When she calmed down enough Adele got out of the bath and dried off. The feeling of the towel was making her hot again, but she pushed it aside. She slipped on a simple long shirt and collapsed into her bed. Lying in her bed, she snuggled into the sheets and was eager with anticipation for her conquest.


The day started off easily enough for them. She went to the office and didn't come out. Adele dictated all she wanted done at the early morning briefing and went about her business like nothing was wrong. She had her surprise packed in her gym bag and waiting until the appointed hour. Adele had chosen 2pm for her plan because his secretary always went to lunch then and she didn't come back till 3:15. The smile that took her lovely face was almost cat like as 1 PM came around. The simple shrimp salad was a welcome relief for what was going to be a very busy time she noted. She got herself ready and blew out a breath to steady herself. Leaving a note saying she was not in the rest of the day for family reasons she left the office. She made it to the REC room, a floor below his office, and waited. Adele was tortured by the long wait but endured.

When there was fifteen minutes till the appointed time she slipped into the ladies room on his floor. She slid the stockings up her legs and savored the silkiness of them. Her legs were always amazing, but now they stood out to be noticed. She wiggled the thong into place and stepped into the shoes. Adele leaned down sensuously and strapped them up her ankle then pulled out a pair of hoop earrings. She put them in and slipped a black velvet choker around her neck. A giddy smile spread across her lips after she applied very sensuous red lipstick and looked in the mirror. She looked fucking hot! Adele undid the top two buttons on her blouse and took a deep breath. Steeling her resolve and taking one last breath she strutted out of the ladies room. Her sway showed she was a woman on a mission. As she approached his office many of the people who worked on the upper floors were stunned by the sensuous woman that walked by them. One of them even stared so hard he walked into a wall. Adele grinned evilly at his misfortune and relished in the feeling she had to make men stumble as she walked by them.

As she neared his office she noticed Melissa was gone and big smile came to her face, they were all alone now. She walked up to the door and opened it like nothing was wrong. Adele looked in to see him looking out the window over the city. She walked in and shut the door loudly making him jump and turn. His eyes saw her standing there and she had a very stern look on her face. Her arms were crossed demurely and she tilted her hip to one side. His mouth watered at the sight of the sexiest woman he had ever seen in his office and looking at him like he was a piece of meat.

"Well it's good I have your attention at last Jake. Now get in front of your desk." She ordered and he did.

The clicking of her heels along the marble of his office floor made his cock lurch as she walked up to him like a Goddess descending from the stars. For some reason he leaned back against his desk to catch himself from falling. She saw the lean and her pace slowed. He stood up straight and she continued faster. Adele walked up to his desk and turned suddenly. She hopped up on the edge and crossed her legs. The lacy tops showed from under her skirt and she looked at him as he walked in front of her. She put a finger on his chest to stop him from coming any closer.

"Kneel." She commanded.

Jake couldn't stop himself and was on his knees as she uncrossed her legs and let him see what he passed up those long years ago. Her sexy legs wrapped in sheer black stockings framing a lacy black thong that dripped with desire. She lifted her foot to him and he took it in his hands. With a flick of her finger she bade him to remove her shoe. He slowly took off the shoe and rubbed her foot softly making a slight moan come from her lips. When he set the shoe down she did the same with her other leg. He slipped the shoe off her delicate foot and before he could stop himself he kissed her toes and she giggled.

"Good boy!" She complimented him and inched her butt off the edge of the desk. "Off." She said as she pointed to her panties.

Jake got between her legs and hooked his fingers in the band of the panties. She wiggled her hips to let him slide it off of her as he slowly peeled it down her long legs. As it got past her feet he again leaned forward and kissed her toes, this time she kept her foot up so he could continue. She moaned softly as he licked and nibbled her toes and after a while she could see the raging hard on he was sporting. She grinned at the sight of the bulge and decided to make it happen.

"Lick." She said simply and he drove face first into her sopping pussy.

Her moans and cries became loud as he frantically ate her slippery hole. He had been in a relationship with two lesbians and learned to perfect the art of orally satisfying a woman. He licked her slit from top to bottom then drove his tongue deep inside wiggling it around. Jake savored the musky sweet nectar that ran down his tongue and into his mouth. He licked and bit her lips after a while and she bucked her hips hard into his face. She leaned back on her elbows and hooked a leg around his neck, the other he took and spread wide to allow him to get in deeper. She truly hadn't anticipated him to be so talented with his tongue and was shocked when a few sweet minutes of his tonguing made her come. It was a deep orgasm that washed along her and made the nerves in her body flare to life. She felt goose bumps along her skin as the cool air in the office blew along her body as she climaxed. Her slit was literally a molten stream of hot juice that he savored like a starving man.

Jake felt her calm down and was going to rise when she squeezed his neck with her leg and he stopped. He went to eat her pussy further, but she stopped him. She sat up lazily and took his hands in hers. She brought them up to her blouse and gave him a simple demanding look. He undid the buttons and slid it off her shoulders exposing the black bra with purple trim. She looked stunning in it. Adele tilted her head and undid the bra for him. As her perfect tits came free his face latched onto her thick nipple drawing more moans from her mouth as he suckled them and gently bit her nipples making her moan loudly. Jake sucked them like a newborn and she ran her hands through his hair. Adele tore his face from her nipples after a few minutes of it then tilted his head and kissed him with a fiery passion. Jake moaned loudly into her mouth as she undid his buttons and ripped his shirt off him. Adele undid the belt on his slacks and pulled it out and while he moaned she did a simple trick and looped one end then snatched his arms behind him and tied them off.

Jake looked at her in shock and she simply giggled. Adele turned him around and slipped his boxers off. Adele saw his butt and was impressed. For a white guy he had a nice one. She gave it a playful swat and walked him to his chair. She turned him and threw him to his seat. Her eyes got wide as she saw the eight inch pipe staring back at her. Slowly Adele dropped to her knees and teased him by slowly running her hands up and down his legs making him groan. Taking great care she avoided his cock as she teasingly slid her body up him. He felt her massive tits slide along his length and he groaned. The softness of her skin was killing him and she knew it. She continued the torture until she felt him straining and leaking precum everywhere. Smiling seductively Adele slid back and left him panting.

"Now now Jake, we can't have you going off too soon now can we?" She teased.

Jake tried to keep it in control, but knew he was over matched at the moment. Adele slid back up him and straddled his lap. She put her arms around his neck and softly kissed his lips. He sighed into her mouth as their tongues played around. Adele was letting him know what she wanted from him and after a while the kissing became more frantic. With a sudden fury Adele ripped his tank top off, but left his tie where it was. Lifting her skirt up so her now bare pussy was just over his cock Adele smiled teasingly. Jake groaned loudly as he felt the hot dripping slit grinding along his length. Adele soon couldn't take the torture any longer and wiggling her hips a bit until she felt his very thick cock at her opening. Adele grinned seductively and slowly slid down on him. Jake sighed and groaned as each inch of him was swallowed in her tight steaming canal. His head fell back as she bottomed out on him. Adele's own eyes fluttered as she felt him bottom out in her. She hadn't felt this full in a long time and loved it! Adele held very still and clenched hard on him teasingly.