All Comments on 'Book 01: A Match Made Ch. 06'

by AVixenLiterally

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

you have to be kidding. next chapter please fix this, now!

FiveWolvesFiveWolvesover 10 years ago

Fiction is real when it has an emotional impact. You created a real world with real characters, and in the real world things don't always turn out the way we think they should. People are not always who we think they are. I'm in tears, which means this was a real work of art.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Brutal to your fans!

I'm sorry, that was brutal and unnessary. You led us down a path for all these weeks, and when we got to the end you changed the rules, made up some bull shit story line and told us "Sorry, things don't always have a happy ending!"

If you didn't want to finish the story, just drop it. Don't crap on your readers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
<3 break

One of the best endings I've ever read! Thank you for having the guts to tell a real story. Not fluffy feel good crap you can get anywhere. These two ladies loved with all they had and it made the betrayal hit that much deeper.

I didn't see it coming. Lovely piece of art. Bravo Vixen! Do I wish they would find their way back to each other? They will in my dreams. You have made a forever fan!

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

OMG! what a turnaround, damn....... i didn't see that coming. I swear i personally felt their pain in my gut, hell what happened? I'm confused, i think i am missing something, what exactly did she do? God, what an abrupt and brutal ending to the most hilarious and amazing love story i ever read..... IT CANT BE OVER! (sad face)

MzFlyMzFlyover 10 years ago

This was more than a surprising turn of events. My heart hurts for Lissy & what might have been. We may not want to face the possibility of this outcome for a couple we've come to love and care for. But, life and love do not always end up the way we think it will or should.

You are truly an artist Vixen. With an amazing talent for creating rich, full worlds and characters that speak to us in such personal ways. As my tears are drying I have to say it is a heartbreaking and beautiful story. Thank you.

DocSavage656DocSavage656over 10 years ago

Well, It was a shocker of an ending! It was such a wonderful story and I'm going to miss my time with these girls for sure.

Although it was heartbreaking to see the romance come to an end, I chose to believe that Lissy and Kara go on to find happiness.

You are such a wonderful writer I can't wait to see what adventures you take us on next.


idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago

I never in a million years saw that ending coming. After all the love, passion and beauty these two had between them, well speechless doesn't even come close to describing my reaction.

Thanks you so much, AVL for a wild ride and an ending that is epic in it's emotional and real basis in this thing we call life.

You are truly an author of skill and grace to build us up and take us down so dramatically.

Can't wait for the next thrill ride you'll take us on.


Ps, to those Anons who are upset about the non happy ending, go watch the Disney channel for fairy tale fiction and stop bashing the brilliance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Where did that come from!

Oh well, sometimes, that's just how life is. We are hurt by the ones we trusted the most.

The ending however can't take away from how beautiful and spectacular this story was crafted by an amazingly talented author.

You are the best Vix, and I thank you for the reading experience.

Your biggest fan, R

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not so surprising

After all this fabulous lady did give us Finally Meeting Morgan. Vixen does have a way of shocking the hell out of us with each and every story. It's just part of what makes her the great author that she is.

So sad to see it end but happy that I had a chance to read such magnificent work. It's not easy writing stories like these, the length, the editing, pulling it all together, so thank you for the effort.

As for the complaints, piss on them. I'd like to see them pull off what you have.


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
My heart is broken

Never in the world did I see this ending, they seemed so right for each other. I don't want to believe it, it just can't be true, its a nightmare that I need to wake up from.

Have to say though what a super story, your writing is wonderful and for me to feel so much pain in my heart it just shows you how believable you have made these characters. Please don't leave it too long before you give us more Vixen, my world will be empty without a chapter of yours to look forward too.

janny54janny54over 10 years ago
i am without words...

I will have to get back to you on this brilliant story when I can wrap my head around it.

more to follow...

can't stop crying!!!

dark_9angeldark_9angelover 10 years ago
no words


I had to re-read the last page. I feel crushed. I'm not a very emotional person, but DAMN. I got a lump in the pit of my stomach. Shocked is an understatement.

I do enjoy your style of writing. I'm quite curious that I missed something that Kara had done. Why didn't she just tell Lissy when Bette started harassing her? I can see why Lissy left angrily, but why not give it time and find out the truth? She didn't seem to me to be a person to just let it go.



I'm off to read another of your stories :)

DwinohDwinohover 10 years ago
I hate this

I can't believe I spent all this time reading this beautiful story to have you end it in a couple of short paragraphs without adequately explaining just what the heck happened. if this is the ending you feel is necessary, OK. But, at least, explain Kara and Bette's interaction and what each did in much more detail. You spent way too much time developing these characters to end this in this way. You are a brilliant writer, but I think you got lazy at the end of this story.

dynomite01dynomite01over 10 years ago

I HATE this ending. Obviously, I wanted a happy ending. But besides that, I've re-read the last page and still feel kind of confused about what happened with Kara and Bette. It felt way too rushed and didn't really explain anything.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Happy Ending?

While I would have preferred a happy ending, I understand that ALL stories can't have them. BUT....

You HAVE to go back and a: uncover the whole Bette/Kara story, and b: have a Lissy/Bette confrontation. Bette' unethical behavior can't be swept under the rug, particularly with the damage done to Lissy

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Where'd THAT Come From?

The first five chapters were well-written, but this final chapter ruined it. It came across as the author either losing interest in continuing the story, or not knowing how to end it.

To those reviewers whining about real life not always being rainbows and unicorns, this isn't about the fact that the ending was unhappy. It's about a bad ending coming out of left field. There's a difference. There's nothing wrong with the former, but the latter is a glaring weakness in the story's structure that makes it anything but "brilliant."

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I'm no expert but I feel a sequel coming on. You know that feeling you have when you get to the end of a movie and go "NO WAY! There has to be another one!" That's what I felt when I got to the end of this story. AMAZING by the way, the ending. I'm a new fan of yours but I appreciate immensely your willingness to color outside the lines.

These negative comments, let them roll off you. You would never have such passionate responses if your writing wasn't as good as it is. One comment said something about 'lazy', I couldn't disagree more. It's called a surprised ending! How many stories do you read or watch, that drop a bomb on you, and then explain it all to you? NONE! It's the reader who is being lazy. Go back, look for signs and clues. I loved it.

Now I just have to ask this last part since I've implied that Kara is indeed based off a real life lover. Did you two really split? If so, can I get her number? =D

I'm just kidding. Well, mostly. Take care fellow cougar and don't listen to these bitter readers. Listen to the fans who appreciate your incredible talent. I'll be eagerly waiting your next story (Match Made 2? -- wishful thinking) - Experienced

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
There's more?

""What are you talking about?" This doesn't feel right. She's leaving something out. "Anything we did was agr... wait. There's more?" She nodded. Something deep inside went ice cold. I want to die. I can't."

What is the "There's more?" referring to? Lissy seems to know, am I missing something?

Also, could we have some resolution to the JR/Andi relationship?

AheylowAheylowover 10 years ago
Art Reflecting Life - Dammit!

I wanted a happy ending. I loved the way Kara and Lissy loved; the depth of their devotion to one another. To say I didn't see that coming would an enormous understatement. I had to sit with the ending of the story for a while before I came to the same conclusion I began with - art reflects somebody's life - dammit!

The ending makes sense when you think about it; it's w/in the realm of the possible. And this is from a reader thoroughly in love with who I thought Kara to be... I was more than shocked! Anger, hurt, broken, and disillusioned; I experienced these emotions all within seconds of the other and then they continued to roll through me. How could she have...done that to Lissy?

But as I thought about the details of the was too perfect. Kara knew too much. And the questions I had about what appeared to be the burgeoning submission in Kara... were answered and made so freakin' clear! No, Kara didn't want to hurt Lissy but she also hungered for what she was doing to Lissy; she hungered for that and more.

I've seen the other comments posted. Hell, I felt some of the same things but at the end of the day... life rarely ends with a nice bow tied around it. Far too often than I want to admit or experience, some piece of information is shared that have brought a relationship or two in my life to a screeching halt; the cut jagged and the pain experienced or caused... searing!

AVL made us experience the moment as Lissy experienced it. You can call that lazy or say she was out of ideas BUT I beg to differ in opinion. It was great writing! --- it left a mark, genuine emotion, that has taken days to soothe!!

Call it what you will but from me (smiling) AVL gets a .s-l-o-w.. c-l-a-p.....c-l-a-p.....

c-l-a-p...c-l-a-p...! Take a bow darling, you deserve it!

Dare to keep growing darling, I'll keep reading.


PatchumzPatchumzover 10 years ago
Kind of rushed, don't you think?

I don't mind an unhappy ending or anything, but when the entire ending, which happens to be completely different from the normal mood of the story, is told in less than half a page, that seems extremely rushed.

All was fine and then it suddenly wasn't, and the story ended. Not going to hear about whether or not the other kids' marriages ended up going well or not, just ended. Really not a fan of how that played out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This can't be it Vixen, there's something more deep and exciting wit Bette and PLEASE don't leave it like this, happy ending or not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
stop my heart why don't you

someone send help to newO... my heart is yelling at me that was absolutely a page stopper. I can't remember when something I read drew out such emotion in me. my eyes are puffy from all the damn crying I did. Thank you for an incredible tale. I am forever a fan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
FUCK me sideways

I love you Vixen. Don't ever stop writing! =DD

- HH

janny54janny54over 10 years ago
i am still in a quandry!!!

I will try this again. brilliant story that flew to a screeching halt and an immediate u turn. something hit lizzy and gave her clues that something was amiss. I will have to reread the story to see all that I missed but in all honesty, this was a masterful body of writing. the characters and story held me captive throughout every chapter. I was spellbound waiting and wanting more. I got it and then some. everyone has secrets, some small and some doozies! as much as we would like to believe we really know someone we have been so intimate with, there is no way to know all the hidden little bits hiding there. and when you least expect it and your guard is down, it sneaks in to rock your world.

lizzy's world was rocked off its axis in the worst possible way with betrayal and deceit.

not only with her lover, kara, but of all things with her lover being manipulated by her therapist. the two people she trusted and believed in the most. there is no bigger kick in the gut than that combo.

vixen, you have out done yourself again in a most glorious way. it may not have answered my questions and left me hanging, which is not my favorite place to be, but all the same, it does not get any better and you have topped yourself again.



rkolnerrkolnerover 10 years ago
Heart clenched...

Oh Vixen... what a way to end it! I'm flooded with so many emotions, it's difficult to get my mind around all of them. One thing is for certain, it takes a special writer to weave such an incredible story and draw out so much raw feeling from a reader. Whether the comments on this chapter are negative or positive, the result is the same, you made them feel!

I'm proud of this story for you. Simply wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I just discovered this story and read it from chapter one all the way through in the past couple of days. Couldn't stop reading. Now that I'm at the end, and holy shit what an end, I'm left empty. I need more! Please don't leave me waiting. I feel an uncontrollable twitch beginning from lack of Lissy and Kara. The ending screams more!! I hope you give it to us. Thank you for your beautiful stories.

scarlet_1scarlet_1over 10 years ago
A Curve Ball of Note!!

I had to re-read the last page, just to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I totally get where you were coming from when you wrote this Vixen. Was I expecting it? No, of course not, but with life's many twists and turns it had to be, but it was heartbreaking nonetheless.

Ok, so apart from the ending, what you created with this delightfully passionate story between Lizzy and Kara is undeniably a tale of love like no other. You've masterfully accomplished what others can only dream of with your unique writing style and technique and I thank you for sharing your work on this wonderful site.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Rushed Ending?

For those who feel the ending was rushed, once Kara dropped the bomb that she was working with Bette to play Lissy, how much longer could it have gone?

As much as I want to cut Kara a LITTLE slack because she too was played by Bette and presumably sincerely thought she was helping Lissy, she was squarely to blame for:

1) Not telling Lissy as soon as she was contacted by Bette. If she did, Lissy would have shut down Bette and they could have continued on "happily ever after."

2) The shower threesome. Kara ADMITS she KNEW it was wrong at the time, but did it anyway.

3) The "There's more?" We don't know what it was, but whatever it was it was obviously WORSE than the previous betrayals. My personal theory is that Kara had sex with Bette under threat of having Bette tell Lissy about how Kara was working with her, and that's why Kara is coming clean now, so that Bette could no longer hold it over her. This cheating, on top of the betrayal was too much for Lissy and made further conversation futile.

Finally, the fact that any of us cares about this is a sign of great, not lazy writing.

MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
Happy New Year

Happy New Year dear AVL. Hope there is a new story coming soon :)

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

When i commented on this chapter before, i was emotionally impaired. Yeah devastated at the way it ended.This is the 3rd time i am reading it, and now i can honestly comment from a practical point of view. Chapter 06 ended in that way simply because, THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY. Kara had plenty of opportunity to confess to Lissy. Straight after the shower scene in which she Humiliated and hurt Lissy so badly. I feel if she had maybe opened up then, Lissy would have seen it from her point of view as to how she was manipulated by Bette to carry out the 3some and in time forgiven her. Kara CHOSE not to say anything then. The second time she could have said something, was in Bette's office, yeah, i also wonder why she didn't. My view is that Kara and Bette still have some unresolved issues. You could tell there was an undercurrent between them that i think Lissy picked up on when she thought that Kara is going a bit overboard in her annihilation of Bette by thinking "where did that come from" Again Kara CHOSE NOT TO. I think it was her guilty conscience that finally led her to confess (at such an inopportune time) or it could be that Bette wanted her to do something inappropriate (shrug) God only knows if everything they did together after that, was being manipulated by Bette, hence Lissy's incredulous "there's more?" Although i have come to love these two characters, i allowed emotions instead of facts to rule my head, thereby blinding me to all the hints and clues that would have saved me from all that emotional trauma. It is only now that i realise that Kara probably got what she deserved. She knew the risk she was taking when she chose to indulge Bettes sick and twisted assignments the first time. Kara CHOSE to please Bette, but at what cost? I am sure even she was surprised at the outcome. A little too late... without trust, there can be no love. AVL is awesome, even though my opinion may be way off from the reality of it all, AVL accomplished what no other author ever did for me: SHE MADE ME THINK, ANALYZE, BISECT this story in my quest to understand WHY it ended this way. ** YOU ROCK AVL **

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
This Is Definitely Vixen's Best

I make LIKE Cougar better, but Match is the better story.

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago
Wow, Didn't See THAT Coming!

What a gut-buster!

While I disagree with those critical of the ending, whether they thought it was rushed, or to much of a downer, I do feel that there are several loose ends.

I do see from your web site that there is a book two coming, please let it be soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

DDA here Vixen, and again you rocked my world with your words. This story is most special to me for many reasons, some you know, and also because when I text or phone my girl Rebecca, we have a habit of giving a voice to our kitties as did Lissy and Kara, so I can relate to that aspect, as with many others. I have to say that you devastated me with your ending having two women so much in love separate and unfortunately Kara learned a hard lesson about lying and keeping secrets. I will wait with baited breath for your next amazing and incredible story girly!!!!! Loved it and keep up the great work!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I found book two over the weekend and stopped when I realized I needed to read book one first. Since then I've powered through all of this series. Called in dead to work. Spectacular read and now I'm revving up for the first chapter of the next one. I am relieved that I just now found you because I can't imagine being left with this cliff hanger. The most amazing ending EVVVER!!! I wish there was a rating higher than 5 -- u deserve it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

If the next series wasn't out already I think I may have had a heart attack. Completely unexpected and sent my stomach to the abyss. Don't stop writing!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Back for more

After reading the newest chapters I felt compelled to come back and read this one again. I would recommend to all fans. It puts a new light on the whole story and if it's possible, made it even more tragic. I wish I could vote again!

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

I've been withholding comment until I finished the whole story, and I have to say I'm still in shock.

I was SOMEWHAT prepared from the posts I allowed myself to read, but still feel a bit pole-axed.

Several people have expressed sentiments similar to mine, such as how wonderful the love between Lissy and Kara was, and how horrible it is that something has come between them. As has been said by others, even most of the criticisms are actually compliments because they reveal how skillfully AVL has created characters that we believe in and are invested in.

I look forward to Book 2 with some trepidation as it appears to be quite dark, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

Well done, Vixen!

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
truely explosive

AVL, you have created a wonderfully imagineered romantic storyline of love and loss and learning to love again and a sudden shocking loss. I am so jealous of your writing talent and skills.

I didn't see any other commentators cover the subject of professional ethics, so here are my questions.

When did Dr. Bette/Alexis know that the Kara, the doctor's patient Lissy had a relationship with, was the Katy would had been the Katy who had been a sub/lover of Domme Alexis?

Then why did the Doctor, an experienced professional, fail to inform her patient of this conflict of interest and send her to another therapist?

There are many reasons, from bitter experience of past abuses by therapists taking advantage of their fragile patients. That therapists, for that matter all medical/professional people are human and just as prone to error as the rest of us. Are why the rules of professional ethics and standards are so important.

elle_9549elle_9549almost 9 years ago
My god ...

Wow. I never saw that coming! I loved these two throughout the whole story. I think my heart was just ripped out!

Luckily, for me, there is a Book 2. ;)

Loved it, as always.

~ L

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999almost 8 years ago
Okay, I took a few minutes to digest this ending of Book I

And at first my response was like many others ****WTF****????? And I formulated a response based upon what I know as a Leatherman and having seen these types of things drive couples apart. NOTE: THIS IS MY OPINION AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT AVL WAS THINKING IN WRITING THIS,

I said in a earlier response (a few chapters ago) that I personally do not believe in switches as it pertains to Leather and frequently in BDSM situations. So I did not want to accept that Kara was a "switch" and decided that her interest was only in exhibitionism and not as a submissive to Lissy. Now that Alexis/Bette has been revealed as the same person, it makes a little more sense. Alexis/Bette decided that Lissy would be her next "victim", since it was established that Alexis/Bette was an abuser.

Alexis/Bette began to use her position as a therapist, and as a former relationship with Kara, to influence Kara to do things with Lissy knowing that she had the possibility of driving the two apart. Those things in this case was to be a Domme to Lissy. I have seen this happen way to many times over the years when people use their knowledge of a slave or submissive to influence another to end a current relationship. The sole purpose is to drive a wedge between partners, so the third party (in this case Alexis/Bette) could possibly get involved with whichever partner they were interested in.

So to me it seems that Kara had good intentions trying to give Lissy what she thought Lissy wanted and did not realize that she was being used by Alexis/Bette, she ended up doing exactly as Alexis/Bette had hoped and ruined the relationship. What Alexis/Bette did not anticipate was that Kara would confess her "sins" to Lissy, thereby destroying any chance she (Alexis/Bette) might have had with Lissy.

I don't know if that is what AVL was planning for in this chapter, or if I am way off base. BUT my scenario is very plausible.

Slave Ed

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Omg, talk bout heartbreaking...and I'm just merely a reader whom has fallen for your writing, story and characters.

This is one time being late to the party so to say is a damn blessing.

I have book 2 waiting for me, otherwise i just might of screamed!!

Lots of love to you AVL


Nicole2023Nicole202311 months ago

Wow didn’t see that coming…glad I can read in one sitting

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