A Threesome in a Covid 19 World Ch. 08


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Tired, and now sweating profusely, having finished at the exercise station, we started our long uphill run home.

By the half way mark I was puffing constantly, the sweat dripping off me, although that didn't suppress the half mongrel in my pants from the sight of watching Amy ahead of me. Ahead, Amy was faring little better. The sweat was running in rather sexy rivulets down her torsos and heavily damp patches permeated her running clothes.

As we ran along the bush path, about half way up, Amy casually pointed off to the side to draw my attention to a Koala sitting on an unusually low branch just off the track. Focused momentarily that way, I failed to see Amy, barely half a meter ahead of me, round a bend and stop suddenly.

I barrelled into her, the momentum putting both Amy, with me on top of her, into the flooded creek.

I was on all fours over Amy, my knees and hands deep in the mud, my half mongrel jammed into her butt. Amy was all but submerged under me, barely holding her head up out of the water. Both of us were soaking wet and mud stained...

"Are you OK?"

Amy pipped up from under me...

"I'm good, although if you're going to fuck me I might get a bit more head clearance first."

I couldn't help it. The half mongrel had sprouted into a full erection which had grown down between her legs and through the length of her crease, drawing the waistband of my pants down with it. And for all her expression of concern, its growth was facilitated by Amy's twerking of her butt against it from the moment we had landed.

Trying to get off Amy was easier said than done. What we were dealing with was a foot of water flowing across the top of deep, soft, clay based mud. The top layer of water had originally been fairly clear, but as we stirred up the mud and liquefied it, the water around us turned itself to mud.

I couldn't push myself off Amy's back with my hands where they were because they were already deep in the mud and any pressure applied there simply pushed them in further. Lifting a hand out of the mud, I placed it on her back, using that to lever myself into an upright positions and put the weight on my still sinking knees; all the while Amy twerking and thrusting her butt back and forwards along my erection like we were going at it doggy style.

Ignoring for a moment Amy's playful game, I managed to bring one foot into an upright position, then the other, to let me stand up, although I could feel my legs deep in the mud. As I attempted to take a step forward to come around the front of Amy to help her up, my foot found itself stuck like glue and my attempt at forward momentum was converted into another crashing fall, this time scoring a glancing blow on Amy and leaving us both fully submerged in the mud on our sides.

Amy tried next but was no more successful in standing up. Her lighter weight and a fortuitous patch of firmer clay momentarily seemed to offer her an advantage. But as she tried to move forward, a moment of rapid feet shuffling, that would do a Disney animated comic character proud, proceeded a collapse back into the water and mud next to me, sending a cascade of goop over both of us.

A giggle escaped me as I watched her previously modelesque head and upper torso re-emerge from the mud. She was covered in globules of the sticky stuff; through her hair, over her face and all down her body...

"What are you laughing at?"

Suddenly Amy went at me like a randy teenager playing with her boyfriend in a mud pit, as she struggled with her body playfully wrapped provocatively around me to flip me over and ensure I had as full a sense of the squelchy clay on my bum and back as she did.

The struggle didn't stop until I was flat on my back, with Amy over me and her hand wrapped around my erection which somewhere in the play had been assisted in escaping the confines of my pants.

While the water was initially cold, it was actually quite refreshing compared to the overheated, sweat dripping previous state of our bodies. And while our play had disturbed the muddy bottom and turned the previously clear water cloudy, the constant inflow of fresh water soon diluted the effect if you kept still for long enough.

In a way I wasn't in a hurry to end the game. Once she had me on my back with her on top, all I really had to do was go limp and suggest it was time to move on. But for as long as I struggled against her, she struggled back and given the sexualised play of her bodies against mine and the hand she had wrapped around my shaft teasing it, I kept struggling for quite a while.

But eventually I surrendered to her.

"OK, are we ready to move on? What should we do? Crawl up the bank?"

I watched as Amy tried. Releasing her grip on my manhood, she rose on all fours alongside me, elevating her breasts above the water to show her nipples jutting out the material of her top and staining it dark brown as the wetness caused it to become almost transparent.

She took a couple of paces up the bank; enough to leave me looking at her from behind with a view of her mound, bulging between her legs, the back of the pants drawn so tightly into her bum crack you could see it plastered against her flesh and all equally exposed by the tight fitting transparent material.

As her hands exited the water, they disappeared deeply into the mud, which clung to them as she pulled them out.


Unable to shake it off, she retreated enough to wash her hands in the water.

"Well, we might be able to get out that way, but 'eewwwu'."

"Why don't we go over to the rocks and use those to climb out. That way we can wash ourselves as we exit."

Half swimming, half crawling we made our way to the rocks. I turned and rested with my back between the two individual rocks that formed the stepping stones, enjoying the fast flow of the clear, cleansing, not yet mud stained water across my body as I gave Amy room to get out first.

Chatting animatedly, giggling with the silliness of it all, she knelt facing the rock as she put her hands on it for balance, elevating the full length of her torsos above the thigh deep water, putting as little pressure as she could on her feet to avoid them sinking into the mud.

It was probably at that moment a threshold was crossed. All the fooling around and Amy's playing with me had triggered a desire. But it suddenly became a need.

As she always does, Amy had been prick teasing me unmercifully since we'd left home. She well knew the power of me running behind her dressed as she was and any physical interaction had been blatantly sexual.

All that was nothing new. It was the story of my life if I was going to go close to meeting her demands on me. It was always in the knowledge any accumulated desire for sex she created in me would be satisfied soon enough.

But as she lifted herself out, I had a full view of her front. I wouldn't describe the sight as sexy, because that implies a certain sexualised elegance, even if only in a bikini and there was nothing elegant about the sight. Slutty also conveys the wrong meaning; a slight upon her morals which couldn't be further from the truth.

No, I can only describe it as a raw, primitive - prehistoric even - irresistible, sexuality.

It started with the fact that her body itself is taut, sculptured perfection. Slim, strong, ripped but decidedly womanly. There was no modern sloth in her frame. It was all minimalist, survival of the fittest, mate attracting, strongly sexually featured woman. As she used her arms to pull herself up, it tightened up her whole upper body and brought out the strength and muscle fitness in it.

Her body were covered in a light patina of muddy slurry with globs of stickier stuff, enhancing the primitive effect.

But for some reason, what really made it raw and irresistible, was the way her running outfits had gone transparent in a muddy sort of way and stuck so intimately to her body. It seemed to exaggerate the shape of her breasts, the jut of her nipples and the bulge of her mound. And through her mound ran the dark line of her crease showing more than a little hint of arousal.

Both Amy and Ellen complain I don't take the step to be the instigator of sex often enough. They both tell me an unwanted advance will be politely declined with no hard feelings.

Well, I was about to put that to an extreme test. The Ancient Greeks would say that I had just been bested by their god Eros; made by him to submit to my carnal desires. Unbelievably randy and desperate to embrace the raw sexuality of the moment - more so for an old fart who's had sex less than two hours ago - in that moment, I took her at her word.

I grabbed the front of the waistband of her pants and pulled at them. More outward than down, the message was 'come back' rather than 'I'm dropping your pants to your ankles', although some downward movement to expose their mons was inevitable.

More as an automatic reaction to an unexpected exposure than anything, Amy, lacking the modesty protective instincts most girls might have had in that situation, didn't immediately react to her pants being pulled off her mons. Instead she looked down at me, took at the lustful look in my eyes and stared at the still exposed erection being moved constantly about in the pressure wave as it lay just under the clear, fast flowing water gushing between the rocks. An evil grin spread over her face.

It was like Eros had been playing his games with her too. Indeed, for all I know she might be Eros herself with her attitude to all things carnal and the effect she has on me. But whatever the case, she gave every indication of being as randy as I was. In a moment, she was over my body, pashing me as I desperately tried to pull her pants down far enough to get my cock into her. Amy, with her legs somewhat bound together by the pants around her thighs, kept urgently spearing her crease onto my erection until she finally lined it up for a penetration and quickly buried me inside her up to my balls.

I moaned audibly as, captured within the warmth of Amy's body, my manhood got the first taste of the sexual embrace it desired.

But Amy's passion didn't stop at pashing me. No sooner did she have herself penetrated then she started anxiously riding me like hadn't had sex for a month. The hand that had eased Amy's pants down moved up to her top, to pull it over her breasts and let me finger her nipple.

As she looked down at me, Amy suddenly stopped.

"Get that shirt off..."

As she sat on top of me, she pulled the bottom her of it from under my hips and as I lifted my torso enough to let her do so, she roughly pulled it over my head, bundled it and tossed it up onto the dry part of the path. The she went back to work on me.

As Amy quickly excited herself on my cock I put a hand on each breast until I splashed clear water over one of them enough to get rid of the worst of them mud and let me suck it.

We've made love in plenty of unusual spots, but Amy seemed to be really getting off on this most primitive of sex. Even her grunting and moans seemed to adopt a deeper primitive tone, rising not so much in pitch, but very much in volume as she closed in on her orgasm.

As Amy came, I gave her a couple of short upward jerks, because it seems to intensify her orgasm.

Never really satisfied with a single orgasm, Amy started riding me again, gripping me a bit tighter this time.

But Eros was insistent I wasn't really getting things right. This was nothing more than going through our usual sex routine in the confines of a cold muddy creek. While my manhood might be warmly embraced in some very nice pussy, it lacked the raw, primitive spirit that first inspired me to bring Amy down on me.

And while being underneath the girls is nice, it has never been a position to rush me to a climax. I hadn't yet even started to boil up.

With a resolve to push my luck a bit, I lifted Amy up under her arms and threw her off to the side, back towards the side of the mud pit, one of her legs trailing across my upper thighs as my erection was again exposed to the pummelling of the fast flow water coming from between the rocks,

Clearly whatever throw I was aiming for it wasn't going to be a big one and it wasn't. With an almighty squelch and splatter accompanied by splash of water, mud and glop, she landed one her back in a shallower part of the mud hole near its edge as her body made a deep impression in it and stayed there. I hope she didn't have any zoom meetings planned for the morning. It was going to take a while to get that mud out of her hair.

Kneeling at Amy's feet, then spreading her legs and starting to slide up between them, I stared down at the very aroused mound and labia that were on display just above where her bunched up and now full of mud pants bound up her thighs and were definitely in the way of what I had planned for her.

Bending her knees to bring her feet back together in front of me, I grabbed the back of the waistband, anxiously pulling it and the mud that encrusted it down her legs and off her before chucking them up onto the drier part of the path.

The shoes annoyed me as I tried to get her pants over them so, without undoing the laces, pulled those and her socks off her feet and sent them up onto the path too.

That left just her crop top, scrunched into a ball above her breasts, spoiling the glorious perfection of her nature ravaged body. It had to go too.

To keep my erection free of mud for its imminently intended use, I laid down along the top of her body, kissing her as I squirmed about wrestling it over her head, leaving her mud encrusted pony tail in a trail above her head.

Now I had her glorious body in all its primitive nakedness.

Then I was back on my knees between her widely spread apart legs, her hips elevated by them to the level of my pubis awaiting the penetration of my erection.

I did a final check. My erection was fairly clear of mud, having been mainly in the zone of relatively clear water overflowing from up stream. There was a bit of mud in her crease which some scoops of clear water accompanied by a bit of fingering soon dislodged.

With my hand initially under her butt, I penetrated her.

There are frequent occasions the girls ask me to just 'go the animal' on them. In short, go crazy pleasuring myself without being too careful about getting it right for them. Since it's usually after they've had their first orgasm anyway, and more so because, for different reasons, each of them can get off on that sort of sex, I'm more than happy to indulge them.

On this occasion, Eros wasn't even going to let me wait for the invitation.

I went the full animal on Amy; dropping her butt back into the mud and thrusting furiously enough to drive her body ever deeper into it.

Or at least that's how it started. But as Amy's body and my knees sank ever further into the mud under our boiling passions, our urgent bodily interactions became more a desperate attempt to stay penetrated.

As the mud oozed between our bodies, it soon became evident a deep withdrawal couldn't necessarily be followed by a crashing thrust; the knees which need to deliver that thrust having slipped further into the mud and further away from Amy's delectable body.

Our sexual frenzy instead became a wrestling match of firm, hip driven mini thrusts and screwing motions; my hard and seething manhood in and into her tightly clamped anxious womanhood. Amy was throwing her hips back at me as much as I was hip thrusting her. But in our mutual, uncontrolled passion, our actions were completely uncoordinated; one moment our pubis's crashing heavily together, the next our mutual retreats from each other threatening to de-penetrate us.

As I lay on top of Amy, my hands were under her back and clamped over the top of her shoulders, pulling her body down onto my rampant manhood while hers were on my butt pulling me up into her.

Her pelvic floor muscles were fixed so tightly around the base of my manhood it felt like she was aiming to sever it off and keep it for herself.

My grunting as loudly as I was as we had passionate sex in this completely public space was bad enough. Amy was into her full on sexual screaming; rising to a crescendo as her body squirmed and quivered under me with a...


She came.

And she kept coming and kept screaming as she berserkly threw her body around under me, gripping me ever tighter inside her.

I'd only had the endurance to release my passion but not my seed for this long because Amy and Ellen had drained my balls already this morning. But this was too much. I quickly started to brew up until with my own bellowing grunt, I released a torrent of cum against her cervix.

I couldn't say either of us were satisfied. Something had been triggered inside us which seemed to have generated an insatiable desire. But the male human body - especially one as old as mine - isn't designed for continuous sex.

Reluctantly, Amy released me and equally reluctantly I withdrew my still hard manhood from her body.

We both felt a sneaky guiltiness about what we'd just done. Like a pair of giggling teenagers, we crawled back over to the rocks and extracted ourselves from the mud.

If Amy's body had been covered in a patina of mud when this started, we were now covered in a thick layer of it, from the top of our head and through of hair, right down to our feet. That's not to say Amy in her nakedness looked any less fuckable for it. God, if I could have got another erection I would have happily taken her again there and then as we stood on the path. There was just something about the sight of her that brought out this primitive urge in me. And she was all over me like a rash, so the feeling was seemingly mutual..

But Amy was naked on a public path, I was topless with my still half firm manhood hanging over the waistband of my half pulled down pants and all our cloths and footwear were no less muddy than our bodies.

As disgusting as my mud filled pants were, I flipped the waistband up to tuck myself back in. I decided I'd be happy to carry my shirt home.

Amy picked up her micro shorts and took them down to the rock to rinse them off as best she could; putting on a face and making a noise of disgust as she put the still mud covered pants back on. The shoes she reluctantly did the same with; both if us feeling the squelch of every step we took.

But the top she drew a line at...

"I think I'll go topless too unless we hear some else coming along the track."

We jogged, rather than pounded our way home. But Amy was clearly 'in a mood'; by which I basically mean as sexualised and as randy as hell. But that is just what Amy gets like sometimes; especially after passionate sex.

She flaunted herself at me in every way she could on the way home; well aware of the effect of both her near transparent micro shorts and naked bouncing breasts on any mere male within sight of her - namely me. She did more than a bit of touching up of me too - well aware it was way too early to get a physical response from me - most likely because it provoked me to sexually touch her up in return; including some full body contact hugs and stops for a bit of a French kiss pash.

Instead of exiting onto our normal road, we followed the path along a bit further where it winds around and a short bush beat will exit us onto a road that runs along the back of our property. A quick look both ways let Amy cross the road in her half naked state without disturbing the karma of the neighbours or passers-by and go straight into the property's back entrance; an area of native bush with a steep rock climb up to the house and yard area.

As we came up over the rise into the yard, we found Ellen and the au pair, Gaia, playing with Ellen's toddlers in the back yard.