A Threesome in a Covid 19 World Ch. 08


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They looked at us aghast.

The older of the two pre-schooler girls was given the job of hosing first Amy and then myself down to get the worst of the mud off. By going first, Amy at least got the benefit of the warm water from the hose being left in the sun, before it ran cold on her.

As Ellen, dressed in a small bikini top and the micro running shorts she'd put on when she first thought she be running with us, moved around the back of Amy to untangle her pony tail, her daughter took great delight in being given permission to give 'Aunty Amy' a good soaking. As Ellen helped get the worst of the mud out of Amy's long hair and slushed it off her back under the flow of water, her daughter showed she was enough of her mother's daughter to cheekily get mum completely wet too.

As the de-mudding continued down Amy's front I noticed Ellen's actions were something more than a simple mechanical application of the side of her hand to wipe the mud off. She definitely loitered too long over Amy's breasts - raising her nipples to their towering best - and what she did between her legs only concerned the removal of mud in the most superficial way, more so as she took the hose to direct the flow down the front of Amy's pants.

Through it all, Amy, instead of either showing some specific sexual response or making a joke of it, just stood there with a grin on her face and somewhat glazed eyes; as if being touched up like that was a normal part of her life. Well, maybe around this house at least, it is.

Ellen walked Amy to the patio door closest to the ensuite bathroom attached to the main bedroom and, on the verge of the door, stripped Amy's pants and shoes off.

As Amy's cute naked tosh disappeared inside attention turned to me.

I got a more business like de-mudding from Ellen. I suspected Ellen felt it was one thing to play around a bit with Amy and her boobies in front of her daughters, quite another thing to cause me to react to her actions.

When she'd finished, she marched me to the patio door adjacent to the guest bathroom, stripped me naked on the verge of the door and, to my surprise, accompanied me into the bathroom.

As she closed the bathroom door behind us and ran the water to adjust the temperature, she looked me in the eye...

"Did you a frantic lust fuck on Amy in the mud pit?"

Caught off guard, I was left flummoxed as I formulated an answer. I mean 'frantic lust fuck' isn't a defined term in our household. It had never been used before, even if frequently preformed. How did she know we had any sex, let alone a frantic fuck?

I could have stalled for time by asking for a definition, but Ellen was way too perceptive to play those sort of games with. I gave her a straight answer...

"I suppose that's what you'd call it, but how did you know?"

"You're kidding. Amy's so full of oxytocin or whatever other hormones her broken vagina orgasms give her, you could service a whole maternity ward for a month if you could extract the stuff. Between her nipples and the swollen labia that exaggerated the bulge of the mound in her virtually transparent pants, you could see she was still aroused as she came into the yard. And while you don't get that muddy by just falling in and crawling out of the stuff, she looked so fucking fuckable and sexy covered in mud and aroused like that, I'd have fucked her myself if I had a cock."

The tone of Ellen's delivery was flat, but the words and concepts and the accelerated delivery towards the end of the statement, told me I was dealing with a somewhat put out Ellen. More so as she backed me under the shower, joined me in the cubicle and closed the screen door behind us both.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her under the flow of the water and against me...

"Are you annoyed with me?"

Ellen paused. She lifted a hand between our bodies, as if to push me away and then paused that too. You could almost feel her fighting to regain her composure and balance. Finally she sighed...

"No. I'm annoyed with me. You and Amy have encouraged me to feel I'm an equal member of the family and been so generous in your treatment of me and the first thing I do is get jealous because you have a moment where you get the hots for Amy. I just don't know how to compete with a woman who has the most fuckable body in the world."

I held Ellen a bit tighter. We'd been in this space before. She knew the answer. We'd had this discussion before. But sometimes she needed to hear it again from me and I could directly address where it was Ellen felt out competed.

"It's not a competition Ellen. So, to be crude and focus on things you already know about, Amy might have slightly bigger breasts than you and a somewhat prominent and sexy mound, but goodness, you're like everyone's idea of a Swedish supermodel. There's no first and second. You are both stunningly attractive women. And in any case, there's a lot more to it than that. You know I love you both. You know whatever advantages Amy might have in one area, you have equally compelling advantages in others. You know how frustrated and torn we both felt when you were living in the house but not able to be physical with each other. You know how drawn I am to you; emotionally and physically."

As Ellen started soaping my body to remove the residual mud, I felt her ease up a bit emotionally.

"I know all that Ned. And I know you're absolutely right. I also know what an ungrateful bitch I am for having any feelings of jealously for Amy when she's the one who fought to bring me back into the family and is the one who has stood loyally by you for all these years. I suppose you've got to allow me to be a woman from time to time. Sometimes I react before I can recover my equilibrium, even when I know I'm wrong to do so. Amy deserves every good fucking you give her. Maybe it's because you work so hard to keep it fair and neutral between us that when you lose it with her I react so automatically. She deserves your attention. She deserves to feel your lust towards her. It means so much to her given her history.

I'm good Ned. It's all good. Now I just have to overcome my feeling of guilt about my reaction."

While she'd been talking, she'd been soaping down my front. Loitering there when she got down to my manhood, she provoked a reaction from it; probably unintentionally, even if she was playing with it thinking I wouldn't refract that quickly. In a moment it had gone from having a slightly full feeling to a full hard erection. Ellen soaped along its length, causing it to surge in her hand.

Maybe Eros was still in control of me. I decided if I could lose it with Amy then I should lose it with Ellen too. After all, if she'd been running with us, the sight of her body emerging from the mud would have been no less compelling. They both would have got fucked; however awkward that would have been as we wallowed in the mud. If I was getting it wrong, she would tell me.

I bent my knees, brought my erection up between her legs and, as I stood up, bent its length into her crease, spearing it where he clit would lie under the tight running pants; jerking it back and forwards a bit in the hope I'd be stimulating it. Then I turned her around and backed her up against the tiled wall of the shower.

As I kissed her, I used the hands already behind her back to fumble around and undo the tie strings on her bikini top, jerking and rubbing my manhood even more vigorously through and against her crease.

As the bikini top got washed to the floor in the flow of the shower, I started tugging at her running shorts, pulling them off her hips and down onto her thighs, with the gusset now effectively draped across the erection which continued to work itself against the general area of her clit.

Going down on her, I quickly pulled the pants to the floor and off her feet.

As I stood back up, I pushed my erection between her legs and penetrated her. She was receptive and accommodating to my every movement; almost anticipating it - which would be very much Ellen - and clearly not in a mood to reject it.

This wasn't following our usual script for love making; the one where they get fingered, sucked, G spot banged or ride me to a climax before I have my turn. This was Ned going rogue again.

Not going the animal on her - because that's not what the lust of the rogue Ned wanted. He wanted Ellen. All of her, not just her body and the delight it was already offering up to his anxious manhood.

I half withdrew and thrust slowly back in; almost lifting her off her feet at the top of the stroke. As I did so, one hand caressed up the side of her body, feeling the feminine shape of her thighs, hips, waist and running all the way up until I cupped her breast while the other cupped her butt and rose up into the small of her back. Our lips met, our tongues teased each other's before she thrust hers into my mouth.

Again I half withdrew and thrust slowly back in until it seemed her whole weight was supported on the base of my manhood. The aura of her body permeated my very being, its fecund womanhood doing more to stimulate my manhood than the feeling of it playing inside her delectable sex.

As I kept the pattern up, I could but hope that her large swollen clit, would as it usually does, get itself stimulated by getting in the way of my erection as it penetrated and withdrew from her body; a hope fortified by the moan I felt and heard her breathe into my mouth as we continued to kiss.

But as Ellen became aroused, it became evident that merely being 'taken' by me wasn't enough. Oh well, so much for letting Eros control me and my lust run rampant!

Ellen's about the same height as me but with longer legs. Having sex standing up means at full penetration, I'm lifting her lightly onto pointed toes. It's part of why our bodies seem to meld so well for sex.

As I continued to withdraw and thrust back into her, she wrapped first one leg and then the other around my shins. Once the second leg was there her whole weight was transferred - well to many places - but not insignificantly onto the base of my fully penetrated shaft; helped a little by the way she was pressed against the wall, the hands I had on her butt, her arms around and over my shoulder and some weight she carried on her wrapped up legs.

But thrusting became impossible; at least anything more than a forceful jerking motion. Instead Ellen started circling her hips while brushing her chest - and the hard nipples they projected - across mine. It was obvious she was playing the top of my erection against her cervix. Somewhere - probably due to the depth of penetration - I'd triggered her into looking for cervical orgasms.

Normally they are something that can't be hurried. Something for a long, languorous roll around in bed; not an impassioned, cum dumping, quickie in the shower before starting work. But for Ellen they are also a very emotional experience. They cause her to express deep emotions but, I've always suspected, also are facilitated by previously held deep emotions.

Something was happening, because it was within a few minutes that I could hear the vocal sounds which are unique to Ellen's cervical orgasms. Not a moan, not a groan, certainly nothing like Amy's screams. A sort of shaky, quivering, continuous...


With the shaky and quivering being reflected in her own body's reaction. When I could feel and hear her break into a heaving, sobbing crying over my shoulder, the matter was beyond doubt.

As the minutes ticked by, the crying became a wailing.

It is a strange state of affairs. I know from when she's done it previously that internally she's feeling a sort of all body experience of extreme elation and bliss and yet, at its most extreme, it manifests itself externally as what almost seems like an emotional breakdown.

The last time we'd had one this emotional was the last time we made love before Ellen moved in with Harry prior to marrying him.

Ellen was, in every way, now in control of this. With all my limbs engaged in supporting her - admittedly light - weight, I was simply a prop on which she was preforming. A loving prop, and I know because you can't have these orgasms without emotional engagement, a prop being loved. But a prop just the same.

As she circled her hips around my deeply buried shaft, I could feel her move it against her cervix with almost surgical precision. Strangely, the pressure her weight put on the base of my shaft was nicely stimulating. It not only made my manhood feel hard, it seem to keep it hard. And the press of her body against me, the movement of her breasts across my chest and the emotions she was venting over my shoulder made it a deeply bonding and satisfying experience.

But there is no natural termination point of this sort of lovemaking. It wasn't a case of Ellen having the 'big O' and then surrendering herself to my pleasure. It wasn't even, as with Amy's continuous, multiple orgasms, one likely (to use Amy's expressions) to break her vagina with overwhelming stimulation.

Unless I came - which was unlikely at that moment - it could in theory go on forever.

In this case the end came when I sensed Ellen take a deep inward breath, as if gathering in her emotions. A moment later her feet were back on the ground and her stranglehold grip around my neck softened. She bent her knees, at the same time using the looser grip around my neck to pull me down.

Realising we weren't going to manage to end up flat on the floor of the shower while maintaining penetration, she disengaged momentarily, sat down and spreadeagled herself diagonally across the shower recess, beckoning me, come hither, down on top of her.

She was a sight. A beautiful, seductive, sexually charged sight. Wet, bedraggled, her long blonde hair streaming towards the drain, the right breast, capped with its hardened jutting nipple being pummelled under the flow of the water, her aroused vulva, labia and mound fully on display between her slightly spread legs. To put it more crudely than I like to, but one which seemed to be the theme of the day, she was an eminently fuckable sight.

I know Ellen well enough that, if I took things at a normally pace I would shortly be told to 'go the animal' on her.

But this whole episode had started with a demand from Eros; a moment of lust driven need. Given how we got here I felt it needed to be finished that way. I gave Eros control of my actions.

As fast as I could (given the hard floor and constrained space) I dropped to my knees and bent in to penetrate her; to bring my hard and now very desiring shaft back into that beautiful body. It didn't matter whether it was enough 'go the animal' for Ellen to think I was performing how I should, the fact was I was sliding my shaft in and out of her body in a way purely designed for my own pleasure.

To let the firm, sensitive flesh of my manhood fully enjoy every little movement of it within her body to the fullest. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Sometimes with slightly lifted hips to let my shaft slip firmly along her pelvic floor muscle on withdrawal, sometimes flat to let my whole shaft feel the pleasure of the firm, slippery grip with which she accepted it into her vagina. About the only constant was burying myself to the fullest and screwing myself around momentarily at the completion of each thrust. There is just something I really like about the feeling of the base of my shaft being worked hard up against her pelvic floor muscle.

And all this while either elevated above her looking down of those beautiful feminine breasts, bent in to suck one or laying down flat along her body and circling the jutting nipples around my chest.

And yet, while the best sex might seem to come from a selfish use of your partner's body, that ultimately is delusional. Really the best sex comes from seeing your partner get it off as you do.

I am infinitely lucky in the case of both Amy and Ellen that plain vaginal fucking can for different reasons bring them to a climax. Ellen because her lovely clit is large and well positioned enough to get in the way of my thrusting shaft, Amy because, well she's just Amy and just about any sexual engagement seems to produce that result.

My thrusts are automatically designed to play against Ellen's clit as much as I can guess they would. There is even a pleasant sense that I can feel Ellen's swollen nub draw a line along my shaft as I withdraw it and thrust it back in; although whether this is more in my imagination than reality I only have Ellen's reaction to convey. But there is no doubt that as I screwed my shaft in a circle around her pelvic floor muscle on full penetration, I am rubbing my pelvis against her clit.

Whatever, already sensitised by her cervical orgasms, Ellen was soon moaning in a way that made it clear I was having a very nice effect on her, even as my own shaft started to brew up.

By doing more screwing on full penetration with each thrust while sucking or circling a nipple, I could push Ellen along faster without really detracting from my own enjoyment.

As Ellen quivered on the edge of her orgasm, I let myself go; thrusting furiously and grunting like a deranged man.

She lifted her hips - and me with them - as she climaxed, but not so far as to stop me from continuing my pounding of her delightful body. She was still in the throes of hers when my own had brewed up to the point of no return. I buried myself in her and held it there as my erection pulsed out whatever cum my well drained balls could rake up; the lack of volume in no way detracting from the pleasure that accompanied each powerful eruption.

I collapsed down on her to let the shudders and final shakes of my orgasm run its course; turning my head away from Ellen's ear so as not to deafen her with my groans.

As my body finally went limp on top of her, she put a stranglehold around my neck and clamped her pelvic floor muscles tightly around my still firm erection...

"I'm sorry Ned, I'm really sorry."

After the crying during her cervical orgasms, I sort of knew this was coming. Still, I needed to offer her the chance to talk it out. Even though we'd had the same discussion before surrendering to our passions, I lazily played a dead bat response...

"What for?"

"For being jealous of Amy, for being ungrateful for all that she's done for me and showing it and taking it out on you. It's almost as if being allowed to feel like a full and equal member of the family has triggered old insecurities.

It's probably worse because sometimes I feel as though Harry's death has left this awful hole in my life and I'm at risk of being all alone in the world and you are my only rock and anchor in that and irrational as it is, Amy seems a threat to what little security I have. I know that's so unfair. And I know that while you lust over her body you find me just as desirable. But sometimes emotions just seem to take control."

"Well, first of all Ellen, you didn't exactly throw a tanty. Yes I detected your displeasure, but I doubt Amy did. Secondly, given what you've been through, it's not hard to allow you some room for processing the emotions. And finally of course, this is old ground. You know what draws me to Amy. But you know just as well how special you are to me too.

Don't beat yourself up about it. We're on your side."

I was suddenly more aware of the cascade of water uncomfortably pummelling my back. Sex tends to distract you from such trivialities.

Withdrawing my softening manhood from Ellen, I reached up and turned off the taps as I sat between her legs. Ellen's moist eyes stared up at me as I looked back' although I found it hard to not be distracted by the more carnal aspects of my vista.

The knowledge that it was time for her to start work and the discomfort of our circumstances had caused me to abbreviate what I'd said. Normally I would have wrapped her in my arms and had a long discussion, even if it was old ground. I hoped I done enough.