A Walk on the Wild Side


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As before, Veronica was giving Winston an eyeful. She was brazenly displaying her wares for the drooling book salesman to ogle at. The sheer mocha pantyhose had no reinforced crotch, just a microscopic reinforcement strip that wasn't even thick enough to obscure the moist slit between the pouting lips of Veronica's lovely flower. Oh, how Winston wanted to lick that reinforced strip, pressing his tongue on it hard enough to force it back into that inviting crevice, and then deeper still.

Veronica chuckled at Winston's round, bulging eyeballs. All the while he stared between her legs she moved her thighs hypnotically. Cruelly, she touched herself, her fingers tracing the length of the reinforced strip, then moving it aside slightly so they could caress what it tried vainly to hide. Winston watched this with his tongue hanging out, sitting on the floor, fighting for even an occasional normal breath.

"My," Veronica cooed, "I guess you do like staring up my skirt. I do so enjoy flashing. It's so...invigorating! You like what you see, book man?"

Winston blinked, trying to yank his eyes from the alluring sight before them. His ears were telling him that Veronica was speaking, but his brain was telling them to shut up, so he could gaze at the magic between Veronica's thighs. Needless to say, response to her question was impossible.

"You like my pretty pussy, Winston? You want to get a closer look, maybe even kiss it? Is that something you might enjoy?"

Winston swallowed hard, his head swimming. Little sparks were zapping his temples from his misfiring brain. The room seemed to be tilting and twirling. Everything was hazy...except for that beautiful, pouting prize. It was crystal clear in his vision and in his mind. Every detail of it was - and would be forever - emblazoned in his memory. And those deliciously naughty words, that wicked suggestion from a woman he didn't even know, burrowed into his subconscious, to be replayed over and over again.

"Go on, Winston," Veronica said oh, so softly, knowing full well that a reply was beyond him at this point, "lean forward and give it a kiss. You want to, don't you?"

A small wet spot was forming on the sheer hose, and Winston's lips wanted to taste it. His eyes shot up quickly to Veronica's face, questioning. He couldn't believe she was seriously considering letting him get that close to her womanhood. Flaunting it was one thing, but letting him KISS it?! Yet, there it was, the silent, unspoken permission, the go-ahead, the green light.

Rising out of his sitting position and getting his legs and arms under him, he moved forward slowly on all fours toward that riveting magnet of feminine splendor. The closer he got to it, the more it seemed to invite him in. When he was close enough, Veronica put one hand on the back of his head and guided him forward.

"That's right," she said, "get in there and give it a kiss. If you give it the sweetest, most adorable kiss ever, maybe I'll let you do more than kiss it."

Winston's eyes were completely glazed over by the time his lips made contact with the silky nylon, pressing it back into the moistness behind it. Years of frustration and denial roared to the forefront of his sexual psyche, and he sighed loudly, pressing his face into that warm, moist area, moaning as he kissed the object of his desire. Over and over he shamelessly kissed Veronica's nylon-covered pussy. Looking down, Veronica thoroughly enjoyed the sight of this man planting kiss after adoring kiss between her legs. He was literally shivering with passion, and she was beginning to heat up a bit as well.

"Enough, now," she said sweetly after letting him go on for a bit, "stop kissing my pussy, Winston. That was lovely, but let's consider other possibilities, shall we?"

But Winston was in a zone now. He had his hands on her inner thighs, holding them apart, making sure they couldn't close off this tasty delight and ban his lips from entry. His face was barging relentlessly into that steamy treat, lips hungrily showing their affection for every inch of it. Nylon or no nylon, his lips had found something they were very reluctant to part with.

"I said STOP!" Vanessa shouted. In a blur of motion, she grabbed a handful of Winston's hair and tugged his head back. At the same time, she took her foot off the footboard and brought her thighs quickly together, catching Winston's neck between her knees. Then, snapping her legs out straight around his shoulders, in the blink of an eye she kicked off both stiletto heels. Her now silky-hosed bare feet then came back around and positioned themselves on the poor man's chest, giving him one final push back and away from her.

Poor Winston, eyes still glazed over, ended up sitting on the floor in front of her again, blinking both his surprise and his disappointment. Her feet remained on his chest, a barrier to any further attempted advances up her skirt. The salesman couldn't help but admire her shapely calves and thighs. Even his current position was closer than he'd been to a woman in quite some time, so though the main attraction had come to a screeching halt, he could at least enjoy the look and feel of those nylon-encased legs. How he would have enjoyed rubbing them, or licking all the way up them, from her ankles to her...main attraction.

"Really, Winston!" Veronica huffed, still trying to appear righteously offended, "When a lady tells a gentleman to stop kissing her pussy, the gentleman should stop IMMEDIATELY! What do you take me for...a tramp? I AM more than just a pussy for you to salivate over, you know. REALLY! Please try to control yourself!" She was playing with him, being teasingly melodramatic, but he was too stunned to notice.

Winston could only sit there and continue to blink. His lips had been on Nirvana, and when they were ripped away from it, his brain tissue had somehow dribbled out his ears and nostrils and was no longer able to govern his actions. He was pretty much just a huge glob of clay at that point. And a very disappointed glob of clay, to boot.

Then, suddenly, his eyelids went "Cha-ching! Cha-ching!" He hadn't noticed something before, because his eyes - and therefore his gonads - were transfixed by the mesmerizing enticement between Veronica's legs. But, with an inflating of his extremely pleased eyeballs, Winston finally noticed that minor little item he'd previously overlooked.

So busy had he been sniffing up Veronica's skirt, and nuzzling and smooching her pantyhosed crotch, that he missed yet another treat being broadcast for his pleasure. The tight, white blouse above the oh-so-short crimson skirt was about ninety percent unbuttoned. And the way Veronica was leaning forward on the footboard to scold him, her magnificent breasts had not only bolted free from any confinement whatsoever, but they were jiggling ever so sweetly from her every movement. Winston's pupils began darting to and fro, each one locked on an animated nipple, refusing to let either get out of his sight.

When Veronica noticed Winston's nipple-locked, spastic eyes, she grinned from ear to ear. She stopped pretending to be incensed by his previous behavior, and converted to temptress again at warp speed. Now she began to purposely jiggle her chest, taking great amusement from Winston's seizing eyeballs.

"It's about time you noticed them," she said, cupping her breasts in her hands and fondling them for Winston's benefit. The book man's lower lip began to quiver ever so slightly.

"They ARE lovely, aren't they, Winston?" she continued, licking the tips of her index fingers and circling them around and around her hardened nipples. Winston's eyes, protruding to their limits, threatened to explode from their sockets. But that only made Veronica jack up the heat all the more.

"Well, it's good to know you're not a one-dimensional man, Winston. It's nice to see you interested in something other than my pussy. I mean, after all, if I let you try to satisfy me, you'll have to be able to satisfy ALL of me. Or...would that be a problem?" She pinched her nipples gently, giggling when his pupils dilated in rapid response.

"No...no problem," Winston replied, having to force his tongue to form the words properly.

"Ahh, that's what I like to hear. So, Winston, do you just want to stare at me all night or would you like to do more?"

Winston half expected to wake from a dream. He forced his eyes off Veronica's mesmerizing chest. It wasn't easy, as she was still touching her breasts tantalizingly, teasing him with not the slightest hint of mercy in her heart. Still, he was able to enunciate quite clearly, if a bit brokenly, "More...would...certainly...be...nice."

"Really? And do you think you can please a woman like me?" As she spoke, she moved her feet from Winston's chest up to his shoulders. He didn't notice the move itself, but what came next he did notice, in a far off kind of way. Veronica started tickling his earlobes with her stockinged toes, stroking the sides of his neck with the silky nylon, wiggling her toes to tickle under his chin, all the while giving his bulging eyeballs a tempting breast feast. Just that quickly, poor Winston had become the very definition of "drooling idiot."

Nonetheless, something inside Winston was changing rapidly. Maybe it was pent up desires, backed up hormones. Maybe it was raging testosterone brought to a bubbling boil by Veronica's teasing ways. Or maybe he was realizing that he COULD be attractive to women! Nah, who was he kidding...his hormones were just backed up. And Veronica WAS teasing the shit out of him. If she kept it up, she was NOT going to escape this night un-ravaged! PERIOD...end of story! A man could only be teased so much before he'd have to take ACTION!

Just as Winston realized he was feeling quite manly, Veronica again moved her feet. She slipped her right foot under the neck-choking loop of his crumpled tie, inching her toes up higher and higher until she'd worked them just behind the knot. Once there, she flexed and wiggled her toes until she'd slithered all five of the little devils securely behind the knot, working determinedly to loosen the loop that circled his neck. So enraptured was Winston by Veronica's nipple-tweaking fingers, that he barely noticed her toes digging into the flesh of his neck as they carried out their clandestine duties.

Next, Veronica slid her other foot inside that loop, squeezing it in alongside the first. Now, flexing and wiggling her feet in unison, she worked them both forward and back and side to side until she managed to pull the tie farther and farther away from the salesman's throat, loosening the loop so efficiently that it finally sagged limply below his Adam's apple. Phase one complete, she noted with a grin.

After several minutes of stubborn manipulation, she managed to stretch the loop wide enough that one end of the tie finally slipped through the knot, and the tie no longer held his neck captive. She'd untied it with her feet. With an "Ahhhhhhh" of triumph, she then grabbed the center of the tie with her toes and held it up before Winston's eyes for him to see. Her triumphant foot was directly in front of his face, toes curled tightly around the limp tie, her long leg moving slowly from side to side like a stage hypnotist trying to mesmerize a glassy-eyed participant from the audience. Beyond that tick-tocking tie, Veronica's grinning face beamed both proudly, and mischievously. Winston's eyes, changing focal point from breasts to tie-capturing toes, mirrored the tick-tock movement of that victorious foot. And that, in turn, made Veronica's grin that much wider.

"Just one of my many talents," she said through her grin, "and if you play your cards right, I'll show you more."

Winston grinned a toothy grin in return. "Show me more," he said, "I promise to be good."

"My, my, Winston," she replied, "I do believe you're becoming somewhat randy. That grin on your face is positively lecherous!"

In response he simply said, "Show me more tricks, Veronica, and I'll show you 'randy'." Her wide smile of absolute approval had Winston believing in miracles.

Tossing the tie aside, Veronica again placed the soles of her feet on Winston's chest. But they did not remain there. She slowly slid them down his body until they'd reached the firm bulge between his crossed legs. Winston looked down, watching those stockinged feet move deliberately around that bulge.

"Why, what have we here?" Veronica cooed. "Is that for little old me?" With every passing second, her feet came closer and closer to the pup tent in Winston's pants. He was eager for contact, but decided to keep playing Veronica's game.

"All yours," he said, looking boldly into her eyes, his hormones churning more and more from moment to moment.

Her feet made contact. Impish toes played with the bloated head through the fabric of his pants. She stroked as much of his penis as she could through the pants, her eyes locked onto his. Then, just that quickly, her feet were gone from his screaming erection. But both Winston and Veronica looked at the straining bulge, and its pulsating state - even trapped as his penis was - was starkly obvious to anyone who could see. Winston blushed, but only a little. Veronica licked her lips.

Winston was just on the verge of bemoaning the loss of the stroking feet when Veronica again sat back on the bed, feet on the floor, but her legs rocking in and out, giving him quick glimpses between them. Her shoulders she had pushed back so far that her blouse had intentionally come wide open, causing her breasts to stare back at Winston like two huge eyeballs, the large pink nipples so hard he could have bitten them without the flesh yielding at all. Winston's eyes didn't know where to look first, and ended up settling for quick glimpses between Veronica's legs when the view was afforded, and then probing stares at her tits when it wasn't. Not exactly a bad predicament to be in, he thought to himself.

"Winston, dear," Veronica said in a husky, whispery voice, all the time watching his eyes dart from her pussy to her breasts, "if you would care to stand up, I can show you another trick I'm rather good at."

Winston wasn't sure if he could stand at that point or not. Most certainly, the very act of getting up off the floor would cause him a modicum of pain in his nether regions. And certain...adjustments...would need to be made as he rose in order to keep him from spraining his trapped erection. So, while he indeed rose, he did so gingerly, and with great care. Being able to straighten himself totally upright was a victory in itself, if an excruciatingly, tediously slow one. Veronica enjoyed herself immensely at Winston's expense.

When he finally stood straight - and more than a little proudly - before her, Veronica proceeded with her 'trick'. But first she informed him, "You're too far away. Come here, book man." Before Winston could move, Veronica slipped one foot between his legs, hooking her toes under and behind his crotch. Wiggling her toes just behind his pants-covered scrotum, she drew her foot back toward her, drawing Winston along with it, pulling him closer to her in her own inimitable way. He gave no resistance.

"Good," she said, "now I'll show you the trick. Watch this, and marvel at my dexterity."

She resumed wiggling her toes behind his scrotum...but that was just for fun. It had nothing to do with her trick. For that, she lifted her other foot off the floor and probed the front of Winston's pants. She slipped her toes beneath the over flap of his fly, gliding them along the teeth of the zipper until she found the pull tab. Even with stockings on, she was able to squeeze the tab between her first and second toes and grip it securely enough to pull it down, slowly opening Winston's fly. He watched with amusement...and more than a little excitement.

"Oh, Winston," Veronica said when the zipper was all the way down, "how boring. White boxers? You really have to spice up your taste in underwear. But, I suppose I'll have to overlook such things and get to the..." she grinned, "MEAT of the problem, won't I?"

With both feet working as a well-oiled team once again, she managed to unclasp the hook above his zipper in no time at all. Now, nothing stood between Veronica and Winston's throbbing cock but a flimsy pair of boxers. No contest at all. She grinned up at the blushing salesman and locked her eyes onto his. "Now," she licked her lips, "let's see what you have for me, shall we?"

Before Winston could have stopped her - if he'd even wanted to - Veronica's feet were again working between his legs. Miraculously, she managed to slip BOTH feet into the front slit of his boxers. Immediately, Winston felt those talented feet playing with his penis. Veronica laughed as her stockinged feet stroked and jiggled his pulsing cock. The tips of her toes had enormous fun tickling the bottom of his sack ever so lightly. While it was all maddening for poor Winston, his red-faced look of frustration had Veronica giggling with sadistic joy.

Then, in a move that Winston to this day can't remember feeling or seeing, Veronica's feet pulled that throbbing hardon right out of his boxers and into the glare of her brightly lit bedroom! Sure, Winston half expected that to happen, but not so quickly, and not without him even sensing it! It was like a magician's sudden, flamboyant illusion, where his "wand" suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He wasn't sure if he should ejaculate or applaud!

"Well, now," Veronica sighed, "not so bad, after all. Rather impressive for a book salesman, I must say." She looked briefly up at Winston's face, her eyes twinkling intensified interest. Then she again lowered her sight, eyeing that bobbing tool appreciatively for several long minutes, stroking it with her feet, feeling its firmness and its varied contours against her nylon-covered flesh. Then, the delicious sensations stopped for Winston, as she removed her feet from his pride and joy.

"I must have a closer look at this," she said, putting her feet back down onto the floor. Then she leaned forward on the footboard and brought her face close to Winston's erection. Her eyes took in every detail - it's thickness; it's length; the rough, muscled surface; the engorged veins; the gently bobbing helmet, which had already turned a lovely shade of pinkish purple; the kinky, curly hairs at its base. Then she reached out one hand and slipped it into the opened zipper area of Winston's pants, tugging downward to get a better look at his testicles. They were very attractive indeed, filling his scrotal sack quite admirably - though one could argue that this was due to the fact that they'd been so rarely emptied. So impressed was Veronica by those bloated storage units, that she took Winston's penis in her other hand and held it to one side so she could get a still better look.

"Very nice, Winston," she admitted, again looking up into his eyes, "very nice, indeed. Very lovely balls, sir." If he hadn't been concentrating on trying not to cum all over her hands, he'd have replied with a modest "thank you."

Still leaning forward on the bed, Veronica began fondling his sack. She reveled in the feel of those hairy globes, squeezing them gently and rolling them in her palm. With light fingers she traversed the entire circumference of his balls, gauging their full size and shape. Her fingers went all the way back behind them, enjoying the soft, yielding flesh and its firm, round prisoners. Subconsciously - or not - she began lightly stroking Winston's shaft with the fingers of her other hand.

Winston was getting woozy again. He started teetering precariously, his entire body experiencing little spasms of pleasure. Veronica noticed and looked up at him, thoroughly enjoying the look of ecstasy on his face. She stroked him a bit harder, teasing. She tickled his balls lightly, gently stroking the shallow ravine between them with the tip of one finger. Then she pulled out all the stops.