A Whore With No Name Ch. 01


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Emma heard the sounds of climax come from Sean's room. In a panic, she set the phone back down and dashed across the den to hide behind her reading chair. A moment later, Sean came out, naked and padding toward the kitchen counter to grab his phone. She could barely see him, with only the stove light illuminating the room. Just his outline, and nothing she hadn't seen already.

"God damn it," he cursed quietly.

A dreamy voice floated from his bedroom. "Everything okay?" the girl inside asked. And a moment later, a tall black beauty, taller than Sean by four or five inches, stepped out into the light as well. She was svelte and marblesque in her smoothness, long legs and long arms elegantly protruding from her thin torso with grace.

Fuck... how do I compete with that?

"My stupid phone doesn't give me notifications half the time these days," he said. "Probably means it's getting old."

Shit, Emma realized her constant opening of his texts removed the new message notifications. But at the very least, it seemed he hadn't come to that conclusion.

"Mmmm..." Sean's girl said, looking at his phone. "They look fun. Regulars?"

"That's Hannah on the right," Sean said. "I think I've been with her twice. Priya used to date my drummer so I had her a lot."

"Bad boy, sleeping with other peoples' women," she teased. Her arms reached under his, and she leaned down to start kissing his neck from behind him.

"You would know best, wouldn't you?" he said teasingly, reaching back with a free hand to smack her bottom. She yelped and jumped back, giggling. "How many boyfriends have I stolen you from? Six?"

"Speaking of which, I have to get back to your newest victim. He's a heavy sleeper but if I'm not there in the morning, that number's goin' up to seven."

Sean put his phone down and turned to her, grabbing her ass with both hands and kissing her deeply. She moaned involuntarily, and went weak in the knees. When at last he broke the kiss, she sighed. "You're evil. I have to go."

"I know," he said, taking his hands off her. But she kept running her fingers up and down his chest, unable to turn away.

"If you really need more, I believe there's two girls waiting," she said. "Or if you can't wait you do have that new roommate I've never seen. She cute?"

"Positively gorgeous," Sean said. "But I wouldn't want to wake her."

"She must be good if you let her live with you. What's her name? Emma?"

"To be honest, nothing's happened."

The tall woman almost gasped. "How long has it been?"

"She just has to go three more days and she wins."

"Oh that lucky bitch," the woman cursed. "How has she gone this long without making a move, seeing you every damn day?"

"I don't know," Sean said. "But it's killing me. I didn't know she'd be so beautiful."

She reached down into the shadows, no doubt putting a soft hand on Sean's erection as she said, "You'll need to get this taken care of if she's gonna have a fair chance. Go get those two li'l hoes."

Sean let her stroke him for one more quick moment before smacking her butt one more time and leading her back to his room. Only a few minutes later, they were both clothed and rushing out the door.

Emma nearly fell over, noting how little she'd been breathing. Was that conversation real? Did he really find Emma beautiful? And what was that talk about her winning if she didn't make a move for three days? Sean was so much more than she thought, that was clear. He had some strange ability with women, and he was using it to play little sex games. Worst of all, it was working. Emma was quivering and wet.


Dear Diary,

I have a problem. I've maybe masturbated like a dozen times in my life, but here I am writing with one hand and teasing myself with the other. Last night I found out that Sean thinks I'm beautiful, and there's some sort of game he's playing to see how long I can go without making a move. I don't want to make a move. I mean I do, really really badly, but I don't want to lose.

But now I'm thinking about it non stop, and I'm so aroused all the time. I'm starting to think all these crude things and that just makes it so much worse. I started watching porn for the first time, and it's so embarrassing but so hot. There's so many videos of little Asian girls pleasing a white man, giving him blowjobs and letting him tie her down. What's wrong with me? Am I just attracted to his race? Is it just because it's new to me and so close within reach?

Whatever. I have to keep playing... or I'll break. I can't let him win.

I had a thought. I used to go to drama club in high school sometimes, and I learned a little bit about acting. Maybe I can roleplay with myself, pretend I'm another person, get all my frustrations out that way. Emma is too embarrassed to do something like that, but not Lucy. I can pretend to be Lucy and just... let it all out.


He was still gone when she woke up. Her pillow was wet with drool, and her panties were a soaked mess of cotton. Lucy, she thought. Time to play Lucy.

Emma dressed herself, only realizing halfway down the block that she'd forgotten to change into clean panties. That was a shameful thing to do, but she knew Lucy wouldn't mind so she didn't turn around. Lucy would even like it.

The sex shop was a few blocks away, in a part of the neighborhood she typically didn't visit. Not because it was bad, just that everything she needed was already very close to her place. Luscious Lillie's felt very welcoming when she walked in, not the seedy backdoor place she'd worried she would find. Sensible lingerie was displayed prominently in the windows, but when she went inside she could see that was only a taste. Most of what they had was much skimpier, more intricate, and miraculously not so expensive.

She picked out a purple bra and panty set with an abundance of aesthetic straps to go across her chest and her hips. It was lacy, but not sheer, and when she finally donned it at home looked in the mirror, she saw something she'd never seen before. Emma saw just how sexy she really was.

To complete the effect she brightened her cheekbones with a little makeup and topped her thin eyeliner with a hint of purple eyeshadow. It was hard to take her eyes off herself then. She looked like a whole separate person, which made slipping into Lucy so much easier.

She laid on her bed, running her hands across her body gently for a long while, creating imaginary scenarios of men that Lucy would have been with. She gave her a much more exciting sex life, even a little bit of experimentation with women for good measure. And finally when there was a vivid enough picture of the girl she might have been, Emma started to record herself.

"Hi Sean," she said in a voice unlike her own. "It's Lucy. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you, and wondering when I could get a taste of that big hard cock again. I promise I'll be a good girl."

She started to run a hand down her stomach, inching closer and closer to the heat between her legs. "You have no idea how badly I want you, Sean. I want to serve you like a little whore. You won't find anyone else like me. I'll do anything."

Lucy gave in, letting her hand press against her lace panties. "I can wait for you at the door, naked, ready to suck your cock the moment you get home. I'll never wear anything at home except what you tell me to wear. I'll dance for you, beg for you, cry for you. You can fuck me any way you want. I'll ride you for hours or lay down and take anything you give me. I'll wear nothing but a thin little dress to the park so you can push me against a tree and play with my wet little pussy..."

Her free hand tugged at her bra, freeing a hard brown nipple and twisting it harder than ever before. Lucy loved the pain, the imitation of a man's control over her body. "God, Sean... I'll do anything to please you. When you get bored of my little titties I'll find a girl for you. She'll have tits so big you can fuck them for hours and hours... and I'll just watch, and bring you dinner, and keep her nice and hydrated so she can keep pleasing you."

There was no resisting now. Her hand dove into her panties and started to enter the unstoppable wetness within. "Fuck! Fuck me, Sean! I'll be such a good pet, such a good slave for your big white cock... oh fuck! Conquer me, use me, fuck my stupid little brains out... please, please, please!"

Her stomach tightened so much that she thought she might have pulled a muscle, but it was just the orgasm causing her little body to convulse. At first she thought she might have screamed, but in fact the pleasure was so much that no air could escape her lungs at all. After what felt like an eternity, she started breathing again, said one more desperate, "Please Sean..." and turned the recording off. The phone fell to her side, and she began to laugh.

When she rose again, she was Emma. And she was shocked in the most pleasant way. Watching the video back again, she thought she even sounded like a different girl. Her voice was a little higher, a little less nasally. And the sincerity as she begged was more than arousing, it was mesmerizing. Had that really been her? Or had some slutty little spirit possessed her for those few minutes?

Whatever the case, she came a second time just watching Lucy beg and degrade herself. It was therapeutic to let all of that out, and after showering and redressing herself, Emma took a long and satisfied nap.


"Hey Emma?"

The day had finally arrived. It had only taken the one little roleplay session as Lucy to bring her boiling desires to a simmer. She still thought, she still felt, but his general absence had made it much easier. I wonder if he did that on purpose, she thought. To make sure I won his little game.

"Hey Sean! Sleep well?"

"Like a baby," he said. "So listen, um... here let's go to the couch."

Emma was already dressed, a modest amount of makeup done and her hair curled and loose. Hearing how he thought she was beautiful, even though most days she'd done very little to enhance her appearance, gave her an enormous amount of confidence. She did not need to go to extreme measures to look nice. Just the little things she normally liked to do would suffice.

When she sat down on the couch, she grew worried. Sean did not sit with her. He stayed standing, pacing back and forth across the rug in front of her. "So, I'm going to tell you something a little freaky. Totally safe, but I just want to brace you that you might not like it."

"Oh," she said. "Um, okay. Safe?"

"Completely. Okay, stand up." She stood. "Sit down." She sat. "All right, so why'd you do that?"

"Um... because you told me to?"

"Right. Now pick something simple that I could tell you to do, something you're going to actively resist doing."

She giggled, thinking this was some weird game he was using to try and initiate things. "I don't know," she lied. "Tell me to get on my knees. And I'm not supposed to do it, right?"

"Get on your knees," he said.

She got on her knees. "Oh, oops, I lose."

He sighed, sensing the game she played. "All right, all right. Go to the kitchen and break a coffee mug."

Emma laughed, but then she was on her feet and walking. When the mug shattered against the floor, she grew quiet. "Why did I..."

"Okay, so you see that. You didn't want to do that but you did it."

"I, um... what's going on here?"

Sean stayed where he was and kept his eyes on her. "Come over here and slap me in the face."

And she did, even as she was already starting to protest. "Sean, why did I do that? I'm so sorry."

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Sit down."

Now he knelt beside her, taking her hand in his. And he changed the world before her very eyes. "That's what I do, Em. I have this thing, this weird... ability. I can turn it on and off whenever I like except for this... I don't, this pheromone effect I have. I learned how to kinda dampen it but it never goes away. Women cannot resist me. Not even you."

"I... you're um, you're saying..."

"I wanted to show you first so that it would be easier for you to believe me," he said. She'd never seen Sean as anything but happy. It had only been a few weeks anyway, but she didn't like this scared look he had on his face.

"You're like some kind of..."

"Don't say it. Something like that, yes, but please don't say it. Look, it's very complicated and obviously I've been enjoying it but that's because I have to. If I don't use it and if I don't have sex, I start to... deteriorate. It's like an addiction but worse."

"So that's why all the girls... worship you."

"Yeah," he said. His head was bowed, ashamed. "But I've learned how not to hurt anyone. And I've got this situation I'm trying to resolve so that I can start living as close to a normal life as possible, but it's just... very specific and asking a lot."

"You want to ask me something?"

His grip loosened on her hand. He stood back up and ran his hands across his face. "A few of my close friends know about this. I'm uh... I'm engaged."


"I have been for a little while. I'm just head over heels for this girl, but I don't want her to be... just another sex slave. You know? I want a normal relationship with her."

Hearin Seo, she realized. All the cute little texts and selfies. She was special all right. "Does she know?"

"Yeah," he said. "And the thing is that she's not... as susceptible to me as everyone else. Something's different about her where she can still have a little control no matter how hard I try. And that's how I knew she really did care about me, it was not just my ability influencing her."

"That's um... good."

Sean sighed and took a step back, staring at the floor with his hands on his hips. "I want to marry her, and live with her, and let her have a normal life where she doesn't have to fuck me every ten seconds just to keep me alive."

Emma was running out of things to say, still processing all the information. Sean let her have a few more moments.

"So I need someone else. I can't keep doing this hookup thing with dozens and dozens of women. I want someone who can... be a part of us, and just take on some of the responsibility. Not all of it, just some."

"Are you... asking me?"

"I'm asking if you're willing to try," he said. "I've been trying to find someone else who can resist me too. I don't think you're as... able as she is. But you're definitely the closest person I've found. And I do really like you."

A skip, a flutter, and her heart was pounding. "Um... Sean, I... I'm not very experienced."

"You don't need a reason if you want to say no. I won't make you do anything, and if you think I'm too hard to live with because of all this I can give you a whole month's rent and help you find someone else to move in. Two people, there's still that extra room and all. I know this is all surreal and -"

"Sean," Emma said, cutting him off. "I just mean I don't know if I'll be very good in bed."

"But you... uh, you want to?"

"Duh," she said. "You said it yourself. I'm not immune."

"Right. Yeah, of course."

"I just... well, I tried something the other day to help me stay a little levelheaded. It was like... a roleplay thing. I made a character and got out all this repressed sexual frustration."

"Oh. I see."

"Yeah so, um... I guess what I'm asking Sean, is..." Emma slid to her knees and looked up at him. "How powerful are you? Can you make me believe I'm someone else?"

"I mean... maybe... but why?"

"Emma's shy, and nervous, and inexperienced. Emma's gonna be insecure and slow in bed. Probably really boring. But if I can learn through like, characters, then when we're all done I can still be me and just be... really good at sex. You know?"

"I think so," Sean said, turning it over in his head. "If I can really make you believe, then you'll do..."

"Anything," she said. And putting on a cute smile, she put a finger on the tip of her nose. "And Emma will remember everything in the end. I felt a lot more confident about my body when I did this, but... imagine what it would be like if you changed me. Just for a little bit. The ultimate roleplay fantasy."

"I think... that might work," he said nervously. "I just need to try something first."

"What is it?"

"Brace yourself. If you can say no to me right here, right now, I'll know this whole thing is worth it. Take a minute. Look at me, and I'll give you a command when you're ready."

"Okay," Emma said. She looked down at the rug, nervous all of a sudden. She took deep breaths, squeezed and released her thighs again and again. There was a little sweat at her hairline from her anxiousness. You can do this, Emma. You can do it, just say no. Just say no. Just say no.

She looked up at Sean. But this was not the Sean she normally saw. He was intoxicating to gaze upon. He took her chin in his hand and her face tingled, spreading a warmth from her neck to her chest to the core of her being. His brown eyes, glowing in the sunlight, drew her in and drowned her in a pool of ecstasy.

"Emma," he said, his voice so addictively sweet and thick like honey. "Open your mouth and suck my cock."

Just say no, just say no, just say... just say...

But oh how glorious it would be to see him at last, after so many close calls. To hold him in her hand and feel his hardness, to taste and to pleasure and to worship him. He said not to say it, but she was thinking it. He's a sex god, she thought. A real life sex god. I could pleasure a sex god, fuck a sex god, cum for a sex god and worship, worship, worship...

Or she could wait. And find a better way to make him happy.

Emma's mouth opened, and she said, "No."

Sean sighed with relief. His visage faded into normalcy again, and Emma felt as though she'd been released from a spell. She almost fell backward, panting and giddy with her own ability to resist him. "Holy shit," he said. "You did it."

"I did... I really did..."

Sean knelt down to her and kissed her. She almost yelped before settling into his grasp and kissing him back. This was not the erotic embrace she feared it might be. She was not getting aroused by this kiss. If anything, she was falling in love.

"This is why I need you," he said. "No matter how hungry I get, no matter how frustrated or lost, I need someone like my fiance who can always, always say no. You will always be responsible for yourself. You get to decide in the end."

"Okay," she said, still panting as she laid in his arms. "I can do it."

"Good. Now who do you want to be?"

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

I love and hate this in a very sweet way. God I just want to be wanted, and it’s messed up how I feel that more when reading something supernatural, by nature, impossible, than I do in real life. What is it like to be the center of someone’s desires? Forget multiple people, just to have that kind of grip on one persons heart. God it’s so hot.

Thank you for this feeling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I really liked this one. Slow burn with a kinda different take on mind control. Ethical mind control maybe? Im commenting before reading the next chapter, hope you keep writing this.

Jacob8429Jacob8429about 3 years ago

I am interested in more, there is a good start to an sexy and erotic story line. Keep it up! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Amazingly written looking forward to part 2 :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Seriously impressed not just with the story itself but by your originality overall. Most stories anything close to this are always the guy just screwing anyone and everyone. I can’t wait to see where it goes. Thanks for the story.

Stay safe and be well.


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