Abby Ch. 21

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Abby searches for her roots and finds something else.
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Part 22 of the 37 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/15/2013
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The Saturday slipped by so quickly that Abby was convinced that she would not be fashionably late, but seriously late when James arrived to collect her. She needn't have worried with Mavis and Mary who scurried around like devils to make sure that their protégé was ready. Thus it was that at ten to nine, Mary slipped downstairs and invited Sam to come up and see. He entered the room, looked at Abby and was immediately speechless. Mavis came to him and put her arm around him.

"Our girl is lovely, isn't she Sam?"

Sam had a lump in his throat and could only nod his head, eventually finding his voice. "Yes, she is. Abby you look wonderful." He croaked. The girl in question stood there with a happy smile on her face. The hairdresser had cut and highlighted her hair so that it was now more blonde with brown. Abby had used all the tricks that Roz had taught her, much to the amazement of Mavis and Mary, who had never realised that make-up, could do so much. Her dress of Celadon Green Brocade Silk draped her slim figure to perfection, the bodice was fitted snugly, with broad straps around the tops of her arms leaving her shoulders bare, the skirt flared gently from the waist and the drapes swung elegantly with her movement. The shoes just peeped from under the hem, and Abby's pearls and earrings had just the right touch of simplicity and elegance.

"Will I do, Sam?" She asked.

He couldn't do but smile. "Do girl? You'll make them all stop in their tracks. Yes, you'll do. Mr. James will be proud to have you on his arm. Oh by the way he arrived just as I came up here."

Mary checked her watch. "He's eager! Sam would you go down and ask him to wait in the Lounge, we'll hang on here for another five minutes." Sam gave a half smile, knowing exactly what these women were up to. He paused on his way down the stairs to wipe an eye which had suddenly become misty. His thoughts were of the daughter that never was. She would have looked as beautiful as Abby, going off to her first Ball, and he would feel the same emotions for her, pride and trepidation for his girl going out for the first time to sail on the troubled sea of life.

Abby slipped into bed at quarter to six that Sunday morning, her mind alive with so many pictures of the Ball that she was certain that sleep wouldn't come for quite a while. James had been wearing a trench coat when she went down, and it was only after they arrived and his coat and her cape had been taken that she saw his uniform properly. Dark blue Trousers, very tight, with a red stripe down the outside, a brilliantly red Jacket, shaped over his hips, Maroon shawl collar, black waistcoat, and a blindingly white shirt with a black bow tie. There were Pips on the Epaulettes, and the winged dagger emblem on both lapels. Also on the left lapel were two miniature medals. It was exciting and so glamorous to be escorted by James in his uniform, but she was more excited by James comment on seeing her in her dress. He said nothing at first, just looked with growing wonderment, until at last he was able to speak. "Abby, you are beautiful!" She smiled with the pleasure of the compliment and a little more colour crept into her cheeks.

He held his arm out and her heart quickened as she linked her hand through, and James, filled with pride escorted her into the Ball. They walked through a large conservatory full of colourful foliage and then outside down some steps towards a marquee. James mentioned that the marquee had been erected over the tennis court. Inside the marquee was a kaleidoscope of colours. Not just the dresses of the ladies, the pink tail coats worn by the male members of the hunt added to the spectrum..

So much happened that evening. She danced with James a number of times, so pleased that her lessons had not let her down, and with others who seemed to seek her out. She met so many people whose names she would never remember. Some were merely going through motions, others though seemed genuinely pleased to meet her, particularly Sir Richard Wellings and his wife, Maggie. Both were happy to see her and insisted that they were just Richard and Maggie. "Sir Richard and Lady Margaret are such a mouthful."

He, she remembered for his obvious respect and friendship for James. It was he who explained the two medals that James wore. "The red ribbon with the blue edges is the Distinguished Service Order, and the other with the little bit of green in the ribbon is the South Atlantic Medal. You get some fuddy-duddies complaining that officially the order should only be awarded to Majors and above. Stuff and nonsense if you ask me. Doesn't matter what rank you are, courage is courage." Abby knowing little about these formalities was inclined to agree.

She was dancing with James who moved almost as well as Sam. During the dance she had to ask James how he managed to get the very tight trousers on, he had laughed. "They have loosened up a little now, but the first time I had to get two of my brother officers to hold the waist whilst I jumped up and down getting them further up my legs with each jump. Oh, and incidentally, they are not trousers, they are known as overalls."

"Overalls!" Abby was incredulous.

Toni had introduced her to her Father, the self-important Councillor Wates. He had held her perhaps a little too tightly as they danced, but had let her know that whatever she planned for the station and house would be alright with the planning committee. She met a Lord something or other who suggested that he would appreciate a chat with her at another time. Abby inwardly smiled at that, being reminded of what Gwen had said about free advice. She also found that you addressed a Lord Lieutenant as simply Lord Lieutenant! Later in the evening, or perhaps early in the morning would be more accurate, they served Breakfast! She was sitting nibbling some toast whilst James was tucking in to Bacon and Eggs. She was joined by Sir Richard, who having relaxed a little and accepting Abby as 'right', referred to some of the other guests as 'Parvenu's'.

She asked him why. "Got plenty of money, but the only investment they make in the country is the house they buy from some poor chap who has to sell to pay Inheritance tax. Got to be polite of course, but I cannot really abide them. Got far more time for chaps like James. Tries to make the land work, gets little thanks and little income from it either." That remark would be bookmarked for later examination. Her mind dwelt on so many things that had piqued her. The music, real music provided by a small ensemble of Piano, Violin, Saxophone, Trumpet and a Drummer who kept the time well, even if his efforts did sometimes drown out the melody the others were playing. When they took a break, a Disc Jockey took over to play a good selection of modern hits, although the music that went down best was the classics from the sixties, to which almost everybody danced. The colours of the dresses, some gaudy, others restrained, inexpensive and elegant side by side. Ladies who worked, and ladies who lunched; partnered by gentlemen who could probably be categorised the same way, some who enjoyed the evening, and others who looked and sounded just bored. Dragged there by a wife who was determined to have a moment in the limelight no doubt?

They had arrived back at the Inn at five o' clock. James drove straight round to the back. Abby implored James to take the car home with him, but he declined. "Walking will help me clear my head." He looked at Abby and thanked her for her company, but seemed unsure of how to take his leave.

Abby helped him. "You can kiss me you know, James." He smiled and leaned towards her. Putting his arms around her he brought her forward until their lips touched. The kiss was soft and gentle, not possessive but one with emotion hovering on the brink. She opened her mouth slightly to see if he would respond. He did, his tongue just lightly touching her lips, and flirting with her tongue. That pleased her, as he took only as much as she was offering, but the indication was that at some time there would be passion there.

He drew back, and Abby kissed his cheek. "Thank you for a wonderful evening, James. It was lovely to be escorted by an Officer in all his finery. I felt quite like a Princess."

He smiled warmly. "You were my Princess and I was enchanted tonight. Now your Frog will leave and let you get some sleep." It was the kiss that Abby would remember and treasure above all the other memories. She knew that it had meant something in their relationship, moving it on from friendship to another level. She lay in bed and hugged it to herself like a favourite Teddy Bear as she fell asleep.

Mary, like any mother would do had slept lightly, her subconscious alive to any sound that could mean Abby returning. It was thus that she heard the car, and crept to the window that allowed her to see out the back of the Inn. The kiss was therefore not as private as Abby thought it would be. She had a warm sense of satisfaction as she got back into bed. Jack rolled over in his sleep, murmuring. "What was that?"

"Abby's back."

"Oh good." He fell back into his deep slumber. Mary would not sleep eager to share this development with Mavis. She thought about getting up to see if Abby needed anything, but resisted even though her curiosity was on an all-time high. She would let her sleep.

Abby did sleep and woke up about noon. She felt a slight headache, although she had drunk very little last night, and a little deflated. Putting this down to the odd hours of the last day, she got up to make herself a cup of tea. Her temperament returned to normality as she remembered the kiss, a secret smile and a slight blush creeping over her face.

The weather was changing now, as autumn announced its intention of succeeding summer. Clouds gathered high and full in the west, and the temperature had dropped. Abby looking out of the window on some early mornings saw the valley clothed in a soft gossamer mist, with Huish rising out of the white embrace like an island in the warm ocean of the Pacific. Today though the mist had cleared well before Abby got up. She washed and dressed, putting on comfortable clothes, and went downstairs. She enjoyed the greetings that she received from the few regulars who frequented the bar; answering their hopes that she had enjoyed the evening with assurances and smiles. Upon seeing her Mary announced her intention of preparing a breakfast, only to be forestalled by Abby's resolute "No thank you Mary. All I want is toast and coffee please." Mary was prepared to put up an argument, but Abby was adamant. "Just toast and coffee, and I promise I will eat a good meal tonight. Ok?" The toast and coffee did not take very long, and Mary sat with Abby whilst she ate. With some difficulty she restrained herself, and when Abby had finished some toast, and was sipping coffee, she was rewarded as Abby regaled the events of the last evening. Mary laughed as Abby did when talking of the antics that some had got up to, and was serious when she told her of what Sir Richard had said. Abby did not mention the end of the evening and what had transpired at the back of the Inn, nor had Mary expected her to.

This had already been discussed with Mavis, who announced her intention of coming to the Inn this evening. "Just to hear how Abby got on last night."

"Well don't you go asking the girl any awkward questions. And don't mention what I have just told you, else she will think I was spying on her."

Abby returned to her room, having decided to refresh her knowledge with some of Mr. Brusher's notes. As she relaxed more pictures of the Ball came unbidden to her mind. It was strange that she couldn't review the evening as a whole, yet her memory picked out little Vignettes. She had been introduced to a young woman called Amanda, who said 'how do you do?' in quite a cool manner. She didn't chat with Abby for long seeming anxious to be somewhere else. All Abby could remember of their conversation was a comment Amanda made about James suddenly deciding to come to the Ball. "He has never bothered before. Perhaps you know why he is here this year?" The woman looked at Abby with almost a glare as if daring her to answer. Abby made some non-committal remark, and Amanda ignored her, going on to say. "He was once thought of as a good catch, but he's so anti-social that anyone who married him would be imprisoned in that valley of his. He's penniless anyway." She then left Abby, calling to someone on the other side of the room. Abby had been tempted to say, 'but I'm not.' But resisted. Now on reflection Abby remembered Toni's saying something about noses out of joint, perhaps this was one of those noses. She was intrigued by the fact that people seemed to assume that she and James were a couple. Why? Surely they would not imagine that James had invited her for any other reason than as a friend? It was just as well that they didn't see the end to the evening, or they would be confirmed in their suspicion. Abby smiled to herself and then settled down to read.

Abby was aware that her feelings for James had gone further than just viewing him as a friend. Their parting last night was evidence of that. It was not the kiss that two friends would exchange; rather it was the tentative kiss that would prove if they could be close physically. Abby now knew that she would like that intimacy, and was sure that James would as well. For the moment she would be content. There was too much happening for her to complicate matters with emotions. If it was to happen it would.

Her thoughts turned to the business of having to go back to London and clear her flat, prior to putting it on the market. She reckoned that it would take at least two or three days. There were not too many personal items to bring away, after her bleak girlhood there were no family treasures to keep, all she had was the bits and pieces she had bought herself, and they were few in number anyway. Did she feel sad about selling up? She mulled that over and decided no. In many ways it was not a life she had lived there, it was merely an existence, there were no memories to treasure, no magical moments in her life that she would leave behind, and no friends she would miss except Roz, who came and went from her life with no pattern. Yes, she thought. A couple of days would do it. Another thought came to her, possibly James would come up to London and help? Perhaps spending time together away from the valley would help resolve how their relationship would develop. A mischievous smile came to her face. Going away with James would really set some tongues clacking.

To be continued

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ArdieffArdieffover 1 year ago

One of the most wonderfull series on literotica. The description of the people and the history of the west country is amazing.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
an excellent transition chapter

So much happened in such a brief passage.

I was hoping for more details from the Ball.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
NO !

Fanfare IS a pompous idiot ! One of the worst. Just read the cretin's stories. This drivel? 1*.

Cassy16Cassy16about 9 years ago

I totally agree with fanfare

Tony NZ

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
late to the party

One of the pleasures I have in reading this wonderful story so late, is knowing that it is complete and I will not be left dangling in grumpy despondency.

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