After School Special


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Ben, on the other hand, stood rigid as ever just watching the exchange. He was getting fidgety and wanted to leave.

The two grown women stood there like prissy teenagers playing a staring contest. Neither one of them wanted to break the silence. Mrs. Darien had her professional pride to uphold, and Ashley had her motherly pride. Both femmes were the same in that regard and they'd been this way since their teenage days. It was a routine that they were both used to and their lives have always been a competition.

Finally, Ben's Mom spoke, "Is this your idea of proving me wrong? By seducing my son? By seducing Ben?"

"Excuse me?!" Mrs. Darien suddenly broke her muteness.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about Steph!" Ashley's eyes were wide with resolve. The frown on her face expressed everything.

Mrs. Darien rolled her eyes, "Ashley…lock the damn door."


"If you're going to bring up personal stuff, I don't want the whole damn faculty hearing."

"Fine." Ashley stepped completely into the classroom, shut the door and locked it. She grabbed onto the handle and gave it a good hard tug. It stayed locked. "There. Happy?"

Ben felt that his presence was an intrusion on this argument. It was obviously none of his business, and he wanted to get out of there.

"I think I'm gonna go." He started to walk towards the door.

"You're not going anywhere." Ben's mother told him straight out.

Ben froze.

As she looked at Ben, she couldn't help but notice the enormous bulge in the front of his pants. It shocked her. Ben's erect penis looked like it was bursting through the zipper. For some reason, Ashley felt a warm tingle surge through her legs. She didn't know why. The irate mother couldn't explain it. Ashley was furious at the whole situation. She looked at her son and thought about what she had seen when she had first walked in. She saw her best friend, Ben's teacher, bent over and rubbing her tight ass into his groin. She thought about that for a moment. 'His…hard…long…bulging…' The strange thoughts penetrated her mind against her will. It was weird for Ashley to think about her son's penis. She's never done that before. She chided herself. 'What am I thinking?'

Mrs. Darien was getting frustrated, "Come on Ash. The kid doesn't need to hear this. Why don't you just let him go?"

"Oh! And all this time I thought you wanted him to stay. You perverted sex fiend." Ashley struck hard.

"Whoa! What are you talking about?" Mrs. Darien played dumb. She knew where this was headed.

"Don't give me that shit. I saw you rubbing that fine ass of yours all over his penis."

Mrs. Darien gulped.

Ben's erection begun gaining strength again at the mention of Mrs. Darien's butt. And when his Mom said 'penis' in reference to him…it made Ben feel a little bizarre.

Ben's Mom continued, "The other day you told me that you could seduce any man you wanted, no matter what the circumstances. Is this what you meant?"

Mrs. Darien stood still and silent. She recalled the conversation that had broken up their friendship. It was about this very subject. She didn't know why it was such a big deal, it was just talk. She had told Ashley that seducing the forbidden was a challenge but not impossible. Then Ashley came back with "forbidden was forbidden, and that you shouldn't go after some people." For instance married men. Mrs. Darien disagreed and this pissed Ashley off to no end. To Ashley it was a respect thing. That you should respect all marriages no matter what. Respect the partner of the married man. Don't hurt people for the sake of your own self-satisfaction. Just because you could seduce a married guy, doesn't mean you should.

Anyway, that was the thing that disturbed Ashley. She was so mad at Stephanie Darien for even suggesting that she would do something like that. And just to prove that she could. Ashley saw this as disrespectful and told her that she didn't feel comfortable hanging around with someone who would do something like that. Then they stopped talking. It had been a few weeks and this was the first time they've seen each other.

Mrs. Darien was getting tired of this exchange. "I don't think this is the same thing Ashley. Ben isn't married."

"He's my son. And basically your nephew. What were you thinking? He could be your son for Christ's sake!" Ashley lectured her former friend.

"Only if I got knocked up when I was sixteen!" Mrs. Darien countered.

"Fuck You Stephanie!!"

"Fuck You!!" Mrs. Darien shouted back.

Ben couldn't believe this conversation was taking place in front of him. He couldn't believe his mom and Mrs. Darien were yelling at each other this way. This whole thing made his already stomach do flip-flops.

Mrs. Darien looked over to where Ben was standing. She looked at his nervous face and started to look down his body. Her eyes traced down his chest all the way to the delightful package between his legs. Oh how she wanted to get into those shorts and free the monster that was inside. It still pressed on the zipper aching to break free.

Ben's Mom followed Stephanie's eyes and found them locking onto her son's erect penis. It was still hiding inside the jean shorts but she could tell it was big. Her own skin started to crawl as she gazed upon the hidden hardon. She started feeling that strange feeling again where she wanted to know what was in those shorts. The way his pants were pushing out, it made the shorts look too small. 'Oh God…what's going on here?' She thought to herself. 'Why am I thinking about my son's cock?…I don't know!…His…long…hard…stiff…STOP IT!'

Ben stared at the floor and didn't notice the two sets of eyes boring into him. Even their silence didn't catch his attention. He just stood there aimlessly with his fingers gripping the sides of his pants.

Mrs. Darien looked away from Ben's crotch and back up to her friend. She was shocked. Her best friend surprised the living daylights out of her. Ashley was looking at her own son's tented shorts. 'Holy shit!' Ashley was glaring at Ben's cock, and from the sparkle in her eye…she was enjoying it.

The student stood silently; unaware as to the several thoughts about him that floated about the room.

Ashley began to feel heat coming from inside her body. No matter how hard she concentrated, the warmth between her legs smoldered. It scared her. Stephanie too was consumed with a heat that wouldn't cease. She was being overwhelmed by urges to ravish the young kid and scratch the itch amid her thighs. As the beads of moisture formed on her face she looked up at Ashley. She walked over to her best friend's ear and whispered.

"You want him, don't you Ash?"

Ashley was jolted out of her trance and turned her eyes slightly to the side and looked at Stephanie.

"What?!" The mother sounded disgusted.

"You want your son. Admit it." Stephanie smirked at her.

Ashley was getting flushed. She shook her head, but her eyes were saying something else entirely. The fuzzy headed mother was feeling something. But there was no way she was going to admit it.

"No. I don't know what you're talking about."

Mrs. Darien continued, "I'm talking about forbidden flesh, Ash. I'm talking about seducing you kid. I'm talking doing what you really want to do. Come on. Just like in the old days. You remember."

Ashley timidly nodded her head, "Of course I remember. Don't try and change the subject Steph. You got caught. So now you're trying to confuse me and get out of trouble."

Steph's eyes widened, "Confuse you? That sounds like an admission of guilt! You do want him! You sexy bitch!"

"SSsshhhh…I…" Ashley quivered, "You're crazy. There's no way I would do that."

Stephanie knew she was making progress. The aura of sex was filling the room quickly and Stephanie knew it. Once the aura caught a hold of you, you become helpless to its pull. It was just going to take a little more convincing, but not much. She could see the sweat forming on Ashley's forehead. It matted the top of her pretty blonde head. It was a sure-fire sign that Ashley was getting enticed.

Stephanie walked back behind her friend and rested her chin on her shoulder, "Look at him Ash. Just take a good, long look."

Ben was yawning. He was focusing on the floor in front of him as the two women studied him.

"He's so young Ash. So young and strong. Can't you see it Ash?"

"He's my son. I don't know what you're implying."

"Quite simply that he's ready to grow up now. Who's going to help him do it Ash? Who's going to be the lucky bitch to take care of that hard rocket between his legs? You're his mother Ash. Who better than you?" Stephanie was very persuasive when it came to matters of the flesh. As her chin sat upon Ashley's shoulder she could feel the twitching every time her son's cock was mentioned.

"He's a shy boy Ash. Sooo very shy and sweet. He doesn't know how to do it himself. We can't deny our services to a person in need. That's why I was helping him. But now that you're here…" She trailed off.

"I can't. He's…he's…what about Don?" Ashley's heart was pounding so hard she could hear it.

"What Don don't know won't hurt him." Stephanie squeezed Ashley's ass softly.

Ashley squeaked, "Aahh!"

"SSSssshhh…" Stephanie hushed her, "Remember the old days Ash?"

The sexually excited mother nodded, "Uh-huh…"

"Yeah you remember…" Stephanie blew onto her ear. Ashley sighed as the hand on her ass rubbed in little circles.

Ashley's breathing started to increase heavily. She was still shaking her head, but her legs began trembling. The degree of fear crossed her face, and yet the symptom of lust was taking over. She was getting hot and didn't know how to control it.

"No, I can't." Ashley said.

"But you want to, don't you Ash?" Stephanie stood waiting for an answer. She was on a roll. The warmth between her legs was heating up. In the beginning she just wanted to tease the boy, but now it seemed that neither her nor Ashley was going to leave this room without getting what their bodies desired.

"I…I…" Ashley searched for the right thing to say. The sight of her aroused son stuck in a hot classroom with two aroused women was stifling her motherly instincts. On the outside she was his mother, but on the inside she was a lust crazed female with a pussy that needed servicing. Normally in an aroused state, she would simply go home and fuck her husband Don. But her best friend was egging her on like they were cheerleaders again. It was pushing her over the limit.

"Come on Ash. You need this. We need this. Your son…needs this. Don't think. You're thinking too much. Just think…hot…naked…hard…forbidden…sex. I know you want it." Stephanie was persistent, and with her hand massaging Ashley's firm behind, it was not hard to persuade her. It was getting to a point that neither one of the ladies would be able to get along with out something hard up their pussies. So much stimulation and this was just thinking about the young lad.

"He's…my son. Oh God. What are doing to me Steph?" Ashley's struggling was becoming a losing battle. She could feel the wetness moistening her pussy. She was close to giving in. Extremely close.

Stephanie slid her hand down her best friend's arm and held onto her hand. Their fingers interlaced and Stephanie pulled her over to the oblivious boy. They walked over to him like they were on a mission of exploration. One friend, Stephanie, the confident one, while Ashley being the reluctant follower. Ashley just went along with her as her arm was tugged in Ben's direction.

Ben suddenly looked up as the two women were in front of him. He had zoned out completely and was a little taken back when he saw the females in front of him. He opened his mouth and started to speak.

"Mom? When are we leaving?" It was suddenly brought to his attention just how reddish and bothered the girls' faces were. He looked at Mrs. Darien. She was again biting her lower lip and stared at him through the thin frames of her glasses. He was confused. Why was she looking at him that way? It didn't make sense. This was going to get him into trouble with his mom. So he turned his attention to his mother.

"Mom?" Ben asked.

"Oh god…Ben…I…" Ashley felt like she was running a fever.

Ben watched her face turn red. She looked like she was burning up, but she wasn't mad. It seemed as though all the anger had leaked from her body and replaced with something else entirely. Only he couldn't place it. Her eyelids looked heavy, but she didn't look sleepy. Her mouth was open slightly and she was breathing heavily. However she was not out of breath.

"Mom…what's wrong?" Ben asked of his mother.

Ashley felt a bead of sweat drop from her face onto her shirt. That suddenly made her aware that her nipples were hard and sticking out of her shirt. She wore no bra and now it was apparent.

Both women came right up to his body and stood in front of him. They looked into his eyes with glazed expressions. Their close proximity was bringing a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach.

With a delayed reaction, Ashley looked at her son and said, "Nothings wrong…I…we're not leaving…yet…"

Ben took a step back. Mrs. Darien and his Mom walked closer. So Ben took another step back. Then the females closed the gap. Ben walked backwards until he slammed into the chalkboard.

"Owwe!" Ben exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head.

Both his teacher and mother walked so close that they pressed their bodies into his and continued staring into his eyes. Ben was frightened. He stood their exchanging glances with them and felt as their warm, sweet breath brushed past his face.

"Are you okay Ben? You hurt yourself?" Mrs. Darien puffed out her lower lip in sympathy. "Awwwe, poor baby."

"Huh?" The boy felt loopy.

Suddenly Ben felt hands on his chest. He looked down and saw that Mrs. Darien was lightly scratching him with her nails.

"Mrs. Darien?" Ben asked in puzzlement.

"Sshhhhhhhhhhh…let me ask you a question Ben. Can I ask you a question?"

The lump in Ben's throat eased down his gullet slowly as her deep sensuous voice spoke to him.

She continued, "Have you ever thought about us naked?"

His head bumped into the chalkboard again. He didn't reach up to rub it this time. He just stood there wide-eyed and looked deep into the eyes of his teacher. Ben didn't answer her question.

Mrs. Darien smirked, "I'll ask again. Have you ever thought about myself and your Mom naked before? You know…in the nude?" She leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth softly.

"Ummm…Mom?" Ben jerked his head when he felt Mrs. Darien's hot lips press against his face.

Ashley answered him, "Ben?" She paused then asked, "Have you?"

"I…I…Mom…this is…uh…Mrs. Darien?" He looked at the ceiling.

As soon as his head rotated upwards he felt two sets of lips start to slowly kiss his neck. The soft pecking of his Mom and teacher's lips on his skin sent shivers to his cock. It pressed even harder than before on his zipper. He then felt four hands caressing his midsection. His Mom was massaging his chest and Mrs. Darien was reaching around his back.

"Answer my question Ben." Mrs. Darien insisted. She extended her tongue and began licking his neck until he brought his head back down to her level. He looked at her with a frightened expression. He had never been this far with any girl before. And the fact that it was two women, one being his teacher and the other being his mom was twisting his world upside-down. Mrs. Darien noticed his virginal apprehension and shuddered excitedly. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Ben's teacher began to make out with him "Hhmmm….Ben….hhhmmmm…" Mrs. Darien hummed into the mouth of her student.

Ashley started to suck on his ear lobe and continued to her feel up of her son. She reached a hand back behind him and grabbed onto his butt. She squeezed his cheek and pulled herself into him tightly. She could feel his cock pressing through their clothes and she was relishing in it.

Ben fidgeted with fright as he felt his Mom's hand on his ass. His mouth was busy swallowing Mrs. Darien's tongue that he didn't notice that her hand was also roaming down his back to the other cheek. Suddenly her hand was there and she too squeezed and pulled herself into his body.

"Uhhhh…Mom…ooohhh…Mrs. Darien…" Ben moaned in between breaths.

"Yes son?" Ashley brought her face around to her son's as he broke the kiss with his teacher. Immediately following was his Mom's tongue into his mouth. Nervously Ben did the same for her that he did with his teacher. Their tongues and lips were swallowing everything the other would give. His mom was also the humming type when she kissed.

"Hhhmmm…hhhmmmm…oh God Ben…hhmmmm…" The sound of his Mom's erotic, breathless words was driving him insane.

"Ben? Why don't you answer my question? Huh?" Mrs. Darien was not giving up. She loved to torture her lovers. Especially this one. She could make this kid do or say anything with the right motivation. She watched as he made out with his Mom and looked down between their pressing bodies. Then she thought of the right motivation.

She took her hand and slid it down his chest. She slid it all the way down the waist of his shorts. Without unbuttoning him or unzipping his fly she slid her hand right into his pants and into his boxers. Mrs. Darien grasped his throbbing member in her hand and squeezed it hard.

He broke away from his Mom's lips, "AAAaahhh! Holy shit! Mrs. Darien!" Ben practically yelled as fingers wrapped around his cock and started to pump madly. His cock was still locked away and it hurt wonderfully as she started to jack him with little room to move in. Her fingers jerked up and down his foreskin, which squashed the head of his cock into the front of his jeans.

"Ooohh…fuck…oh God…Mrs. Darien…" Ben groaned.

"All in good time. First answer my question." She continued her hand job of the trembling boy.

Ashley grabbed Ben's face and brought it back to her lips, "I wasn't finished." Again she shoved her tongue into his quivering mouth. All the while he moaned into his Mom's face as Mrs. Darien shook his cock furiously with her hand.


The heated mother's head was reeling. She sucked her son's tongue and was overwhelmed with guilt. She knew she had to stop this and stop soon. But her hip was rubbing against the side of Ben's cock as it was jacked back and forth by her best friend. The sensations were sending electric currents to her pussy.

Mrs. Darien asked again, "Have you ever thought about us naked, Ben?"

"This is too much!" Ben broke away from his Mom's mouth. He leaned his head back and again looked towards the ceiling. " I can't…Uhh…take this…Ooohh…"

His Mom pouted as her tongue slipped from his mouth. His grunting at what Stephanie was doing to him made her shudder. Her own hand was clawing the center of his chest like a cat in heat. Her breathing was hot and heavy. She looked down at his pants. The crotch was jumping up and down with every jerk of Stephanie's hand. She couldn't stand to watch any longer. Ashley slid her own hand into his shorts grabbed the base of his hard penis. She started to jack him along with her best friend, "Oh you'll take it Ben."

"Mom! OH GOD!"

The two older women shook their hands wildly up and down his engorged shaft. His body jerked and bounced against the chalkboard sending chalk dust everywhere. He hit his head several times. Mrs. Darien was smiling at the forbidden situation they were in. She looked at her friend's face. Ashley wasn't smiling, but her lust filled eyes said it all. She was in a seventh heaven of pure excitement. Ashley looked like a full on sexual robot with no emotion except ultimate desire. The muscles on her arms flexed as it extended down into his shorts.

"Come on Ben. Tell us." Ashley asked her young boy.