All Comments on 'All I Ever Wanted Ch. 03'

by beachbum1958

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great little series.Nothing more needs to be said!!!!!ec6c

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Excellent story.

Well connected and laid out story. Waiting for more like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story

This was a great story and I would love to read what happens next for Harry and Sai Fong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very Sweet Story!

Loved the series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

i waited tilnow to commnt since i just read all 3 ch. i dont get how the dad could have the nerve to have a gf in hong kong and raise the child he had with her, but basiclly ignore his only child from his dead wife. dont say he talked and visite during summer break, that is a lame ass parent

Lee2012Lee2012over 11 years ago
Two words...



OLDEDOLDEDover 11 years ago
hands down

One of the best stories I have read in a long time!.

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

That was, hands down, the best series i have ever read on here. You, sir, are a genius writer and the story is so well laid out. Not too drawn out in places it didn't need to be, and descriptive in those that needed description. Fantastic Story, Thanks

dontblink88dontblink88about 11 years ago
Uber Wet & Smiling

Loved this... LOVED this! The anal scene... Hell, I had to get my husband out of bed for some fun! You have mad skills :-) you always bring the story to life by filling it with raw emotion, vivid descriptions, and characters that are layered... Thank you Sir!

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 11 years ago
All I Ever Wanted Ch. 03 - Harry and Sai Fong Waterfield (Half brother and Half-sister

All three chapters, good story, good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
wonderful story i loved it

Absouloutly beutifully written and very tied together and all in all wonderful thank u for this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
best ive ever read

I have to say this story is one the best the plot flowed smoothly and the ending connected it all together great work my friend bravo

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I absolutely adored this series



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Ive read this puppy a few times and still love the daylights out of it! I do think its a bit heavy on sex and a bit light on story in a number of spots, but hey, still pretty damned awesome :)

I don't agree with how the little witch went off on his ass at dads house when he told her he didn't want to have sex, assuming that she did. A lot of people do want/use sex as a good emotional coping mechanism around death. I think I would have told her to stuff her fucking attitude back in the bitch kitty hole she pulled it out of and sure as fuck wouldnt have apologised, if anything she should have been apologising to him!

I think I would have been pretty fucking pissed off about her turning up pregnant too when she's supposed to be on BC as well. Huh.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
@Anon. 03/04/15

Your points are stupid and irrelevant. First, he misconstrued her intentions, assuming she wanted to have sex, that sex was on her mind when she told him to come to bed, when she told him quite clearly that all she wanted was to hold him and comfort him when he needed her. Her temper flared up when it became clear to her that he thought, that on the worst day of his life, she was so uncaring that all she wanted to do was jump him. She wasn't denying him anything, or leading him on, or using sex as a coping mechanism; maybe American girls use any excuse as a reason for a quick fuck; English girls are a little more refined than that. She was trying to comfort him, not lure him into bed. And at no point did she 'suddenly' jump him with the pregnancy thing when she's 'supposed to be on birth control'; they're married, and had been for a while, as well as living together for the previous three years while she finished university. Your criticism is both irrelevant and unfounded, so I suggest you re-read once again, get someone to read all the hard words to you and explain them, and at least try and get it this time round.

beachbum1958beachbum1958almost 9 years agoAuthor
For anyone who's interested

Harry and Sai-Fong also play quite significant roles in 'Shining Girl', just in case you were wondering what happened to them. Just thought you'd like to know.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Really a good romantic story. Some bumps in the road for them. And you, BB1958, do not make the really crummy mistakes some writers do. Like changing character's names in the middle of a story, make dumb mistakes with word usage ( too, to, two, bored, board & such) and mostly your punctuation is good. All of this is important so we, the readers, can follow the story smoothly. I think Sai was right to go off on him about taking her for granted that she would just jump his bones, especially since she had little attachment to Gran. But the other anonymous should remember that many people do let sex be an outlet under stress or sadness. In the case of a death it happens a whole lot and is a celebration and affirmation of life. Almost too much sex, and BB you need to remember that when you have your characters engaging in Anal sex: lubricant - lubricant - lubricant! Even if its Olive oil or Canola oil from the kitchen cabinet. Or even plain old butter, and everyone knows that " everything tastes better with Bluebonnet on it". Just some thoughts, but you should know that this is a very good story.

beachbum1958beachbum1958almost 9 years agoAuthor
Re: the anon who mentioned about lube and anal sex

The reason I don't explicitly state they're using lube is the same reason I don't have the male protagonists checking they're wearing their trousers before going out in public, or checking they're breathing; it's a 'given', such an obvious progression that I didn't think it needed to be stated outright, like writing that the characters in a story were breathing, or walked upright and had heartbeats, things that are so obvious as to need no mention. No more, please, I know I don't mention it, I didn't think I had to, because I'm writing erotica here, not a 'How To' manual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Didn't see the death of Gran coming in the last chapter.

It worked well as a plot device, though, to create some tension and put all the characters together. I commented after Ch 2 about the mechanics of the writing and they held true in this chapter, as well, so I won't repeat.

Regarding the back and forth between a couple of anons re: Sai's anger over 'going to bed', you're both right, actually. She had a right to be miffed over his thoughts, but not to the degree she went. He was being open and honest with her, and she wasn't completely clear in what 'going to bed' meant, (as I recall, I haven't gone back to check her phrasing as it isn't that earth shattering). He was in shock, so excusing him for mis-phrasing would be expected, and it wasn't like he blatantly accused of insensitivity; he merely said he wasn't in the frame of mind for sex.

Also, it IS human nature to become sexually aroused at times of death or near death. As one of the anons mentioned, it IS a way of confirming life.

If I was editing this story, I would have recommended a change in that scene to one of more moderation, or asking the author the simplest of editing questions, 'What is the purpose?' or 'How does it, or does it, further the character development, the plot or narrative?' Without sound answers, it is not needed, and should go.

Now, as far as the back and forth between the author and someone about lube and anal, that's not so diplomatically solved. There doesn't need to be a big production made out of 'lubin' up', but including it as part of the natural process is no different than describing oral sex as prep for vaginal or anal sex.

And, BB, despite your claims to not describe breathing, standing upright, etc, you, in fact do describe them being out of breath after sex, (which IS obvious after having sex), and I can't help but think you HAVE described a character's posture, but I'm not going to go find a passage just to prove it. The point of comments are not to make the author wrong, but to help them improve, by giving them another's perspective.

You did seem a bit over-reactive to one simple & polite comment. Perhaps it wasn't the first feedback on the subject? I would hope you wouldn't react that way to all well intended feedback. (Remember how difficult it is to impart humor/emotion/intent in writing, even though people persist in trying.)

Fortunately, most Lit commenters are well intended; the real a-hole commenters seem to make themselves blatantly obvious by their comments.

What bothers me more than the typical absence of lube usage during anal on Literotica is the near complete absence of any sort of hygienic prep for anal demonstrated on Lit.

In over 15 years of reading hundreds of stories on Lit, I have read the total of ONE story where hygienic prep before anal has been part of the story. And don't even get me started on 'double dipping'. An absolute, sure fire way to get a vaginal infection is to go from anus to vagina, hell, women have to be careful when wiping not to go in the wrong direction. But, I'd be surprised if many men know that, (and, yes, I am male).

What concerns me, in a very sincere way, is how many people MIGHT get inaccurate ideas from reading Lit stories. A part of this very story's narrative was Sai's 'education' being derived from watching porn. We all know sex ed is not THAT good, in the US, anyway.

I'm not saying every scene or story, or even every author, should turn their sex scenes into 'teaching moments', but a bit more of a trend towards some realism here and there would be welcome, by me, at least. But then, that's just MHO.

It certainly would make more of a challenge for authors, but it's not supposed to be easy or anyone could do it well, and as Lit proves, not just anyone CAN write smut well, or even write the parts in between the sex scenes, well.

With that said, BB, you HAVE done a great job with this story, and you DO write smut exceedingly well, so thanks for sharing your talents and ideas and thanks for all the hard work of putting it on the screen.


If the 'one' story I mentioned caught your interest, it is "Auntie Mabel" by drsnip. Here's the URL, (hopefully, I've never tried this):

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 8 years agoAuthor
To Anon 10/02/15

I think you're being needlessly pedantic, using what was a purely illustrative comment by me (heading off someone who persists in making the same damned comment ad nauseam) to construct a meaningless argument over what and how I describe actions and activities; I don't bother to go into lingering descriptions of how someone lubed-up before indulging in anal sex because, to me, anyway, and most other sexually aware adults, it's such an obvious 'given' that I didn't think think it needed iterating every time my protagonists indulge. Breathing and walking upright are also such obvious 'givens' I don't feel I need to describe them, because, quite frankly, if one is old enough to read and comprehend the story, I believe one is old enough to construct a story view that infers previous actions which culminate in that activity, and I shouldn't need to describe them to you in banal detail.

As I noted before, I'm writing a fantasy here, not a 'how to' manual, and just because Sai Fong chose to use internet porn to educate herself, that doesn't mean I'm advocating it as an educational medium, and I'm certainly not responsible for the level of reality or plausibility people ascribe to a story that is nothing but fantasy; it's just a story, just fantasy, and I don't see why I should introduce the least little bit of reality; why should I, you already know how that goes. And describing how people breathe and gasp after sex is not a banal detail, it's a consequence of their actions, whereas describing how many breaths a person takes as they walk, not forgetting to check if they're standing upright and that they have their trousers on, is banal, and an obvious given, therefore immaterial and can be omitted as being of no consequence to the story.

I omit the most obvious and pedestrian 'givens' precisely because I don't believe I need to reiterate them every single time. But this is all academic; the story was written and completed several years ago, I've moved on, and, as nothing has changed, I feel no compelling urge to go back and do-over something I left behind several years ago, so please, read, enjoy, ponder and comment, or not, as you please, but please don't ascribe to me actions and attitudes that fit in with your world picture, because I'm not you, and how I see the world and choose to describe it within the confines of my stories is mine alone. No more of this, please; while interesting, it's a pointless and purely academic debate about a ship that sailed a long time ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Masterpiece again

I'm still getting over your third eye with my life in Rag doll.another brilliant very confused as to why so many here go on about your stories pulling them apart.Hey everyone it's a story,fiction it's not real life.if it was he would be dead and she would never walk again.Dont let the basteads get you down.

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 7 years ago

Just loved it. certainly ticked all my boxes for a very entertaining and erotic tale

Thank you

MarshallaMarshallaabout 7 years ago
It's a bit odd ...

... to wish an imaginary couple all the best, but that's what this story makes me feel.

Well done.

Aussie1951Aussie1951almost 7 years ago
Good but not your best.

In my opinion that title goes to Shining Girl by far and should be in the hall of fame. Even though I enjoyed this story and before anyone gets pissed off with me, I still gave you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for this story. I actually really enjoyed Harry and Sai's characters in ,,Shining Girl especially Sai's, she was more loving and understanding but in this she came across more aggressive and scary at times. But still a good story overall. Also thank for the time and effort you've put it to give us readers these wonderful stories... you are certainly one of the better writers on this site..

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
brilliant......... again!!

just a truly great story. You tell a good, sexy, romantic story. i gave it 5 stars. Yes - so far "Lori" is my favorite - but all your writing is just so much fun and interesting to read. PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!!!! What will i do when i finish the rest of your stories????!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

This has to one of the best stories that I have enjoyed in my entire life! Thank you

linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago
Truly Amazing

One of the best stories I have ever , and so very well written.

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 5 years ago

true love at it's finest keep up the good work

WargamerWargamerover 4 years ago
Another great story

You are a heart wringer, u have done to me again, a tear in my eye.

I got my wife to read your stories and she loves them too.

Great work, you make us feel as if we are part of your characters, a true gift.

DrhwnoelDrhwnoelabout 4 years ago
One of the best series I have read

Your story touched me deeply. It was well written the characters were all very believable, the plot lines were easy to follow and the genuine love resonated throughout the entire tale. You have a true talent. I started a series a while back and have yet to get the second chapter out of my head and down on paper. I know it is not easy, so I congratulate you on a work well done. Thank you for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Touched my heart

I must be getting soft in my old age: more than once I had a tear in my eye. Thank you so much for a moving story.

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago

This was a wonderful read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very romantic and tender. It was so well done. I gave each chapter 5 stars. Thank you for submitting your story.

juanviejojuanviejoalmost 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is the fifth time I have read your story. I just keep cumming back to it. " yes that's a pun " You have a way of putting readers that are maybe a little new to incest readings at ease. I just wanted to let you know that an old guy that enjoys reading incest story's, Only you know how to make such a sinful act feel ok. Keep it up with your stories and if possible add the 4th. chapter to this one. I know it's been years after but if you add a brief history and then time forward to the offspring at say maybe 9 or 10 years old you could almost repeat the brother sister line of interest points. A Reader in Florida U.S.A.

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 2 years agoAuthor
For those who want more of Harry and Sai Fong

If you missed my earlier comment, Harry and Sai Fong play a significant part in the 'Shining Girl' story cycle, and also cameo in Ch.07 part 02.2 of 'In Love With Lori'

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

Very romantic and hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story but I felt it was a little rushed. I would love a sequel.


Thank You for this series...especially the last chapter. Adding the passing of grandmother, then grandad's, and Dad's acceptance, even tho' they knew about it, added such an emotional aspect to Sai Fong and Harry's relationship.

A grand story, now on to read another one!!

Five **5** Stars, again, Of Course!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I would love a sequel involving Sai Fong’s pregnancy

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

my last name is slade,,! job well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A lovely story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A very sweet story. I was glad to see the increase in ratio of dialogue-to-sex in this chapter even though some of it was on a sad note. Harry and Sai Fong had a Very understanding, supportive Dad and Grandad. All that previous worrying for nothing. Like others have commented, i too would like for Harry's and Sai Fong's story to continue. But i will check out "Shining Girl" and "In love with Lori" to see what's going on there. But i did give this chapter 5🌟

kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

This series is amazing and I love the characters so much. Thank you for writing and sharing this amazing love story.

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