Amanda's Seventh Slave


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Then I rolled to my side and lifted my leg, so I could enjoy both tongues and have some wake-up orgasms. Slave 2 attended to my cunt and Slave 5, of course, had rear duty so his tongue slid up my ass. 5 would be required to give my anus loving care all day and that included accepting and swallowing what comes from there. A Mistress of the Network will accept nothing less than absolute and unqualified submission from her slaves. After coffee and breakfast 5 would give me my morning rim job and nature would take its course. The slaves' duties would be reversed the next day.

My stalking of Shawn included investigating him with the help of Greta, a tall, lean and muscular flaxen blonde, an experienced private eye and close friend of many years. She probed Shawn's background for me and also followed him when I was otherwise occupied.

Shawn was older than he looked, actually 22, and a senior at the local Catholic university studying theology and philosophy. This suggested he wasn't interested in worldly things because no highly remunerative employment would be likely with such a degree. As I watched him day to day, he proved to be quite kind and considerate toward the women he encountered but would still check out a shapely behind with longing in his eyes when he could do so undetected. But often he would blush and look away in apparent guilt after doing so.

He frequented a coffee shop on the campus and it was there I decided to make my first move. I went there one Monday morning when I had seen him enter. He sat at a table in the back corner. I ordered coffee and some breakfast and put the items on a tray, then made my way toward him looking for a place to sit. I drew near and pretended to trip over his foot, nearly spilling my coffee and food and going down on one knee. He was there in an instant to help me to my feet and ask if I was hurt and apologizing profusely.

We sat down together, and I thanked him for his courtesy and kindness, remarking on how rude and selfish so many people had become in this day and age. This opened a conversation that rambled on for over an hour. I used my skills to draw him out and get him to speak from his heart. He was so delectably handsome with deep, dark soulful eyes and my pussy was wet and tingling the whole time.

He talked of his scorn for the things of this world and said he was seriously considering the priesthood after graduation but was still struggling with the vow of celibacy. He had remained a virgin, to keep himself pure and save himself for either the love of his life or his vocation but was plagued by the normal longings of a young man.

A virgin and considering the priesthood? My mind and heart raced and reeled, my palms sweated. I had to fight to keep the predatory leer from my face and I nearly came where I sat from anticipating the delightful challenge that lay ahead. I held my gaze steady but lewd thoughts filled my head:

"That penis of yours will remain a virgin my young thing, but another part of you will not! And the priesthood? You will not be wasted in that way sweet boy! You will learn to worship with a passion, but not in any way you can yet imagine!"

Then he said he had to go to class but made an invitation I could not refuse.

"Amanda, you are so kind and understanding. I've just met you, but I feel like I can really open up and be myself with you. My guy friends kid me all the time about my morals and try to lead me astray. And I'm so shy with most women, except for you. Can we meet here again tomorrow, just to talk?"

My only reply could be:" Yes! I would love to Shawn. I feel much the same toward you."

My only thought was: "You have crossed the Rubicon my tender treat! You will be mine!"

I had dressed modestly for our first meeting, an off-white muslin dress, calf length that revealed little. The next day I went with a floral print sundress three inches above the knee with an empire waist that emphasized my large firm breasts and show some cleavage. I leaned forward a we talked and was pleased by his furtive glances. He all but begged to see me again the next day.

I sexed it up all the more the next day, a short, barely decent, black skirt and a tight scanty tank top and no bra. The coffee shop was well air conditioned and, as I planned, my big nipples hardened and protruded. As we talked he fidgeted in his chair and his longing looks became more blatant. We said our goodbyes, planning to meet yet again tomorrow. When I turned to leave I heard his voice.


I turned back to him.

"Yes Shawn?"

"Well...I just wanted to tell you how attractive I think you are, such a beautiful...woman. A real womanly beauty, not like around the campus. Well, I'm sorry to be so forward. See you tomorrow?"

It was time to spring my trap.

"Shawn, I would love to see you tomorrow but how about in a more quiet and private place? Would you like to see my office? Here's my card. Same time?"

My office is in a high rise building downtown on the top floor. The top three floors of the building are occupied by other professional women of the Network, doctor's offices, law firms, investment brokerages, accounting and architectural firms, all catering mostly to Network members.

The next morning, I sat at my desk wearing a purple number otherwise just like the dress I had worn the day before and no panties. My desk is a vast and luxurious one made of solid mahogany. It's seven feet wide and four deep, with a very large space where the chair slips in underneath. That space is usually occupied by one of the office slaves from a pool shared by the other businesses on the three Network floors. As do most of the women there, I like to have a tongue available to serve me during the working day. But the space was empty today.

My ruse would be simple. I tossed my phone under the desk, so it was up against the front panel and would require one to crawl underneath to fetch it. Shawn was such a considerate and naïve young man and I was sure he would retrieve it for me if asked.

He arrived, and I greeted him quite warmly indeed, getting up and going around the desk to hug him, making sure to press his face into my boobs.

I sat back down.

"I look forward so much to seeing you every time Shawn. It's so much more private here and we don't have to worry about any eavesdroppers while we chat. I wonder if you could do me a favor? I'm a bit of a klutz and I dropped my phone this morning. It kind of bounced off my knee and ended up way under my desk and out of reach. Would you mind getting it out for me?"

"Of course, Amanda."

I rolled my chair back on the plastic mat to give him room to crawl under. When he was all the way in I rolled my chair back toward the desk to block his escape and spread my legs with my knees touching the sides of the opening. He turned to emerge, and I saw him stop and could also see the look of shock on his face.

I reached under, grabbed his hair in one hand, and pulled his face to within six inches of the hairy, scary mystery between my thighs. I could feel him trembling and the longing look on his face told me he had caught my scent.

"Have you ever seen one before Shawn?"

"N...No Amanda...well only once in a club I went to."

"Tell me what you think of it Shawn. And don't be ashamed. You know you can be honest with me."

"It's...beautiful but it scares me."

"Why does it scare you Shawn?"

"It makes me feel temptation and I know I can't resist. My life might never be the same."

"Do you like me Shawn...really like me?"

"Oh yes Amanda!"

"Do I turn you on?" He fidgeted in my grip and I saw him swallow.

"Yes Amanda. You're so beautiful. I can't help it. I feel like I could give up my virtue for you."

"What if I told you that you turn me on too Shawn? Would you like that?"

"Oh yes!"

"Would you like to make me very happy Shawn? Would you like to give me pleasure?"

He trembled harder and I heard his breathing elevate. "Yes Amanda! I would love to!"

I pulled him close, so that my pubes tickled his nose.

"Then I want you to taste me Shawn. Stick out your tongue!"

I pulled him closer yet and felt the first touch of his tongue between my labia. He licked, then licked again and deeper. And he began to caress me ever so gently. I gasped in surprised delight. So tender! So sensitive! So adoring! I raised my knees and hung my legs over the arms of the chair.

When I had first offered my pussy to most of my other prospective slaves they were eager to please but rough and clumsy in their efforts, slobbering about in a way I found annoying. I had to teach them how to be tender at the start of things.

Shawn was so different. He took his time, seeking and searching for the sweet spots the would thrill me, driving me mad. I had to urge him on, drive my pubis against his mouth to make him lick harder and deeper as my passion rose. When I could bear no more I just pulled him up to where my clit lay pulsing and ready and fed it to him, demanding that he lick and suck it hard. The orgasm rocked my world and I gushed him a mouthful. I heard him gulp and swallow and I knew this first good drink of my essence would lead inevitably to his addiction.

With a deep sigh of satisfaction, I relaxed and held his head against my mount, floating in my afterglow. I knew I had found a treasure. He held promise of being one of those rare and special slaves a Mistress would keep as her every day lover and pet, who would share her bed every night. My other six slaves would have to vie for the lesser honors of rear end duty and second tongue. My mind reeled at what heights my pleasures might reach when his tongue was lengthened, and he was fully trained and deflowered.

I sat up and leaned over, taking his face between my hands. I kissed him deeply and long, as if to take possession of him and I felt him yield and surrender. Then I wanted to reward him for his sweet attentions, which proved to be a mistake. I lifted his chin with one hand and looked down at him with tenderness in my eyes.

"That was lovely Shawn. Now I want to make you feel good too!"

I reached under to unbuckle his pants and took his member in my hand. He was stiff as stone and slippery precum oozed from him. I used it to lubricate my stroking of his shaft. After just a dozen strokes or so I felt him harden even more and he gave out a deep moan of utmost pleasure. I could feel the pulsing as he ejected his heavy load spurt by spurt onto the plastic mat beneath the chair.

I rolled the chair back and he went to hands and knees with head bowed. He was drained and shaking, but finally managed to stand. He looked at me with mingled guilt, shame and accusation and edged toward the door.

"I...I really have to get to my class Amanda."

"Will you meet me here tomorrow Shawn? Please?"

"O...okay. Sure... yes..."

He exited in haste and I knew he might well not show up the next day. Guilt and shame were powerful elements of his creed and, as an experienced woman, I knew what coming can do to a man, especially a virginal one like Shawn. I shouldn't have given him relief yet because he wasn't enough in my thrall. I knew his defenses were weakened but he had to ingest more of my essence, my vaginal flow, and, my cum before his walls could be breached. He would taste me again and long and often and would know the dreadful ache in his balls before he would have relief again.

I called for an office slave to come and lick up Shawn's mess from the mat and take his place under my desk. I set him to work between my legs, but softly and slowly while I plotted my next move. When my plans were set I had him get me off and my first client appointment of the day arrived.

As expected, he stood me up the next day. I chose to be patient and stalk him, waiting for the best moment to pounce again.

I went to the coffee shop next morning, Friday, thinking I knew his habits but he wasn't there, and I assumed he was avoiding me. I staked out his apartment in my car and saw him leave on foot Saturday morning. I got out of the car and tailed him to another coffee shop a couple of blocks down the street. I entered furtively, and, true to form, saw him sitting at a table in a small nook way in the back. He was surely trying to avoid me but didn't want to change his every habit. Sunday morning, I tailed him again and, of course he went to a church before anything else, then to some kind of brunch with the other Mass attendees. I let things go until Monday morning.

That next morning, I chose to pounce. I knew nature would take its course in his young male body and his desires would return. He was surely feeling the longing and I would bet his balls were aching. I dressed like a cheap tramp with no panties on and entered the coffee shop gingerly, making sure he didn't see me too soon.

I made my away toward him with stealth around the perimeter until I could step into his field of vision by surprise at a short distance. The nook held just the one table with two chairs and his back was to the wall. I stepped in front of him, trapping him. If he wanted to leave he would have to shove me out of the way to make his escape. Shock and fear came to his eyes first but then they took the sight of my luscious body in its revealing garb and the look of desire came to his eyes instead. I sat down across from him and leaned forward, exhibiting my breasts. He blushed and looked down, trembling.

"You really hurt my feelings by standing me up Shawn. How could you make me feel so loved and then just abandon me?"

"Things just moved to fast Amanda. I got scared and confused. It was wonderful, but then, after you...did that... I just felt so guilty. It had to be a sin! I think you're beautiful and wonderful, but you imperil my soul! I...I just don't think we should see each other anymore, even though I want to so much. I struggle with temptation all the time and this has been the worst struggle of all!"

"I know what you really want Shawn! I could feel it from you. You love me, and you want me more than anything. And I feel the same."

"Amanda...please! You make me feel so weak! I have to go now!"

He made as if to get up from the chair but hesitated slightly. It was then I made my move, played my trump card. I reached between my legs with one hand. I was wet and fragrant, and my hand came out dripping with my juice. I reached out and smeared it onto his lips and nose. All will to resist me vanished in a heartbeat. I took his hand and led him away, feeling no more resistance than a toy balloon.

I took him home with me and led him to a spare bedroom with another large bed and stripped us both naked. Falling backward onto the bed, I pulled him on top of me.

"I want you to kiss me everywhere Shawn. Please! All over!"

He set about his duty with a worshipful passion and not a square inch of me was left untouched by those sweet lips.

Then I laid him on his back and straddled his head, leaning my elbows on the headboard. I meant to make him serve me until I could come no more. He had to ingest the ooze from my vagina and swallow my orgasmic ejaculate, both in great quantity, to break down his resistance and start forming that unbreakable bond. And, I knew I could not let him come again until he had imbibed from me this way for at least a week.

I lost count of my orgasms and reached the point of full satiation. Then, I reversed my position and sat on him facing the footboard with his face still smothered by my cunt. The nightstand was within my reach and I opened the top drawer and took out a chastity cage I always kept handy there. I locked him in it and dismounted, standing over him beside the bed. His face was caked around its edges with an amber glaze from my pussy. It was time to lock him away until later in the day. He would spend the time in a cell with his every breath filling his nostrils with my scent. His balls would begin to ache cruelly from his longing, and that was as it should be.

There was a cell in the wall of the bedroom and I took him by the hand and led him there. He was docile, compliant, already much under my spell. I kissed him tenderly on the lips and locked him away.

It was noon by then and I had an afternoon appointment in the torture chamber with a rape victim whose perpetrator had been brought in naked and in chains. I would familiarize her with the whips, canes, cattle prods, studded strapons and other apparatus and then leave her alone, angry and unleashed. Needless to say, the rapist would himself be raped most cruelly and his erstwhile victim would satisfy herself completely. I would later rejoin her in the chamber to assist her in his castration. He would be drugged unconscious and dumped naked and nutless in a ditch in some remote rural area. Then there would be a counseling session and the healing process could begin.

Normally, I would leave a new prospective slave to languish in the cell overnight, but I found Shawn so delightful I yielded to temptation and decided he would share my bed that night. My pussy had been licked to its limit, and every moment had been wonderful, but my anus had been neglected. There was no point in waiting to introduce him to it. He had to understand it was his duty to love all of me without exception and it is never too soon to begin the process of lengthening and strengthening a new slave's tongue.

I brought him out of his cell and laid him on his back again, but this time I mounted his head facing the foot of the bed. I used my hands to part my cheeks and held my anus before his eyes while I enlightened him.

"Shawn, you have been wonderful so far, but I need more reassurance that you really love me. I want you to lick me here darling, it will make me feel so good and I'll know you love all of me. Just begin now but be gentle at first the way you are on my pussy."

He seemed to hesitate at first, but I waited patiently and was rewarded with the most tender and adoring caress I have ever received from the tongue of a new slave. I let go of my cheeks and let them enfold his sweet face in their silken grip, shuddering in pure delight from every fluttering stroke of his tongue. He knew instinctively how to express his adoration.

Soon I wanted more stimulation and I ordered him to lick harder and get his tongue inside of me. He couldn't match the performance of a slave who had been tongue enhanced, but his efforts were most pleasing regardless. Inevitably his tongue tired and the pleasure waned so I had to urge him on by grabbing his balls and twisting them hard. He redoubled his rimming until my clit hardened and I shifted backward to offer it to him and ordered him to stick a finger in my anus to enhance the orgasm that was soon to follow. My climax was deep and exquisitely satisfying.

The evening was yet young. I was sexually sated but decided to continue his training by having him lick my feet while I watched a movie on the big screen TV that hung on the wall at the foot of the bed. Then it was bedtime and I enjoyed one more tender cunnilingus, pulled the covers over us and went to sleep. The morning would bring a crucial test.

I awoke from the sun shining into the window. Shawn was under the covers down low and still asleep. I slipped into the bathroom that opened off the bedroom to do my business, then slipped back into bed and woke him up. Lying on my back I guided him between my legs and his tongue was to its sweet duty without his having to be told. I could feel his desire as he served me and soon enjoyed my first orgasm. Then I offered him my anus to lick until I was ready to come again.

After he satisfied me the second time I threw the covers off, released him from the cage and had him kneel at the foot of the bed on the tile floor while I sat on the bed with legs parted, posturing lewd as could be. His erection jutted and dripped as he gazed at my nudity and lascivious exhibition. Inevitably, his had went to his cock and he began to stroke it. Perhaps twenty strokes sufficed to set him off and he spurted a healthy load all over the floor, then sagged forward onto hands and knees with head bowed. I laughed wickedly and told him I was going to the bathroom to take a shower. His clothes still lay on the floor where they had fallen yesterday.