Amanda's Seventh Slave


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"Want some of this...detective? Just say the word!"

The longing in her eyes was answer enough and her hands went down to pull up her skirt. I sent 4 groveling around my desk. I had given him his orders earlier. He helped her slip her pantyhose and drawers down, exposing her thick nappy bush. 4 hoisted her knees up over the arms of the chair, exposing her coal black labia, protuberant in her arousal, and the hot pink tissue deep within. 4's training served my purposes well. I could tell by her gasp of delight he had plunged his lengthened tongue in deep and found her G. Then it was a rubbing of his nose on her clit and a gentle slipping of a finger into her anus. Within the minute, cold and imperious Marva Charles bucked, shuddered and let out the wail of ecstatic release that spoke of years of deprivation.

4 continued his duty by going down to her bottom, slipping his tongue in there, giving her that feeling of being adored without reservation that sweet rimming alone can bring. Her eyes met mine for a moment with an expression of purest gratitude. Then she lapsed into rapture as the much-trained tongue had its inevitable effect. Minutes passed, and her arousal built slowly until she was rocking her hips to invite 4 to her clit. He slipped his finger in where his tongue had been, and he licked her pink orb hard and with skill. Another primal cry was torn from her and she arched her back, clenched 4's head between her strong thighs, convulsed, then went limp, feet flopping to the floor.

She lay in a daze for a while, half conscious, then looked at me again and broke down in tears. Trained slaves are quite sensitive creatures and 4 sought to comfort her, planting tender kisses over her mount and inner thighs. He looked back at me timorously, fearing punishment for having done wrong, but I gave him a reassuring smile and came around my desk to embrace Marva. He had done his duty in exemplary fashion and I sensed Marva's tears were partly of joy. I leaned over her, holding her head to my breast until the tears passed. She sat up straight and smiled.

"Amanda! You knew, didn't you? No man ever did that for me before. 35 years old and I never had my pussy eaten! You could see how I have been suffering and longing, being so mean and bitchy to cover up. I had to use my fingers to keep me sane but orgasms like that were only in my dreams. I don't know how to thank you! I feel like a new woman!"

"Don't mention it dear. We women have to take care of each other. How would you like to come over to my house Friday evening for dinner, a few drinks, and some other things, of course!"

"I'm there Amanda. And, by the way, I do know how to thank you. You have been cleared of any suspicion and the Shawn Larkin case is closed."

Marva arrived at 6 PM and we sat down to steak and lobster and plenty of red wine. The last vestiges of her hard façade fell away and a warm bond of friendship began to form. But she did harbor hard feelings against her male superiors on the police force that had kept her down and men in general for their selfishness in thinking only of their own sexual pleasure. I could see she still had much unfinished business and had a solution. When the meal was finished I invited her to go to the living room and have a chair, saying I would join her momentarily.

I went to my bedroom and fetched slaves 1 and 7 from their cells and when I joined Marva in the living room I had both slaves in tow, their cocks free of cages and fully erect as I led them by leather leashes noosed tight around their purple balls.

I placed 1 on his knees before her and invited her to remove her clothes. 1 helped and soon her clothes lay in a heap. I had to admire her body, curvy, muscular, skin so rich and dark. I stripped animal naked along with her and put 7 on his knees in front of me. Marva sat, looked at 1 and looked at me for approval. I just nodded. She grabbed 1's hair and pulled his head down while leaning back in her chair and spreading her legs. 1 knew well what to do and soon brought her to a shattering climax.

But I had more in store for her. My pleasure/pain chamber opens off the living room and I had it all prepared for her. I told her to please take 1 in there with her and enjoy herself to heart's content. Somehow, I figured she would know what to do. The piece de resistance would, of course, be the big strapon I had put in prominent display on a stand. If she didn't know what to do 1 would surely show her.

The chamber is wired for sound, so I could hear the goings on inside. Poor 1 got the full benefit of my whip collection. Marva clearly had some healthy pent-up anger against the male. I lounged in my chair with my legs dangling over the arms while 7 used his tongue on me. The crack of whips, the cries of pain and animal pleasure went on for hours. I came several times just listening.

Finally, I knew Marva had been introduced to the woman cock. There was the slurping and gulping 1 made as he performed the deep throat fellatio and her mad orgasmic shriek. Then I heard the moaning and whimpering as 1 was taken by her, and her own snarling and panting as she ravaged him with abandon. At the last I heard 1's deep quavering moan of emasculation and surrender and Marva's triumphant howl of supernal ecstasy, the sound of female epiphany.

The chamber door opened and 1 came forth on hands and knees. He was zebra striped from his whipping. Marva was astride him, limp and languid, head lolling. She had to grip his hair in one hand to keep from toppling over. 1 reached the chair and Marva tumbled off of him into it, slumping, semi-conscious. But her vapid smile told the tale. 1 looked at me, cowering slightly as if not sure he had done his job well. I beckoned him to come to me and petted his head tenderly.

"You did fine 1. I'll fuck you one extra time this week." I am a kind Mistress and reward my slaves for good performance when warranted. He gave me a grateful look and bent low to kiss my feet.

Marva recovered from the daze of afterglow and spoke her mind.

"Amanda! Is this what it's like for you every day? I want it! I don't know how I've lived without it! 35 years old and it's the first time I've felt truly satisfied. How can it be like this for me from now on?"

"Well Marva, first you'll need to acquire your first slave."

"How will I do that. Where do you get them?"

"You could start with your tender, towheaded treat of a trainee. He's desperately in love with you, in case you hadn't noticed."

"He is?"

"Can't you tell? You've been working way too hard dear!"

Her face took on a thoughtful expression and a lustful gleam came to her eyes.

"Now that you mention it, he is too cute for anything. I think I have a plan. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Looking forward to that Marva. I think a new slave will be joining the community very soon."

"The community?"

"Yes Marva. There's so much you need to know. Come along with me to my bedroom. 1 and 7, follow!"

We walked down the hallway to my room with 1 and 7 groveling behind us. We entered the room and 1 and 7 went to kneel before their cells. I had placed Shawn in unoccupied cell 3, which was soon to be his home. I picked up the remote from the nightstand and pushed the button. The doors slid up and the other slaves crawled forth to kneel in line, Shawn among them. Marva's eyes widened at the sight of my harem. She looked from slave to slave and, despite her time in the chamber her hand strayed between her thighs. Finally, her eyes focused on Shawn, who she surely recognized from photos and video footage. I chuckled.

"Yes, here he is Marva; Shawn Larkin, and a sweet young thing he is. He's about half way through his training period. He'll complete my harem when he's ready. Once you've enslaved your Jason you'll want to start building your own harem. One slave just isn't enough for a woman. If you would like to stay over the weekend we can elaborate on that."

"How can I say no?"

"Great! Let's go back to the living room and have some more wine. We have a lot to talk about."

I had slaves 2 and 4 grovel behind us back to the living room so they could attend to any needs that might arise. Marva and I settled into chairs and the slaves each fetched an ottoman for us to rest our feet on, so they could lick them while Marva and I chatted.

"Now Marva, you need to know there are numerous women like me, or like us, as I should say now. We belong to a very strong and secretive community we just call the 'Network'. We share common beliefs, the most important one being the inherent and divinely ordained superiority of women. We hold it to be self-evident that the deity is female and created us with a birthright to reign over the male."

"I think you must find it obvious by now that the male is an inferior creature, most being weak of mind, brutish, and driven by lust. But that lust is their fatal weakness to women who know how to exploit it".

"But, as you must now realize, women are imbued with an even greater lust and the capacity for nearly limitless orgasmic delight, while the male is capable of only a few spasmodic grunts of pleasure and spurts of semen. And yet most males will lose all reason in pursuit that paltry pleasure. We women, on the other hand, are in control of our desires and will only unleash them until we have a male where we want him. No male stands a chance against the seductive wiles and dominant will to power of a woman of the Network. I have no doubt you will take your place among us and be of great help in the furtherance of our cause."

"I will Amanda, I will! I feel free and unfettered for the first time in my life. I'll be a spy in the police department, keep the Network informed and do things to throw them of the scent if they get suspicious about what we're up to. By the way, this wine and this foot licking and all this talk have gotten me randy again. I could use some more tongue. To think there was a time I would have felt ashamed about wanting that."

"I brought these two slaves along for a reason Marva. It's time for you to get the two-tongue treatment. Just stand up and put your foot on the arm of the chair. Spread your legs out a bit. That's right! 2 and 4, you know what to do! 2 to the front, 4 to the rear!"

My two slaves did themselves proud, 2 buried his face in Marva's cunt and 4 pressed his between her shapely ebony cheeks. Marva shuddered and gasped in delight as the tongues went to work.

"So deep, Amanda! How do they do it? Oh Goddess!"

I know a woman who is about to come hard when I see one and I could tell Marva was close. I jumped up to take hold of her shoulders. As expected, when orgasm rocked her she lost all muscular control and I had to ease her down into the chair to bask in her afterglow.

I made the two slaves kneel in front of her. When she recovered I had them stick out their tongues to full extension. Each could reach his tongue up nearly to the bridge of his nose. Marla gaped.

"How do you find slaves with such long tongues Amanda?"

"It's not a genetic trait Marva, it's an acquired one. There is an ancient practice of yoga one Mistress Indira of India introduced us to years ago. Needless to say, it revolutionized oral pleasure for the women of the Network. Each prospective slave is expected to practice the yoga diligently for 90 days. He must be able to reach half way over his nose by then or he fails his training regimen and suffers the consequences."

"The consequences?"

"Rather than tell you Marva, I'll show you. Back in a flash."

I went to fetch failed slave 3 from his cell and led him into the room by a leash on his dick ring and made him kneel beside 2 and 4. Marva's eyes widened more than with any other revelation.

"This is the consequence Marva, although this slave's downfall was not due to lack of tongue length. Slaves rarely fail in that regard, knowing the consequence. And they so much adore their Mistresses they spare no effort for that reason alone. This slave proved to be a spontaneous ejaculator, a "wet dreamer" as we like to call them. He couldn't help it. He would just come during the night, even while locked in a chastity cage. He was dreaming of me, so I couldn't really be angry. It was actually flattering. But coming is strictly regulated and rationed for slaves. That pleasure is only granted when a Mistress deems it appropriate. There was nothing to do in this case but remove the source of the problem. Now that he's neutered he's no longer tormented by desire and is docile and obedient. He does chores around the house and brings food and other things to the slaves in their cells."

"This is a lot to take in for one night, Amanda, and I am fascinated and want nothing more than to be part of it all. But I'm tired and it's late and I should be going. I think I'll call an Uber because I've had way too much wine."

"Nonsense Marva dear. You will stay here over the weekend as my guest. You may enjoy my slaves to heart's content and I'll help you plot your seduction of Jason. Let me show you to a bedroom if you're tired and you can have 2 and 4 to bed down with for the night. You will love the way they say good morning!"

Needless to say, Marva was delighted by her morning greeting from the two well trained tongues and with the orgiastic weekend that followed. We spent Saturday morning and afternoon in the chamber with slaves 4 and 7 and I helped Marva hone her whipping skills and introduced her to other modes of punishment and pleasure taking. I left her alone with them while I put Shawn through his rimming paces. His tongue was already tireless. I checked his tongue length too. He had been diligent in his yoga and was ahead of schedule, already able to reach the tip of his nose.

Saturday night I brought my six fully trained slaves out of their cells and took them to the living room. Marva's healthy lust matched my own. The woman-cock reigned supreme that evening and by the time we were fully satisfied all six slaves lay in a heap on the floor, spent and drained of cum.

Sunday was leisurely, with all six slaves attending to us. We spent hours draped over rimming horses, enjoying tongue while we got to know each other better. I helped Marva plot her seduction of Jason, though I could see she needed little in that regard. A predatory gleam was in her eyes when she spoke of it and I could see I had unleashed a she-panther. Marva wasted no time. Jason was to be seduced and enthralled that very Monday night and she was to bring him to my house.

I waited anxiously until I heard a horn honk outside as a signal for me to open the door to my attached garage. I went out there and found a black unmarked van with no rear windows. Marva exited from the driver's seat, looking disheveled and happy, wearing just a red silk blouse, short black skirt and spike heeled black pumps. She opened the side door, picked up the end of a leather leash and gave it a yank. Jason emerged, climbing out, naked except for some tatters of his shirt, hands cuffed behind him, the leather leash was wound tight around his balls in a figure 8 that stretched and spread them, making the sack tight and shiny and turning the orbs a pleasing purple. His cock hung limp and his eyes we vacant. I had to laugh.

"Nice tie job on the nuts there Marva. Let's get him inside. I'm dying to hear how it went!"

She tugged Jason along by his balls toward the living room. I followed. Marva had him kneel in the center of the rug and flopped into a chair with a contented sigh. I sat down and leaned forward to listen to her tale of conquest.

"It was a simple plan Amanda. I just told him we were doing a very secret stakeout in the warehouse district. I took the van from the confiscated vehicle lot and put a foam mattress in the back. I parked the van in a dark alley and told him to come in back with me. Then, I wrestled him down and cuffed him, rolled him on his back and plopped my crotch over his face. You were so right! He never even put up a fight and I felt him surrender at his first taste of me. Then it was heaven for hours. I just rode his face and he loved me with his tongue with such adoring passion. Between orgasms he caressed my anus until I was ready to come again. At the end I felt so kindly toward him I wanted to reward him, so I turned around and sat on his face the other way and stroked him off. What a load! I scooped it up with my hand and fed it to him. Then I stripped him and tied up his balls."

I looked at Jason, who knelt with head bowed, as if already knowing he should remain silent and await his Mistress's next command. He was so lovely my hand strayed between my legs. Marva noticed.

"Oh! Amanda! How rude of me! You've shared your slaves with me. The least I can do is share mine with you! Jason! Look at me!"

Jason turned to her.

"Mistress Amanda is my new friend who I already love like a sister. You will give her pleasure now just as you would me. If she is not satisfied you will be punished!"

I settled back in my chair with legs spread and draped over the arms, presenting myself to be serviced. Jason knee walked to me, eyes riveted upon my waiting pussy. When he was within my reach I put a hand behind his head and shoved his face into my crotch. I gasped in surprised delight as his tongue went to work. Marva had accomplished much in her time with him in the van. His tongue was everywhere, top to bottom, and I felt the welling up. With a tug on his hair I guided him to my clit and just moments later I passed over the brink, feeling the waves of orgasm course through me as I quivered and writhed in its throes. I relaxed in satisfaction but soon felt the tender caress of his tongue on my anus. His tongue slipped in deep, surprisingly so for one who had not yet been through the regimen, and I eased back to enjoy until my next readiness to come. I felt the stirring and, again, guided him to my clit. Then I heard Marva's voice.

"Jason! Your finger!"

I felt something slip into my behind. She had even taught him that! The infallible enhancement brought a climax that rocked my world. When I recovered my senses, I had to satisfy my curiosity about something.

"Marva, I was surprised at the depth of his tongue penetration. Did you notice that?"

"Why yes, I did. Is it something unusual? I must say I loved it. Let's check him out."

"Jason! Stick out your tongue as far as it will go!"

He extended his tongue and it slid out to surprising length. Then I told him to reach for the tip of his nose and he touched it.

"What an amazing natural endowment Marva! He's half way to standard already. Shawn has just gotten to that point. I think he'll complete his tongue training in half the usual time. You'll just have to work on endurance. And he's a natural submissive Marva. But he must still be subjected to the training regimen. I don't suppose your house has the 'facilities' mine does. You can move in here and use one of my spare cells to confine him, and also the chamber, of course until he's ready to be deflowered."


"Yes Marva. He may not be a virgin in the conventional sense, though I suspect he might be that too. But he's surely a virgin in the most important way. He has yet to know the woman-cock. Deflowering is a rite of passage for a slave, and in your case for you too. It marks the consummation of the Mistress-slave relationship and strips away any remaining delusions of "manhood" the slave might have. The act is performed at a ceremony with numerous Mistresses in attendance to bear witness. It also constitutes the slave's debut, since he will be shared with other Mistresses regularly."

"You have used the cock on my slaves and have surely found the orgasms that result to be exquisite. Imagine what it's like to deflower a virgin slave. You give it to him hard, hurt him, showing no mercy and then you make him love it. Pain will morph to pleasure and in the end, he will come in a way that will shatter his will and create an addictive longing to be taken again. No male ever recovers from the experience. And your own orgasm will be such that you will feel a predatory lust that will spur you to pursue another male to deflower and enslave, and another, and another."