Amber's Initiation


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The two giggled as they saw Amber come closer. They commented on how cute she looked. Amber could hardly keep her head up, wanting to instead look at the ground. Amber though wanted to at least seem confident, even if she wasn't feeling it.


Amber's Initiation By Jappio

Part 4

Amber had the two pick their drinks. When she was ready to turn and leave though, one of the two spoke to the other, "Oh my, did you see how hard her nipples are!"

Amber could feel the heat rise from her cheeks. The two girls giggled some more and walked away. Amber had left her free arm at her side in her attempt to seem confident, but it was back to crossing her chest in moments.

Amber wasn't sure why, but between all the worry and embarrassment, she could tell her body was also feeling... she didn't quite have a word for it beyond 'tingly'. It wasn't quite like anything Amber was use to experiencing at all. Her first assumption was that it may have been seeing what all the other girls were doing, and it was true that those scenes would entice more of this tingling, but just now with the two clothed women that she felt the tingling. Could it have been their teasing?

Amber's thoughts were again interrupted by another of Lindsey's commands, "time to go see if the girls outside need anything!"

"Outside, are you nuts? I can't go out there like this!" Amber said, having her free hand tug at the front of her teddy.

"You have to serve all the girls though, and I think a few are out there," Lindsey explained. Amber followed Lindsey towards the door out of habit at this point, but when Lindsey opened the door for her, she stepped backwards away from it.

It was bright out; light was spilling in towards Amber. She could see out the door and towards the street. She looked down at her body, seeing just how indecent she was for a public place. She tried to picture what it would like to see a girl dressed as she was out there.

The butterflies in her stomach, the red in her face, and the tingles across her skin all intensified. The idea to go out there was ridiculous, but Amber couldn't completely convince herself not to. "It'll be quick," she tried to convince herself.

"If you're worried, just know that you'd be out there naked if you decide to drop out now," Lindsey said, not that Amber needed that kind of encouragement. Amber took her first step towards the door, but stopped to think again. It was starting to hit her that she was actually going to step outside the way she was dressed.

With a few more steps, Amber was at the door, it was open, and she could feel the warm air outside. She didn't see anyone, but she did hear the sound of water running nearby, a hose by the sound of it. She wondered what could be going on.

Fueled by her stubbornness, her fear of having to go home naked, and now also curiosity, Amber took her first few steps outdoors.

Part of Amber realized that if one ignored the transparent nature of the teddy, she was more covered than what she would be with a bikini. From a distance, you probably couldn't see the through the teddy much either.

None of this put Amber at ease though. The teddy was very thin, so even the slightest breeze caused it to move around, and tickle Amber's bare skin beneath it. The bright light of the sun was stronger than inside, and it seemed like the material was more transparent now because of it.

Looking to her side, she saw that three girls were watching one girl washing a parked car in the driveway. The three girls didn't even look back and Lindsey and Amber stepping out of the house. Amber could tell the girl washing the car did at least seem to have a shirt and some form of bottom-wear, albeit a bright blue pair of panties.

Amber though realized just how tough this girl had it as she walked closer. The shirt was very white, and with the water everywhere from her washing the car, the thing was clear as glass and stuck to her like a second skin. Her chest was more exposed than Ambers!

Amber blurted out her question if any of the girls wanted anything. The girls all happily took some drinks and thanked Amber.

Amber wasn't able to get away before any more embarrassment came, "Oh wow, Sally, this girl has two hard little headlights too!" One of them called to the girl washing the car. The girl, Sally, blushed and looked away and tried to concentrate on her work.

Amber had been holding her teddy down, but now again she had to move her arm to cover her nipples. She was too torn on what portion of her body to hide, and kept hoping that holding the drinks high enough would hide her, but all the sorority sisters seemed insistent at noticing any embarrassing detail they could.

Amber then felt her teddy being tugged up in back. One of the women was pulling the hem up, exposing her panties completely to all of them. More giggles ensued as Amber tried to get away. Balancing the tray was tough though, so she wasn't able to get away, stop the tray from falling, and try and keep her teddy down.

Amber mainly didn't want to be standing out on the front lawn anymore, nearly naked. So she settled on holding the tray, and just trying to pull away. Her exposure was thankfully short lived when the girls seemed to have enough fun. They in short time let go of the teddy and let it fall back into place. They all returned to watching Sally wash the car, and Amber was free to start walking back to the door.

Lindsey of course was there and smiling, obviously again amused by Amber's embarrassment. Amber felt plenty more embarrassed, but also felt more of those tingles.

Amber sighed in relief. Lindsey even suggested they head back to the kitchen to get a new supply.

On the way, Lindsey also pulled one of the envelopes form her pocket, a green one. "Perhaps we should get one of your tasks out of the way too, do it while we finish this one up?" Lindsey asked.

Amber wasn't expecting to jump to the next challenge so soon. This first one had been tough, but she also saw how rough some of the other girls had it. What if her envelope had something like having to be spanked, go outside, or get tied up!

Amber also knew she had to do them all eventually. The faster she had them done, the sooner it would all be over.

Amber nodded her head and Lindsey began to open the envelope for her. Amber wasn't even allowed to be the first to read it. Lindsey's smile grew a few sizes bigger as she read the words. That made Amber all the more jittery. Amber finally was handed the paper and began to read it.

"You are to remove all your underwear," is all it said, but it made Amber's heart stop. She kept reading it over and over in her head. She could hardly accept what it was asking for.

Amber looked down at her outfit. She knew the teddy was tiny, and it hardly covered much of her lower half. What it did cover could still be mostly seen thanks to how transparent it was. Without her panties, Amber feared that she'd be practically naked!

Amber looked to Lindsey for help, but Lindsey just stood there, waiting for Amber to get on with it. Amber knew that if she refused to do it, she'd lose the panties and the teddy.

Amber continued to try and imagine what it would be like without the panties. The teddy felt so small, she figured it might as well be a t-shirt. It did come down to her thighs, but Amber wasn't used to wearing anything that short.

Amber knew she had a free hand. At least she could cover her front half some and make sure the teddy stayed low. Amber also realized though that her butt would be almost completely on show. She also wouldn't have a hand for her breast anymore.

The butterflies were intensifying. At this rate, her future challenges would require her to do some embarrassing things though. She'd have to do them without the panties then, and that could force her to really expose everything. The thought of total nudity seemed dreadful, but at the same time that tingling rose with her heartbeat.

"This isn't like you Amber, you can do this! You aren't about to back down. Take the panties off and get it over with!" She said, trying to convince herself to do it. It seemed silly, but it was honestly working. Amber was finally slipping her hands under the hem of the teddy.

With a grip on the waistband, Amber again looked up at Lindsey. It was a bit of a mistake, because now Amber saw that she indeed had someone watching as she was about to strip herself. Amber lost some nerve and had to turn away from Lindsey, but her hands didn't leave from the panties.

Amber thought for a single more moment before she just told herself one last time to get it over with, and pushed the borrowed panties down her legs. Once at her feet, she stepped out of them and picked them up. She avoided doing anything that would look showy or like a tease.

With panties in hand, Amber used one hand to pull the teddy down in front, and hide her sparse hairs showing through. She held the panties out to Lindsey, and Lindsey was happy to take them away. Amber was now completely bottomless below the small teddy.

Amber could feel the material slightly move against her bare skin. She could feel it along her butt, and she could feel the soft silky material pressed against her pelvis.

Amber could feel the cool air conditioned air all the way down her legs. Besides her sandals, there was nothing actually secured to her below the straps of the teddy. The little bit she had on was so barely there in her mind, and she felt as if she was naked.

She finally was able to look up to Lindsey. "What now?" she managed to squeak out. Amber was wondering if it was maybe time to move onto the next envelope.

"Oh, well we go back to serving drinks of course, some people may need new drinks, and we missed a few girls," Lindsey explained. She pocketed the panties as she did, Amber not happy to see her covering become out of reach.

"Oh my god, like this?! That was the last task, why do I have to keep doing it?"

"Amber, it said you had to serve drinks, it didn't say that you were done if you took your next challenge," Lindsey explained. Amber wasn't even sure how to respond to that. "Besides, I think the girls will need the extra beverages, you're going to be giving everyone dry mouths with a hot ensemble like that."

"I could do without you picking on me and teasing me!" Amber complained, hugging the bottom of the hem closer to her, becoming even more self conscious.

"I'm being completely sincere though!" Lindsey began to circle around Amber. "I mean look at that cute bottom," Amber used her free hand to try and cover her butt. Amber would have thought she was naked as she did it, she could feel every curve of her bottom through the material. Only its silky feel reminded her that it was there.

"Not to mention pointy little bits out in front," Lindsey remarked as she was again in front of Amber. Amber moved the hand from her butt to her breast. Amber was shocked to find they were indeed hard, perhaps even more sensitive.

"We'd all be real lucky if we were able to see what you're hiding under there too..." Lindsey said as she gestured down to between Amber's legs. Amber's face was burning again. She wasn't even sure how to react anymore. Amber couldn't tell if Lindsey was teasing or telling the truth. Was she hitting on Amber? Was she just being nice? Was she being mean? Did she want Amber to feel so uncomfortable?

Those weren't the only feelings Amber was feeling. Her hand on her butt before, and her arm across her nipples were sending little shots of electricity through her body. Amber wasn't sure why she was being turned on. The tingly feeling she had been feeling increased too. She was finally starting to think there may be a correlation.

Amber was shaken from her thoughts when Lindsey told her to start helping with the drink tray again. With her holding the platter up and a hand between her legs to hold the hem down in front and cover herself, Amber was mostly set to go back into the rest of the house.

Amber wasn't ready personally, but her stubborn instincts caused her to still step forward out the kitchen door.

Amber nearly was about to run away when she right away saw some of the other girls. The one who'd been doing the exercises and the two who had been watching her were walking in Amber's direction.

The interest in their eyes told Amber that they somehow could tell that something was different in Amber's outfit. Amber wasn't sure how they could have remembered what she was wearing before. When they got real close, they asked if they could have another drink.

The tray was shaky as Amber held it out. The two took their time looking at the different drinks. They perhaps could have gotten them faster if they weren't looking at Amber's breast half the time. Amber, wanting to keep a hand lower to hide her pussy, couldn't cover her nipples now. She knew that all three girls could easily see how hard her nipples had gotten. Amber thought that the stares themselves were actually touching her nipples, making them feel even more sensitive.

Once their drinks were taken, the three went off. Amber heard them giggling behind her, obviously seeing her bare butt. Amber didn't have a hand to cover it though, and just stood there and tried to bare the embarrassment.

Lindsey encouraged her to continue heading along. The two then got to a room they hadn't been before.

Amber was greeted with the sight of a girl putting on a small crop top, no bra, and just panties below. She shrieked a bit as she try to adjust her top so it would cover her.

The three watchers in the room laughed. Amber wasn't sure what had been going on, but the girl seemed to at least be done with it.

Amber began to serve the drinks to all four girls, but Amber couldn't help but think about the situation. This was now the first time that Amber actually felt she was more naked than one of the other girls actually taking the test. All the other girls seemed to have it just as bad or worse. Yet now this girl she was also serving, who was in barely anything, at least had more cover. Amber actually had a lucky start, but could it all head south?


Amber's Initiation By Jappio

Part 5

With a hand holding the tray, and a hand in front of her, Amber wasn't able to stop one of the girls from suddenly pulling the bottom of the hem on the back of her teddy! Amber tried to wiggle about, but she almost dropped the drinks doing so. Amber pleaded for the girl to stop, but that only made it so everyone, Lindsey and the other girl too, from grouping behind poor Amber.

The three sorority sisters began to lift the back of the teddy up and down. Amber could feel the light material glide across her bare butt cheeks, and she wasn't able to do anything about it. When she tried to walk away from it, they just held on tight, and Amber didn't want to tear the flimsy outfit.

Some of them begun to circle around in front too, and began to comment on Amber's breast jiggling as she struggled. Amber slowed down her movement, not wanting to put on more of a show than she had to, but this just encouraged them more. All five girls around her were laughing and giggling as they talked about her "cute" butt, and "adorable" nipples.

Amber was pretty sure she was more embarrassed than she'd ever been in her life. She was feeling completely helpless. Although she didn't feel a bit of anger towards the other girls, she still wanted out from the situation. Another part of her though... the part that was tingling, was driving her nuts.

That feeling was only intensifying as time went on. More and more she could feel her heart race as she was embarrassed or showed off. Amber was starting to realize it was some kind of adrenaline. It made her blush more to think part of her was enjoying this. It was something she couldn't deny though. Her nipples were hard for a reason, her breath was growing heavy for a reason, and these tingles had to be something, and they only felt good.

The girls had enough fun eventually, and let Amber go. Amber wasn't mad. This was part of the ritual, and she understood that much. They hadn't hurt her, but they did embarrass her. She knew that even if she did get accepted in, she'd probably be teased for years after this. Some people might back down from the challenge by this point, but Amber was still determined.

Lindsey brought Amber back out into the hallway, leaving the four girls behind. Amber didn't want to parade around the house much longer, but Lindsey was pulling Amber by the arm, the arm that lead down to her hand holding her teddy down, so Amber wasn't about to let her pull that away.

Amber was led back to the main room, where the two ran into the Sorority head again. She was with two other sorority sisters. They'd been talking about something; most likely some of the other girls, but stopped and smiled when they saw Amber approaching.

"Hello again," the head greeted. Amber blushed, knowing that again it seemed they could tell she was without her panties now. She also knew that they could probably already tell they could easily see her nipples.

Two of them took drinks, all the while thanking Amber. Amber was going to leave, but again the head spoke up, "What about our curtsey?" The two other girls giggled at the suggestion, knowing what that could mean.

Amber wasn't sure if she had it in her. She'd done a successful job of keeping everything hidden between her legs all day so far. Now she'd have to purposely show it to them all.

Amber's stalling only made the head more impatient, "come on, we're waiting."

Amber looked to Lindsey. Lindsey wasn't going to be any help, she too was waiting expectantly. Four eyes on Amber, and she knew what was being asked of her.

It was slow, but Amber managed move her hand from between her leg to her hip. This left her front area uncovered, and the transparent material made the shape of her pubic hairs obvious. It also was easy to tell she had nothing on underneath.

"Show them you can do this, show them you'll do whatever," Amber chanted to herself in her mind. With those last words, she gripped the side of her teddy, and began to curtsey.

All four girls gasped with glee. They even began to clap as Amber righted her teddy back into place afterwards.

Her face was burning hot. Her heart was beating rapidly. Her head was almost pounding. Amber knew exactly what just happened; she just flashed her pussy to the four girls. She had showed her most private spots to them all, and she had only just met them that day.

Amber wasn't given a chance to recover before she was asked to give an encore. Amber would have probably done it too in her daze if it hadn't been for the head saying she was kidding.

"However, I think before you go, why don't we open another of your envelopes?" the head asked.

Amber wanted to say no, she'd prefer if she could do it in private. She knew how her last challenge was, and how they were for other girls. Yet the Sorority Head herself was asking, so she decided it was best not to argue.

Amber nodded and Lindsey pulled an envelope out of her pocket. This time it was another red one.

Amber was given the honors to be the first to open it up, and was told to read it aloud for everyone.

Amber unfolded the note inside and began to read it off, "You are to go next door, claiming to be locked out. You are to ask to use the telephone to call us to confirm where you are, and then you may return."

Amber was shocked to see what she read. The other girls were already laughing when she completed it, but Amber was reading it over again in her head. So far, all the challenges Amber saw only involved people in the sorority. Although a few girls had to go outside, there was only a chance they'd be seen. Amber had to actually walk next door in next to nothing and had to actually ask strangers for help!