Amber's Initiation


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The tray was taken from Amber almost instantly by one girl as Lindsey and the head then started to lead Amber outside. Amber held a hand to the hem of the teddy again and covered her breast with the other. She almost winced as she felt how hard her nipples were, again proving that this exposure was not impending her growing arousal.

At the front door, Lindsey made sure Amber knew what she had to do. Amber wanted to tell them to wait, but the two insisting she leave just fueled her stubbornness to not give up. To try and back down would both be embarrassing in its own way and might get her in trouble.

When the door was opened, Amber looked outside. It was still very bright, and Amber didn't even know the first thing about the buildings around her. She knew that another sorority was next door, but she didn't know anything about them. She wasn't sure how they'd react to a girl in only a teddy at their front door in broad daylight.

Amber wasn't going to get the chance to think though, because as she was walked out the door, the girls inside closed the door. Amber heard a clicking noise, and actually thought she might really be locked out!

She wasn't going to try the knob though; she was nearly naked and standing in the middle of nowhere. She rather find cover than play with the doorknob in vein and have the other girls thought she was a scaredycat.

This left one option for Amber, and that was to head next door. She looked around, no one was around. She decided she better get going, and started to walk towards the neighbors.

Amber was finally realizing the situation fully as she marched towards the fence between the two houses. Amber was outside in a translucent teddy. Her breast, butt, and pussy weren't guarded by more than anything than her hands really. She was quite possibly locked outside until she exposed herself to strangers, and anyone could come along and see her!

If that weren't bad enough, Amber's body was tingling more and more. Being outside only brought on new waves of feelings for Amber. She could feel the warm of the sun on her bare shoulders, and could feel a breeze on her bare legs. The breeze and her walking also caused the teddy to sway and tickle her skin underneath. All these things only reminded her of her exposure.

Amber approached the road once she reached the fence, having to walk around it. She could see the other house already, and it seemed similar to the one she'd just been in. Amber looked around in a panic as she got to the road, watching out for cars and joggers.

Once around the fence, Amber tried to speed her pace up. She felt incredibly vulnerable outside the way she was, and even if she had to seek safety amongst another batch of girls who would see her naked, it was better than just stalling outside. Amber was having a hard time telling if her stubbornness was helpful or not at this point.

Amber made it to the front door. With her bare bottom facing behind her, she knew she had to look pretty weird to anyone. It would be very clear that the girl outside the sorority door was wearing just a few flimsy threads, and Amber didn't want that to happen. So without much thought she rang the doorbell.

With salvation from the outside hopefully coming soon now, Amber's heart just continue to sink. Amber clutched the hand and arm closer to her body. She hadn't even thought about what she was going to say yet. She'd been on autopilot the way there.

When the door began to open, Amber looked around and wondered if she should just run. Knowing running back would probably be a waste of time was the only thing keeping her in place.

The girl at the door only for a moment seemed shocked to see Amber. Yet in mere moments shock turned to delight. "Oh, you're from next door, right?" She asked excitingly.

Amber was feeling more and more naked. She'd hoped that maybe who ever answer would seem more concerned. She had enough of sorority girls getting a kick out of her dilemmas.

"Let me guess, girls next door are bringing on new sisters? What is this year, selling Girl Scout cookies?" The girl had a laugh. Amber wasn't sure why she wasn't more surprised at her nudity; could this really be a common occurrence?

"Umm, well no, you see..." Amber began to say.


Amber looked behind her, a car was going by. It didn't slow down, so maybe they didn't see, but Amber wasn't sure. "Could we talk about this inside?"

"I'm not letting someone from our rivals into the house just like that. Tell me what you want and maybe I'll consider it."

Amber started to ease her weight from foot to foot, she was getting impatient, and she was hoping to get somewhere less public by now. "Well, I was... locked out during a challenge and I need to call them to let me in!"

"Hm, you wait there, let me ask the others," and the girl slammed the door shut before Amber had a chance to beg to be let in. Amber's eyes returned to the road, watching signs for people.

The girl opened the door again, and invited Amber in. Amber was very happy to step inside, in just her teddy and sandals.

Amber nearly jumped though as she suddenly saw about seven girls now looking at her. She screeched and her hands clung closer to her body. Amber wasn't expecting this many at this time of day.

"So the girls next door are up to their old games, huh?" One of them asked. They all began to giggle.

"Remember what happened last year! That was sooo funny."

"Yeah, they may be our rivals, but they are always good for some laughs!"

Amber was so lost. She wanted to speak up and ask a question, but besides staring at her, the girls didn't seem to acknowledge she was there. It took a few moments before Amber could finally speak up and saying something.

"Can I use your guys' phone?" Amber said, looking down at the ground, not able to make eye contact.

"Oh a request? Well, I don't know if we want to help a future rival out at all, but we might be willing to make a trade," one of them said, presumably their leader.

Amber thought about it. She already owed a few challenges back with the others, but at the same time she had to use their phone.

"Well, there's a strict 'no teddies while on the phone rule' in this house, so you'd have to take off that dainty thing if you wanted to use the phone."

Amber's eyes shot wide open. They just asked her to strip naked to use the phone! They actually wanted her to take the teddy off, leaving her completely nude!

Amber pictured herself naked on the phone, seven girls watching her. She couldn't think of anything more embarrassing.

Amber was already blushing intensely. She already couldn't stand still. She was already prepared to just leave. Amber felt more than those things though. She also felt those same tingles from before. She could feel her nipples grow harder and more sensitive under the teddy. She even felt warmth growing between her legs.

Amber was to call the girls back at the house and she was to do it with the phone there. If she had to strip naked to do it, she had to do it. This is how Amber was thinking, and it's what caused her to slowly drop a hand from her breast. All the other girls cooed as they saw her do this. One or two even added in a wolf whistle.

Amber didn't stop though; she wasn't going to let her resolve waver. She kept that hand moving until it found the hem of the teddy. She knew all the eyes on her were darting between her now exposed breast and the hand between her legs, ready to see her lower half become exposed.

Even with her stubborn determination pushing her forward, Amber turned away from them out of uncontrollable modesty. She knew she wouldn't be able to hide her body with her hands fast enough to hide everything if she were facing them.

Amber finally let go of the teddy in front with the hand that had been guarding it, and let the other hand start to pull it up her body.


Amber's Initiation By Jappio

Part 6

The material began to slide up across her skin. Even though her butt was already in view, it was soon completely bared for all the girls behind her, who cheered. Amber gritted her teeth as she kept the ascent going.

In front, Amber saw that the hem had passed her patch of hair already, and her bare stomach was coming into view. The soft material running past her bare skin was making her tingle more and more. She knew every inch exposed that much more skin. She was heading to total nudity, and there was no stopping it now she felt. Amber truly felt that it was going to happen now, even if it was by her own hand.

Amber did her best to not even slow when she got to her breast. She even started to use both hands to pull the material up. She could feel the cloth pull past her nipples, flicking them as the hem caught on them for a moment.

Amber had the material off her body finally and it all only took a few seconds. To Amber, it had taken what felt like minutes. Amber wrapped an arm across her breast, still holding the teddy, and the other hand went between her legs, thighs closed around it.

Amber turned back around, hiding her butt again, and every face had a huge smile on it. Not a single one of them seemed bothered or annoyed, instead enjoying Amber's show to some degree. They must have all gotten a kick seeing one of their future rivals being stripped and embarrassed.

She'd successfully kept most of her body hidden, but she'd have to be careful enough. No pale, purple tint there any longer to hide her bits any more, she had to keep her hands steady.

That's when Amber realized, as bad as things were, she was going to win. It wasn't even that she was going to get into the specific sorority. It was just in general that she was going to conquer her goal.

With a weird mixture of embarrassment and hesitation, but also determination and pride, Amber stepped forward some and asked for the phone.

The girls were happy to create a path, their leader leading her to a phone and holding it out for Amber.

Amber's momentum slowed for a moment here. She had no way to hold the phone and stayed covered as well as she was. Amber felt a new wave of embarrassment come over her as she realized how vulnerable she really was.

Amber tried her best to move her arm across her chest so to take the phone, but keep her nipples covered. The best she could manage though was to keep only one half hidden. This left one breast hanging free to one side, which brought a round of giggles from everyone watching Amber.

Amber knew she might as well not try at all, considering the half she was covering was symmetrical to the one exposed, both being very naked and the nipples being quite hard, but Amber still tried to keep one covered. She eagerly waited in front of all seven girls as she dialed the number.

The ringing didn't last long, and a girl on the other end picked it up. "Hello?" they asked, Amber not recognizing the voice right away.

"This is Amber, is Lindsey there!" Amber said in a rush, wanting to get back as soon as possible.

"Lindsey? Amber? Oh yes, you're the one who we locked out in just that sexy nightwear, yes? Let me put Lindsey on, just one moment." Amber realized she'd been talking to the sorority head. A new shade of blush crept on her face once she realized that the head herself was waiting for the call. This challenge must have been interesting if she was going to wait near the phone.

"Hello, this Lindsey," Amber soon heard on the phone. Amber smiled thinking she'd finally be free.

"Can I come back in now!" Amber begged.

Lindsey chuckled. "Oh, you want to come back here? Do the girls there not like your outfit?"

Amber wasn't sure what to say, she technically didn't have that outfit anymore. "They did just fine... can I just come back now?"

While Amber was on the phone, the girls around her moved closer. It caused Amber to squirm, but she really didn't have much choice, she had to get permission to be allowed back inside.

Amber really wished she could run when she felt a hand on the arm that was leading down between her legs. The arm tugged, and Amber tried to keep it firmly in place.

"Come on, move it, let us see," one of the girls teased.

"Yeah, we really want to look," another added.

"Pretty please," another went.

"No!" Amber said with a hush, but Lindsey overheard it.

"No? No you don't want to come back?" Lindsey asked.

"No! I do, please, you have to!" Amber had to ignore the hands for a moment, she might lose her chance!

Then the leader of the girls stood next to the phone receiver, her finger over the button that would end the call. "You better follow house rules and move those hands of yours, that is if you want to stay on the line."

Amber couldn't read the woman's smile. She wasn't sure if she was serious or not. The call was most important though, she had a goal to get back inside, and she wasn't going to lose it.

It took a moment and a deep breath, but Amber slowly eased the hand between her legs away. She looked up and away from the girls as she tried to pay attention to her conversation.

This was no easy task for Amber. She knew that all around her now that the seven girls would get an unobstructed view her pubic hair and even a bit of her pussy between her closed legs. She knew that she was exposing her naked body to strangers, and it wasn't just the embarrassment that made it harder to talk to Lindsey now. The tingle was growing even greater now, and making it hard to think straight.

"Well, let me talk to their head, and then we can see," Lindsey said. Amber was left with no other choice than to hold the phone out to the leader.

The leader happily took the phone, and the two began to talk. Amber got the feeling the two seemed to know each other to some extent. Amber was about to cover up now that she was off the phone, but the leader stopped for a moment to tell Amber to keep her hands down.

"Oh yes, we have a rule that she couldn't cover up while using our phone. Exposed? Oh she's super exposed! Like completely!" Amber heard her say.

"I do believe it's your Amber. I can check for you," the woman said as she walked over to Amber. She began to circle around and inspect her. "Yes she does seem to blush a bunch." The woman nodded as she looked at Amber, who was doing her best to avoid eye contact. "Yes, she did show up in this great looking teddy, but she lost that now. What, she didn't mention that? Yep, another rule, she had to strip out of it, you should have seen it!" Amber couldn't believe what was happening. Seven set of eyes were bad enough, but she was hoping to have kept some of this a secret from the girls back at the sorority. Amber was too far gone to even fight it when the leader reached out and took the teddy from Amber.

"OH yes, definitely, she should give you guys a show when she gets back, show what she did," the woman said with a laugh. "I'm telling you, it has to be the same girl. Yes, yes she does indeed have gorgeous breast. Yes... yes. Oh god yes, that's perfect way, like they'd fill a hand just wonderfully, nothing overly huge, but definitely the right size for a cutie like her, also jiggle beautifully when she fidgets!" Amber couldn't believe how embarrassing this was getting. The two girls were actually talking and complimenting her breasts so casually! Amber also hadn't realized just how much she was starting to wiggle and fidget.

"You're not kidding about her butt either; the girl here is definitely got quite an adorable one. Like I'm a bit jealous of it myself!" Amber did everything she could do to not cover herself up in anyway. "Hm? Well I guess I can tell you that the drapes do match the carpet, in case you didn't see it much before. Yep, yep, she does keep it trimmed pretty well!"

Amber was at the end of her rope now. Her whole body was there for viewing, and she had no way to stop it. "A little more, then you'll be back and be able to finish this all. It can't get much worse, it's downhil from here," Amber assured herself.

"Hard as rocks!" Amber heard the women comment suddenly. Amber knew what it had to be, and it was true. Amber's nipples were very erect, sticking out and she could feel those tingles tickling them too. Were she in private, Amber knows she wouldn't be able to resist touching them. The tingles were spread across her body, but she did notice they seemed to focus more at her naughty parts that were in view more than anything.

"Yep, she definitely is your Amber. Give us a few minutes, and we'll have her back to you in a jiffy," The leader finally said as she hung up the phone.

Amber didn't like the sound that she wouldn't be able to leave right away. She didn't even have to ask why once the leader began to speak again, "So, you'll be let in, but first, I think we should talk a bit before we give your clothing back."

Amber knew the clothing didn't hide much, but she didn't want to go back completely naked, so it was probably in her best interest to stay there. "Talk about what?" Amber asked.

"Well, we want to see how you're doing really, how this is all going for you. Are you enjoying it?" she asked.

"Enjoying it! No way, this is completely embarrassing! I'm naked and exposed and can't do a thing about it!"

The woman chuckled, "True, but I mean, you are doing it, right? I mean we've only teased you, but every step of the way you've let yourself be exposed." Amber didn't even know how to respond. Was it really that way? Had she been too stubborn to notice? "Also... well, like I told your friend, your nipples are hard as rocks, and it's not cold out."

Amber hated how everyone noticed that little fact.

"I mean, maybe it's just a nervous reaction, but some of your body language tells me you enjoy this on a couple of different levels."

"Different levels?" Amber asked.

"You probably should be more honest with the girl who holds onto your only bit of clothing," the leader said holding the teddy tauntingly.

"I know... but I mean, I feel butterflies in my stomach, and I get nervous being seen, and I guess I feel sort of tingly..." Amber explained. She blushed, having to admit to these feelings, but she really wasn't sure what she was supposed to say.

"You mean, you really don't know what's going on?" the leader asked, somewhat shocked for the first time. Amber shook her head. "I mean, you're aroused, right?"

Amber didn't even want to respond to that question. She thought that was a completely unrelated thing. Today had just been a weird day, and she was particularly horny out of coincidence. "Well.... umm...." when the leader dangled the teddy again, Amber had to finish her sentence, "yes. Yes I'm feeling horny."

"Girl, you do know that it's because you're naked, right? Like, it's because of the showing off?" The woman asked. Amber didn't say anything, she instead thought about it. It seemed like the tingles were driving her arousal. The more she was embarrassed and exposed, the more she'd tingle, and the more her body seemed to become aroused. Amber didn't really think it made any sense though, why would embarrassment and exposure arouse her?

"I don't know where those girls find girls like you, so naive and innocent." Amber wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. "It's really adorable though, seeing you girls every year, some of you so confused and lost on the things you're feeling."

Amber was starting to get what the woman was saying. Maybe she was enjoying this all on a sexual level. It seemed odd, but she had heard that there are a lot of weird things involving sex and stuff. Lots of fetishes and stuff are out there. Amber wondered if that's what this was, a weird fetish. Was it that entirely rare if girls previous had enjoyed the embarrassment too?

"I mean, would your nipples," the leader said as she reached a hand out and flicked one of Amber's hard tips that stuck out, "feel so good right now if you didn't sort of like this?"