Amy: My Sexy Dancing Queen

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He knew he had to have her.
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As I stood at the side of the stage, I was totally transfixed as I watched Amy perform. I loved this routine as it was fast and raunchy, but above all because it meant that I was close to her, able to watch her.

Amy was part of a Modern Dance group that had been performing at the Theatre were I work. They had been at the Theatre for the last ten days, but this was their last performance. Each show consisted of four routines. This was the third of those, and Amy had become its undoubted star.

At 23, Amy was three years younger than me. When I first set eyes on her I thought “Wow!”. Put simply, she was gorgeous. Her dark, ebony coloured skin seemed to glisten under the arc lights, and looked so smooth. As you would expect of a dancer, she was incredibly fit, with a firm, but not over muscular, body. Her breasts were full, and she definitely curved in and out in all the right places.

Her shoulder length hair looked quite crinkly, but was in fact very soft when you saw it up close. Her face was perfect, her eyes bright, and her lips full and soft. As she danced this routine she was wearing a vest that clung to her body, and tight tracksuit bottoms. From where I was stood at the side of the stage, I can clearly see her nipples through her top, and the outline of her body through her trousers.

Over the last ten days I’ve seen a lot of her, both during rehearsals and the performances. We’ve got to know each other really well, and the “wow” I thought about her ten days ago has grown too much more. Yes, I want her, and I sense that she wants me, but I hope that there is much more to our developing relationship. However, tonight must be the night, as tomorrow she will be moving on.

I’ve worked in the Theatre for the last year or so. During the dance routines I keep an eye on things generally, and help the dancers with props and the like as they move through the various changes. I know the timings of the routines down to the last second, and knew from the time and the music that Amy was approaching my favorite part.

The routine was played out around some music by Jimi Hendrix. Amy dances the part of a rebellious young lady, who wants attention but was being ignored. At this point in the routine she dances up and down the side of the stage, from the front backwards.

To try and get some attention, she pulls her trousers down to expose the top of one cheek. After returning to the front of the stage, she dances back again, this time pulling her top up. In reality, this is all a big tease – Amy only appears to the audience to be showing of bits of her body. Except for this time.

As she danced back towards where I was stood, she turned her back towards me as she pulled her trousers down on one hip. But this time she turned further, and pulled her trousers lower. I was given a perfect view of the top half of her bum, catching an all to fleeting glimpse of her firm buttocks, and the tight crack between them.

Pulling her trousers up, she danced back to the front, before coming back towards me again, on a different line to normal. Amy pulled her top up. Usually she stopped as her top reached the bottom of her breasts, but this time she went further, showing them to me in full, a wicked grin on her face. She pulled her top down and carried on with her dance.

The sight of her gorgeous ass was one thing, but her firm breasts, bouncing softly as she danced towards me and pulled her top up, was quite another. My cock felt fit to burst, a more than obvious bulge developing in my shorts. I knew that no one else could have seen what Amy had just done, and that her show was just for me. I also knew that she was due off stage in a few seconds time. But where was this leading??

My cock was still rock hard when Amy bounced off stage a few seconds later, a delicious smile across her face. You reached for me and placed the flat of her hand lightly on the front of my shorts.

“You liked then,” she murmured, in her delightfully husky voice.

I just stood and looked at her, my jaw dropping open.

“Quick,” she added, “we haven’t got long, and I need you.”

She squeezed my cock.

Was this real? Was this really happening to me?

She pulled me quickly towards a curtained off area at the side of the stage that was used by the dancers to do quick changes. I knew that all the other dancers were now on stage. I also knew that Amy was off stage for exactly six minutes – of which only five remained.

There were clothes hung up all around the area. The only furniture was a table and a few chairs. Amy made straight for the table. Standing in front of it, facing me, she quickly pulled her trousers down to just below her knees. She slid her naked ass onto the table and pulled her feet up onto the edge. With her knees up high, her pussy was totally exposed to me.

“Quickly,” she demanded, “Fuck me.”

Although still stunned by how this was developing, I reacted at last. Pushing my shorts down as I crossed the short distance between us, I dragged my hard cock out. Amy reached for me, and guided me to her pussy. As I gazed down at her, all I really noticed was the contrast between my tanned flesh and her dark ebony flesh, and between by pale coloured cock and her wet pinkness. And then my cock was inside her.

We both gasped as I stepped closer to her, driving my cock straight into her. Her pussy was hot, tight, and very wet. My cock stretched her as I pumped into her. I reached down and held her by the hips, driving my cock into her. She cried out as I fucked her, pumping into her as hard and as deep as I could. She urged me on, both of us aware of the time, aware that Amy needed to be back on stage, aware that we needed each other, wanted each other.

It seemed that I had only been inside her a short time when amazingly she came, grabbing my hand and pressing her lips to it to muffle her cries. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed around me as her orgasm rippled through her. My balls ached as I held by cock deep inside her, releasing my cum into her. I bit my lip to stop myself crying out. We clung to each other as best we good, her legs still up high between us, our lips barely touching as we kissed for the first time.

As we came down from our high, the music from the stage got louder, the tempo faster. With a start we both recognized Amy’s cue to go back on stage. I pulled away from her and stepped back, watching as she pushed some tissues between her legs to stop my cum and her juices from marking her clothes, and pulled her trousers up, before dashing back on stage, a beat or two late.

I went back to watch her, slipping my cock, still wet with her juices, back into my shorts. I watched her, noticing the flush across her chest for the first time. As she danced across the stage towards me, she smiled that delicious smile again, and I knew that this was only the beginning.

I didn’t see Amy when that routine was over as she had to change – but I did hear the applause, and knew that most of it was for her. If only they knew! The last dance routine is really busy for me, with a lot of prop changes to deal with. As Amy was dancing for the whole routine, I barely saw her again until after the performance. Even then all I saw was that smile again as she had to rush off. Unfortunately, it was her turn to chat to some of the audience straight after the performance.

I watched her laughing and joking with the audience. She was still dressed in the jumper and skirt she had worn for the last routine. Her jumper clung to her every curve, and twinges of jealousy ran through me at the looks she was getting from the men in the group around her. But eventually she was finished, and went off to get changed.

I quickly got changed into jeans and a tee shirt and waited for her, assuming – or hoping - that we would be going to the last night party together. When she came out of the dressing room with the other girls in the dance group, my jaw dropped. She was dressed simply in a red mini skirt and white tee shirt. Her skin glowed. She wore hardly any makeup, and her hair was held back with a clip. All this, and the contrast between the colour of her clothes and her dark skin, was absolutely stunning.

She came straight across to me, and kissed me. My arm curled around her and pulled her to me. I felt her breasts against me as our lips touched again. They felt soft and moist. The tip of her tongue ran softly along my lips, and then into my mouth. I sucked gently on her tongue before we parted, breathless. The other dancers looked on in astonishment – but we didn’t care. I took her hand and led the way outside.

The party was being held in the hotel across the road where the dancers were staying. We stayed close together, knowing without saying anything that we would only stay long enough to be polite. We ate a little, and drank a glass of wine together as we chatted to other guests at the party. Amy naturally got a lot of attention, but after an hour or so I led her out of the party and over to the lifts.

On the way out I grabbed an ice bucket with a bottle of wine in it, while Amy found two glasses. The lift came quickly, and we were soon on our way to the eleventh floor. Neither of us spoke in the lift, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I was still wondering at the speed of events, not quite believing what had happened over the last couple of hours.

Amy led the way to her room, and let us in with her key. I pushed the door shut behind us, while Amy put on the bedside lights. The room was a typical city centre hotel room, except that somehow the room felt more personal, more intimate, being alone there with Amy. I put the wine down next to the glasses on the bedside cabinet. Turning towards Amy, I held out my arms.

She came quickly to me. We held each other tight, our bodies pressed close together, as we kissed. Again she ran the tip of her tongue along my lips, and then into my mouth. This time she thrust her tongue deeper as I sucked on it. We broke apart, catching our breath. As our lips and tongues met again I looked into her eyes, seeing the passion, the desire, there. Our kisses became more urgent, more demanding.

Amy took a step back from me. She looked at me as she undid the button and short zip at the side of her skirt. With a wiggle of her hips, the skirt was soon in a pool around her feet. She kicked the skirt to one side, and then her sandals. Slowly, she gripped her vest top by the hem with both hands, and drew it slowly up her body and over her head. She stood in front of me, that smile on her face again.

“Do you like?” she asked, slowly doing a twirl for me, showing off her body to me.

Like? I was speechless. All she was wearing was a white lacy quarter cup bra, and a matching thong. Her skin shone in the light, her whole body fit and toned. Her breasts rose out of her bra, begging to be touched. Her tummy was flat, her legs long and slender, and her ass firm. A groan escaped my lips, my cock aching to be released from my jeans.

“Now you,” she told me.

I quickly pulled by shirt over my head, glad that I had been to the gym as much as I could recently, wanting desperately to impress her. I needn’t have worried. As soon as my shirt was off she came close to me again, and ran her hands over my chest and stomach. She marked out the lines of the muscle on my body with her fingertips, before running her nails over my nipples, and down to my jeans. She teased me and scratched me for a few minutes, all the time looking at me.

She stepped back again.

“Now the rest,” she told me, before adding “Slowly.”

Now it was my turn to tease. I undid the buttons on my jeans one at a time, before slowly pushing them down my thighs. My cock was rigid inside my underwear. I took a leaf out of her book, and turned away before kicking my jeans off. My boxers followed. Before I could turn back, she was behind me, pressing her lush body against me, and reaching around for my cock.

This time it was Amy who groaned, feeling my hardness properly for the first time. She slowly ran her hand up and down my length, wanking me. She rubbed my pre cum away with her thumb, smearing it across the head of my cock. I sighed with pleasure, leaning back against her.

I turned back to face her, pulling her to me to kiss her, to reach down and caress her tight buttocks. I ran my finger down the crack between them, rubbing her softly. I unhooked her bra, and felt the softness of her breasts move against me as she stood back a little and let her bra fall to the floor. I dropped to my knees and took in the gorgeous view in front of me.

Her breasts were incredible. Her nipples were large, almost plum coloured, and sat proudly at the tip of her firm breasts. Her breasts were much bigger than I’d thought, and seemed to tilt upwards at the tip. I reached for her and cupped them in my hands, feeling their weight, their firmness, their beauty. She pulled my head to her nipples, guiding one and then the other into my mouth. I sucked on her, drawing her ripe nipples into my mouth. She tasted wonderful.

After sucking and licking on her, she pushed my head lower. I eased her thong down her thighs, and kissed her pussy lightly – just a soft kiss at the top of her slit. Turning her around, I pulled her thong down her legs, kissing her cheeks as I did so. Before standing up I ran my tongue down her ass, teasing her as she pushed her bum towards me.

At last we were both naked. I took her hand and led her to the bed.

We lay down together and kissed and caressed each other. Her skin was silky smooth as I ran my hands over her. I kissed her face and her neck, before nibbling my way along the line of her collarbone. I licked and kissed the hollow of her throat, before moving softly down to the valley between her breasts.

She moaned and sighed as I kissed every part of her breasts and nipples, before moving again, over her stomach and down towards her pussy. I tickled her cute little navel with my tongue, before kissing my way past her pussy and down the inside of her thighs.

As I kissed her inner thighs, I slipped off the bed and knelt between her legs. I reached under her buttocks and held her, pulling her closer to my mouth as I moved along her thighs to her pussy. Her pussy was divine. Her pubic hair was short, and very soft despite its almost crinkly appearance. Her pussy lips were prominent, and almost the same colour as her nipples. Her clit was pink, and cried out to be sucked. So that was where I started.

I ran my tongue softly over Amy’s clit, flicking her nub of flesh, teasing her. She pushed herself forward, pushing herself onto me. I sucked and nibbled at her, enjoying her cries of passion. I slid my mouth lower, onto her lips, parting them with my tongue, sucking her juices into my mouth.

As I eased back a little so that I could look at her properly, she pulled her legs up and put her feet on my shoulders. Her pussy opened up for me, her lips parting like two petals. I kissed and licked her again, running my tongue down her slit from top to bottom, starting at her clit and ending at her bum. I carried on back the way I had come, kissing and licking, nibbling and teasing, feeling her writhe under me.

I sucked her lips into my mouth, forcing my tongue inside her, probing her as deeply as I could. She arched her back, pushing her hips up as she held my head down, forcing my mouth onto her, my tongue into her. Her juices were smeared across my face and chin. She urged me to suck her, to fuck her with my tongue. Her cries got louder as her orgasm built inside her. And then she came.

She cried out as her release ran through her, her thighs and hands holding me to her. I sucked and licked her juices from her as they flowed. She let go of me, and flopped back on the bed, a flush rising up her chest, her breathing harsh. I kissed her pussy, savouring the taste of her, loving the pleasure she was enjoying.

I crawled back up the bed and held her. I kissed her softly, sharing the taste of her cum, as she reached for my cock. I kissed her breasts and nipples, as her body relaxed again. Amy pushed me onto my back, and started to kiss me. She nibbled my ear lobe, and kissed my neck

“Your turn now,” she whispered, as she moved lower.

She bit and sucked my nipples, before kissing and licking her way down my body. She ran her nails over me, before moving to the end of the bed as I had, to kneel down. She gazed at my cock, murmuring appreciative comments about my length, my thickness, my hardness. My cock twitched as I took all this in, as she reached out to me.

As soon as she touched my cock I moaned with pleasure. She stroked me a few times, watching closely as my skin moved up and down, as my cock head was exposed and then hidden. She ran her tongue along my cock and down to my balls, before tentatively licking my helmet. She held my cock flat to my stomach, and used her tongue again, this time going along my cock, onto my balls, and then lower still.

She sucked on my balls, rolling them in her mouth, sending pain and pleasure through my body. She made her way back up my cock, using her lips, her tongue, and her teeth, to pleasure me. She held my cock upright away from my body, and licked around my helmet again. And then, without warning, she pressed her lips around the top of my cock, and swallowed half my length into her mouth.

I gasped out loud as she sucked me hard, her hand still holding me, wanking me with short strokes. She sucked harder still, only her hand stopping me from going deeper as I pushed my hips up, driving my cock into her mouth. She sucked me, stroking me and squeezing my balls, as I fucked her sweet little mouth. My balls tightened as my cum built up. I cried out as I came, spurts of cum pouring into her mouth.

She took the first few jets deep in her mouth, and then pulled her head away, wanking me to send my cum up onto my stomach. She pumped me until I stopped, and then sucked me to make sure she had all I could offer. And then she slowly licked the cum off of my stomach, before lying on top of me, and kissing me so that we could share the taste of my cum.

As we kissed, I ran my tongue over her lips, tasting myself on her. I touched her as she touched me, satisfied for now. I leant over her to the bedside cabinet, and poured us each a glass of wine. We lay on the bed facing each other, our heads propped up on a hand, and sipped our wine. We laughed, and talked, enjoying each other. Gradually the talking and laughing stopped, and we put our glasses down, moving back into each other’s arms, our lips and bodies meeting.

We kissed and caressed each other, our passion building gradually. She reached for my cock as I slipped a finger, then two, into her hot, tight pussy. As I finger fucked her, she slowly wanked me. We moved on the bed so that as I sucked on an erect nipple, she could lick and suck on mine. We moaned softly into each other’s bodies as the sexual tension built.

“I want you,” I told her, moving to kneel between her outstretched legs.

As my cock rested at the entrance of her pussy, she arched her hips and reached for me, pulling me into her. I leant forward, and let the head of my cock stretch her lips apart and enter her. I reached over to the ice bucket, and pushing the wine bottle to one side, picked out a few pieces of ice. With by cock just inside in her, I looked at her face and watched as I ran the ice over her body.

Her body tensed as the ice touched her. I smoothed it over the tummy, and up to her breasts. Her nipples hardened even more as the cold hit them. She moaned as I moved the ice back over her body, leaving small trickles of cold water running down her as the ice melted against her hot body.

Easing my cock out of her, I touched what was left of an ice cube against her pussy. She cried out as the ice slipped just inside her body, the cold melting water mixing with her hot juices. She reached out and took the last of the wet ice from my hand, and held in around my cock. Now I moaned out loud, blown away by the sensation, the mixture of pleasure and pain as the cold ice mixed with my hot flesh.