An Adventure in Vegas Ch. 02


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Grinning, Stephen could see the curious twinkle Joan had had earlier returning to her eye. Surprised it was returning so fast but thrilled that it was, he said, "Well, there were two other, I don't know, themes or areas that we didn't see the last time you were here. Would you like to see those?"

Beginning to feel more stimulated thinking about the unknown again, Joan replied, albeit shyly, "What would those be?"

"Well, one is an S&M room! The other is an area for woman who only want to be with other woman!"

Quickly responding, Joan said, "I could skip the S&M room! I don't think I could ever be turned on by that kind of stuff!"

"No problem! It's never done much for me, either!" Following up on his earlier question though, he asked, "How about the other area, the ladies area, would you like to check that out? I know I would!!"

Grinning, Joan said, "Oh! So you're one of those guys that gets turned on by seeing two women together, huh?"

"Absolutely!" Stephen answered with a laugh before adding, "Every guy, every normal guy anyway, loves to see two women going at it! It's a major turn on! Doesn't Brent enjoy watching that kind of stuff?"

Giggling, Joan answered, "Yeah! It turns him on!"

Feeling a mild rush from the opening, Stephen then asked, "How about you? Have you ever been curious to do something like that? Have sex with another woman?"

Thinking about it, Joan felt a tickle in her belly. Being honest with him, she answered, "I've been curious! But, I don't know, I don't think I could actually do it." Pausing briefly, wondering if she really could, she then added, "I think a woman's body is beautiful, I just don't know I could do something like that!" Curious, she then asked, "Has Stacey ever been with another woman?"

Smiling, Stephen immediately replied, "Oh, yeah!! Several times!!"

"Did she like it?" As soon as she asked, she felt like it was a dumb question.

"Not did! Does! And she loves it! In fact, she's told me on more then one occasion that nobody can eat her pussy better then another woman can!"

Finding herself becoming even more curious, Joan then asked, "Have you ever watched her?"

"Oh God, yes!! Several times! Drives me absolutely crazy every single time I do, too!" As visions of Stacey and some of her female conquests flashed through his mind, he felt an even stronger rush when he added, "By the way, she told me that she would love to get a shot at you herself! She's mentioned that on more then one occasion!!"

Not expecting this, Joan felt embarrassed. Not knowing what to say, she finally replied, "I'm flattered! I think so anyway."

After an awkward silence fell between them, deciding it would be best not to press the idea on her, Stephen eventually asked, "So what do you say, do you want to check it out?"

Thinking, a part of her was very tempted to head over to the place Stephen was referring too. However, a larger part of her was more interested in something else. Inspired by this, she answered, "Maybe we can do that some other time?" Not believing what she was about to say, she then said further, "Right now, I'm more turned on by the idea of seeing men and women doing it with each other! Take me someplace where I can see that again!"

Feeling an adrenaline surge, Stephen felt his body getting warmer then it already was. Smiling, loving that an animated look had returned to Joan's face, he decided right then and there that he was going to take her to a place he wanted to go to since the night began. Excited, he said, "You know what, I know the perfect place!!" Purposely leaving what that place was a mystery though, he took hold of Joan's hand again and proceeded to guide her down another hallway with him. For both, feeling their libido grow with each forward step.

A couple of minutes later, Joan found herself wondering just exactly where Stephen was taking her when they came across a very large, intimating man at the entrance of another hallway. As Joan stared up at the man who was nearly two feet taller and two hundred pounds heavier then she was, thinking he looked like a member of a motorcycle gang, she felt some welcomed ease when she saw the gentleman smile, saying to Stephen, "Hey, buddy! Haven't seen you in a while!"

Tapping the man on an upper arm that looked more like a tree trunk, Stephen said, "Hey Big E! Yeah! Haven't been up here in a couple of weeks! How are the kids?"

Smiling brightly, Big E responded, "Eating everything in the house except the kitchen sink! Giving me gray hair!" Moving his eyes from Stephen to Joan, letting his eyes drift up and down her body without any craftiness in doing so, he then added with a half laugh, "Does Stacey know you're up here?"

Grinning, knowing full well that his friend already knew the answer, he replied simply and with a tone of pride, "Yep!!"

Still looking at Joan, obviously ogling her, Big E said to Stephen with envy, "Lucky bastard!" A few seconds later, he then said further, "Does the boss know you're here?"

"No! But do you think he would have any objections?" As he said this, it was obvious the subject of his comment was Joan.

"Nope!" After saying this, he conversed with Stephen for another minute or two until he stepped aside, saying, "Have fun you two!"

"We will!" Still holding Joan's hand, Stephen started to walk down the hallway. Turning a corner, knowing he was out of earshot of anyone, he said to her, "Big E's real name is Ernie! However, I've never heard of anyone who's had the courage of calling him by his real name. Don't know why, besides the fact he looks like a guy who could break you in half, he's actually a hell of a nice guy!"

"Why is he sitting there?" Joan asked, curiously.

Stopping, turning to look Joan directly in the eye, Stephen said, "Listen, the place I'm taking you is very, very exclusive. The only people that know it exists are the owner of the club and some very select clientele, maybe only fifty or sixty people at the most. Because this club is in Vegas, a lot of tourists come here so that's why this place is so private. Plus, even more, the privacy of this place is important because some of the people who come here are prominent members of the community. So, you have to promise me that what or whomever you see, you can't tell anyone...ever!"

Listening closely, Joan was both captivated and flattered that Stephen was taking her to such a place. Before she could say anything though, Stephen added, "But there's one other important thing you should know before we go any further! The rules here are a little more relaxed, meaning, people here tend to be a lot more aggressive and bold. However, with that said, they'll also know this is your first time here because they would either recognize you, or, they would have heard about you because of how beautiful you are. There's some very attractive women who are regulars, but trust me, they'd remember you." Pausing, feeling concern that Joan might actually decide not to go, he soon finished by saying, "I just want you to know this before we go any further!"

Now feeling even more enamored and curious then she was just a few seconds earlier, Joan knew she wasn't going to say no. However, despite this, she also began to feel a strong sense of caution and nervousness again, her conscious making her question if she really should go any further. But, because these thoughts and emotions only added fuel to her fire, making her feel almost intoxicated, it wasn't long until she replied, "I promise I won't say anything!" Anxious, she then added hungrily, "You've got me dying of curiosity now so please go ahead and take me there!"

Thrilled, Stephen grinned and said simply, "Okay!" Purposely trying to tease her, after a brief moment, he added as they started walking toward their destination, "You know...I have a strong feeling this place we're heading to right now is the place you're going to get that chance to do something you have never done before! And I think there's a very strong chance this is going to be a night you're never going to forget!"

Hearing this, Joan felt another surge of adrenaline, which made her more aware how much her body was aching for attention. She knew as she continued walking with Stephen that she wanted to play, and the knowledge of this was giving her the motivation to become the bad girl she was raised never to be.

As Joan passed though long strands of beads that worked as an artful doorway, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim light enveloping the room she had stepped into. When her vision became clearer however, she immediately focused on a petite young blond woman who was in the middle of the room. What caught her attention most distinctly though was not the fact that the woman was completely naked, it was the woman's confidence on display as she sucked on a highly attractive black man's penis, squatting on her feet seductively before him as she pleased him. Causing her eyes to widen even more however, Joan quickly realized that the man's penis must have been at least eleven or twelve inches long; so big that, when the woman placed the man's tool in her mouth, she looked like she could only get the first four inches or so of his manhood past her lips. Squeezing onto Stephen's hand tightly, enthralled with the erotic scene taking place no more then ten feet right in front of her, it would only dawn on her a minute or two later that at least ten other couples were enjoying the pleasure of sex in the room as well.

Gently bringing her out of a hushed trance, Stephen guided her up a couple of steps to a black leather couch that was at least twelve feet in length. After sitting with him, she looked to her left so she could take in all the carnal activity that was taking place on that side of the room; her ears simultaneously absorbing the mixture of provocative music filling the air and the occasional grunt or moan brought forth by someone's lovemaking. Gradually working her line of sight to the right, she quickly found herself staring directly across the room, her full attention falling on two couples positioned on a couch that was an exact match of the one she and Stephen were sitting on now.

Reflexively biting down on her bottom lip, she watched intently as two women kissed each other, the women's tongues occasionally peaking outside their mouths so they could playfully flick them across the lips or tongue of the other. Enhancing the visual though, as the women kissed, both were resting on their hands and knees, their faces showing the pleasure they were enjoying as the men resting on their knees behind them fucked them slowly but deeply.

As the two couples continued to play with each other, after a couple of minutes, Joan's arousal grew even more when she watched one of the woman pull away from the man behind her. Very quickly, feeling a pleasing chill when she observed the same woman turning and placing herself on her back before reaching up with her hands so she could pull the other woman down on top of her, smiling as she realized the two women were placing themselves in the classic "sixty-nine" position. A few moments later, sighing yet again, watching mesmerized as the woman now lying on her back raised her head slightly so she could slither her tongue over the other woman's clitoris; the same woman eventually making Joan swallow anxiously when she heard her instructing the two men now sitting back and watching to start fucking the woman above her's mouth and pussy; the two men soon taking back control of the situation when they started to fuck the woman lying on her back just the same.

As this hedonistic act across the room continued, movement to Joan's left caught her attention. Squeezing her thighs together in response, Joan saw the young petite blond was now being held upside down, her bare feet high in the air as the black man holding her hungrily buried his mouth directly into her vagina; his task keeping her in this position looking effortless. And as he continued working on her, Joan could easily hear the petite blond both grunting from the stimulus she was receiving and laughing to do the position the black man had placed her in; occasionally hearing the woman gasping even louder whenever the man's tongue looked like it was locking in on the woman's clitoris. Soon, seeing the woman attempting to return the favor when she reached for the man's mammoth penis, her hand just barely able to wrap around his ebony shaft before she brought his tool back into her mouth once again.

Entranced, losing any sense of time, Joan became lost as she continued watching the two erotic scenes taking place before her, feeling her heart race and her face flushing the entire time. Unexpectedly, she found herself gasping out loud though when she felt her right nipple suddenly being pinched. Rocked by the chill the stimulation created, Joan looked at Stephen, feeling butterflies in her stomach and a burning in her sex when she saw the way he was staring at her. A second later, sighing loudly when she heard him say to her, "Very shortly, you and I are going to be doing exactly what everyone else in here is doing!"

Breathless from his words, Joan felt her nipples harden as another adrenaline surge coursed through her veins. Highly charged, a part of her anxiously wanted Stephen to do just that, wanting nothing but to feel his manhood once again sliding deep inside her body. Even as she felt this hunger though, another part of her was feeling a strong sense of nervous caution again. Looking at him, she couldn't tell if he was informing her that he was going to take her here and now, or someplace else. Thinking, having him fuck her someplace privately, despite what she had felt earlier, comforted her. Doing anything here, the thought made her even more nervous then she already was.

A few minutes later, that nervousness started turning more into fear.

Still sitting, feeling like her body was paralyzed watching what Stephen was beginning to do, she could only look down as he worked to untie the one knot that prevented her shirt from falling open completely; realizing clearly that if it did it would expose her to everyone in the room. Finally able to snap herself out of this trance though, she eventually brought her hands up to his in an effort to stop him. However, when she heard him say firmly, "Don't! Please don't stop me! I want to see you! I want everyone in here to see you!" she suddenly found herself not able to move again, not able to resist him.

As Stephen resumed his effort to untie the knot of Joan's shirt, he could see the mixture of arousal and anxiety on her face. Stimulated by this, he knew if he pushed the right buttons, there would be an excellent chance that she might allow herself to expand her sexual boundaries just like he was craving her to do. Excited by this and knowing he was about to release the knot, he then said, "Look around you sweetie! Every man in this room has been looking at you! They want to see you! They want to see your beautiful body! They want to see you without anything on just like every other woman in here!" Seeing Joan eyes flash around the room, he smiled when he knew she was fully absorbing for the first time something that had been present all along, saying to her to confirm her discovery, "That's right! Every woman in her is wearing nothing at all! They're all completely naked! Every one of them except you!"

Sighing, Joan was shocked that she hadn't fully noticed this fact until now. Catching a least half of the men in the room looking at her as well, Joan felt another chill knowing what they were wanting; she could see it in their eyes. Fully absorbing this, she could hear her conscious screaming at her to run away. But, simultaneously, she found herself surrendering to the fact that she wouldn't be able too. And as she thought about it even harder, she was discovering that more and more of her didn't want too. Contemplating where this desire was coming from, titillated immensely by the thought that complete strangers were hungry to see her, desiring to seeallof her, she bit down hard on her lower lip again as she savored another adrenaline rush, loving the attention being cast upon on her.

When Stephen saw Joan nibbling on her lip, he felt a chill himself. Inspired, within seconds he finally freed the knot. Savoring the moment, he flipped the portion of her shirt furthest away from him to her side then pulled the material closest to him away from her chest, his act fully exposing Joan's perfect breasts to everyone in the room.

Feeling exposed, feeling the room's cool air flowing against her erect nipples, Joan instantly felt a level of excitement she had never experienced before. When she saw some of the men in the room staring directly at her, seeing them smile, she could almost feel the desire they had for her, the awareness of which made her shiver. This awareness fell to the back of her mind though when she saw Stephen's head flash in front of her, cooing when she felt the warmth of his lips enveloping one of her nipples a second before he drew her flesh hungrily into his mouth; sighing a few moments later when she began to experience the highly pleasing sensation of his tongue vibrating against her sensitive tissue; grunting when he occasionally bit down ever so gently on her nipple with his teeth.

Fascinated with the sounds Joan was making as he pleased her, Stephen continued to play with her nipples for several minutes, working slowly back and forth, alternating from one breast to the other. When he felt her fingers beginning to run through his hair however, knowing she was doing this to encourage him to continue, it wasn't long until he decided to torment her even further. Excited knowing what he was about to do, he hoped to increase the heat of the moment by saying to her, "You know what? I'm going to pull off your skirt now! And then I'm going to eat your sweet little pussy right here in front of everybody!" Adjusting himself so he could do exactly what he said he was going to do, he then said further, "And when I do, I want you to look at every person in here. I want you to see the look on their faces as they take in the sight of you being pleased!"

Visibly trembling from his words, Joan could say nothing in reply. The only thing she could do was force herself to breathe even deeper as the intense mixture of arousal and fear she was feeling hit her with more severity; feeling herself shaking even harder when she watched Stephen place his hands on her hips before feeling his fingers curling into the waistband of her skirt. A second later, reflexively wanting to stop him but finding she wasn't able too when he started to slowly pull her skirt down over her hips; barely believing she was subtlety raising her hips into the air to help him slide her last article of clothing down over her thighs, very much enjoying the feel of his fingertips gliding down the length of her legs until he finally pulled the skirt away from her feet, seeing him smile when he then pulled off her sandals and tossed them to the side.

Salivating as he soaked in the sight of Joan's beauty, he knew the visual of her sitting completely naked so vulnerably before a man who was still fully clothed was probably driving his friends crazy. With the thought of this fueling his fire, within seconds he started to slide his hands slowly up and down Joan's legs, soon using only his fingertips to purposefully tease her skin. Because of the intensity of his arousal though, it wasn't long until he placed his hands firmly on Joan's knees. Looking directly into her eyes, loving the combined mask of lust and hesitation on her face, he then started to push her knees apart, pressing them up and to the sides of her hips until, in a flash, he reached up and placed his hands around her waist so he could pull her even closer to him, stopping only when her buttocks were resting at the edge of the couch. Then, trembling almost as much as she was, he stared directly into her eyes again as he slowly moved his mouth closer to her sex, savoring the intensity of the moment as he pressed his tongue directly between her glistening labia, immediately relishing once again the mind-blowing sweetness of her juices.
