Andi and The Camera Club Ch. 02


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My legs were apart and my pussy was totally on show from behind... I wanted the guys to get a good look, to treat me like their porn model, and watched over my shoulder as they hungrily gathered for the best angles... then I turned back to sit, knees apart, now totally nude... fuck it felt good... they gathered in their groups, feasting their stares on me, on my exposed body... I could feel my flower gently opening... then I was on hands and knees facing the cameras... kneeling up cupping my boobs... covering my pussy with one hand, uncovering, almost orgasming... needing more... parting my knees wider... pressing my hand to pussy... harder... over and over... oh it was close... the waves approaching... shuddering as mini orgasms rippled through...

Slowly I came to my senses and recovered, blushing at how wantonly I had just behaved. Smiling a little sheepishly, I stood up leaving the bikini behind, blowing nude kisses I trotted daintily to change behind the curtain.

Once back in private I almost collapsed into the chair, hardly believing what I had just done. It was so much further than I'd gone the night before, so much further than I'd intended. Wiping the oil off my skin with some tissues, I climbed back into my yellow briefs and white bra, then stepped into the short green skirt with its yellow flowers, and finally pulled the t shirt over my head. Brushing the tangles out of my hair it felt like it was another girl who'd so shamelessly exposed herself to a whole roomful of strange men.

Geoff called through the curtain to see if I was ok, before asking if I did 'extras', but not understanding what he was talking about I just I said, "Sorry, no."

"When we've looked through the pictures I'll be in touch with your copies, and I'll let you know if we want to invite you back for another session, with a fee this time." Geoff responded, sounding maybe a little disappointed?

I felt tired, drained, so I finished dressing and came out to pick up the discarded bikini and say goodbye, walking through the roomful of men all busily putting away their cameras.

Just as I reached the door Geoff called my name again.

"Er, Andrea, I was, er, just wondering... there's a pub we usually go to round the corner, after we're done here... would you fancy coming along with us? It'll help you unwind?"

It was suggested so casually, but there was a hint of tension in the way Geoff said it. I hesitated at the door, half in, half out, and I suppose it was because I didn't say no straight away that he added,

"I think you might quite enjoy it... "

I didn't know why he might think that I'd enjoy going for a drink with a bunch of guys I'd just undressed for, but the idea did seem to linger in my thoughts. I mean, these men had just seen me totally nude, naked. To mix socially with them after that would be embarrassing, humiliating, in a way. My tummy squirmed. What if they talked in the pub in front of strangers about me being naked, nude? For these men I'd never met before tonight?. Of my own free will? That really would be embarrassing! Oh fuck, but my tummy was really churning, and I felt I needed to rub my thighs together, like when I need a wee. Oh no, the thought of wetting myself as they watched... my nipples were starting to itch.

Stupidly, I replied, "Ok," and came back into the room, as they all hurried to clear up faster.

So off we went to the pub which was only a short stroll round the corner. Only about 8 guys came along with Geoff and me. As we walked round, I felt light-hearted again and buzzed with renewed energy. Inside, the pub was fairly quiet and non-descript. Subdued lighting, plain pale walls, typical pictures of local scenes, bench seats against the walls, small tables in front with beer coasters and little stools. It smelled of beer, and there was some kind of jar of coins on the bar with a few small colourful posters above it.

While Geoff and another guy went to buy drinks, the rest of us sat round a couple of tables pushed together in a corner. They'd bought me a red wine which was nice. Almost immediately the guys started chatting about the night, their pictures, me... I just listened and relaxed as more drinks were bought and the talk got louder. I couldn't help but ask if I was ok, wanting to hear them talk more about me, like last night at the other club, wanting to hear them say how much they liked my body.

And yes, at my prompting soon they were talking animatedly about me nude. On the one hand I loved it of course, having deliberately steered the conversation that way, but also I squirmed a little as other people not in our group looked over, staring at me... And yes, I loved that churning feeling inside. One older lady at a nearby table called me a tart... oh fuck that gave me a rush I can't explain. It also made me very self-conscious in my short skirt and low top.

Geoff noticed my reactions and smiled to himself. I could tell he was thinking, and wondered what he was planning for club night next week.

When it was time for the next round Geoff went to the bar, then came back and asked me to go with him. I supposed it was my turn to help bring drinks over. I hoped he didn't expect me to pay; I had no money really.

A nice-looking fair haired guy around 30, wearing a 'Manager' badge with his name, Paul, turned to me. "Geoff here says you could help us out?"

I was a bit surprised, and quite disappointed, but I tried to hide it saying, "Um, sure, if you need help,... I've worked behind a bar before."

"Really, behind the bar as well? That would really make it work!" he said to Geoff.

What? Did he originally want me collecting empty glasses, I wondered; but they didn't really seem busy enough to need anyone to help the two young guys who were working the bar with him.

The Manager Paul lifted bar flap. "Come on through," he invited, so I did. "Ok, bottled beers and pops in these two fridges. Only those three pumps for bitters and two taps for lagers. Usual mixer for syrup sodas. Optics as you can see. Just enter the drinks in the till, prices are already in there. Any questions ask Mike and James," nodding at the two barmen, both in their early twenties, maybe students, with untidy dark hair, t shirts over jeans, and nicely muscled arms and chests.

He let me do a quick circuit to get the layout in my head, then when I was again facing the customers, he called loudly for silence.

"Ok everyone. You all know we're trying to beat the pub down the road in this year's charity cash collection. As you can see, our Pound Coin jar is pretty empty still, and we need to fill it up tonight. Sooooo... ," dramatic pause, "a professional model has offered us some incentive." What is he talking about. I looked around for the model, and glanced at Geoff who met my eye and grinned. I frowned... what WAS going on? What had he arranged?

There was half-hearted applause.

"And here she is!" pointing at me behind the bar. I was a little stunned. Me? A professional model? What was going on? I looked again at Geoff for some clue, but he just smirked and winked.

Paul continued, "If we can fill this jar with Pound Coins tonight, she'll serve drinks behind the bar tonight without her t shirt and skirt! Just in her undies!"

What the fuck?!

Whoops and whistles, and more enthusiastic applause this time.

I blushed deep red! That lady would REALLY think me a tart now! I pulled myself together. Damn! But yes, I can do this... I can be a professional model... I can serve drinks in just my bra and briefs... and heels!

Paul told me to get up on the bar so they could see me better, to give them a little encouragement to dig in their pockets. James brought a step stool over from somewhere and held my hand as I clambered up. He was really quite cute, with a nice dimple in the middle of his chin and sparkly brown eyes. And pretty, long eyelashes. Then I was up on the bar. The room looked so different from up here. I could see everyone, and they could all see me. There were more whistles, and the bar got really packed as guys came closer, some trying to see up my skirt, others asking what colour knickers I was wearing. I felt almost giddy, ashamed, ecstatic. "You'll have to wait and see!" I teased them, and then Paul helped me down again behind the bar.

I noticed a few people just leave. Well not everyone would approve. I understood that.

James, Mark and I were soon very busy serving drinks... but there was a great atmosphere with loads of banter, all good natured and mostly a little risqué or flirty... and the Jar was steadily clinking as more coins were put in.

Suddenly a small crowd of people come in, with a guy in front who I could swear had only just left. "Yep, that's her," he announced over his shoulder to the group following him. "We just need to fill the jar! Hey, darlin'!" he called to me, "Tell these boys what happens if we fill that jar with £1 coins?"

Oh my! My tummy went whoosh again and my knees were weak suddenly, and holding the hand-pumps for support I admitted, "I serve drinks the rest of the night in just my underwear, my bra and briefs... and black heels!" I added as a teasing afterthought, and having to say it out loud gave me another huge buzz that made me light headed.

Looking over to Paul, he smiled at me and nodded approvingly, then gestured towards the jar. They had responded... and the jar was now full.

Oh fuck! That meant I really had to do it! As if there was ever an alternative. Paul didn't make me get up on the bar top to strip, but James and Mark came and stood one each side of me as I lifted the t shirt up over my head. Mark took it for me, his blue eyes looking into mine and smiling in such a nice way...

"The skirt too?" suggested James from the other side, and I realised I'd sort of hesitated. Grinning self consciously I undid the skirt and stepping out of it, handed it to James. The boys held their trophies up high to many cheers, and I did a sort of stage bow and curtsey in just my soft white bra, yellow cotton briefs and 2" black heels. What a tart! I was very happy!

The Pub did great business as plenty of guys queued up to gawp at me and buy anything just to get close. Mike and James were grinning and staring too, when they got the chance. It was such fun. The atmosphere had been great when I first started helping behind the bar, but it was positively fizzing now.

After a while, Paul loudly banged a new jar on the bar (or had he simply emptied the old one?)

Without asking me, he announced, "This jar is for £2 coins! Fill it up, and her bra comes off!"

There were such loud hoots, whistles and calls at that! He looked at me eyebrows raised. This was where I protest and tell him where to go, I thought. I couldn't help myself; I nodded and felt myself grinning like a lunatic.

Again we did a brisk trade, guys asking for £2 coins in their change, and pretty soon all the ones in the pub were in the jar, but it still wasn't very full.

Then someone had the bright idea of seeing how full of £1 coins the original jar was, and how about we just double that in any denomination, notes included? Paul and Geoff reckoned this was a great idea.

It was getting a bit out of hand I thought, like they were on a mission to get me topless, and it didn't take long for Paul to declare he had enough!

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! I thought to myself, half scared, half disgusted, totally loving it. I caught Geoff's eye, and he was just smiling, nodding in a kind of told-you-so sort of way. I stuck my tongue out at him.

So with the help again of the lovely James and Mark I was up on the bar, standing in just heels, undies and bra.

Facing my baying audience, I reached behind slowly, unhooking, letting the tension come off the shoulder straps, the cups sliding forward not quite revealing anything... then I turned my back on them except that I was facing the two boys... and I let the bra fall off my shoulders until it was hanging from my left hand. James and Mark got the full show and appreciated it. Wrapping my right arm over my nipples I then turned to face the room, teasing... before dropping my arm so that both hands were at my sides. I adored the cheers and whoops, and the flash of camera phones.

Back down again to help James and Mark with the customers and enjoying the lovely comments about 'great tits'.

It had been an amazing evening, and I didn't think I'd be able to top it for a long time to come. It was approaching the time to think about going home.

Paul again called for quiet. I hoped they were just going to thank me for being a good sport and announce the total they'd raised.

"Well done everyone! Now, for another £100, she'll take the knickers off, but stay behind the bar... for £500 she'll take the knickers off and collect glasses!"

Oh no! Not totally nude? Not stark fucking naked in a pub full of strangers? Not stark-fucking-nude-naked-bare-arsed-pussy-and-tits-on-show, AND out there among them all where they can touch me, grope me?

Oh fuck! Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck, shitty fuck fuck bugger!

More than a little unsteady, I reached out to the pump handles again for support as my mind grappled with the escalation.

Catching Paul's eye I just nodded, a little dazed.

After quarter of an hour, the Paul was counting the money on the bar top, surrounded by spectators.

"That's £100... " pause for more counting, "£200... £3... £4... £487," he declared. "£13 short!" he looked out over the crowd as a groan went through them.

"But hey, at least she gets her knickers off! And when you buy a drink you'll get a great view, won't they, Andrea?" he grinned at me. I kind of nodded back.

"Oh, hang on," he added, as if he'd just thought of something. "But I haven't put anything in yet... let me see... " he got his wallet out and teased the crowd as he looked through then pulled out a note holding it high... it's a... £10...

All of us knew he was teasing us, and waited for the predictable £5... and we weren't disappointed.

It might have been predictable, but Paul did the whole showmanship thing well, and even I was laughing and enjoying it!

Such a huge cheer.

"Now behave, gentlemen... anyone who upsets her will be barred from coming in here again, and that includes her next night behind the bar!" There were plenty of meek looks and promises to be 'good'.

And his suggestion that I might do this again didn't get past me. I wanted to say, no way, but look what happened last time I tried that!

James came over and suggested I just slip out of my briefs behind the bar, make it easy on myself. So I did, and with Mark and James accompanying me, I strode out from behind he bar, totally bare arsed bare titted naked to collect glasses. We took our time, circling the whole room letting anyone who wanted have a good look and take a pic. It was funny, really, quite a party mood and more like harmless fun than anything bad, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

When we were back to the safety of the bar, we carried on serving drinks but it was getting late and nearly time to close up. Of course, a grinning mike or James just had to keep squeezing by... and I felt I owed it to them to let them grope my arse lots and cop the occasional feel of a boob. It was the most fun I could remember having.

At closing time we quickly cleared up most of the glasses, then it was a Team photo with Paul, Mike, James and me taken by Geoff who promised us all copies. I then dressed while Paul phoned for a taxi, and paid my fare. I felt a bit bad running out on James and Mark, who must have had their balls full by now, I reckoned. But they had to finish tidying, and I had to get home... maybe next time...

Once I got home, and I didn't remember much of the ride, I said Hi to Mum downstairs before hurrying up to my bedroom. I was sure that Mum knew I was nervous, excited. I wasn't sure how I felt .. It had been such awesome fun, but on the other hand Geoff knew who I was... I couldn't hide any more... and I was a bit nervous about seeing the pics... Although it was late I went back downstairs and after watching tv with mum for a bit, I kissed her goodnight and went up to bed. I reckined I'd given it enough time and checked my emails on my phone .. Nothing!!

Aggh! I got ready for bed almost feeling sick ..then PING an email! It was Geoff checking that he had the address right before sending the portfolio... I replied then turned on the computer to read his email properly...

Yep, here came the next one... with attachments! I kind of wanted to get Mum to look at the pictures with me, but there was no way I could share this with her!

Ignoring the message I checked the attached photos... How did I feel? It was almost like looking at someone else, but at the same time it was totally me. The Swimsuit Pics showed my nipples clearly and the outline of my pussy lips, and especially showed neatly trimmed pubes. It was more than I'd expected, but no less than I'd hoped. It looked great. There was also lots of camel-toe, with the suit pulled into my crack.

The bikini was still revealing but a bit more more subtle, except for the nip slips which were plentiful and started a lot earlier than I'd realised. Very sexy. I was quite proud of of my swim-wear pictures. Topless I really looked great, and the bottoms coming off were a great tease... pussy trim looked good, but a bit uneven .. I may need help there. The only downside was the underwear marks on my skin that spoiled the overall effect... but at least I knew for next time.

If there was ever a next time.

Then I read the text... another session!! Woo hoo! Geoff wanted me back!

So I took my computer into bed with me, resting it on my tummy as I spread my legs, fingers rubbing slowly up and down my lips and circling my clit, mmm, looking through all the pics again, wondering who I'd most like to see them... remembering the guys who took the pictures staring at my naked body... all the guys in the pub... mmm... it as rising, rising, closer... Rubbing faster, dipping inside... Oh yes... Nearly... James and Mark looking, groping... OH!... Mmm... coming down... Ahhh that was better... relaxing now. Switching off the laptop and the lamp I lay down to sleep, suddenly quite tired, already dreaming of my next session.

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dphotogdphotog4 months ago

Entertainingly raunchy

coolpencoolpenabout 1 year ago

Another great story, so well written. More please.

Midsnudists2Midsnudists2over 5 years ago

Fantastic series of stories - well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Camera Club

You really do need to write another chapter or 3 on camera clubs you can see how well it went down keep readers interested. It really was great..

electronpoolselectronpoolsover 8 years ago

I can't wait to see where this is going. <3

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