Anne & Coco


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"Thank you for the show. 'LOL!' If you want your things back, you will find them behind the public phone booth at Big Wave Bay car park.


Anne and I raised our palms spontaneously to shield our three strategic spots and strained our eyes around the deserted beach. But whoever took our bags, along with all our clothes and money must have gone by then.

We looked at the hand-written note again in dismay, our bodies shaking with fear.

"Big Wave Bay, that's two miles away." Anne broke our stunned silence.

"The writing looks familiar." I said.

"Yes, was it Jenny's?"

"But I thought it was Ivy's."

"No, I don't think so."

"What shall we do Anne?"

We looked around hoping that perhaps our friends would peek out of a corner or come out of the bushes. But no such luck!

We took account of our situation. Between Anne and I, we had her pair of Birkenstock and my rubber flip-flops, my waterproof Casio Baby-G, one piece of paper that we just read and two shivering bodies. Oh, on top of those, whoever did this left Anne's quick-dry sunscreen behind. How very fucking thoughtful, LOL! Except, we were scared shitless and not in the mood for this sick joke!

It was 1:30 pm. We looked at each other in despair.

"I think it must be them. Let's go and find them."

"But how, Coco!" Anne was almost in tears.

"May be they are just waiting around the corner."

Slipping on our sandals, we headed nervously back towards Rocky Bay Beach, hoping that perhaps our friends would be ambushing us on the way, had their laughs and then return our clothes. With shaky palms, I tried my very best to shield my nakedness and walked ahead of Anne. My heart was knocking at a maddening pace. By the time we rounded the corner of Rocky Bay Beach and found the place empty, we were really worried.

"They're not here!" I could only state the obvious, as my mind just went blank.

"Let's think, perhaps if we could get to a phone, then we could call them."

"Yeah? There's a phone booth near Shek O Beach car park. But we have no money, remember? Do you want to stroll starker up to those tin huts and ask to borrow a dollar for the call, Anne?"

"You have any better suggestions, smartarse?" She glared back at me.

"I'm sorry Anne."

"No, Coco, I should be the one to apologise!"

"Perhaps we should just move along. May be they are just waiting ahead on the footpath to see how far we dared to go." I said but not really believing in it.

"Let's go."

Each step brought us closer to the real world, with civilized people wearing clothes! Half crouched, we hobbled gingerly to the top of the path and peered outside.

The long stretch of Shek O Road to our right where we arrived on bus was deserted. I recalled from the bus timetable that there was no service for a few hours this time in the afternoon. To our left, three public phone booths were under 100 metres away down the road right next to a roundabout, leading to the right, a public car park and the tin huts, and to the left, Shek O Village. The whole place looked deserted.

"What shall we do, Anne?" I searched her frightened eyes for reassurance, but finding none.

"I... really... don't know." Anne was literally shaking with fear.

Somebody had to make a suggestion otherwise we could be here forever!

"I know that we don't have to worry about buses coming here right now. And I bet nobody in his right mind would be around the car park this time of the day in this hot weather. Shall we give the phone booths a try?"

Anne stared blankly through me. Her white-knuckled hands were each gripping and shielding a breast and her jaw was quivering. She nodded uncertainly.

"We do this together, right?"

She nodded again; her gaze more focused this time, on the phone booths.

We took another look at both directions of Shek O Road. Seeing no movement, we dashed for the phone booths, palms shielding our breasts and pubes! My heart was suddenly knocking so crazily that I thought it was trying to leap out of my mouth. When we got there, we found that our earlier assessments had been correct. There were just a few cars in the huge car park but no body was in sight. Down below, there were a few scattered beach-brellas on the beach but nobody was swimming at this time of the day. And of course, we had no money for a phone call.

"In the movies, people forget to retrieve their coins." Out came my wishful thinking.

Quickly, Anne and I searched the three phones but with no luck. Then I spotted it, a silver dollar coin on the ground wedged in between the last two booths.

"Psst..." I picked the coin and waved it triumphantly at Anne.

"Coco, you make the call and I do the lookout for you."

I was glad that Anne had got her wits back. Quickly, I inserted the coin and dialled Ivy's mobile number while Anne gingerly went to the centre of the tight roundabout, palms hiding her treasures as she kept scanning at the directions of the car park and the entrance to Shek O Village.

"Waai!" It was almost a relief to hear Ivy's voice.

"What the hell is this all about!" I screamed into the phone.

"What? Did you get my SMS alright, Coco?"


"I tried calling you last night but your phone was off. So I left you a SMS, didn't you get it? Don't tell me that you went to Shek O."

"Yes, I mean no... uh, I mean I got your SMS. What happened?"

Last night, I went home and switched off my phone and forgot to check it this morning. Did I bring it with me when I left home, I wondered. So, I pretended to get Ivy's message to hide the fact that Anne and I were stranded at Shek O with no clothes or money.

"Well, after we broke off yesterday, I talked a bit more with the girls. They thought it was not such a good idea after all and decided to call it off. They chickened out, not me. So I tried calling you. Anyway, I caught flu from my sis and am now poorly in bed. Wait... wait. Coco, I shall talk to you later."

I heard the sneeze before the line was cut abruptly. I stood there, dumbfounded!

"Psst... psst..."

Anne was waving her hands frantically. I looked up the road and my jaw dropped. A mini-van was heading down Shek O Road. It would be upon us in about 30 seconds, if not sooner.

I dashed out of the phone booth. Boobs bouncing, I grabbed Anne by her hand as we raced against the mini-van for the narrow exit to Rocky Bay Beach. After a dozen of strides, the bouncing weight of my 'Big Tits', as Anne called them, became unbearably painful. I had to let go of Anne's hand and cupped my wobbling boobs to lessen the pain.

Surely, they spotted us on the mini-van and started sounding the horn. Anne and I almost had a heart attack but we kept running. Our lives depended on it. My head was spinning by then. As the mini-van drew nearer, I could make out the stunned look and the sly grins on the three guys sitting at the front.

We made it to the footpath with no time to spare as the van screeched to a halt past us then backed up to the narrow entrance. I was worried-sick but kept running, all the while thinking would they catch us on the deserted shingle beach and do the unthinkable to us!

"Hey, what's the hurry sexy?" Someone yelled.

"Ladies, can I give you a ride?" Another shouted.

They laughed, but then they drove off again.

"What shall we do?"

I asked Anne in between big gulps of air when we reached the deserted shingle beach. I had never run so fast, felt so frightened, not to mention been so humiliated in my life. I slouched forward, my hands resting on the knees, feeling sick.

"It's not safe here. They may come looking for us. Let's go back to our beach and wait till it's dark." Anne said.

I had no bright idea to offer so I picked up my feet and followed Anne. On the way, I told her what I learnt from Ivy. It turned out that Anne's mobile phone was sent for repair. I guessed that it was just our luck!

By the time we reached our little beach, our shoulders were scorched. So we helped each other with Anne's lotion. There were no cheap gropes this time as we were clearly not in the mood. We were simply scared out of our wits.

After we were done, we decided to huddle together behind the scrubs, in case whoever took our clothes or that mini-van load of sex maniacs would come searching for us. But no body came.

By about 4:00 pm, we felt the fatigue of the long crouch. Mosquito bites didn't help our mood either. So we ventured out from our hiding place and soaked our tired and itchy bodies in the sea a third time. After warming under the sun for hours, the water temperature became more agreeable. Washed and itches soothed, we lay flat near the water edge, totally drained. We felt hungry and miserable and we started to weep.

I must have somehow dozed off. When Anne shook my arm, it was almost 5:30 pm. The sun was still up, though the heat had relented. My breasts ached from the sun. So, I turned over. Having nothing better to do, I checked my body and found an even tan had started to appear. I looked at Anne and saw a deeper tan glowing all over her lithe body. By now, she was getting used to my leering.

"What now, sexy?" I asked tiredly.

"Do you think it's too early to make our way back? But I think the tide is coming up. I am worried that if we don't get a move on now, our trek back may be cut off."

I never thought of that. We got up and padded down the sand and salt from our bodies.

"Coco, No matter what, we stick together, ok?"

"Yes, no matter what!" I searched her eyes and found the reassurance that was missing earlier.

Oddly, we were in a lighter mood as we skipped hand-in-hand across the pebble beach, humming our school song together in an attempt to boost up our courage. The tide was definitely up and it was indeed more difficult to find sure footing on our way back. I was grateful that Anne had thought of that and made a mental note that I must thank her later.

Once again, we found the shingle beach deserted. As we stepped up the path, we became nervous again. There was a throbbing pain coming from my erect and now sunburned nipples, as though they were glowing hot radars, searching for dangers ahead of us. Our ears were pricked. Then I definitely heard something.

We were half way up the path when we saw the nose of a red canoe floating in the air. Then two men carrying it over their shoulders negotiated round the narrow footpath entrance. They were about 30 metres away and we were surely dead ducks this time. I almost screamed but Anne quickly muffled me with a palm and pulled me back into the bushes on our right.

They were coming nearer and nearer. I was in such panic that I nearly peed myself. We hugged and braced ourselves for the humiliation of our discovery. As they came closer, they said something about taking a round trip somewhere and back before sunset. I held my breath. Then, as if by a miracle they walked past us just a metre away without realizing what they had missed. Later, I thought it comical that one would only find this situation in a TV comedy: two people carrying a boat on over side of their shoulders, totally oblivious to what was happening on the order side of the world!

After they were gone, I suddenly realized that Anne and I were still in a tight embrace. Breasts squashed, our bullet-hard nipples sticking into each other's flesh, hearts hammering like crazy and our bodies shivering with fear. We searched each other's eyes and our cheeks burning hot, though not from the sun. Awkwardly, we let go of each other.

Our retreat to the beach was now cut off. There was no place to hide on the other side of the footpath. So we pushed deeper into the bushes, against the attack of the branches. However, after a few difficult steps our way was suddenly blocked by a wire fence. Beyond was the Country Club golf course.

We didn't want to risk going up the path, not until it was dark. So what else could we do? Finally, we sat down in front of the fence in a most un-lady-like fashion. Knees raised and spread, pussies agape, elbows on knees and chins in palms, we just sat there watching the few remaining golfers putting at a distance. If they could only see us!

Their leisurely movements had an oddly calming effect on us. After a while, the golfers were gone, leaving just Anne and I then sitting back-to-back in silence, except for the chirping of a few sparrows on the treetop above us, waiting for our luck to change.

I kept checking my watch. It was 8:00 pm when the sky began to turn dark. We wanted to go and get our clothes back in a hurry but did not dare risking it just yet, remembering that the men with the canoe had yet returned. So we waited. Then it was at 8:45 pm when I heard a loud gurgling sound from Anne's stomach and I giggled.

"I'm so hungry." Anne sighed.

"Me too."

The men with the canoe hadn't returned. By then we sussed that they must have landed at Shek O Beach or some other places.

"Anne, may be we should make a move now?"

"Let's do it."

We pushed our way out of the bushes, ignoring the sting as branches lashed across our sunburnt skin. Cautiously, we ventured to the top of the path and found both directions of Shek O Road deserted.

"What do you think, Anne?"

"Well, we can't wait here all day. Shall we give it a try?"

As quietly but quickly as we could, we ran to the phone booths. With a sigh of relief, we found no one in sight though the place was illuminated like daylight by powerful street lamps. We checked the phone booths for coins. No luck this time!

We hid in a shadow to check our surrounding. There were more cars in the huge car park now, though the mini-van loaded with sex maniacs that spotted us earlier wasn't there. People must be returning to the village from town. The tin huts were all closed. In contrast to the car park, the long stretch of Shek O Beach lay in darkness below us. However, at a far distance to our left just off the beach were people barbecuing. It was a blessing that they were far away and there was little chance the delicious smell of their grilled meats attacking our senses. However, just thinking about food made my stomach rumble.

We turned to check the long stretch of Shek O Road behind us. The headlights of a car just turned at the roundabout at the other end and were heading down towards us. There was no panic this time.

"I need to use the loo, Anne." I said.

"Me too."

"Perhaps we could find something we could use, a forgotten towel or something."

We headed down some steps to the toilet to relieve ourselves. No, we could find nothing to shield our nakedness. There were just some discarded polythene bags lying around but they were mostly transparent anyway!

When we were done, we stood by the toilet entrance to take in the serene night scene of one of Hong Kong's most beautiful beaches. I strained my eyes across the long stretch of sand and was relieved to find the beach was indeed deserted.

"I wonder what it's like skinny-dipping here!"

"Coco, you can't be serious!"

"Why not. You can see that it's still too early to streak up that mile of Shek O Road to get our clothes back."

"You really want to do this, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Then let's do it together." She flashed me a grin and grabbed my hand.

Kicking off our sandals, we sprinted down the powdery sand then slipped quietly into the warm sea. For a while, we practised our backstroke. I wondered if those people barbecuing could see us. At this distance, they probably wouldn't realise that we were swimming in just our birthday suit.

I wanted to scream for it felt so exhilarating swimming in the nude at a public beach. Just imagine, during weekends the place would be jam-packed with both locals and tourists. I recalled we had a school picnic here a couple of years back. Ivy and the others would freak out if they learnt that Anne and I went skinny-dipping at Shek O Beach! But of course, they would never know. This would remain a secret between Anne and I, the brave ones.

I guessed it was 20 minutes later when we finally felt a bit of chill and walked out of the water. Hand-in-hand, we strolled down the whole length of Shek O Beach as though it was only natural and legal to do so in the nude. The gentle swaying of my unrestrained breasts felt oddly titillating. The night sea breeze caressed my nubile body sensually, licking the sea salt away. I stole a sideway glance. Anne's perky breasts were jiggling gaily to her long strides. She was so sexy and she was wearing a smile!

I realized that we were actually enjoying this quiet naked stroll! I had a sudden thought. Wouldn't it be nice if Anne and I walk down this beach proudly in the nude in broad daylight and let hundreds of bathers ogle our nubile teen bodies! Perhaps amongst them would be our headmistress, teachers and friends! Just image the look of shock in their faces. I giggled at the wicked thought.

"What?" Anne asked and I told her.

"You're nuts, Coco." Anne rebuked.

"Don't you think it's fun, if we could get away with it?"

"Let me know if you can find a way to get around it without being arrested. I just may join you." Anne said and pulled a mischievous grin.

At the far end was an open-air shower facility. It was at a corner of the car park farthest away from the road and was well lit but there was no one around. So Anne and I took our time to rinse off sand and salt from our bodies. There was much silly messing about this time on both sides and we discovered that we were both very ticklish. Then we exchanged complimentary notes on how we envied each other's body. Funny, how nakedness could bring people together so quickly.

"Coco, you want to stroll your naked arse across the car park like we just did on the beach?"

"Anne! It's like broad daylight here. Are you fucking out of your mind!"


"You really mean it?"

"Nope." She giggled.

We hid by the shadow of the tin huts and made our way back to the phone booths.

Sitting on a roadside railing, we looked up the straight stretch of well-lit Shek O Road. On the left side was the hill slope and on the right was the wire fence of the golf course. It was over half a mile with nowhere and absolutely nothing to hide our bodies. At the far end was another roundabout. Take a left turn, you eventually head back to the city. Take a right turn, you follow a narrow winding road leading to Big Wave Bay car park where our clothes were waiting.

"Now, what?" Anne broke the silence

"Very risky."

"We've got to make a move sometime."

"If we are going to streak up this long stretch, I think we better wait till well after midnight. At least after the barbecuers are gone. At this time, you wouldn't know whom you might come across. And even..."

Two tiny specks of light suddenly appeared at the far end of the road.

"Told you it's not safe just yet."

"Christ! Peoples are still cycling at this time of the night! Don't they ever go to bed?"

"Let's hide."

Into the shadow of the tin huts we hid. Some 20 seconds later, we heard the brakes of their racer bikes. A man and a woman in cycling gears dismounted.

"I'm dying to go to the loo." She took off her helmet and headed for the toilet where Anne and I went not that long ago.

"I shall keep an eye on these and wait for you to come back before I go."

"There's nobody here. You may as well go now. I don't want to wait here on my own when you're gone."

They headed down the dozen of steps. Suddenly, Anne and I looked at each other then at the couple disappearing down the steps. Our gaze settled on their bikes leaning against the railing where Anne and I were sitting on just minutes ago.

I grabbed Anne's hand. She looked startled but suddenly we were racing towards the bikes.

As we were mounting them, we heard the man calling behind us.

"Hey, what the heck! Hey, stop! Stop!"