Anne & Coco


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We wasted not another second but started paddling as fast as our tired and hungry bodies allowed. During the first twenty metres, we heard the man closing in but his steps gradually faded away. We didn't dare looking back!

Paddling hard, we cleared the roundabout without another incident and turned right towards Big Wave Bay.

"Wait! Let's slow down a bit." I called breathlessly over to Anne.

I had to slow down a bit as my legs ached from the exertion. There was also this weird though not entirely unpleasant sensation coming from the vigorous grinding of my bare pussy against the saddle. My nipples were rock hard against the night air. The whole experience just made me weak at the knees.

"Oh, I can't breathe..." Anne coughed then continued, "Coco, do you think that guy could recognise us."

"I don't know. He might be able to pick out our naked butts from a line-up!"

I giggled nervously. In fact, I was mortified. Now that we did not just expose our bodies illegally in public, we stole! What would happen if we got caught? You know, I had a very good reason to worry. My dad is a cop and news like this travelled fast! Oh My God!

The narrow Big Wave Bay Road was tree-lined and dimly lit. An occasional villa adorned the ghostly winding road here and there. We saw dozens of surveillance cameras as we went past the villas. I wondered what people would think if they saw us cycling leisurely in the nude in front of their homes! But what else could we do? In any case, we were within reach of our clothes and our hopes soared.

We slowed to a halt just before the entrance of Big Wave Bay car park. Compared to the one at Shek O Beach, this one was tiny, just about the size of two tennis courts and was poorly lit. Plastered hill slopes enclosed the car park, with the exception of two corners - the one we arrived and the one diagonally across leading down a path to Big Wave Bay Beach.

At the far corner directly ahead of us was a single public phone booth where our things would be waiting! Half a dozen vehicles were parked - four saloon cars, a mini-van and a pickup truck. Although the place seemed deserted, we wanted to make sure. It just wouldn't do to have whoever taken our clothes ambushing us here.

We left the bikes behind and sneaked quietly into the car park. Half crouched, we treaded lightly round each vehicle to check. The four cars parked nearest to the entrance were cleared. Next was the mini-van parked at the darkest corner and we saw the windows were left open a slit. On approach, we immediately sensed what was going on inside.

Anne grabbed my hand sharply and made a sign for me to keep quiet. Stealthily, we came closer. When we peeped through the windows we saw a naked butt rocking between a pair of splayed legs and the girl was making a whining sound.

"Mmm... mmm... Oh, harder, harder... fuck me harder!"

That should fill a gap in our health education lessons years ago that was skimmed through with bare information from the teachers. Anne and I looked on in stunned silence. We finally had a practical demonstration on the taboo word "Fuck".

Fascinated, I watched as they shifted position with the man lying on his back and the girl lowering herself then grounded her pussy repeatedly onto the man's hard cock. Just imagine, the sight of a live cock before my very own eyes for the first time! I reached out a hand to touch the mini-van, feeling the couple's coital movement. My cheeks were heating up again and I was suddenly feeling queasy in my pussy.

"Mmm... mmm..." The girl grunted as her perky breasts, similar in shape and size to Anne's, were jiggling rapidly up and down on her chest.

Anne was pulling me away by the hand. I wanted to stay and watch the live show. But she was right. Reluctantly, I left with Anne to check that the remaining pickup truck was empty then we headed for the phone booth.

We grinned at each other when we spotted our bags in the bush just behind the phone booth. When we picked them up, however, we were dismayed to find them empty, well almost. There was a note in my satchel.

"Hi Sexy,

I am really disappointed that my long wait here had not been rewarded. Originally, I was going to ask you two a small favour before returning your things. Well, I waited until after dark and you weren't coming. Shame on you!

So, I reward myself with your clothes but otherwise left your things behind just in case you girls would eventually show up. I took the money, as I don't want to make it too easy for you. I shall probably drop it in an Oxfam donation box or something. You see I am not really a thief.

Good Luck!

P.S. You two looked so sexy in the photos I took of you on the pebble beach!"

I shuddered as a chill ran down my spine, my palms sticky in cold sweat!

"What shall we do now? How can we go home?" I whispered thinking all the while that we were surely going to get arrested in the buff. And dad would be the first to hear about it, as he was working nightshift this week!

"We'll have to find a way. But do you know what really bothers me?"

"You mean what will that bastard do with our photos? Oh, God!"

Anne and I stared at each other in horror. A thought suddenly came to me.

"Anne, have you ever been to Big Wave Bay before?"


"There are a few houses down the path, right? Perhaps we can find some clothes?"

"Well, we have already stolen the bikes. We may as well do the break-in and steal some clothes. It really wouldn't make any difference, would it?"

"At least we would be decently covered."

Quietly, we found our way down the pitch-black winding path. We passed two houses without luck. They seemed unoccupied. Then we suddenly hit the beach. It was deserted and looked haunted under the half-moon, with waves crashing noisily in.

"No skinny-dipping here if that's alright with you, Coco!"

"Very funny, Anne!"

We sneaked across to the changing rooms to find them locked. Next to it was the open-air shower stands and behind, a few houses. Suddenly, I saw some t-shirts and jeans left hanging to dry at a front garden. I grabbed Anne by her elbow and pointed at the clothes. Our hopes rocketed. Perhaps, after a full day in the nude, we could finally get covered up.

Gingerly, we approached the chest-high wire fence in front of the house. When we were about five metres away, two dark beasts jumped out from nowhere and barked at us behind the fence. I almost shit myself!

"Ben... Bob... Shut Up!"

A man called from inside the house to silent his Alsatians.

"Who's out there?"

Simultaneously, light came on from the houses near us illuminating our nude bodies. Anne and I were scared shitless and we just scrammed.

As we ran up the last stretch of the winding path, we realized that something had gone terribly wrong. Blue light was swirling across the car park. We peeked under the darkness at the path entrance. The mini-van with the lovers had disappeared. But there was a police motorcycle, with its blue light flashing, parked just by the racer bikes we abandoned.

"5354 to console." The officer's voice was clear across the night air.

"5354 send." His police radio crackled.

"I think I've located the stolen bikes at Big Wave Bay car park, over."

"Any sign of the girls, over?"

"Uh..." the officer scanned around the car park then added, "Nope. The descriptions please, over!"

"Suspect 1: Chinese female, long black hair in braids, unknown age and height. Suspect 2: Chinese female, short straight shoulder-length black hair, age and height also unknown, over."

"Is that all? What about their clothes? Over."

"The informant did not see their faces. And here is the incentive for you to find them. They were stark naked when last seen paddling up Shek O Road on the stolen bikes."

Anne gripped my arm so sharply that brought tears to my eyes. Oh my god, the guy had already called 999. Now Anne and I would not only be arrested for indecent exposure but theft as well!

"Fucking hell! I mean... Roger." The officer exclaimed then added, "Hang on."

At the same time, we heard a man talking over his mobile phone a short distance behind us. We were suddenly sandwiched. I looked around, grabbed Anne's hand and pulled her into a refuse collection hut just next to the path entrance.

"Yes, I am coming over now. What... Come again? Hok Yuen Street, Hung Hom, right? I shall be there with you say, in an hour. Is that okay?"

My heart was hammering madly.

A fat man in shirtsleeves, denim shorts and sandals emerged from the path. He didn't see us but headed straight for his pickup truck parked virtually in front of us.


The officer yelled as he came nearer. For a second my heart stopped, thinking that Anne and I had surely been discovered.

"Hey, did you see two girls down the beach on your way up?" The officer asked.

"No," the man hesitated then added, "but I am sure there was somebody down there as my dogs started barking for no reasons. Perhaps, your girls were there. What's up officer?"

"Never mind. Oh, but can you show me where?"


From the smelly hut, I saw the officer and the fat man disappearing down the path. Despite the horrible smell and the creepy crawlies that were all over my feet, my hopes soared again.

I grabbed Anne and practically yanked her out of the smelly dump.

"Sssh. Let's hide on the back of the pickup truck, Anne"

"What for? We better stay in here. They're coming back any second!"

"Quickly, onto the pickup truck, Now! Anne, trust me. We're in this together, right?"

I saw the hesitation in Anne's frightened eyes. Then we were dashing toward the Isuzu pickup. Clumsily, we climbed and hid ourselves on the cargo bed just as the officer and the fat guy reappeared at the path entrance.

"Thanks, pal." The officer said to the fat man then over his radio, "5354 to console."

"5354 send."

"I believe the girls are hiding somewhere down Big Wave Bay Beach. Request assistance!"

"Roger. Hey, thought you wanted to catch them all by yourself."

"Me too!" the officer chuckled, "Over and out."

"Hey officer, can I leave now? I'm in a hurry." The fat man said.

"Sure, sure and thanks!"

I shuddered as the fat man climbed into the driving cabin and started the engine. Suddenly the whole world was spinning around us. The pickup pulled out of the car park and went passed the flashing blue light. A couple of seconds later when we were out of the way, I sneaked a peek and saw the officer was waiting by the stolen bikes.

The cargo bed was barren. There was nothing we could use to cover our bodies. It was a good job that the back of the driving cabin was covered and the fat man could not see us from inside the cab. We couldn't sit up and risk being discovered though. So Anne and I just lay flat on our backs on the cold steel bed, watching the trees, villas and surveillance cameras went by.

"I hope you know where we are going?" Anne was justifiably worried.

"Yep, we are going home."

"Home? How do you know?"

"I heard where the fat guy is heading. It is just a few blocks from my home. I think we can make it back."

"Really, are you sure?"


"Oh, thank god!" Anne sighed.

Once we cleared the roundabout, the winding Shek O Road leading back town was wider and well lit. There was no car on either direction. We just stayed on our backs stargazing. The ride was bumpy, my bare bum kept banging against the cold steel and my tits were wobbling lewdly. My satchel and her sports bag made nice pillows, providing us our only comfort.

Not five minutes had passed and we suddenly saw flashing blue light at a distance. A police van was speeding downhill towards us. Anne and I panicked. In despair, we hugged and braced ourselves for the inevitable arrest. Ten seconds, nine... We had no idea how they could have missed us. But the police van flew past and disappeared round a bend.

"Can you believe it, Coco?"

Still in a tight embrace, we gazed into each other's eyes and suddenly we laughed. I couldn't resist it but gave my pretty friend a little peck on the cheek before we broke the embrace.

"Anne, I think as long as we stay together, nothing can go wrong for us!"

Lying on our backs, holding hands, we stared at the cloudless night sky as we headed back town along the winding hill road.

It was another 20 minutes of bumpy ride before we hit urban area. Concrete jungle with scattered lit windows lined either side of the road. Although it was well past midnight, there was still a good chance that someone from behind those windows could have spotted us. Well, we could do nothing about it and so we tried not worrying too much about it.

The pickup took a sudden right turn and headed up the highway along the Eastern Corridor. Yes, we were definitely going home. This highway would lead to the East Harbour tunnel. Across the harbour on Kowloon side would be another 15 minutes or so on the highway before the fat guy would cut back into town for his destination in Hung Hom. It would be familiar territory, just a few blocks from home! Suddenly, I was feeling so chuff.

About two miles ahead of the cross-harbour tunnel were a number of pedestrian footbridges. As we went past the second footbridge, I saw a couple staring and pointing down at us. I didn't even think but waved at them, knowing full well what they were seeing.

"Coco, are you crazy?"

"Well, they have obviously seen all of us already. What's the harm?"

"You're fucking out of your mind, Coco." Anne admonished with a giggle.

"Now, take it easy, be a good girl and don't swear Anne!"

Suddenly, the bright light in the tunnel blinded us. I squinted my eyes then pointed up at the surveillance cameras under the roof and Anne almost freaked out. Quickly, we grabbed our tiny bags to cover our faces and prayed that the tunnel staff would not stop the pickup at the other end. The echo of engine noise was deafening inside the tunnel, driving us bonkers!

We almost reached Kowloon side when an all-night double-decker bus loomed up behind us unexpectedly. From under my tiny satchel, I could make out the bulging eyes and lecherous grin of the bus driver. Again, I pointed out to Anne when she screamed and used her one free hand to shield her pubes. Needless to say, the bus driver followed at a dangerously close distance right behind our pickup. Me? I didn't care any more. What's the point of shielding if he had seen it all?

When our pickup cleared the tunnel, the loud echo stopped abruptly and I was feeling light-headed but foolhardy. The double-decker was still following us and the tunnel-controlled area was well lit like daylight. Then I had a wicked idea.

"I dare you to flash your pussy at the bus driver." I turned my head under the satchel and called to Anne.

"What? No way! Why don't you do it yourself, you pervert!"

"Yeah? Watch me!"

I raised my knees and spread them wide open, knowing full well the bus driver was gawping up my virgin pussy. I thought I could see him drool all over the driving seat. My heart was thumping wildly and there was this weird heat surging to my sprouted pussy. I felt delirious! God, I was mad and I chuckled to myself!

"See, now's your turn."

Anne giggled but shook her head vigorously under her tiny sports bag.

"We do everything together, remember? Your turn!"

Anne giggled and shook her head some more.

"Your turn, quickly!"

Anne bit her lip then splayed her slim thighs, opening up her pussy to the bus driver.

"Good girl, Anne. That would certainly make his day!"

By then we were laughing hysterically under the cover of our bags. Our show lasted for perhaps 10 seconds when the bus drew aside to the bus lane and our pickup sped past the automatic tollbooth. And I realized that my pussy had been dripping wet all the while.

"That was so fucking wicked and exciting, Anne. And my pussy is soppy wet!"

"You are fucking disgusting!"

"Don't tell me that wasn't fun! Admit it, Anne." She giggled but said nothing.

The pickup sped up a flyover onto the elevated East Kowloon Corridor.

"Anne, you want to try another dare?"

"No thanks!"

"Why not?"

Anne just smirked at me and said nothing.

"Hey, shall we flash our tits at the oncoming traffic?"

"No!" Anne shook her head in total disapproval.

"Why not? See, we are stuck on this highway for at least another 10 minutes. There is no way that traffic across the central divider can catch us."

Anne turned her head and checked the traffic. We were virtually alone on our side but there was still a bit of traffic on the opposite side despite the small hours. Lighted but empty office windows flew past our left and deserted old factory buildings on our right.

"Coco, you are fucking nuts!"

Just as I was going to try some more persuasion, Anne suddenly stood up. With one hand grabbing a steel rack fixed behind the cab Anne waved her free hand at the oncoming traffic to our right, twisting her torso and flashing her perky tits.

"Oh My God! You crafty bitch!"

Not wanting to be outdone by Anne, I stood and wobbled my tits right next to her. The first few cars slowed abruptly and flashed their high beam past us and those behind sounded the horns when they saw us. Wickedly, I felt disappointed that our tits show didn't cause a traffic accident. I wondered what the pickup driver must have been thinking with everything that was happening around him.

Anne and I didn't budge, as we didn't want to be out-dared by the other. We kept up the charade right until the pickup took a slip road and rejoined the city traffic. My heart was still thumping crazily long after we ended the tits show. That was surely an adventure that neither of us would ever forget.

The city traffic was light and my watch said it was 1:05 am when the pickup finally stopped. The fat guy climbed down and banged the cabin door. I shuddered and prayed that he would not come round to check the cargo bed. There was no reason for him to do that, was there? Gradually, his steps faded away.

I waited for almost another minute when I sneaked a peek and saw that we were parked at a metered parking space across the Post Office at Gilles Avenue. The fat guy was walking away from us towards Hok Yuen Street. Home was just two blocks away the other direction!

I couldn't wait any longer and pulled at Anne's elbow. Carefully, I climbed down the pickup. But as I was helping Anne down I heard a shout.

"What the fuck!"

The fat guy must have turned unexpectedly and caught Anne's naked arse shaking about in the air. Anne squealed and jumped down from the pickup.

"Hey, I gave you girls a lift didn't I? If I only knew... No thank you, whatsoever?"

Still with our backs to him, Anne and I looked at each other. Yes, we owed him one. Giggling, we used our small bags to shield our faces, twirled our nakedness around a few times for him, flashing him our titties and kittens.


He stood dumbfounded when Anne and I waved him goodbye, still with our faces covered. I grabbed Anne by the hand and dashed towards Bailey Street away from him.

"You could've asked and I would let you girls sit on my lap..." his voice faded as we turned the corner.

Ahead was a crossroad junction. Home was two blocks beyond to our left and was almost in sight. I was feeling so confident that we could make it back.

"Where are we going, Coco?"

"Across that junction. It's not far now."

I squeezed Anne's hand to give my worried friend a little reassurance and she returned a nervous smile.

We hid in the shadow under the awning of an old building. Not fifty metres across the road to our right was the site of a 50-year-old building that collapsed just two months ago, killing four people. The site was still taped off but thank God there was no policeman on guard! We scanned the wide road junction. Although the traffic was light, the road was not exactly deserted.