All Comments on 'As I Walked In'

by mixoscopist

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gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

But a sad story of a slut and a cuckold

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
good solid writing

Well written, cleanly edted and hot. thanks

studyingstudyingover 18 years ago

Passionate, detailed, erotic, exciting!

I too am not thrilled by the husband being a wimp, but man ... what a woman.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Public comments? For favorable reviews only!

If you consider writing a feedback which may not be positive – don’t bother. It seems that the author is too sensitive to take unfavorable feedback. The author has already removed (for those who don’t know, this is an option reserved for the authors) the two non positive ones! (Yes – mine was one of the two). How very open and honest of you!

Let’s just be honest here and call it for what it is. In the case of the so called “PUBLIC COMMENTS” to this story, it actually means “PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR FAVORABLE FEEDBACK ONLY”

This is the truth. You may not like it, but even if you remove this message as well, it will not change the truth value of the content.

z00timez00timeover 18 years ago
cHere is another one to delete.

Hey ass wipe author.

Delete this after knowing that I think your story and you suck.

Also know that even when you delete comments, the crappy votes don't get deleted from the vote accumulation data base.

Grow up child!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Too much hate

Tsk, tsk. I can fully understand why the author of this piece would want to delete comments like the two startling examples below. There is a difference between criticism and vituperation: the former is civil, the latter is not. I read the first comment by Kolkore before it was deleted; his second comment, and that by z00time, provide adequate justification, IMHO, for the author to take umbrage. Both comments are uncivil, needlessly hostile, obnoxious and antithetical to the very purpose of this service. Not to put too fine a point on it, nobody held a gun to either of their heads and forced them to read this story, did they?

I myself thought the story was reasonably well written and cleanly edited (as another commenter has said). This shows a concern for the reader that is altogether rare (too many stories are very poorly proofed).

I found it erotic. Others may not. Tastes differ. That's all there is to it, and I thought it is that precisely to which Literotica caters. I imagine the site (and life, generally) would be excruciatingly dull if we were forced to read only what appeals to a few self-appointed arbiters of sexual taste. The story is certainly not the excresence these commenters make it out to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Just fabulous!!!

This is erotica at its best. This man can write. Oh, so hot...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Ok, It is written well, but as far as every thing else, like the story (as if) or erotic effect-I am sorry but it just was not there for me. (As in downer).

What really piss me are both writer and his fans who can not accept the fact that different people are different! What is so complicated here? Is it a cult of admirers?

To “Anonymous in India”, I feel that it is a great privilege to voice your opinion even if you find it uncivil hostile or what ever – and to be read and heard. Quite frankly I find you inviting other people not to read certain stories if they are going to say something “hostile” about it quite outrageous!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Have to disagree

To Anonymous in USA (immediately below). Sorry, I can't agree with you. There can certainly be no objection to criticism ("I disagree with everything you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" -- I believe that was Voltaire), but, as I said, there is a distinction between being critical, even scathingly so, and launching a personal diatribe against someone and being offensive, rude and obnoxious. You may or may not like the story. That does NOT entitle you to call the author names. That is just plain ill-bred, ill-mannered and, in the end, boring, because no discussion or debate is possible with the uncouth lumpen oafs who, sadly, are unable to make the distinction, one that is very, very real. I did not suggest that comments should not be hostile. They can and, indeed, often must. But the same thing can be said politely, without name-calling or invective. That's all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

ON NIGHTTIME COFFESIONS...REGRETS.The wife is the only one to blame for this. How do you believe and trust what others have said to you if you have no proof. Other than those two nights, the wife had no reason to doubt his faithfulness. If someone told you that your wife was cheating on you, would you believe them or have faith and trust your wife. Maybe you might get suspicious and hire a PI, but would you cheat on her based on what others told you. I think that its stupid to believe rumors. If i was told my wife was cheating on me, i would make sure i had proof before doing anything. If that proof came out that she was cheating, than i would divorce the whore. Enough Said.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Hats off to the author!

I want to give credit where credit is due. I do not know if it is a result of the protest that I posted after the punitive deletion of my critical review of the author’s story (and that of another critical reader) or not, but since than, it seems that a welcomed change have taken place. Both critical views and debates appear, and more importantly – stay, on the public forum! I want to congratulate the author on that.

IMO, any debate over your writing, or over a specific story, is ultimately beneficial both for readers, and in my mind, could also be helpful to you in one way or another.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
A response on behalf of the “uncouth lumpen oafs"

This is a response to Anonymous in India ( AII ), which classified me, and by inference any one who would appear to him as "obnoxious" ets. as :“UNCOUTH LUMPEN OAFS”. Before I took my self to the task of deciphering that odd linguistic combo, I had already figured out from the more comprehensible parts, that I and by inference people like me (the accusations were made in plural) shared the blame of among other things, personally attacking the author and calling him by names. This is a blatant untruth. At the least it contradicts the facts, and thus is necessarily misleading. While my review was by no means mildy worded, it never attacked the author personally. I did criticize the story; honestly illustrated the ill effects it had on me (which were true). I shared my thoughts about the potential impact of this kind of writing (not only by this writer)on marriages. Finally, in a semi serious manner, I added my supporting view to an alternative rating scale.

Ironically, Anonymous in India on the other hand, hides behind lofty language, and is doing exactly what he falsely blames other people of doing. He is actually calling us names and attacking us personally. Taken from his message, we should learn that any one who might be judged by him as “Ill-bred" and/or "ill- mannered" and/or "boring", through their opinion peace, will be finally exposed as an “UNCOUTH LUMPEN OAF”. The translation to those of you who may not have a dictionary at hand is: “crude or unrefined, vulgar, stupid or silly people “

Shame on you Mr. Anonymous from India, I thought that you would be carrying the torch of civility here. If I did not know better, I would have guessed that by now you should have suggested to take off your own message, based on your own arguments of civil language! But do not worry, I am not going to suggest that your message should be removed because even if you are engaging in ad hominem attacks and use name calling, albeit of arcane or rarely used language, I still hold to the opinion that open public fora, such as in Literotica, should remain just that - including your opinions.

If the gaping inconsistencies between what you say in different places, or for that matter, the contradictions between what you preach to others and what you allow yourself to do, do not upset people, than surely they could amuse many, including myself. Thank you for that.

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
My apologies to the author

Some other commentator responded to a comment I had made concerning another story in another venue. Why they chose to address my comments here is beyond me since I have not made any statements about your story.

So please accept my apologies for polluting your feedback. I just wanted to let that writer know that this is not the appropriate section for them to voice their opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Off the mark

Thank you for a well-reasoned and articulate post, Kolkore. There seems to be a misunderstanding, I think. Clearly, my last post (where I used the words to which you have taken such umbrage) was *NOT* addressed to anything you said, and could not have been. It specifically referenced another post. You did not at any point call the author names, so far as I can remember. There was no attempt to classify you at all, and I wonder why you feel you fall into that category; you did not, as I recall, descend to flinging around -- here we go again --sudorific epithets (trust you're grinning at that; I am). That is what I seriously object to.

Jokes apart, I stand by what I said: you can say something very, very cutting, or even nasty, but make it sound eminently reasonable and civil. I think both of us manage that, though even there we might disagree on how effectively; but that's okay.

On the other hand, if a person cannot make a distinction between the work and the person, and imagines that expressing disagreement or displeasure with the former is best done by personally villifying the latter (the ad hominem attack you mention is better directed against that person than me), then yes, he is, to my mind, a person whose hubris is surpassed only by his ineptitude, one who lacks both grace and dignity. Addressing anyone with "Hey ass-wipe author" IS uncouth, oafish and lumpen. There is at least one poster here who fits that description. And it isn't you.

Your point about "public fora" is, I think, just one side of the argument. I don't believe that there is no such thing as complete latitude, nor should there be. Even here we have rules. The fact that they are largely self-imposed should not diminish their value or effectiveness. I'd guess that by giving authors the right to delete comments itself shows that there isn't an absolute freedom here. That notion, at least in my experience, is entirely theoretical and simply does not exist.

Have you noticed the little notice at the top of the comments page? It says that, among other things, off-topic messages, personal attacks or other similar stuff will be removed. The author and webmaster expressly have the right to "remove any comment for any reason". There is simply no basis for suggesting that this is a public forum with complete freedom and no checks.

And by the way, here I must agree with you -- full marks to the author for letting this discussion continue.

Let's put it as plainly as possible. There is no debate possible with a boor. I believe that. And I believe you believe that, too.

Look at it from another perspective. You say that there should be total freedom of expression (I'm paraphrasing, so grant me a little elbow room on this). That freedom must necessarily include the freedom to the author to *delete* anything he considers offensive? How is it possible just to have a lop-sided freedom? You have to take the whole caboodle, or nothing.

The ad-hominem argument is also incorrect. In logic, as I understand it, this is a *fallacy*. It runs something like this: A makes claim X. A is bad. Therefore claim X is bad. In other words, it attacks the person, not the issue. Correct me if I am wrong: I was NOT attacking the content (that the story is bad) -- that is a view to which anyone is entitled. I was attacking the *manner* in which it was said; and the manner in which a thing is said is always a reflection on the person who says it, isn't it? I maintain that everyone has the right to say that a story is bad, or even rubbish, poorly written, whatever. Nothing at all gives anyone the right to call the author names. Anyone who does that has to be called for what he/she is, and then ignored.

Which, I notice, we are both doing very successfully so far.

Again, I did not mean to include you (when I spoke of uncouth, lumpen oafs). If I gave the impression I did, or gave offense, please accept my sincere apologies. I truly mean that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Sorry about the typos

Sorry about the typos in my last comment. I'd accidentally set the screen font size to something south of tiny ...

mixoscopistmixoscopistover 18 years agoAuthor
A request from the author

Everybody ... may I request a stop to this discussion now? It has been very interesting reading the different views of readers. I agree that I made a mistake in deleting the first two comments. I don't know why I did that, honestly. It was a mistake, I admit, especially deleting the one from Kolkore. This is not a justification for my actions, but I do remember being upset at what I saw as a personal attack in another comment (not Kolkore's) and I think I acted (wrongly) in anger. In any case, I do feel this discussion, however interesting it may be, has gone on for quite a while now and perhaps it is best to move on. I really don't want to see it collapse into personal attacks even if they are written in high language (I admit that I can understand only a fraction of what Anonymous in India writes ... but that is my failing, not his/hers). Could we agree to stop the comments now? Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A sick piece of shit!

CyberSearcherCyberSearcherover 13 years ago

I really hoped this story would end with the husband calmly retrieving his .455 Webley revolver and put a round in the servants and claim he caught them raping his wife. The story ended way too predictably.

saratusaratuabout 13 years ago

A real piece of shit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Can someone direct me to another Indian themed wife watching story? It had wife enjoying their and husband with smaller penis enjoying with 2 other maids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WTF! End shit now

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Forget about the adultery for a moment. The disrespect shown by the servants to their master was unpardonable. They deserved more than just a beating. They aren't worth killing. Lowly filth lack that isn't worth the effort. But a good flaying would have been called for.

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