All Comments on 'Ægir's Wife Ch. 06'

by Tara Cox

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wish2basubwish2basubover 8 years ago
OMG! More....More...More!

Please . Quickly...not sure I will last. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Oh my gosh

Not just one, but two babies - and both girls! I'm glad Kirsty insists they be given the choice of a life on the sea. The Dads will just have to deal with the fact that they are zero for three when it comes to sons. Wonder if they'll need convincing or whether they'll take the girls out to sea when they're old enough. I can already see the Dads treating the girls as little princesses - and I'm guessing Sven will be the most emotional of them all - presuming he survives his heart attack. He's still so young and (I would think) should be healthy based on his diet (I presume a lot of fish) and the amount of exercise he gets. Yay for Roz taking charge and ending the "is she or isn't she pregnant?" question that's been hovering over their lives. What a great chapter!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Sven is about to get his head screwed on straight, and he has a heart attack?

I love the two babies. Yay!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love this story

I'd started to give up hope that I'd see another chapter before the end of March! As usual, I read too fast and am always eager to read more. How many more chapters do you expect to write for this particular title, nine?

CypGypsyCypGypsyover 8 years ago
Corner time...

Emotional pain and loneliness trumps a healthy diet and exercise. Between his frequent rages, losing Kirsten and repressing his feelings, Sven has fully earned his heart attack. I hope that after a long and slow convalescence (karmic corner time) he emerges as a wiser man and grateful husband... not dead, please!

Your masterful writing, as always, is a pleasure to read and puts us right in the scene.

Awaiting future plot twists with interest. And yay, twin girls!

ChexxMix2120ChexxMix2120over 8 years ago
Oh Please!

More! More! Like, yesterday more! :D I want them to kidnap her! ♡ the babies!

wish2basubwish2basubover 8 years ago
Sorry - Slept on this Chapter

First comment was emotional - then I went to sleep and woke up and realized there was something on my mind and it occurred to me what had happened. Hope you'll give me a minute. Here goes:

She woke up and ran her fingers through her sky blue hair, and smiled. She loved waking up to it even though her friends and neighbors thought it silly that a woman her age would act out like a young girl with all the time in the world to make cosmetic mistakes and then it hit her. She remembered. Sven. Alone. In pain, not the pain he had been living with every minute of every day for months but real, agonizing pain. She became terrified and turned the tablet on and went back to check. As the tablet warmed up, she reassured herself. It wasn't true. It was a nightmare brought on by the frustration of waiting for the next chapter. She slid her fingers along and then the page came up. She went down the list hoping it was a just another manifestation of restless sleep and not the harsh reality gripping her stomach. And then she knew. It was true. And she felt that last tiny piece of her heart that she reserved for her favorite story and her favorite author start to shatter. Her brain went into action reminding her it was just a story, just a story. The worst could not happen. It would NOT happen. No one could be that cruel.

Bondage/Domination Submission/Mastering. Yes, there were times Sadism/Masochism was involved but even that was about pushing boundaries not limits and her hard limits had now been pushed. Realizing she was in a relationship that had to end sometime, she gathered the remaining pieces of her heart and said, "okay. We will try this one more time." In her heart she knew, that it was time. Time to make sure that the family came together and stayed there. And then she smiled, not a half smile like she had started her day with but a full smile, knowing that Sven had to be well, he had to be saved. Her eyes wanted to cry and then her internal optimist joined the conversation. Every cloud had a silver lining and then she clicked on the link and said, "Start on that Twelve Tables again, refresh your memory, you may be seeing more of that story before anyone lets you know what happened to Sven. Sometimes making you wait makes the reward all the more fulfilling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sadistic and amazing at the same time

I have been so anxiously awaiting this chapter and yet you do this to us. Argh! So glad you finished the pregnant/non pregnant debate and LOVED Roz in this chapter. Oh Sven, you make us love your potential and hate your action. I do hope he doesn't die, though I can see that being a huge turning point in the story. I am so, so, so eager for your next chapter, I hope you don't make us wait long!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Roz is annoying.

Who talks to people like that? Yeah I get she's a domme, but Bjorn needs to tell her to go fly a kite. Other than that - I loved this chapter! Except for the length :( - please post soon!

gentleoneexplorergentleoneexplorerover 8 years ago
Possibly Two Fathers

A wonderful chapter and I hope that she does go back home and go to a larger center the last couple of weeks before she has the babies. It is fantastic that they are twins but possibly from two different fathers. Please do not let Sven die but help both him and Kirsty he has had feelings for her all along.

subnotslavesubnotslaveover 8 years ago

Please do not let Sven die! Perhaps he could have Angina rather than a heart attack? Please? The compound leg fracture will cause him enough problems - keeping him at home long enough to rethink his actions... No one gets everything they want in life, but surely Kirsten doesn't deserve Sven's death... Hoping that you'll post more of this amazinglying good story really, really soon and that Sven will make it...


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I really love this story but ...

Please include translations for the parts that are non English. It is damned annoying to have to chase the translations. It breaks up the flow and enjoyment of reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
HEY ASSHOLE OF LIT!! It's chapter 6!! For God sakes

stop telling us how much you hate this story!! You read 6 fucking chapters asshole,. I gave it a 5 to offset your retarded actions

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Tara, you little sadist

You stare at the ceiling in the middle of the night thinking of evil things, admit it.

Bone to pick. You have procreated and thus have some experience. First pregnancy quickening varies greatly, I'll give you that. Twins puts things in another level. How can the physical changes not be massively obvious? You are also inconsistent with how far along she is. 18-19 weeks is four and a half to four and three quarters months, not almost six. That is a very significant difference, especially with twins. These people are all muddle headed and have been for a while, but it makes them seem idiots. The pregnancy had been actively tried for. Yes, you made her periods irregular, convenient, that. Yes, they are all emotionally crippled at the moment. Yes, they were thinking about getting tests. But come on, you don't have to keep making them so thick headed to churn the plot. How are they ever going to get their shit together?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
keep going!

I look forward to these chapters---you have an unusual plot.

joodlejoodleover 8 years ago
Like cocaine?

Once is never enough. I have never done drugs, but if I had, I imagine it would be satisfying in a way similar to your stories. Probably not nearly as good, but all I know is that I look forward to your next chapters with vivid anticipation, and can't stop reading once i've started. And I go back and read them again sometimes when I want to relive the ecstasy. It seems like a mild addiction---but you keep me in check because I can't always have it when I want it. You don't post chapters frequently enough that reading takes up my life, thank God. For the past year, you have to be the best writer on Lit. I seriously have no doubt of that, and I would know. Exceptional writing, brilliant plot twists. One of which is the 4 months pregnant thing. It makes me think you had that in mind when you decided to make Kirsty curvy. I have new hope that the babies are Sven's. Apparently they can't both be, but I really hope one is. I hope they get tested, and confirm it, because damn it he is just so fucking sexy, I want to know that he planted his seed. I would carry that fucker's baby, geez. Can't wait for my next fix!!! Please!!!

FireDropFireDropover 8 years ago
Please let Sven live!

I've read all three parts to this series in the past week. I love it!

Sven's been my favourite from the start. I love that he's so misunderstood and keeps getting things wrong. It only makes me like him more, so please, please, please, do not let Sven die, because firstly, I adore him, and secondly Bjorn has annoyed me from the very beginning. It's not a criticism of your story (it's good to have a brother to hate a bit) but because I'm team Sven, and because Bjorn has always made it hard for him from the start, being jealous, possessive and (in my interpretation of the story) sometimes poisoning Kristy's mind where Sven's concerned (unlike Mikael who usually fights Sven's corner a bit, even when he's angry with him) I really don't want Bjorn to get his way. No doubt he'd be gutted if Sven actually died, but knowing that one or both of the twins could be Sven's, it was totally out of order for Bjorn to try and cut Sven out of the child's life the way he suggested. If only for that, Sven has to live so that he can play Daddy and rub Bjorn's face in it a bit.

I wonder if there is any way that Kirsty can find out about the collar Sven bought her? If you're kind enough to let Sven live, I think it'd be nice for Kirsty to have proof that Sven loved her before she was pregnant.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Please don't let Sven die.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 8 years ago
Good riddance, Sven!

I'm slightly horrified at how happy I was with the latest development. I know you won't let him die but I wish you would. Hateful, selfish, abusive man.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 8 years ago
PS- I hope you don't make her forgive him

just because he's sick and vulnerable. I would hope she is too strong for that.

MEWatcherMEWatcherover 8 years ago
Oh you are crafty.. love this series

You keep me on the edge of my seat with each new chapter. This is one of my favorite stories and you are one of my favorite authors. Thank you.

I keep trying to find something in Sven, but he only thinks of himself. Not once has he thought of her. I get that he is a "serious" Dom, but Doms are supposed to think of their sub's needs.Kirsty is not a slave. I can see where you might want to give him one of the girls because Mikail has Monika, but Sven deserves nothing, but to watch the girls be raised by his brothers. He has treated her like a whore almost all the time. Please don't redeem him yet.. if that was your plan.

Bjorn needs to find a way to have them all go home.. the city is no place for them and he knows it. And Im hoping at least one of the girls is his. And no complications at all with this pregnancy.

Mikail must be going insane missing her and Monika.. and really I cant believe that Monika is liking being away from her grandmother, her father or the Holding for so long.

Overall this separation is not really worth it. So how about a new doctor come to town or something and take this story back to the Holding.

Reader1bcReader1bcover 8 years ago

I can't believe how judgemental people are being. He's been an idiot yes but he totally loves her and has been acting out of fear of losing her. Plus she loves him! I hope to heaven he fully recovers from this and he doesn't turn her away again because of this in hopes of saving her future pain of his loss.

MsHesitentMsHesitentover 8 years ago
I don't think Sven deserves this hate!

Yeah he's a backwards butthead and needs a good smack upside the head. It's not Kirsty saying he abused or raped her, it's the brothers. Her frustration is with his lack of communication. She wants the D. She was attracted to him first. He sealed the deal. Now he needs to pull his head out of his own backside and actually talk, some people are like that, I'm like that, prone to fits of rage when I'm feeling so insecure I might implode. Don't hold it against him, he just needs to work his shit out. It'll be worth it and that much more meaningful. It's when someone denies an issue or refuses to work on it that you need to worry, and we've got insight to his thought process. Kirsty is going on intuition. I'd also like to mention she WORKS with people who have difficulty communicating and Autism runs in families so you never know, Sven might be on the spectrum.

MsHesitentMsHesitentover 8 years ago
Ps to add!

His obsession with strict protocol would also (I think) make sexual relationships easier on him if he was on the spectrum or had another personality disorder that affected personal relationships.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great Chapter

To those in doubt...There have been a lot of contradictions that’s true but that’s what humans are a constant contradiction.

Sven was overjoyed when Kirsty used his name when they were alone having sex and then annoyed because she did it again in the 3some

Kirsty agreed with one brother (pretty sure it was Bjorn ?) to no safe words between them but then 2 of the brothers have used safe words with her, incl a rant by Bjorn to the old guy with Greta.

All 3 brothers were abusive at some point, ignoring SSC that’s not even counting the kidnapping and yet the younger 2 get hypocritical at Sven being the biggest arsehole of them all.

Sorry for repeating myself again, the story is compelling and well put together. I don’t think that using non English text is an issue, judging by context it’s really not difficult to work out that he’s saying to “Kirsten I love you”.

Pregnancy - someone commented on the confusion of how far along she is. To clarify the average gestation is 40 weeks, the plot said 18-19 weeks, it also said about half way (pretty sure it didn’t say 4- 4 1/2 mo). With multiple births (twins or more) the gestation is frequently 36+ weeks.

Compound fracture and chest pains - ouch, what an idiot.

Arsehole boy on the train living proof that some people should never reproduce even if he was only technically correct, manners and caring about others is a damned sight more important.

Tess (UK)

Auspat2121Auspat2121about 3 years ago

Wow this is Avery powerful story. So enjoying it. Love the strength and power of Kirsten and Ron.

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