Atonement: A Love Story


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"Come home with me child. You aren't the first to suffer this at the hands of those swine. We'll have some wine and talk. You don't have to take this and you must exact vengeance if you are ever to regain your pride."

She took Sue's hand and led her home. They went to the living room and settled into the reclining couch with three bottles of red wine on the end table and spent some time getting to know each other. They felt immediate bonding and trust so Ludmilla chose to reveal her secret without delay.

"Excuse me dear. I'm going to go fetch some people I would like you to meet."

She left the room and headed down the hallway that opened off it. Sue heard a door open, then close, and the sound of more than one person coming back down the hallway. First two naked young men emerged on hands and knees, one blond haired and blue eyed, the other dark haired, brown eyed. They were followed close by Ludmilla who urged them along with sharp kicks to their behinds. They groveled to the center of the fine Persian rug that lay before the couch and knelt with heads bowed and erections jutting. Sue's jaw dropped and she looked back and forth at Ludmilla and the men, lips moving, no words coming out.

Ludmilla gave out a lusty laugh and stood behind the men putting a hand on the head of each. "I'm not one to waste time. Meet Phillip, this fetching blond, and Ethan. They were once frat boys like that Ben of yours and guilty of similar offenses. Back in my country the art of "disappearing" is highly developed and I received ample training at it during my military service. And I was well schooled in, shall we say, methods of persuasion as well. Their punishment for their misdeeds is enslavement for life and with my help you will subject Ben to the same fate when you are ready."

"But in truth, their enslavement is no longer punishment. They both adore me and will perform any act and submit to any indignity to serve my pleasure. In time, you will reduce Ben to this state too. But that is some time in the future, perhaps a year. Now, it is time for you to be introduced to the pleasures that are your birthright. Phillip and Ethan will provide them for you. Please remove your clothes my dear."

Sue stood up, kicked off her black pumps and tossed her little black dress over her head, revealing the nakedness beneath. She had not wanted much between Ben and her nudity, expecting another night like their first. Her heart hammered and a hand strayed to her pussy as she anticipated a much different evening indeed. Ludmilla gave instruction.

Stand out in the middle of the rug dear and spread your legs a bit. That's good! Ethan! Phillip! To your duty! Now!"

Ethan knelt before her and nuzzled into her bush. Then she felt his tongue flit out to caress the wet succulent tissue between her thighs. A thrill ran up her spine. Phillip groveled behind her and she felt his soft-shaven face burrow between her cheeks and then his wriggling tongue on her anus. A shudder of unalloyed delight went through her and she struggled to keep her balance. Ludmilla stepped over to hold her by the shoulders as the pleasing tongues took full effect. She sensed an adoring hunger from the slaves. Her lust welled up and she grabbed a handful of hair on each head and rammed her cunt into Ethan's mouth while forcing Phillip's face deeper between her creamy mounts. Soon orgasm buckled her knees and she let out an animal grunt of brute satisfaction as her bones seemed to melt. Ludmilla caught her as she collapsed and eased her down to the couch, giving out her deep lusty laugh again.

"Hah! Looks like somebody got off pretty good! Two tongues at once will do it every time!"

She kicked off her sneakers and shed her sweat suit, revealing her baroque goddess nudity.

"Now it's my turn boys. Ethan! It's ass duty for you this time! Phillip! There's a big red pussy waiting for you here!"

She grabbed both heads of hair at once and forced Ethan's face between her cheeks while pressing Phillips face into the bristling wedge of red pubes at her lions. She gasped and shuddered in a delight long accustomed but never tired of as the two rigorously trained tongues went to their work. She was skilled and knowing in the taking of her pleasure and climax rocked her in brief minutes, forcing a snarling, ecstatic sound from her. She too went all to jelly and Sue jumped up at the last second before she toppled and returned her favor by catching her and easing her down.

Ludmilla sighed in satisfaction and the two women giggled and exchanged a high five. Ludmilla sat up and settled into the reclining seat of the couch and pushed the button to extend the footrest. She invited Sue to do the same and then barked an order to the slaves who went one to each pair of feet and began to lick and suck. Sue sighed in sweet delight as Phillip took her toes full into his mouth and ran his tongue around and between them. Ludmilla opened the third bottle of wine and poured for each of them.

"This was just a preliminary dear. But let's relax a while and then I'll show you what Saturday night means around here."

Chapter Three

There was a party back at the frat house to celebrate Ben's "achievement." He faked his way through it but in his heart, he knew only one thing: The moment Sue fled in tears was the moment he began to hate himself.

Days passed, then weeks, then months. Winter became spring. He was welcomed into the TKO brotherhood and smiled his way through every day while his stomach churned in self-loathing. His father and grandfather had come to take him out for a celebratory dinner and it was all he could do to hide his shame and smile and smile and smile. Memories of Sue's luscious body and her sweet and loving heart haunted him but he was sure no apology, no matter how contrite and sincere could ever be enough.

One evening late in May he was out taking one of the solitary walks he took to escape the "brothers" he secretly loathed almost as much as himself and dream of Sue. As he walked down a dark tree lined street a van pulled to the curb alongside him and slowed to a crawl. The side window rolled down and he saw a hefty black woman with a big Afro inside. She beckoned him to the door to ask directions. When he came close the side door slid open and two pairs of hands reached out to grab him and pull him inside. The door and window closed and the van sped away, unseen by anyone.

Chapter Four

Sue and Ludmilla's first Saturday night went on until the wee hours. Foot service and wine horned both women up again. Ludmilla dispatched the slaves to another room to get some things and each returned carrying a low, leather padded wooden bench perhaps a foot wide, six long and a foot high. There were buckled leather straps depending from each. As if knowing the drill, they set the benches down side by side and laid down face up on them. Ludmilla bent down and strapped each of them firmly to the bench so he lay helpless. The slaves showed no hesitation and offered no resistance, rather seeming eager for what was to come.

Ludmilla stepped over Phillip so his face was between her calves, looked down on him with a wicked glean in her eye, used fingers to part her dangling, ragged labia and lowered herself to just above his upturned face. Phillip strained upward with his tongue as if with a hunger to taste her cunt. She chuckled.

"As you can see Sue he craves the taste of my pussy now though it was not always so. The TKO are known for their aversion to eating pussy. It took harsh measures at first and a steady diet of my ooze and my cum before the inevitable came to be. Now neither one can go a day without a heavy dose of both. It's an addiction." She settled herself down over him, covering his face, bringing full weight down.

"Have a seat Sue, and enjoy!"

Sue needed no persuading. Her previous orgasm had whetted her lust for more. She mounted Ethan's face and settled over him, heedless and ruthless in bringing her weight down. Ludmilla gave encouragement.

"That's the way girl. No mercy. They can take it! I've trained them hard to hold their breath and there's only one way to do it. Put the pussy over his face and bear down hard, don't let him breathe until he makes you come."

Ethan's tongue was a wriggling delight everywhere between her legs, slithering from anus to clit and back and forth as if offering her a choice where to begin. She settled her anus over his mouth and felt his tongue slide in. She pressed down all the harder, never mind he couldn't breathe. She saw Ludmilla had Phillip pinned down hard as well with him working hard on her clit. She rose briefly to give him time for one desperate gasp, then settled down again.

But Sue was too lost in rimming rapture to give such mercy. She marveled at the endurance of Ethan's breath. Soon her body all but screamed for release and she shifted forward to feed him her clit, raising up just a bit, giving him a chance for a quick deep breath. She came with a heavy gush that filled his mouth and her semiconscious bulk settled over him as her muscles went slack. At the edge of her awareness she heard Ludmilla's orgasmic cry. She languished, heedless, savoring, giving him no chance to breathe. He lay acquiescent for a time but as his breath gave out his reflexes took over and he writhed in his bonds, then went limp and still. She felt hands under her arms as Ludimilla hoisted her with surprising strength.

"Could have lost him there girl! It's hard to remember after coming like that you have to roll off when you're finished. I do like to have some fun with them sometimes though. They know I can snuff the life out of them with this big red snatch of mine and I'm sure they sometimes wonder when I settle down on top of them if they will ever see the light again. But any time I tell them to fetch the queening benches they just can't wait to lie down and let me strap them in. The pussy has an inexorable power over the male. That's why so many fear it. They know it will come to reign over their lives if they taste it."

Sue was beside herself. "I want Ben under me like that! I want him to eat this big juicy pussy and come in his mouth and make him swallow it! I want his tongue up my ass! I want to feel him squirm in panic as his air gives out. I want him to pass out not knowing if my cunt coming down on him was the last thing his living eyes would ever see!"

Ludmilla gave out deep and wicked chuckle. "All that will happen dear, I promise. And that will now be the half of it, not even a scratching of the surface. Let me show you something. I was enjoying myself so much I didn't notice how this wine was getting to me."

She stood over Ethan and lowered her cunt to just above his lips and gave a command: "Open!"

He obeyed and a golden cascade poured from the ragged lips of her cunt, filling his mouth. He swallowed with a gulp and the flow continued as he gulped twice more. Then she was emptied. Sue stood wide eyed. Ludmilla looked at her and smiled.

"I told you they would do anything. How about you Sue? You must have something after all that wine."

Sue hadn't noticed until then because of all she had seen and experienced but she was indeed ready to burst. Her eyes went to Phillip, who lay there available. She stepped over him and squatted. He opened his mouth as if a thousand times before, which was true. She let go a golden torrent she thought would overflow and engulf him but he guzzled it all, spilling not a drop. Sue looked at Ludmilla in amazement. Ludmilla chuckled.

"Do I look like a woman who would tolerate spilling on my rug Sue? Believe me they learned the hard way. But now let's proceed to this evening's finale."

She stooped to loose the slaves from their bonds and barked another command.

"Ethan, go fetch the cocks! Phillip, get out the mats!"

Phillip reached under the couch and brought out a pair of rubber mats perhaps three by six feet and laid them out on the rug. Ethan scurried away down the hall and returned with objects that made Sue gape in disbelief. In each hand he carried a false phallus with false balls dangling below it and extending behind a second shaft with two bulbs protruding from it. He fell to his knees before Ludmilla who took one from Ethan and handed it to Sue, then took the one for herself. Ethan also held a small squeeze bottle, which Ludmilla took as well. Sue turned the device over, inspecting it, understanding coming to her. Ludmilla smiled and chuckled.

"You get the picture don't you Sue. Yes, it's a cock for you. I so much prefer the strapless style. Once you have it installed it will look like you were born with a big cock and balls. Look at my boys. They know they're going to get it and they can't wait. And let's not keep them waiting. Phillip! Install Mistress Sue's cock please!"

Phillip came to her and she handed him the device. She stood with legs parted. Ludmilla squeezed some oil from the bottle over the vaginal and rectal bulbs and Phillip placed them between Sue's legs, aligned them with her orifices and pressed upward. The rectal bulb hurt a bit going in but in the end the cock was seated firmly. Ethan installed Ludmilla's cock in turn and the two women stood with big members jutting proud. Sue looked down at hers.

"It's bigger than Ben's! Ludmilla! Does this mean someday I'm going to fuck him?"

"Yes dear. One day you will deflower him, take his true virginity, destroy his manhood as surely as if you had cut his balls off. And thereafter you will do it to him every day and best of all he will beg you for it. Now you can practice on Phillip and see what the woman cock can do to a man. Phillip! Blowjob for Mistress Sue! Now!"

Phillip's mouth was on her cock before she could look down. When she did she saw him open wide and press forward. The cock disappeared down his gullet until his nose was buried in her bush. She looked up at Ludmilla in amazement.

"Oh, forgetful me Sue. Reach under your balls and press the button."

Sue felt down below until she found a button and pressed. Pulsing vibrations sent pleasure radiating from her cunt outward. Now Phillips sucking took on a new dimension and she felt the caresses of his lips over the shaft as waves of delight. His rigorous training showed as he sucked her like a back-alley whore, taking her quickly to the brink of climax. She looked over to see Ludmilla with her own cock installed getting her own head from Ethan. Their eyes met and they exchanged winks. Sue grabbed Phillips hair and forced his head back and forth to hasten her climax. It struck like a bolt and her knees went wobbly as a gush from her pussy trickled down her thighs. Ever dutiful, Phillip wrapped his arms around her hips and held her tight with the cock full down his throat until her afterglow passed and her knees stiffened again. Ludmilla finished with a deep earthy exhalation and Ethan held her steady as well. Both women pushed the slaves back and away.

Ludmilla's commanding voice rang out: "On the mats and assume the position sluts!"

She looked at Sue and laughed. "I can't have cum all over that rug. I paid through the nose!"

Both slaves turned and went to the mats, bent forward, put their elbows to the floor and raised their asses. They trembled in their longing to be taken. Sue needed no urging. She went to her knees behind Phillip and aligned the cock with his twitching hole. Just for a moment she paused to visualize it was Ben there bent over before her, quivering in fear at the thought of the big member that was to enter him, hurt him and change him forever.

The cock pulsed in her loins. Then she thrust her hips forward. Phillip's much used orifice took the length with ease but he still cried out in delight at her penetration. She drew back and plunged in again, then fell to rutting like a she-beast. Phillip whimpered, begging to be fucked harder and she was glad to oblige. The rubber mat gave her knees traction that allowed her to ravage him without mercy and yet he only cried out his thanks and begged for more. Again, she had visions of Ben and felt the first twinges of impending orgasm.

Suddenly Phillip came, making a sound of helpless delight and surrender, a sound so sweet to Sue's ears it set her off in a climax that made all the others that evening pale. Phillip collapsed to the floor, now sobbing and sniveling, sounds of unmanning and humiliation. The cock dislodged and Sue knelt there, looking quizzically over to Ludmilla who rutted upon Ethan like a big red brute. Ethan came with that same sweet sound and she saw him spurt all over the mat. He too collapsed in a whimpering heap of emasculated wreckage. The two women stood and turned off the vibrators, each giving a sigh of deepest satisfaction. They made the slaves suck the cocks clean and lick each-others cum from the mats. Ethan removed their cocks and left the room to put them away. Phillip rolled up the mats and stashed them under the couch.

Both women were pleasantly exhausted and it was bedtime. Ludmilla showed Sue to a guest bedroom with Phillip groveling behind. She settled in comfortably and Phillip slipped under the covers to join her.

She woke in the morning horny and needing to piss. Phillip was there with his head laid across her hairy mount just as he had spent the night and all seemed obvious. She guided him down so his head was between her legs. And it was clear this was a morning ritual to which he was long accustomed because he encircled her with is lips where the golden flow would come from her and accepted the deep draught of her strong morning vintage, then served her with tender attention from anus to clit to a pair of exquisite orgasms. She rose and Phillip went to hands and knees beside the bed. Again, things seemed obvious. She was still limp and languid in her afterglow but eager to start the day so she mounted Phillip's back and he set off down the hallway, straining under her bulk but bearing it without complaint. They reached the kitchen where Ludmilla sat at the table waiting for her. Breakfast and coffee were served, prepared by Ethan who knelt in attendance.

Sue was glowing, wearing a vapid smile, her knees still a bit wobbly.

Ludmilla offered her a chair.

"I trust you slept well dear?"

"Oh yes! Ludmilla! Is this what it's like every day for you? I want this life. What do I have to do to have it?"

"Yes, it is like this every day Sue. And this is how it should be for all women like us. But this culture and these times are not kind to us. In other times and in other places women like us are and have been revered, adored, depicted as goddesses in the finest works of art. But we all must claim our birthright. There is a network of women of like mind and body. We call ourselves the LLWW- the "Large Lovely Women of the World." We give mutual aid and support, right wrongs such as were inflicted on you and enslave men to put them in their proper place. It is an informal organization but there are rules. The main requirement for membership is that a woman must have a slave to share with the others. I think you must know where I'm going with this. But excuse me. My coffee has kicked in and our Mother Nature calls. Phillip! To duty!"

In an instant Phillip went to his back on the floor with mouth open wide. Ludmilla squatted over him and Sue watched wide-eyed as he accepted what she had to feed him with hungry mouth, spilling not a bit despite the quantity, and then used his tongue to clean her. Ludmilla noticed her awe-struck expression and gave out her deep wicked laugh.

"I am a woman who says what she means and means what she says Sue. When I told you they would submit to anything I meant just that. One day Ben will be similarly enslaved, I promise you. And when you hear the call this morning Ethan's mouth will be available to you."