Atonement: A Love Story


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"Now crawl out here and come over to the bench."

He obeyed, groveling beside her across the room to where the bench stood along the opposite all. A chill went up his spine at the sight of the instruments that lay on the table.

"Lie down on the bench now Ben so I can strap you down."

He whimpered in his fear but obeyed without hesitation, laying himself down and even cooperating with her as she strapped him down. Sue knelt beside him and took time to describe and explain what was to come, including each instrument of torture.

"I'm going to mount your face and ride it Ben. Then I'm going to use these things on you. I'll explain each one as we go. And by the way, you will address me as Mistress from now on."

First there was what looked like a pair of iron clam shells joined side by side. They could be locked over his balls and each had a spring thumb screw protruding from it that could be tightened, squeezing the testicles.

"This device will squeeze your balls Ben. The more I tighten the more it will hurt. You will use your tongue in my anus to pleasure me. There are springs in the screws so if I loosen my grip the squeezer will back off and the pain will cease. I will start with a good hard squeeze to motivate you and you will start licking me. But if you are truly pleasing me my grip will slacken and you will have respite. Are you ready Ben?"

"Yes Mistress. I'm ready to suffer for you and accept your justice."

Sue moved over to kneel, straddling his head, cunt hovering inches above his face, facing his cock and balls. She paused briefly. Ben looked up between her legs, gazing with hunger at the pussy he adored, the dense raven bush riven by the ragged gash of her protuberant labia. The varied scents of woman unwashed and aroused flooded his senses and he longed for her to bring it down to cover his face. He would endure the torture with joy so long as he could taste her.

"Please Mistress! Begin! Hurt me as you see fit. I'll give my all for your pleasure. I love you so much!"

Sue lowered herself to cover his face and gasped in delight as his tongue showered love between her thighs. She just enjoyed for a minute, letting him lick her all about, elated at having him where she had longed to have him, smothered beneath her cunt. Then she shifted to press her anus to his lips. His tongue wriggled its way inside her, giving her goose bumps. It was all she could do to fasten the device and then her delight postponed her using it. But Ben was not yet a fully trained slave. He had not yet had the rigorous practice and conditioning in the art of rimming so his tongue soon tired and his efforts flagged. It was then that Sue squeezed him and he felt a dreadful crushing ache that spurred him to redoubled effort. The rapture this gave her made her lose her grip and the pain went away until his tongue tired again and she squeezed him again.

So it went for what seemed like forever for Ben, heaven and hell combined, the heaven of her beloved pussy covering him, the hell of the awful clamp. He was driven to reach deep and summon the will to rim her with untiring abandon until she loosened her grip and the pain ceased and she shifted backward to offer her clit to his tongue.

"Make me come Ben! Now!"

With a last desperate fluttering of his tongue he brought her to release. She gave out a deep earthy sigh of pleasure and satisfaction, flooded his mouth, went soft and settled down over him, banishing light and air. He lay still while she savored, his breath growing short. But soon she dismounted and he felt only longing to be beneath her again.

She removed the clamp from his balls and picked up the next instrument held it before his eyes. It looked like an elongated alligator clip, a six-inch pair of jaws with wicked teeth with a spring that would clamp them tight. He felt her run her finger along the tender underside of his cock.

"Feel how sensitive this is Ben? Well, you'll have no idea how sensitive it really is until I clamp this thing on. I have no way of knowing but I've been told it starts out as mere agony and that agony doubles by the second. I'm going to mount you again and clamp it on and leave it on until you make me come again. Anything to say?"

"Yes! Please! I'm scared of how much it will hurt but I'm in heaven when I'm under you Mistress! Hurt me if you want to. I know I deserve it!"

"Good to hear. Take a deep breath now!"

She mounted his face again, rubbed her cunt over it, giving him a few moments of unalloyed heaven before he felt the fierce stinging pain. Indeed, the agony did seem to double by the second. She gave him her anus first to arouse her. The pain drove him to supreme effort in his rimming and, mercifully, it aroused her quickly and she soon shifted to give him her clit.

Sue was in her own mingled state of mind. She felt her longing for vengeance being fulfilled, Ben pinned helpless beneath her, tongue up her ass where it so rightfully belonged. She felt his terror and torment but most of all his love. She could sense his efforts to serve her were not meant just to escape the pain but to give her pleasure born of that love. And her own feelings of love came flooding back. It moved her to the brink of climax once more and she pressed her tender pink orb to his lips. Just seconds under his wriggling tongue sufficed. Just moments before she came she released the clamp and shuddered her way through an exquisite orgasm, filled his mouth gain with her love liquor and heard him swallow it with a thirsty gulp.

Sue sat astride his face in afterglow looking at the remaining, unused instruments of torture and feeling conflicted. Ben lay beneath her in a state of surrender, patiently holding his breath, not wanting to disturb her savoring. His breath gave out and his body writhed by reflex and she came to her decision. He had suffered enough as far as she could see, but a kernel of doubt remained.

She dismounted, stood looking down at him, seeing the worship in his eyes and decided to seek Ludmilla's counsel before proceeding. She left him there bound and went upstairs. It was Saturday and Ludmilla was in the living room eased back in a recliner, resplendently nude. Ethan and Philip knelt before her, each licking a foot. Sue's pensive look aroused her curiosity.

"Something bothering you Sue? How are things going down there?"

"That's just it Ludmilla. He's endured the squeezed and the penis clamp and accepted the pain without complaining. He even begged me to hurt him. I really believe he loves me and has suffered enough now. But there's still just a bit of doubt in my mind."

"Would you like me to spend some time with him Sue? No man can deceive me. If he's sincere I will know."

"Would you please? And also, please enjoy him. Let me know what you think."

Ludmilla herded Phillip and Ethan back to their cells while Sue went down to release Ben and bring him upstairs. He had not met Ludmilla, had only been woman handled by her in the van the night of his capture. Sue placed him on his knees in the middle of the rug and Ludmilla returned.

Ben caught his breath at the sight of her, the creamy white skin, the flaming red hair on her head and at her loins, her stern yet beautiful face with stunning blue eyes, her regal voluptuosity. She exuded dominance and authority. He trembled, knowing this was a woman who would exert her will without fail. She riveted her eyes on him and he bowed his head.

Sue made the introduction: "Ben, meet Ludmilla. She saved my life on that night I'll never forget but hope I can forgive. I've come to love her as a friend and second mother. She will not hurt you. She just wants to talk to you and will most likely want you to give her pleasure. And you will serve her as you would me."

"Leave us alone for a while Sue. I'll send him to fetch you when I'm finished with him."

"Okay. I'll be downstairs." She left the room, turning at the last to give Ben a reassuring smile.

Ludmilla enthroned herself in a deep leather arm chair, called Ben over to kneel at her feet and spoke to him.

"Ben, your Mistress Sue has asked me to spend some time with you because she is almost sure of the sincerity of your repentance and of your love for her but still has some doubts. She thinks it may be time to end your punishment and wants my opinion. First, I would like to hear an explanation for your dreadful behavior."

"I won't try to excuse myself...Mistress Ludmilla. The truth is I lived a lie for most of my life out of weakness. I was indoctrinated in a despicable attitude toward women, especially women such as my Mistress and you, even though, in my heart, I find such women beautiful and dreamed and fantasized about them constantly. But I suppressed my true self out of a pathetic need for approval and belonging. I started hating myself the moment I humiliated my Mistress that night."

"Fine words Ben but your actions will speak louder. You will give me pleasure now. This will tell the tale. Rest assured that I am a most discerning woman. No man can deceive me. Only true sincerity will persuade me. I will not hurt you. That is for your Mistress to do should I determine further punishment is warranted. Now come here."

She shifted in the chair, raising her knees, parting her legs, resting her ankles on the arms, exhibiting her womanhood. Ben knee walked closer, eyes glued to the sight.

"Closer Ben." He voice was low pitched, sultry, hypnotic and had a tone of inexorable destiny. He felt a will far stronger than his own take control of him. He came within her reach and she took his head between her hands and held his face a foot from her sex. Her feral perfume wafted over his nostrils, putting him deeper under her dominant spell.

"Look at it Ben. Tell me what you think of it."

Ben just stared at the loveliness, the dense cinnamon thicket riven by her ragged labia and the long pink crevice between them, a big, seemingly ravenous, cunt that could envelop his face deep in its succulent tissues, devour him and make him love it even as he was being consumed. And below was the deep, pink-brown vortex of her anus. His heart hammered and his head spun.

"It's so beautiful Mistress! All my life I've dreamed and wondered about what women have down there. I've hungered for it but I never knew until I tasted my Mistress. I'm in heaven when she has me down there. And yours is so different but just as gorgeous."

"Very well Ben. I'm glad to hear you say that. You may taste me now."

She pulled his head toward her until his tongue could reach. He licked in the crevice, tasting the salty wetness. Ludmilla gave instruction.

"Now start at the bottom and lick upward. That's good dear. Now cup your tongue as you lick upward and gather my juice. Now swallow. That's it! Again! Continue just like that, up and down. It's imperative that you swallow the juice of women. It will keep your mind right. Do you like it?"

"Oh yes Mistress!"

His thirst for it grew with every lapping stroke and he reveled in her scent and the tastes of cunt and piss.

"You're doing wonderfully Ben. It feels so good! But now I want you to lick my anus. Get down there now. Just lick very softly."

He went down, buried his face deep in her pussy, and put his tongue to her orifice and caressed.

"This is such a selfless and loving act Ben. It tells your Mistress you adore her body without reservation and that you accept that she is exalted above you in the order of the world, that you accept your place as a lesser being who lives to serve her. And I can feel your sincerity Ben. This act reveals all. You are a caring, sensitive and decent young man at your core. Your reprehensible behavior was the result of your being led astray by peer pressure. Your offense had to be punished but I concur with your Mistress that your punishment has been sufficient for atonement and you are ready to begin life as an exemplary slave who will make his Mistress very happy. Now I would like to come Ben. First, I want to feel that tongue deep in my ass. Rim me hard now! I'll let you know when I'm ready to finish."

Ben was in heaven once again, his face buried in her deep lush red snatch as he caressed her anus, straining to probe deep and please her. His only fear was of tongue fatigue. But before that set in she grabbed his hair and rolled her hips, rubbing her cunt over his face before pressing his head upward to offer her pulsing berry. She clenched her big thighs hard on his head, shuddered and came, gushing his mouth full, with the lusty satisfied sigh of a woman long accustomed to the ecstasy.

"Delightful Ben! Did I gush! I trust you swallowed?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Good. You need to swallow every juice from the body of your Mistress."

She took the liberty of enjoying him some more, laying him on his back on the rug, straddling his face as he served her, back and forth, anus to clit until full satiation. Then she dispatched him to get Sue.

"Ben. Please go downstairs to let your Mistress know I'm ready. But please have her put you in your cell so we can discuss matters privately. Don't worry. You were delightful."

Sue came back upstairs to find Ludmilla eased back on the recliner couch. Her glow and soft sweet smile told the tale about her time with Ben."

"He's adorable Sue, just the sweetest thing. You're so lucky. His bad behavior was an anomaly. He just got too much influence from the wrong sources. There's just one more test for him to pass and he will be ready to be deflowered. But I'm sure that will prove to be a mere formality."

"What's that Ludmilla?"

"Why he must drink and eat from you Sue, show ultimate submission the way Ethan and Phillip do."

"Of course, but are you sure he'll do it?"

"Certainly dear. I know complete submission when I feel it."

It was midafternoon by then and Sue went back downstairs and let Ben out of his cell. She decided to just spent the time between then and dinner enjoying his adoring company. He licked her feet, massaged and kissed her body everywhere and gave sweet gentle cunnilingus. She basked in his love.

Ben was in paradise, alone with the woman he adored, his lips touching every square inch of her luscious flesh, his face pressed deep into that place of wonder, mystery and delight between her thighs. His cock was like iron and his testicles ached so they felt like bowling balls in his sack.

Sue noticed his erection and, curious, had him stand up before her chair so she could fondle him. She gave his balls a tender squeeze and he winced.

"Oh Ben! Do they hurt?"

"Yes mistress. You excite me so I'm out of my mind and I can't remember the last time I came. But it's OK. You're the one who matters. I'll be alright."

Sue was touched and wanted to show him mercy. But how? She had resolved he would never enter her again. And the idea of just letting him come without paying some price bothered her. Then inspiration struck. She sat back in the chair and spread her legs.

"Oh Ben! Poor thing. I think you should come. You've been so sweet and unselfish. Now kneel in front of me, right there, between my legs."

He obeyed, kneeling with his member just inches from her pussy.

"Now Ben. Go ahead. Jerk off. I'll bet it won't take long. Just make sure you shoot your load on my pussy. Then I have a job for you."

He was shamed at the thought of masturbating in front of her but his balls cried out for relief. He took himself in hand and stroked, just as he had the many times that all he could do was dream of Sue. After just a score of strokes he felt the welling up and then the surges of pleasure as he erupted. He was so pent up that his first spurts flew up over her cunt and splattered over her belly and breasts. His load was huge and he still covered her bush in thick wads and her labia as well.

Sue burst out laughing at first and then could only think to lean up and kiss him on the lips, then lie back in the chair.

"Poor baby! How your poor balls must have ached being so full of all that! At least I know you have loads of love for me!"

She laughed again, barely able to contain herself.

"But now you really have your work cut out. Better get that tongue busy cleaning up! I feel it running down over my asshole and I don't want a mess on my chair."

Ben all but dived to catch the creamy cascade that covered her hole on his tongue and swallow it. Then he laved her snatch and sucked the goo from her pubes. Big gouts still lay over her belly and breasts and he slurped them up while she giggled. Then he knelt back down, shamefaced at the indignity but happy to have amused her so. She leaned forward to kiss him again, then held his head to her breast.

"I'll remember to let you come once in a while. I was just enjoying you so much I forgot you have needs. But you will have to earn it. You are my slave after all. I like the thought of you aching for me and I want you aching most of the time. And won't it feel good when I finally let you have release?"

She heard a polite knock on the door and said "come in". It was Ethan, there to announce that the evening meal was served. She had Ben crawl upstairs behind her and joined Ludmilla and her two slaves in the dining room. They ate their fill of the roast Ethan had prepared and gave the slaves the scraps and leftovers.

Then it was to the living room for wine and a small orgy. But before the cocks were brought out Ludmilla asked Sue to take Ben to his cell, saying she would explain later. Then Phillip and Ethan were fucked and put away for the night. Ludmilla explained about sequestering Ben.

"There is a ritual that goes with deflowering Sue. The act will be consummated in public with the members of our regional LLWW chapter in attendance. We're talking thirty or so women, all of like mind and body. And each will bring at least one slave too. The event will be held at a hotel owned by one of us. Ben must not know what is to happen until he is brought into the room and sees you with your cock installed. The look on a slave's face when he sees his mistress sporting a dick a lot bigger than his is priceless. You've had plenty of practice here with Phillip and Ethan so I'm sure you'll have no trouble taking charge and teaching him whose cock will rule his life."

"Will it hurt him Ludmilla?"

"At first, yes. But it's necessary to let him know who's boss. But when you're finished with him he'll yearn every minute for the next time. And he'll be yours, truly and completely yours. It must be felt to be understood."

"I'm excited Ludmilla. When will it be?"

"Why not next Saturday? I'm sure almost everyone will come. It's the most emotionally rewarding thing there is for our kindred hearts to see and nobody will want to miss it. And then there's the after orgy."

Sue brought Ben upstairs to share her bed that night. In the morning when she woke she lay on her back and reached down to awaken him and guide him to lie with his head between her legs, ready to serve her and she instructed him.

"Ben, sweetheart, we'll be sleeping together like this from now on and every morning before I get out of bed I'll want some love from your tongue and an orgasm or two. But it's uncomfortable for you to lick me when I have to pee so bad in the morning. And I don't want to have to get out of bed to go to the bathroom and come back. I think the solution is simple. You can drink from me and then pleasure me. Now put your mouth around my pussy where the pee comes out. I think you know where that is. Can you do this for me Ben? Do you love me enough?"

"Yes Mistress."

She was delighted with his immediate obedience and lack of hesitation. She felt his lips encircle the spot and she just let go, flooding his mouth. He guzzled it down, seemingly with a thirst. Then he turned to serving her. She was horny to begin with after a good night's sleep and Ben's act of selfless submission inflamed her all the more. She raised her knees to offer her pussy and just a few wriggles of tongue on clit triggered her first orgasm. Then he went down low to rim her and she lost herself in the rapture of it until her body demanded release again and she rolled her hips to offer her clit once more. She finished with a shudder and a lusty sigh, looking forward to beginning a new day.