All Comments on 'Audit Surprise Ch. 02'

by radk

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Not too often we get to really see into a cheating-wifes perspective. A "audit" of her actions, if you will.

I really liked it. Though honestly it could have been a little longer, but I understand writers issues.

I eagerly await to see the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Liked Chapter One better.

I'm curious about the need here, and in other similar pieces, to portray the woman as a greedy moron? The old fucking-her-way-up-the ladder storyline has really been played out. Honestly, I expected something a bit more creative from you. There are many ways to work the story and not make her look so idiotic. The Marty you described would have never married someone so crass as the woman you describe.

And maybe you could give the equally tired character of the enormously endowed man a rest too. Most women would run for the hills if such a creature actually tried to copulate. Guys with huge dicks are rarely good lovers (that's why porn actresses act), wrongly believing that ever woman they meet wants a semi driven up their pussy. They don't. Tom has a cut body, a massive cock, and is an excellent lover? Please. That's you being lazy.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 11 years ago

I could give less than a damn about the wife's side of the story. She deserved to be burnt to the ground and the ashes dumped in a sewer. 3 stars for good writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
oh poor me, i fucked up everyones life, and they are all blame

almost as pathetic as he poor little rich girl excuse. So blinded by ambition she destoryed her marriage, her life, and became he corporate whore. Let her go work in one of the legal brothels she is a no holes barred whore.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
Faithfully adhering to repentant, corporate floozy cliche- no ' she did it for the 401k stereotype left unturned

The first installment had some neat technical & fiscal espionage patter & I was looking for more of the same. Instead the author went humanistic and turned in one of the most singularly unconvincing female POV narration in recent memory.

I'm guessing radk wanted to give the audience the vicarious sensation first hand of illicit pleasure. The team concept that did a mission impossible-esque intelligence gathering mission was abandoned. The payback for the principal malefactors was brief and impersonal. Involuntary retirement or embarrassing time gap in resume doesn't cut it.

I don't want to be too harsh. The introduction was an eyeball-grabber. radk has a deft touch with business & espionage lingo. If he bolsters the emotional IQ of the relationships in peril to the same level, there are many hot ratings in his Literotica Loving Wives tale-telling future. ***

Mousse9Mousse9about 11 years ago

I dunno. Chapter 1 started really strong, but there doesn't seem to be much new in Chapter 2. We already know the why, where, when and who...

The reason of giving the phone the finger was interesting, though still rather cliche, and just making her look even worse (if that's even possible).

What WAS new was the aftermath of Chapter 1. The divorce, attempted suicide, the shrink, and suing the company.

It's not very clear to me whether her lawyer was going to sue each of the men and the company for a total of 4 mil, or all combined for 1 mil. Even so, she settled for 100K. A tenth of the original amount if it were 1 million. At least the 3 guys got fired, I guess...

About that, since the 3 managers were fired it seems grossly unfair to let Ambrose (the guy who blackmailed her) to just "retire", He was going to retire anyway, no skin off his back...No black mark on the company either, since it was settled.

What was NOT in Chapter 2, was how it went with Marty after Chapter 1. Well, that's probably shown in Chapter 3. Looking forward to it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Give me one good reason Marty should take her back

She decided over a weekend to become a corporate whore without any consideration for her marriage or her husband. Her ambition was her tragic flaw (in the Greek Theater sense), somehow for her she felt terribly undervalued and underappreciated at her company. That being said, why did her ambition and greed out way her marital vows, a the obvious risk to her husband's love and their marriage ? Personally I have never met anyone who had this type of psychopathology. The additional fact was that she accepted her sexual role at the company without any proof that she would in fact get the promotion. When she accepted the role she did it in only one sentence, which certainly shows she had no moral or ethical misgivings. Later on she accepted Ambrose's assertion that he had incriminating photos without any suggestion that he show them, that was very telling. Naturally the author had to add one executive with large cock, even though the odds are not 1 in 4 but more like 1 in 10 of all males.

Additionally over time she became more and more sexually turned about her adultery.

As for the act of giving her husband the finger when he called at inconvenient times,

any aware person would definitely know why they consistently did it. Lastly the reason the second chapter is so lame is that her reasoning for what she did is after all indefensible, she's a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
One more time

Looking forward to the end of Audit. Hope Marty ends up with someone else.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
A little rest

I agree others not too much new information, but a little rest before the third sequel.

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 11 years ago
Reserving judgement

until chapter 3. Still this feels very familiar and it leaves me with an uneasy feeling; maybe because this chapter is so much weaker then the first. Well crafted sex scenes by the way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I have to agree with some of the other comments i've seen. Chapter felt really weak.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 11 years ago

Good rationalization from her pov, nothing outlandish. Liked that she cried because Tom made love to her, emotional betrayal, the others were just fleshy dildos. Now lets go to town and have her vamp it up for Marty, nithing is out of reach for him. Piercings, leather, light torture... Whatever it takes to give Marty back his mojo.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

Don't care about the corporate whore especially since she said she was MAKING LOVE to big cock. Sorry but this did not live up to the first one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
this installment was a disappointment

This installment was a disappointment. However u brought it from the abyss by the line "Why did you give Marty and the phone the finger" the classic response from a cheating wife..... nothing............

Hoping installment 3 will be as good as 1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
a let down, weak 3

chapter one was 4.

need expanding on revenge against the 3 execs and and what their wives did to them.

the money should have been $4,000,000.00 net vs 100,000.00

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good story so far, but

Some of her actions really don't make any sense whatsoever, and they sound like the stereotypically written shit designed to completely justify the husband leaving without looking back. Examples.

1. Three of her four "lovers" are blackmailing her into sex (that's opportunity for a criminal coercion lawsuit, btw). Her husband, whose marriage she desperately wants to save, asks her to give them up and gives her an alternative way out via lawsuit. She doesn't. No explanation as to why not, except "the job". You're writing this from her POV but with no explanation as to her thoughts on why this job is more important than both her marriage, her self-respect and her pocketbook? Really?

2. The lawyer gives her a last-ditch opportunity to answer a simple question: Why'd she flip him off? We know that she was doing it to justify her guilt, and women love to rationalize their guilt away just as much as guys do.... but for zero apparent reason, she goes into screaming hysterics and turns off the phone. What the fuck? This is from her POV and we are given no explanation of her thoughts.

3. There are certain tropes authors fall back on, and I'll point out that they look like cheap method acting when written from a woman's POV, without any explanation from her POV as to why she is doing it.

~ "wailing". This isn't the Bible. Why is she weeping and wailing? The depth of her love is not deeper than her job, apparently, and not once in the ending of this chapter does she weep and wail over losing the job. Same goes for the hysterics. While I enjoy a good BTB tale myself, some of the contrived shit comes across as terribly stupid in light of seeing a character who is simply not that emotional anywhere else in a story, displaying an extreme form of emotion - and appears to be solely for the benefit of the more extreme BTB idiots who want to see a woman punished as terribly as possible... and think that hysterics and wailing and sackcloth and gnashing of teeth somehow represent that.

There's a fine example of that in another story I read in LW - a family of wives gets involved in some kind of stripping/prostitution business, and when confronted together by all of their husbands.... bursts into a fit of synchronized wailing.

Which is like, lol what? Can we say Stepford? Normal people don't act like that. They cry, sometimes they scream and yell, and do other emotional shit, but wailing... yeah.

Humor notes: I do love that thing with the woman gloating about how she was getting the job now that the slut got caught. There's an irony to that in light of all management being fired means that branch being closed down, hence no job opening to fight over. It made me smile, because I hate gloating assholes even when they're right about someone being a slut.

Yeah, this is lengthy. Take it for what you feel its worth.

~ Two Cents Plus

njlaurennjlaurenabout 11 years ago
Kind of bland

compared to chapter 1. As someone writing myself, it can be hard to handle these things. The problem with Chapter 2 is we already knew Sheryl initially cheated because of the promotion (which raises its own questions), but what did chapter 2 further? The marriage is over, and Sheryl is obviously upset, she loved/loves her husband, but nothing happens..okay, she tries to kill herself, but she says nothing came of the therapy..which means she is still the same person she was, so how is she going to get at her ex? A chapter like this should serve as a bridge to what will happen, it should further the plot, but this doesn't, she doesn't have a clue why she did what she did, why she gave him the finger, there isn't anything..the suicide should have acted as a 'break' where she would get some kind of glimmer, but instead of looking inside herself she is focused on her ex husband, 'winning him back', yet not understanding herself, how could she credibly even attempt to do she is flying to Boston basically the same person she was.

I realize these are part of the plot points, but Sheryl has two big holes to her (no pun intended)

1)If someone tempted her with a quid pro quo promotion like that, from someone who is supposed to be smart and savy, she would have recorded the conversation, if for the very least to make sure they followed through. The manager asking "are you recording this" is meaningless, he couldn't argue in a court of law that it was inadmissible because she said she wasn't being recorded, plus she would know that in the court of public opinion it would be blackmail material for herself. If she brought that into court, the company would find itself forced to promote her, or lose a lot.

2)The 100,000 dollar settlement is a joke, any lawyer willing to settle for that should be disbarred and/or sent to the home for the feeble minded. In a case like this, the company would face both civil and EEOC proceedings, and would be in a public relations disaster, and they would take anything to make it go away, to not hit the papers. 4 senior managers having sex with a subordinate would be huge....maybe in the plot she would sure, get a huge settlement, and give all of it to her ex while keeping 100,000, that would fit more.

I offer that as constructive criticism, the author's writing isn't bad, it is in the plot that this chapter was weak. I look forward to chapter 3, to see how Sheryl rebuilds and what happens.

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Not as good as the first chapter

Ch. 02 wasn't as good as Ch. 01 for a few reasons. First, there were no powerfully impactful moments, not like in the first chapter (e.g., the wife flipping the phone the bird, her pounding on the window at the end of the chapter, etc.). Second, the repeated and graphic depictions of the adulterous sex serve no real purpose, unless you wanted this to be a stroker (and presumably, you did not). Third, the chapter promises to show us the wife's side, her thought process after months of reflection and therapy, and it did, to a point. But, like a previous posted noted, the author took the easy way out; it was more a real-time retelling, from another perspective, than an insightful analysis of what occured, and why, told with the benefit of hindsight. Finally, the wife was portrayed as rather stupid and naive, which was disappointing and far too typical in these stories. That said, I appreciate some of the wife's self-realization: the decision to separate her home and business life (compartmentalization), her sporadic bouts of guilt (and why-as with the particularly enjoyable sex with Tom), her inability to break from her decisions/rationalizations upon the shock of initial discovery (that's why she didn't give in to hubby's demand immediately-instead trying to justify or excuse), etc. The author can obviously write pretty well, but I felt like too much meat was left on the bone in this chapter.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
Duna summed it up

No new info*, just a rest before Ch3 denouement!

Nice analysis by Anon 'so far'. - wish you had a 'handle'

*in some fairness, considerable depth provided for info in Ch1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ch.2 just a rehash of Ch 1. Nothing new in this chapter.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 11 years ago
WOW whata massive LET DOWN ... awful in every way

FIRST the wife ADMITS she has NO idea why she was giving Marty the finger ALL all the time. In chp 1 the wife does that 2 or 3 times. Here in Chapter 2 we find out she is doing that ALL the time .

yet she was supposedly IN therapy??..does this sound like someone who KNOWS what the fuck she is doing ? Not to me..

....I guess Brad bought it but the more I thought about it after he left the more I convinced myself it was true, all except the part about us not getting along too well lately. Marty and I had been getting along fine, I was just mad he interrupted my building orgasm. Giving him the finger was a crude thing to do and **** truthfully I don't know why I did it in the first place... "***

yeah folks giving a fucking nut case like THAT a second chance is a really WISE thing to do.

NOT.... what is REALLY REALLY bad here is that the wife is telling us all of this AFTER the therapy. But she STILL does not know why?

".... Marty called a couple more times while we were together and I gave the phone the finger each time. After a while it just became part of the play-acting I did, I guess more out of frustration over Marty's poor timing than anything else...."

so she was angry that Marty kept interrupting her 3 lovers / fuck sessions ...?

well if that is the case then WHY is she upset when she gets served?

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 11 years ago

this women /wife who is 1000% certain SHE could be a great Manager ... is so amazingly talented and brilliant that it never occurs to her that someone else MIGHT find out ??? that other men might demand or blackmail her for sex?

MANAGER ? she isnt smart enough to work at 7-11.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
He will take her back

she did what she did for a good cause and she loved her husband always. Every thing just went haywire. She rebilt herself and wants her husband back to start anew. Marty will soon realize what a fantastic sexual woman she was in working for the promotion, and understand she has much more excitement value to him than she had before. Oh yes. He will take her back and enjoy the hell out of her.

bruce22bruce22about 11 years ago
Probably exactly what Duna observed!

The only thing to add is that everything fits exactly with what we were thinking when we did not have the wife's POV! The inability to respond to the lawyer's question is a bit strange though.

rvwsrvwsabout 11 years ago
Well I liked it

The trouble in business today that far too many high ranking managers feel entitled to what ever it is they want. Those four dirtbags took what they wanted, then left her holding the bag. She was guilty of a lust for greed and power and sought it out with her body. The managers are manipulators and preditors. They should have been punished as well. The company that had these dirtbags as employees are also complicit in this behaviour, because they employed them. What would have made this story even better is if the dirtbags and the company have been punished. $100 G is a drop in the bucket to these type of people. The company and these managers are worse than criminals, as is she.

***** Good story, well written. Hoping for chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Still a good chapter

but not as exciting as the first

cohibaIVcohibaIVabout 11 years ago
I hope I'm wrong, but ...

I sense a forced reconciliation coming. Normally, I don't feel too strongly one way or the other about BTB or reconciliation, as long as it rings true in the story. Like others, I think this chapter was a bit of a letdown. Marty was destroyed by what he saw in ch 1, and Sheryl has sadly revealed little, other than she is really really really sorry. You are one of my favourite writers, but the only ending that works for this story is Sheryl alone, devastated and disappointed, and Marty either putting together his life, or already scooped up by someone and happy in his new life. Anything less is a sellout. No matter what, however, I look forward to the final chapter.

FireFox59FireFox59about 11 years ago
Nothing New

Rehash of Chapter 1 from the whore's prospective. Hope Marty isn't dumb enough to take her back in Chapter 3. $100,000????? Really that's what she took. She needs a new lawyer. After being physically attacked she would own the company. Hopefully Marty will get more retribution on the four in Chapter 3....Needs to be scorched earth and maximum pain for the four lovers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
as one shot one said

reserving judgment till after the last chapter...first was great second sounds a bit old.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Yes, disappointed

Hope #2 is better. My take : Marty says "go to hell" and sje runs to Tom since he fell in love with her (and she with him) and they fitted together so well. If not, it would be as good as any other ending, I suppose.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Change of POV - conflicting

I enjoy both the BTB and good rec stories, but this story seems a bit… off (at least at this point). It appears headed for rec, but it doesn’t feel right, justified. I’m staunchly on Marty’s side in this tale.

Chapter 1 gives us Marty’s perspective. We come to relate to, and empathize with, Marty. The abrupt flip to Sheryl’s perspective in chapter 2 does… well I’m left wondering what it was meant to do… Are we to now feel empathy with her? There’s no real motivation (i.e. explanation) for her behavior aside from greed, vanity and possibly lust (at least with ‘big Tom’). This left me feeling quite conflicted. I have come to see things from Marty’s viewpoint and little of what Sheryl told us added to, or altered my sentiments about Marty’s struggles and pain.

Hence, I’m still rooting for Marty (with help from his very good friends) to move on. While chapter 2 may let me see Sheryl as human… and hate her less… I’m not rooting for her… there was no penance nor redemption. She’s sad and regrets the outcome that she has brought to herself… so I might feel… pity (?) for her, but I don’t feel an intrusion (a year after last contact) into Marty’s life as being any act brought about by great love and devotion – I see it as more of an act of selfishness on her part. If Sheryl loves Marty, let him go. Come on Sheryl! If you want to show love at this point… show an act of contrition… offer a sincere apology, aid him in closure, and most importantly accept the consequences of your actions and support his healing process in getting over you (and/or your betrayal) and help him move on… by giving him space.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 11 years ago
I just don't like stories from the cheating wife's perspective...

I don't care what they say, only that they suffer.

h4751h4751about 11 years ago
Waiting for the big finish now we have her poing of view. But the bosses getting fired/retired is just too light a punishment. And she wants her marraige back. I don't see that happening - even if that does look like where you 're heading. It might be one thing to have someone tell you what your wife did, but to see it live? And still take her back? Not in my world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Just not very good.

This woman is an idiot that screws for money and pleasure. She is not wife material.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Life's a bitch, and then you die

I hope Marty doesn't reunite with Sheryl. It was ruined for me when she "made love" with Tom while just fucking the others. For her sake, maybe she can connect with him upon her return since they were so perfect together and she had the best orgasms in her life. Let Marty get on with his life.


Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartabout 11 years ago

As far as I'm concerned all this chapter did was give something to spank the bishop over.

Your first chapter was great. We really didn't need to hear the specifics of her slide into whoredom, reconciliation with this delusional cunt would be folly. She shit all over Marty and her marriage and now wants him back? If Marty is smart he'll not even talk to her. She'll jump on the next bigger cock that comes along. No redemption for her. Let her wallow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The first chapter was better. In these types of stories, leave the detailed sex out. It is boring and not to the point. The scary thing is that this crazy selfish stalking bitch is after him again! That is a good plot line to expand. I can't think of anything worse than to have you slut ex-wife trying to get back with you and traveling interstate to do it. Fatal attraction is a scary thing.

MarvinSMarvinSabout 11 years ago
Saxon Hart Said

it some much better than I could have. This chapter really did not add much to the story. At least we know -- for sure -- her motivation for the sex.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 11 years ago

There is no going back. This is one. No matter how changed she feels, she can't change what she did. Marty is not a saint; he is just a man. Sheryl needs to turn over a COMPLETELY new leaf. Good writing. Five stars. On chapter three, I assume you're going to reconcile the couple. Not much else to say if you keep the story going. I don't think there is a single Marty on earth who would reconcile under these circumstances. I'll read it, but without real hope for realism.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
Such reconcilation

StangStar06 has a story, where the old (ex) wife goes to the exhusband. The exhusband remarried. He brought up 2-3 children and his second wife died.

The old ex wife goes to rebuild her life with the widower ex husband.

Such reconcilation is understandable..............She changed her nature.......

ILienBagbyILienBagbyabout 11 years ago
Fine writing,

but all of this chapter is not much more than a buildup for the next chapter and her attempt for a reconciliation. There really isn't much of an attempt to explain at any depth her feelings about what she is doing during her lunch hours; it is mostly, nearly all, about the physical acts. What is important is what the therapist helped her finally understand, and how she understands what she has done to her husband. You do, as I said, write well, so I hope the next chapter offers a resolution----if that resolution involves a reconciliation, good, but it must make sense and allow us to feel she has seriously and honestly atoned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Suspending judgment

I disagree with some comments and agree with others. Mr. Radk (I've never quite understood the acronym; although reconfiguring the letters isn't hard, of course) you are a good writer. You have, in my opinion written one stinker and the rest have all been good or excellent. I agree with the commentator who said that the second installment doesn't give much new information; however, it is still critical to the story because it gives Sheryl's point of view. The real test will be the last installment. So please post it. I'm predicting a happy ending. Now I like happy endings and this one can end somewhat happily. However, it can't quite be a truly, unmitigated happy ending. The reason is that she 1. made love (not just had sex with) Tom, and 2. had her best sex ever with Tom. Consequently, no matter how she and Marty may try to fix things, they can never be totally successful. When the time comes in which life gets a little dull, it will be very hard for Sheryl not to compare Marty with Tom. It will be impossible for Marty to be confident that she will not do so. That having been said, life is not perfect, people are not perfect, marriages are not perfect. If she is able to "discover" herself and what is truly important. Also, we must find out whether they truly love each other. If so, their they can be happy together. Not perfect, but perhaps perfect within the boundaries of imperfection. That's why I'm rooting for a reconciliation and/or other happy ending.

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 11 years ago
So far so good!

I liked it. I'll wait for final judgement until I read chapter three...

ace4869ace4869about 11 years ago

What a fucked up bitch! Good story and some great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
about one comment and the story

somebody wrote: Nice

Not too often we get to really see into a cheating-wifes perspective. A "audit" of her actions,...

that's not true we did not. we know nothing after this chapter. Brad ok and the other 3 one by one , ok. the why it started ok . but all that we would know also without her view.

we have not heard a single thing about the asshole finger, not heard how she felt or how much she liked the sex and so on.

this chapter is useless, did not do anything good, not for me as a reader not for the story. why should something like that start as a kid ? and who told her that, her therapist the idiot ? we know nothing at all. completly stupid as are all those therapists.

why in hell should he take her back ? because he is an idiot and not able to go forward with his life? if it comes from her childhood it is not fixable. the character is formed until the age of 13 , of course if life is normal, no war, no terroist action or so, after that a human beeing can change not much of his character anymore. that means the saying, once an asshole always an asshole is true for 99,9 % of the people.

so why should he take the risk for less than 00,1% that she really changed ? she has no values and will never have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

We know she fucked to get ahead, with no care for her image, and of course no concern for her husband. "He won't find out". A stupid slut through and through. Now after a very short therapy and a failed suicide attempt, she is supposedly heading back to him...not Marty, maybe Tom. As others said, she did fall in love with him, or at least his cock coz she didn't fuck Tom, they made love. Whore.

Maybe we will find out why she felt it necessary to flip Marty the bird, her inability to tell the lawyer was a huh?

I sure hope there isn't a RAAC, Marty needs to be feasting on Asian food, he needs to: "Wok with Yan". Sorry couldn't resist.

May he be happily married, and may Sheryl burn. If she sees Tom I hope he slams the door on her. She was a cold calculating bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Nicely written but ...

This chapter didn't really add to the story - it was largely a rehash just from the wife's perspective.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Who the hell wants to read a whole chapter on who she really is, what she wanted, what she did and all about how she wants him back...well - Most Likely - None of Us!!!

You're a good writer, chapter one was captivating and promising and you solicited comments with the suggestion that it might influence the rest of your story (fantasy - we kn0w) and what do you admit to - you've already written them and no changes.

Sorry, promising as you are, I Will NOT read any subsequent chapters and in the future and other stories, I'll read the comments before I bother.

And to think, I waited days in hopes of reading a stimulating and captivating second chapter.

Very disappointed and a waste of talent!

rjordanrjordanabout 11 years ago

I enjoyed chapter one and look forward to the rest of the story. But Chapter 2 was pointless. It was just a rehash of what had already happened from the others POV. And despite being from a different POV, it didn't advance the story at all.

I enjoy your stories, I even enjoyed reading this chapter, but it had nothing new to offer. I think stories in this medium are just too short to accommodate more than one POV.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
She did not have to sell herself for a manager position/the story makes her dumber than dumb

She was sexually harresed and she sold out why the low settlement .also the divorce was necessary. No way you can take her back she should just move on and learn to honor ones vows. How could she even think about a reconciliation. She fucks four guys in an office and has no clue to the ramifications .now this author made her pretty smart and dumb .she didnot need the money and thank god he didnot put any kids in the mix.i know this is a story but let's be real with the characters. Besides being fired those 3or 4 mangers got sued by the ex wives.

bigchefwaynebigchefwayneabout 11 years ago
Necessary For the Story

Providing Sheryl's perspective is necessary for the story to develop fully. Some of it seems redundant because you gave us Marty's take on things in Chapter 1. I'm looking forward to the third part of this story.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 11 years ago
Bad cliche

This story relies a bit to heavily on a very old and extremely inaccurate cliche.

The wife here falls for the "sleep with me and I'll get you a promotion" line. The problem is that at least in the US, the level of anti-sexual harassment training just about every company goes through now makes it perfectly clear to just about anyone working in an office that just having a man make that kind of offer gives the woman the opportunity to make a small fortune with a lawsuit. Sexual harassment isn't a game to lawyers.

I understand that it's "necessary" for the story to work the way it does, but it now really bothers me that this plot twist is used. It's not just unlikely, but I can't imagine any woman getting involved in this kind of game. There can't be any woman in the US who doesn't know that she can end her bosses career just by telling HR that he made a pass at her. Why would any woman accept that kind of "quid-pro-quo" arrangement? And why would any man take the risk with his career?

gentluvrgentluvrabout 11 years ago
Great writing

I'm glad you got Chapter 2 out so quickly. It did a great job of wrapping up the loose ends in chapter 1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
It's next year...

Sheryl (and we) have not heard from Marty for a year. Has he moved on or not? And we really don't know why Sheryl is headed back to Boston. I'm kinda thinking she won't find anyone there, with Marty and his crew having moved somewhere else. And Marty may very well be married now. Just observing how little thinking Sheryl is really doing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
deja vue all over again... Your repeating of the first act in this second act was boring.

A good story should have an arc -- a beginning (where you meet the characters and see the conflict develop into a significant problem -- e.g., moral dilemma, life threatening issue, etc.), a middle (where the evil looks to triumph over good), and an end (where we see the resolution of the problem -- one way or the other).

You may have provided the reader with more context of the problem (the wife's POV), but you did not foster any build-up of the problem/conflict. The ending of your tale might have some kind of twist (and since it has already been written I am not trying to influence you), but in all likelihood act three will rehash the watered-down emotions of the two principle actors (Marty and his wife) in some kind of reconciliation or in some kind of moral lesson by punishing the wife even more than she already has been (not that she doesn't deserve to be punished for her actions, but by now it is becoming anti-climatic).

Now, let's see if my prognostication is wrong and you can find some way of making the third act as interesting as the first act. If you can, good for you and I will say so in this forum. If you can't, you should have probably left this story as a one-act (short) story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
Step by step writting technic

That writting technic is better, when the two (three) POV connect step by step in the story plot. I wrote stories with that technic. Two were published on SOL. So the Author brings 80% new information in the chapter and the plot goes ahead. This writting technic brought 40% new information only.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
Small firm and corporate world

@Lazyloner I think in the small company world, where the owners manage the firms, the working sex with owner may be in the USA as well. If the business possibilties of the firm does not decrease a law suit with harassment (If she(he) could prove at court), the owner's carrier will not threaten at all. Here the wife of the owner could enter the story plot, if the owner is married.

Small firm and corporate world are two worlds.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 11 years ago


Actually that's very untrue in today's business world. The thing you have to realize is that no insurance/business lawyer wants to allow a case to go to trial no matter how scanty the evidence is. I worked for a company that was "family owned" and ate a harassment/descrimination lawsuit when their receiptionist got pregnant and claimed she was treated poorly by the company president. It never went to trial because the lawyers quickly decided that the company wasn't going to look good.

And that's true for any small firm. Harassment lawsuits are civil cases which means that the burden of proof is extremely low. And with most juries happily taking the side of the woman, no business can afford to allow a woman to be in a position to make a claim.

Also in the case of this story, the company was definitely implied to be large enough (4 managers) that the small firm defense you used just doesn't count.

I'm not saying it isn't a valid plot device, but I am saying its used far too much and always with a woman who doesn't appear to realize what a weapon she's been handed. I've seen 5 women use harassment claims to hurt companies in the 20 years I've worked in the corporate world and I've worked for both corporate and family owned companies. The environment doesn't matter, if the woman can get even 1 employee to back her up, the company takes it in the shorts.

looking4itlooking4itabout 11 years ago
Ahh how fickle it is...

Isn't it funny seeing how authors can go from brilliant to louse not only from one story to the next but from submitted chapter to chapter of the same story. I liked it. It was good to see her point of view. There are two sides to every confrontation and those with short attention spans apparently can't understand that. I've seen authors here write entire stories based off various POVs from a single plot line.

Couple things. I honestly can't believe she was that stupid. It is necessary to drive the plot you wanted but that is one of the few points where reality broke down. I don't believe that she could carry on that way without losing respect for her husband. Perhaps the hand gesture was a subconscious effort to show that but I fail to budge that after awhile it didn't manifest itself more openly. This is important because you decided to make one of the men "hung". If you indeed felt this was a truly necessary part of the story then her fixation should have begun to erode at her home relationship. Was that a necessary plot element? I don't think so. It seemed just gratuitous. Although I'm glad you didn't make Brad hung and kept the "size queen" element out of the reasoning for her affair

We will see how you finish.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
What a different

@ Lazyloner If the owner is the sinner at a small firm (and he is not married) he paid the money, but his carrier will not be injured the harassment case. (Except for decreased business possibilty)

A corporat medium (or higher) leader is in haressment case, the leader lost his job in the corporat firm.

The owner remains after paid settlement in a small firm, the male employee will be kicked............

BTW There is woman boss haressment as well, rarlier, but there is!!!!!! I could tell....

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 11 years ago
I agree with Saxon_Heart

No way can Sheryl ever be trusted in the future. Furthermore, Tom has spoiled her for other men -- she is now a size queen. Best orgasms of her life, can't stop thinking about him even while screwing hubby, making love to Tom, etc. So any reconciliation attempt would be a farce, and she is most probably going to cheat again, even after her "head-shrinking" by her psychiatrist.

One question -- I guess I need to reread chapter 01 -- I thought her sex partners/supervisors were married. Is Tom single? If so, then she can make love to him until the cows come home. If Tom is married and trying to fix things with his wife, then we have the plot thickening if she pursues Tom. I can't imagine a plausible way for Sheryl and Martin to seriously get back together, though.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
I Guess This Was Necessary

Now we have the whore's er I mean the wife's view on her actions. Now we come to the grand finale. Hopefully he doesn't take her back. We'll see...

karan9876karan9876about 11 years ago
You should not leave a gap between two chapters.

Post chapter 3 soon. There was a gap of four days between the first two chapters. If you claim to have written all three why makes the readers wait? That's disrepecting your reader's time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I gave it 5 stars ...

... I liked it better than the first chapter. There was a part I found unrealistic; when she find herself caught she wails "Oh my God what did I do to him?" That would not happen, cheaters always blame the spouse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
She is a slut

She was fucking 5 guys cause she loved it, and she loved Tom the best, so, glad you are feeling better bitch but keep moving, nothing for you here.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago

"For the hour or so Brad and I get together I can pretend that Marty is mean to me and our marriage is in trouble. It would only be play-acting but once Brad finishes then I can go back to reality and think about my wonderful Marty."

An interesting device to explain the middle finger episodes. However, what started as play acting certainly didn't end up that way at the time she gives the phone the finger. She is loving what she is doing and genuinely learning to hate her husband. Yes, this is sexual harrassment and abuse at its worse, but instead of ighting it or putting up emotional walls, she gives in and enjoys it. The following quotes support this:

"I had my lover's cock inside me making me feel so good and I guess I was a little mad." - about her husbands phone call and giving the phone the finger.

"All in all it was an enjoyable experience." - about her meetings with Brad.

"While I sucked that monstrosity I noticed something odd. I was dripping wet between my legs."

"I just lay on the floor naked, panting, and trying to get my mind around what I just experienced. And I dreamed about next Tuesday."

"Brad and Ambrose screwed me but Tom made love to me."

"It was absolutely the best orgasm I've ever had"

"but when my orgasm hit I was no longer thinking about my husband, Tom's cock was sliding in and out of my pussy, in my mind."

"I silently agreed to forgo the condoms. I didn't like them anyway." The only reason to do this is to enjoy the sex more. Again, she may have started off doing this just to get a promotion and not Cheet on her hubby (at least in her thinking), but ultimately she likes and enjoys the fucking.

There can be no way for reconciliation. I am not even sure why she would try. The proverbial hole is too deep to climb out of. She is devastated that her world has fallen part, not that she lost Marty. She would have continued her affair with the big cock even after getting the promotion. She loved it. She had already given up on Marty as evidenced by the finger. Yes, it is that significant! That damn middle finger. I can't wait to hear her bullshit explanation as to why she did that. Whatever she tells Marty, the facts tell another story.

Odds and ends:

The part at the end where she reflects on how much she misses her time with Marty just doesn't seem to fit the facts.

"Brad still left me unsatisfied". This statement seems like it contradicts some others she says about achieving orgasm with Brad.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

Got carried away with my other comments and simply forgot to state the obvious. I actually like this better than the first.

Just finished reading "lying eyes" and thought that was an excellent example of a wife who did horribly disrespectful things to her husband involving the phone (telling him to fuck off on the phone while fucking her lover), but managed to get him back.

With that one, I thought the hole was too deep and reconciliation impossible. Yet, the author pulled it off in my mind.

Lets see how the final chapter goes.

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 11 years ago

You say there can be no reconciliation I disagree. radk wrote a story called Statue of Limitations in which a husband reconciles with his wife after finding out she had carried on a long term affair and admits that she was in love with the other man. It's pretty pathetic. So anything is possible with this author.

meanstreak1600meanstreak1600about 11 years ago

If the author punks out like some kind of candyass faggot, I will fry his ass with my review and I'm sure I won't be the only one. I hope he's not one of those pissants that doesn't care what the readers want to see.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

What an arrogant bastard you are! People write what they want the way they want to write it, and share it here for others FREE OF CHARGE! If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Pouring your foul mouthed scorn over everything you personally dislike only shows you up for what you are anyway. As I said, arrogant bastard! And before you jump to conclusions, no, I'm not the author, so go vent your misplaced and pitiful crap on somebody else!

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 11 years ago
Well done . . .

. . . but not quite as tightly written as Chapter 1. You did manage to create one totally despicable character, Ambrose, and it would appear he gets off scot free unless Marty's skill at finding outside resources can provide payback/justice in Chapter 3. Pretty entertaining stuff so far; keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Mission Impossible II

Like so many sequels, this story does not live up to the quality of the initial one. Your first chapter was much more original than this one. The tired plot device of "sleeping your way to the top" makes Sheryl into a cliche (and a not very smart employee or wife.) As so many have already pointed out, Sheryl talks about her love for Marty, but acts as if her marriage vows mean nothing. Hopefully in Chapter 3, you will share the insight she supposedly gained from her therapist's plan. Her rambling thoughts and emotions in Chapter 2 have not yet revealed her answers "to understand why I did what I did, and how to try to get my life back with Marty."

I think the best resolution to this story is that Sheryl hooks up with Tom after apologizing to Marty and realizing that she killed her husband's love for her and that she fell out of love with 'Marty when she started craving the excitement and orgasms of her daily lunch meetings.

Danger09Danger09about 11 years ago
The sluts POV didn't disappoint me.

Yep, my first intrepertation of her was correct, she was nothing but a $2 whore. She enjoyed it. Her point of view explained how it got started, why & when but she didn't explain why she gave Marty the finger, I know she was bouncing between reasonings but I was hoping she finally figured it out. I think I understand why she gave Marty the finger--she was saying fuck you asshole you're interrupting my fabulous orgasm. I also realize that she's very selfish--In her story she kept saying what I want, what I need-- she only thought about herself, she even admitted weighing the pros & cons & what if Marty found out; that didn't do shit to dissuade her, she had her mind set on getting the promotion regardless of what it might cost her. Her husband didn't matter, her marriage didn't matter & the respect of her co-workers didn't matter. If I was in her shoes & my boss made such a ridiculous plan I would've met him again have him repeat what he said so I could record it & report the ass, what I wouldn't do was allow him to turn me into a two bit whore for a promotion that I'm more than qualified for & if my 9 years of service to their company meant squat I'd quit. When I was in school I studied even though my friends would cheat, I for some odd reason couldn't cheat, I think it was because I would've felt like I didn't work nor did I deserve the A" because I cheated to get it, I rather work my ass off instead of cheating, til this day I just can't cheat, I can have an easy A" without using any brain cells but I just can't do it. The wife was stupid but that doesn't justify her attitude going into this bizzare "meeting" she knew what she was doing, she knew the consequences but she chosed to fuck her way to the top. I've never in my adult life had a supervisor bold enough to tell me if I wanted a promotion I'd have to fuck him for it,my husband says I tend to look angry & have this don't fuck with me look when I'm working--I didn't know this. I would never fuck some loser for a promotion; if I have to fuck for it it isn't worth it, if I have to fuck for it I refuse to go into work--after all I am the companies whore why would I have to still work hard? If this tramp was going to fuck her way up that ladder why didn't she just cut out the middle man & fuck the CEO or the president of the company? She had no guarantee that the promotion was hers, she only had brads word. I think the promotion might've started off as the reasoning for fucking & sucking the guys but after that she really enjoyed her time with them --especially Tom & his big dick. She said she felt guilty --but I really didn't see it. Guilt implies that she was having second thoughts & fear of what would happen to her marriage if Marty found out. Maybe she thought Marty would be ok with his wife whoring herself out. Maybe she thought all she had to do was give marty some sloppy used up pussy & he'd get over it. Until she can answer the question as to why she gave him the finger each & every time he called; there's no use for her trying to get him back. Just to prove how stupid this cum slut is she didn't even put two & two together when Marty kept calling & interrupting her fuck sessions, she was just too wrapped up in her own little world to even realize she hadn't laid eyes on her husband for days! How fuck'd up is that?! There's no way she can explain the betrayal , she wasn't drugged, she wasn't blackmailed --the only reasoning for her betrayal was pure greed & lust, she wanted to keep her secure & safe husband while she continued to fuck her male co-workers, what gets me is how easily she just added on another dick/manager--if the entire department including the security guards, secretaries, mail clerk, janitor & so on asked her & gave her vague promises of the promotion I have no doubt she would've fuck'd every single one to get to that promotion with no hesitation ; when would it have ended? She was more than willing to go through the entire department to get to that promotion. She didn't allow her husband to play a factor into her decision--he just didn't matter. Even now she's only thinking about herself, she wants him back because she's the laughing stock at a company she willingly threw her husband away for all for a job that didn't matter to the husband. Did she really think these managers was going to give her the promotion when they have no respect for her? She was nothing but a slut. I enjoyed the story it's sad that it wasn't a burn the cum slut story but I guess it's ok since she didn't get to keep her husband. I feel no sympathy for her, maybe if she wasn't flipping him the finger I might feel a little sympathetic but add the finger plus her blatant disregard for her marriage equals to the bitch got what she deserved. This was a fantastic story, somehow I want more. I would've liked for Marty to sue the pants off the 4 managers & the entire company since she was using their establishment for her whoring. I also would've liked for Marty to move on & have her constantly seeing him around with his new wife enjoying life without her slutty ass. Her punishment was good but this would've been euphoric!

HardFeltHardFeltabout 11 years ago
U get five stars but ...

A sure five stars. Trouble is slut's rarely figure out they are sluts. Some go on and on in their delusions while others feel true regret. The second part really demands a third which will hopefully be as well written as the first. Trouble is the second wasn't as great as the first. Excellent writing though.

nakdsubnakdsubabout 11 years ago
I think I would have left out the part about her giving the finger...

Him seeing her flip him the bird when he hung up was extremely powerful; not only did she disrespect him by her adultery, but she did it with disdain... It showed she held her husband in contempt.

The explanation offered in this chapter really fell short of justifying the gesture. I believe including it in the first chapter was a mistake. It made the attempt to show her as anything but a selfish, vindictive woman almost impossible.

Lord_GroLord_Groabout 11 years ago
It's well-written in a technical sense, I suppose.

The problem is, I don't think that this installment really did much if anything to advance your plot, and it therefore probably didn't need to be posted in this particular form as part of the overall story. That DOESN'T mean, though, that you didn't need to write it all out so that YOU would know where Sheryl's head was at.

Part of the author's job is to get inside his characters' heads, to know why they act in the ways that they do, so that he can write a more convincing story. But it's not always necessary, or even a good idea, to put all of that explication into the parts of the story that others will read. My hard drive is littered with fragments of prose that will never see the light of day, written because writing them told me things that I needed to know in order to tell a particular story in the right way. But at the same time they were never elements that were essential to the readers' understanding of the story I was trying to tell.

There's an oft-misused aphorism that gets given to new writers a lot: "Show, don't tell." Earnest Hemingway was supposed to be the exemplar of this, (though in truth he ignored the rule whenever it suited him.) Still, it's useful advice, even if it's not an unbreakable law. And here you've shown us a good many things twice, and for no obvious good reason. It would be one thing if you were doing a story like "Rashomon," where what takes place is perceived entirely differently by each of the participants. But that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Unless I'm entirely mistaken about what you are doing with this story, I think the most important parts of this installment could have been worked into the last installment, and the story overall would have been the better for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Keep up the good work. Waiting to see part 3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A reconciliation would not be believable

This is one messed-up bitch. Screwed-up values and little conscience. She is not heading back to him with her head on any straighter.

I sure hope he has moved on. Fortunately, he has good friends to protect him and help him do so. I have a lot of experience with people who have suffered from infidelity, and it is extremely difficult for any man who has actually seen his wife do the deed to take her back.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3about 11 years ago

this is one fucked up cunt.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Regret for wife

This chapter does not really add much to the first apart from the wifes version of situation.

First thing I thought was when Ambrose entered the mix was the rules of engagement for the wife and Brad have now changed from the original.

So really the wife should have demand more in return for servicing Ambrose, Tom, and Davis.

She got nothing extra apart from threats and Brad I feel got off very lightly considering this whole arrangement was his idea !

Was the slit wife delusional, did she fail to realise the gravity of her situation, disregard, lack of respect for her husband. Hell yes.

With all the sexual acts she has done with her lovers did Marty get the same, ie cum swallowing, anal ! ?

It seems for Marty he understands her trapped situation at enterprise with regard to her promotion. However the finger either intentionally or in play acting in front of her lovers is the lowest thing she could have done to poor loving Marty.

It seems though that her feeling towards Tom may have / could develop into an affair. Tom being tall, handsome, muscular, large cock and knows how to use it coupled with being caring and sincere.

All the qualities that most woman would love to have in their man.

I do hope Marty embarks on some revenge towards the 4 managers and fucks their wifes to oblivion !

From what I tell in ch.1 Marty is a tall, toned, strong chap. Hence his wifes tone yelling at Brand to run !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good work

After years on this site. This to me was one of the best stories I have read and cannot wait to read Ch.03.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
wow yuck

you are pathetic on this one.

only rated it "1", cause that is the bottom of the scale

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Bitch should hang herself.

Brutal payback on the guys clucking him should also exist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
worse than chap 1

which was total crap

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

is no worse than the simpleton wimp she married

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 11 years ago
I am going to read Chapter 3 next.

I will be SO DISAPPOINTED if he takes her back under any circumstances. And she was stupid (again) for taking the one hundred thousand, it would have been worth 5-10 times that amount.

count2threecount2threealmost 11 years ago
okay .....

Usually the wife's account of what happened gives everything a more objective perspective. Not this time. Listening to her side of the story made it much, much worse.

"I have to explain everything to marty..." No you don't ! What actually happened is even worse than what he already knows.

And I really, really don't care about anyone's childhood trauma. If they let me trust them with my life then it's their responsibility to NOT FUCK IT UP. If they do it anyway, no matter what the reasons are, then that's treason. It's really not that complicated. They should all be very happy that he didn't just crash one of their meetings with a .45 Automatic and a Scalpel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

if he wasn't a wimp, as the story portrayed to me, she would have been a better wife/person. is this a auto biography

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
just some thought

I think they should start teaching at school and work that cheating is bad m'kay? Otherwise people start hurting others.. and realize it after the fact.

She didn't seem like bad person to begin with. The story pretty much explained that there was no fault on husbands side, to the point that she had to imagine otherwise to not feel guilty. But because infidelity for her was't a big deal, chosing work was pretty easy for her.

You should have said more how those coworkers got fucked up after this.. seeing as one of them easly retired like nothing, just sounds wrong. I mean seriously, werent they supposed to end up in jail at best? Blackmailing scumbags with decent as described proof.. and going back into society like nothing?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
Didn't seem like the divorce would go that way

Why wouldn't she get a hell of a lot more from the company considering the evidence she had? A big company like that the settlement would have been in the millions. She could have sued the men individually in Civil Court and gotten even more. And in her divorce she would not have had to settle for $100,000 and nothing from his business. Regardless of her behavior, Mass. is a no-fault state, so she would have gotten HALF. Half their assets which included his business. And since she got fired, she almost certainly would have gotten alimony. This divorce would have gone completely different from the way you wrote it, meaning she would have had a considerable amount of money thereby giving her a lot more options. Your inaccurate portrayal ruined the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
radk ..

Hope you weren't trying to get the readers to feel sympathy for the WHORE ... She deserves none!! Oh maybe sell her to a Mexican whorehouse where she can do what she does best for a couple of peso but Do Not have her faithful husband take the cum dump back!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
given without

coercion 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
radk .. Do The Right Thing ....

I smell a RAAC ending headed this way! Let's review Sheryl's life and why Marty should take her back:

Divorce is expensive

She can make him a lot of money standing on the street corner with the other whores

He's free now to go out and find a real "lady" with class while the whore stays at home cleaning their house (notice I said house not home ... the Skank destroyed that)

..… you'll have to come up with the rest of the reasons .. I can't!

Now let's review why he should BTB:

Love (No wife ... And I mean NO wife ... Can do what Sheryl, the Office Slut, did and honestly say she loves her spouse)

Trust (Marty 's is GONE)

Respect ( or lack of for her FAITHFUL husband )

Honor (as in her wedding vows ... Yeah right!)

She is a liar

She is a cheat

Monthly, Weekly, Daily (if you have to ask) .... Obviously not a one time "mistake"!

Sex with someone (a lot of someones) who she is NOT married to .. called ADULTERY!

Her own "free will" ...... It wasn't rape / forced / or coerced ... Just a selfish BITCH using her one (and only) true talent to screw her way to the top ( fortunately she is the one that got fucked and ended up in the right place .. The sewer )

She LIKED it

STD's ( she's a walking Petri dish )

SHE'S A WHORE ... enough said!!

Now that you've seen the evidence radk .... hopefully you know how to burn the .. eh, finish the story.

Case Rested...

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
Not sure where you will go here -

She deserves nothing - she gave him no real consideration beyond her selfish wants -

IF she has changed he should not be required to bet his future on it sticking -

Is she likely to have learned - sure she tried to die to escape herself - but that does not mean he has to pay more -

But the romantics will want the soul mates to find each other and build something new - so let's see -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
a good

wimpy cry baby tale yuk 1 star. she deserves better than the wimp excuse of man husband. must be written by a wimpy writer wanna be

chytownchytownabout 10 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

1, crying wimp excuse, star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Somewhat over the top. Four guys, all get BJs to finish and swallow, and anal to boot. However, in the extreme, enjoyable.

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