Audit Surprise Ch. 02


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"Honey, is everything okay?" I asked when he didn't say anything for a long time.

"I... I...I just called to tell you how much I loved you," He finally managed to get out.

"Aw, that's so sweet," I cooed. "I love you too."

"Yeah, I was sitting here staring out the window and thought how much I missed you. I can't wait until tonight and have you in my arms again."

"Honey, that's so sweet. I can't wait to be with you too. Look, I'm a little busy at the moment. Can I call you back after lunch?"

Brad had me so worked up that I was lifting my bottom off the chair as his fingers pumped in and out faster and faster. I was getting close exploding.

"Sure, why don't you go back to what you were doing and call me when you're finished. Enjoy yourself. Bye."

I hung up the phone and did it again, spontaneously, without thinking. I gave the phone the finger, like I was saying 'fuck you' to the phone, and to Marty. I put it out of my mind and went back to Brad's ministrations. Within minutes I was contorting in my chair from my orgasm. Brad was better with his fingers than his cock. Afterwards I went through my period of guilt but this time I felt bad about something else. Giving Marty the finger wasn't something I had planned but I had done it before and now it bothered me. I had rationalized that it was all play-acting but for some reason giving Marty the finger this time felt all wrong. I know Brad saw me do it because I saw the smile on his face. I guess he felt superior knowing he had his fingers inside another man's wife's pussy. Maybe I really was mad at Marty for disturbing my lunchtime fuck. Maybe my play-acting was getting out of hand. Maybe I needed to rethink what I'm doing. Maybe... Maybe... I went on and on trying to justify why I did it and didn't come up with anything concrete. I just put it in the back of my mind and went on with my week.

On Thursday Ambrose was in a hurry to meet a client for a lunch date so he just shoved his cock in my mouth and I quickly sucked him off. I didn't even get undressed. He pulled down his zipper, pulled out his cock, and I sucked. He did tell me to be careful and not get anything on his pants; after all he was meeting an important client and didn't need cum stains on his good suit.

Friday was another of our monthly four at a time sessions. This time I did a little striptease for the guys. I just bought a beautiful and somewhat shocking black dress for Marty and wanted to try it out before he saw it. I put it on before the guys arrived and spent the first fifteen minutes teasing them into a frenzy as I slowly and sensuously stripped it off. I danced around between where they sat touching the men and letting their hands freely roam over my body. By the time I was naked they were more than ready. Brad was first and bent me over my desk and fucked me hard. He pumped and grunted and fucked me from behind as hard as he could until he stiffened, groaned and shot his load inside me. He finished leaving me ready for Tom, and I was more than ready for Tom's giant cock. Tom pushed me down on the desk and took me hard. I had to hold on to the sides of the desk he fucked me so violently. I had two massive orgasms before he finally blew his load inside me. I clenched my pussy muscles trying to keep him inside me for the rest of the day. But it wasn't to be. Ambrose was standing waiting his turn with his hard cock between his thumb and index finger. My ass was his target and when Tom moved over to the couch Ambrose got behind me and fucked my ass as hard as he could before blowing his sour load into my bowels. David stood next to the desk pushing his already hard cock toward my mouth saying my pussy and ass was too messed up to fuck so he just wanted a blow job. I got down on my knees and sucked him and played with his balls until he filled my mouth with his load. When I stood I tried to kiss him but he turned away. That got everyone laughing. I said my goodbyes and wiped the cum from my body. I was quite a mess.

When I got home that evening I found that Marty left me a message he was going to his father's for the weekend. He's done that before so I didn't think anything of it. I just made dinner and watched a little television. I missed Marty. I always felt like something was missing in my life when Marty wasn't there, like there was a hole in my heart the size of the Grand Canyon. Before I turned in I took a hot bubble bath and fantasized about my husband licking me between my legs and caressing me all over and gently making love to me. Using my fingers under the water I masturbated thinking about Marty's cock and tongue but when my orgasm hit I was no longer thinking about my husband, Tom's cock was sliding in and out of my pussy, in my mind. Again the guilt hit. It took quite a while to get to sleep I felt so bad.

Monday I fucked David. Marty called again to tell me he loved me and again I gave the phone the finger. "What's gotten into me?" I thought as David pounded away in my ass.

Tuesday Tom was between my legs sending me to new heights of ecstasy.

Wednesday my life ended.

Brad and I had just gotten started in our 'status' meeting. We were both half undressed, my tits were out and I had hold of his cock, he had his hand in my panties fingering me. All of a sudden a man in a cheap suit came in the door. I'm positive I locked that door but there he was walking in. Brad and I broke apart and quickly put everything back in our clothes.

The man just stood in front of my desk with a little smirk on his face. "What the fuck do you want?" I yelled at him.

"Are you Sheryl Hughes?" was all he said.

"Of course I am, that's what it says on the door. Who are you and what do you want?"

He held out a large manila envelope to me. I looked at it for a long time and then took it.

"Madam, you are served," he said. He left with the same smirk on his face.

I sat down heavily in my chair. Brad stood next to me looking stupid. I opened the envelope and pulled out the papers. On top was a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. I was so stunned I couldn't speak. Brad reached over and tried to take the papers from my hand but I jerked back. I tried to hold onto them but between the two of us we scattered them all over the desk. There were several pictures there too, face up. I could see they were pictures of my office and me and... Gingerly I picked up one pictures in my left hand and another in my right. I looked at them and my life flashed before my eyes. One picture showed me extending my middle finger at the telephone. The other showed me bent over my desk with Ambrose's dick in my ass.

"How in the hell did he get..." I never finished my sentence. I knew where they came from. I turned to look out the window. I saw another of the huge glass and chrome buildings across the street and knew whoever got these picture got them from there. I ran to the window placing my hands on the glass looking at the building across the street. I'm sure that anybody looking back at me could see the look of absolute terror on my face. Right then I knew my life was over.

My phone started to ring. I froze. I knew exactly who was calling. I didn't want to hear the voice on the other end but slowly inched my way over to the phone.

"Hello?" I said with a sob.

"Tell Brad to leave," Marty growled.

I fell back down in my chair holding the phone to my ear and letting my chin fall on my chest.

"Brad, go away. It's my husband."

He started to say something that didn't make sense so I jumped up and screamed at him.

"Just get the fuck out. He knows all about us asshole. If I were you I'd get out of here and run as far away as I could. Marty may be an accountant but he can kick your ass from here to Sunday. Now get out!"

When he left I sat back down and turned my chair to face the window.

I sat there waiting for Marty to say something, anything that would put me out of my misery. He said, "Sheryl, if there's any chance in hell for our marriage to survive you have to listen carefully and do exactly what I say. No arguments, no hesitation. You get one chance and one chance only. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," I said through my tears.

"I'm not messing around here Sheryl. You get only one chance to save everything. Are you sure you understand?"

"Yes," I whimpered.

"Good, now this is what's going to happen. First, you are going to quit your job. Second, you are going to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against each of your four lovers and against Enterprise as a whole. Third, you are going to explain to me why."

I hesitated and sat there silently sobbing. I was silent for a long time. Finally I knew I had to say something. I chose the wrong thing to say.

"But Marty I've got a lot invested in Enterprise. I'm going to be the first female manager... Hello? Marty? Hello, are you there?"

He hung up. I dropped the phone and flew to the window screaming and pounding on the glass. I have no way to tell how long I beat on the window before I fell to the floor sobbing. I destroyed everything. Marty knew I was cheating on him and he was divorcing me. "Oh my God what did I do to him?" I just lay in the floor wailing.

I don't know how long I cried before I heard a knock at my door. I wiped my face as best as I could and went to answer it. Standing there was Ambrose with the most hateful expression I'd ever seen, and behind him I could see everyone in the office standing and looking at us.

"You stinking bitch," he spit at me. Then he slapped me across the face knocking me to the floor. When I looked up Tom and Brad had him by his arms pulling him out of my office. I just sat there on the floor rubbing my cheek when one of the other Account Executives reached in to shut the door.

"Way to go slut," she said with a smile. "Now I'm sure to get the promotion. See ya!"

How could everybody know about my divorce papers already? What's going on? I didn't understand anything except that Marty knew and was tossing me out. I started crying again and went back to my desk. I tried to call Marty back but his phone just went to voicemail. I must have tried a dozen times and he didn't answer any of them. I only left him one message.

"Marty, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please call me back and talk to me. I fucked up big time and I need you to talk to me. Please call me. I'm desperate Marty. Please call me back."

He didn't. As I sat at my desk crying and waiting for his call I saw my incoming email icon flashing. I had a new email message. Hoping it was from Marty I quickly opened it. It said "Watch what's going on in your office right under your noses." There was also an imbedded video. I clicked on the video and the screen changed to me bent over my desk with Brad fucking me from behind. I couldn't move my hand to hit stop. I froze at the sheer horror of what I was watching. The scene changed to Tom behind me, then Ambrose in my ass, then me giving David a blow job. The video ended with the Looney Tunes Porky Pig cartoon ending, "The'a The'a The'a That's All Folks!"

I slid out of my seat and onto the floor sobbing. When the two security guards came in I never heard them. They helped me to my feet and told me that I had one hour to get all my personal belongings boxed up, after which they were to escort me out of the building. They also handed me an envelope with my termination letter in it. Somehow through the tears and the sobbing I packed up everything. As I put things in boxes I thought, "Nine years of hard work and dedication at Enterprise gone in a flash, without anything more than a slap across the face from one of my mangers." I fucked up big time not only at Enterprise but with Marty. I needed to get everything in my car and get home to him. I needed to talk to him and explain everything. Maybe there was a chance to save my marriage.

Marty was gone. He moved a lot of his clothes and personal items out and left me alone. There was a terse note on the kitchen table from him. It said,


Don't call me, don't try to find me, don't come to my work, don't do anything. If you need to communicate with me call my lawyer. You have his card in the divorce papers. Sign them and let's get this over quickly. You've already fucked up enough lives.


I was crushed beyond belief. I cried for two days straight hoping beyond hope that Marty would come back and forgive me. He didn't. I just sat in our home waiting to hear from him. Nothing. I read the divorce petition and it said 'irreconcilable differences.' He could have gone for my throat and said 'adultery' so I guess that was his way of being nice.

About a week after I left Enterprise a lawyer called and said he was going to represent me in a sexual harassment suit against Enterprise. I don't know how he got all the information and the video and everything but he had everything including all the email messages from Enterprise's email system. Marty must have put him on my case. Thinking I could get back with Marty if I did what he told me to do in the first place, quit my job, file sexual harassment charges against the managers and Enterprise, and tell him why, then maybe we had a chance. After the suit ended then maybe he'd listen to me.

He didn't.

The lawyer was good at his job. I told him everything and answered every question about every intimate detail of our trysts. He sued each of the men and Enterprise for one-million dollars. After several meetings and one face-to-face with the lawyers at Enterprise we settled. They gave me just over $100,000 dollars to, as they so eloquently put it, to put this dirty episode behind them. Enterprise fired three of the managers and Ambrose retired, also part of the settlement. After it was all over I called Marty's divorce lawyer and told him I quit my job and filed sexual harassment charges against the company. Since I did everything Marty wanted me to do I asked when we could get together to talk. He simply asked, "Why did you give the phone, and Marty, the finger?" The question sent me back into hysterics. I couldn't say anything and hung up on him. I called him three more times and each time he asked the same question and each time I broke down. I finally gave up.

After a month of being alone with my misery I called my cousin in Cincinnati and told her about my problems. She said I should come out and live with her and look for a new job out there. Everything was gone in Boston so a new start would be good for me. I thought about what she said for a week before signing the divorce papers and packing up my stuff. I left everything for Marty. I only took my clothes and a few keepsakes. Everything else I left behind. I left Marty a note on the kitchen table saying goodbye and begging him to call me at my cousin's number. He never did.

I spent the first month alternately crying and contemplating suicide. One day I was at my lowest point and I did try to end my life. Rachel found me and called the paramedics. They pumped my stomach and saved my worthless ass. While in the hospital I was required to see a psychiatrist. We talked about what I did to get to this point in my life. She said she'd heard it all before and recommended another psychiatrist that I should see who specialized in grief counseling. She said a divorce is just as devastating as the death of a loved one and grief counseling would do me a lot of good. So I started talking with him twice a week. Eventually I came to grips with what I did and decided I really didn't want to die, I wanted to live again, but I wanted to live with Marty. My therapist helped me devise a plan, a plan to get my head on straight, to understand why I did what I did, and how to try to get my life back with Marty. But he was very cautious when he said I may never get it back. I knew deep down inside he was right, but I had to try.

I received the final divorce decree papers four months after I left Boston. The property settlement gave me a lump sum of $100,000 and a check for that amount was enclosed. I got no alimony or any part of Marty's business or any of his retirement. I agreed to let Marty sell the house and split any profits. Two months of psychotherapy felt like a waste as I stood there sadly looking at the remnants of my previous life.

So here I sit looking down at the ground, some 35,000 feet below, going over my screwed-up life. I made some enormous mistakes but I've also come a long way in understanding why, and I can guarantee they will never happen again. Hopefully when I get to Boston there will be a man there that will listen to my story and feel sorry for me. Maybe I can get my life back. Maybe he'll love me again.

But then, maybe not.

End of Chapter 2.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The bigger the cock, the better the sex? It's sad that even in this day and age there are still people who believe that crock of horseshit.


NallusNallus3 months ago

She is a little too vacuous. Otherwise great.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

not keen on getting the other side of the issue in the middle of the story arc but it was well written.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

Jeez, that was a waste of 3 pages of text, electrons and everyone's time. Who the hell cares about the cheating whore's story? 1 star, easily. Also, tTHIS type of SH claim would NOT be settled for meager $100K.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A prostitute in every respect deserved of no compassion

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