Beebe Lake Camp


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By the time they all went back to their cabins, Mark was so aroused he couldn't stand it. It wasn't too bad when they sat down to play cards. Yes, Sherry and Wanda had perched their big breasts on the card table, but at least he couldn't see the bushes on their mounds or their naked hips and legs. Rochelle and Tiffany were tall enough their breasts didn't sit on the table, but that made them wobble all over when they moved their arms.

The worst was when Roberta and Arlene played a few games of pool. They had to bend over to make most shots. If they were facing him, he'd see their breasts hanging down and if they were facing away, the hair fringed lips between their thighs sort of pushed out so he could see them.

It got even worse when Roberta, a pretty redhead with heavy breasts walked up to the counter as everybody else was leaving.

"Mark, you should have joined us tonight. We all had fun, but we do this all the time. Having a new man would have made it more fun."

Mark was trying to think of some way to explain without seeming to criticize, but Roberta seemed to know what he was thinking.

"It's because we were all naked, isn't it?"

"Well, it's just that...well, I didn't want to embarrass myself."

Roberta smiled.

"I understand, but you'll get used to seeing us. You didn't see Jack, Joe, Bill, or Gary having he same problem did you?"

"No, but I figured like you said, they were used to it."

Roberta chuckled.

"Well, they're used to us girls now, but they weren't used to me when I first joined. They had the same problem, if you know what I mean. They got over it though. It took some doing, but they got over it. You will too.

"It would help you if you got naked with us though. You're making me a little self-conscious. I promise you'd like it."

Mark chuckled.

"Well, I doubt I have anything you'd like to see and probably some things you'd rather I kept under cover."

Roberta smiled.

"That's what I thought too when Arlene told me about this club. I was almost fifty then and I didn't look like I did when I was thirty. I didn't think any man would like to see me even in lingerie, let alone in nothing.

"Arlene and I worked at the same bank, and we became good friends. She helped me through losing my husband because she'd already been through that, and when I said I'd probably never find another man, she told me about this club. She said it would help me feel better about myself.

"The first time, I was scared to death. I figured they'd all frown when they saw me without anything on. Arlene told me if I'd take off my clothes, I'd see that nobody would judge me and that would make me feel better.

"Well, it did. It really did. None of our group cares about how a person looks. They just care about who the person is."

She giggled then.

"Well, that first time, the men did seem to care about how I looked. They got all stiff and everything, but that made me feel really good that I could still cause a man to do that. Of course nothing happened, but that was OK. It still made me feel good about myself.

"I've never felt more free or more at ease with how I look than I have since I joined the club. I'll bet you'd find out the same thing. You think about it, OK?

"Well, I need to get back to our cabin. Arlene will wonder what I've been up to."

Roberta giggled then.

"Maybe I'll tell her I seduced you. That'll make her jealous."

With that, Roberta walked out the door of the lodge and left Mark standing behind the counter. She also left him really confused.

He'd thought the four women were probably lesbians, but Roberta had said she liked it when men looked at her. He didn't think a lesbian would like a man looking at her that way. She'd also said if she told Arlene she'd seduced him, Arlene would be jealous. Was that because Arlene also liked men or just because she thought he might take Roberta away from her?

It was hard for Mark to fall asleep that night. He kept seeing eight naked women in his lodge and they weren't trying to hide their bodies in any way.

The next morning while he was having a cup of coffee, Mark looked up "naturists" on his laptop. He got back several sites that basically all said the same thing. Naturists were people who practice living in harmony with nature while being naked. That was supposed to increase one's self esteem.

He also found out there was an organization like the one Sherry had told him about, The American Association for Nude Recreation. That association promoted the concept of nude, family recreation activities, and also that sex was not part of Naturism.

Sherry had said that her club wasn't a member, but she didn't say why. Mark thought if he had the opportunity, he'd ask her. He'd wait until she had clothes on again so he could think straight, but he would ask her.

The work of any business owner who serves the public is never done, and Mark's didn't stop just because he had a dozen naked people staying at his resort. He had to mow the grass, trim around the walks and buildings, and if someone wanted to take a boat out, get them life jackets and cushions and show them how to start the outboard and run the boat.

Mark had finished mowing the day before, but he still had to trim the walks and around the cabins. It was only eight though, and that was too early to be running a trimmer because some guests probably wanted to sleep late. Instead, he thought he'd trim the grass at the edge of the beach.

Mark changed his mind again as he approached the beach. There was nobody in the water, but there were eight naked people on beach towels. He recognized Sherry, Jack, Joe, Abbie, Gary, Tiffany, Roberta, and Madge. He figured the others must still be in their cabins. His cock was already starting to stiffen even though he was about twenty yards away from the beach.

Mark decided the only thing he could work on was the hiking trails. The existing trails didn't need to be mowed or trimmed, but that spring he'd extended one down to a spot he'd found on the lake. There was a natural rock outcrop there that sloped gently down into the water and extended about twenty feet up on the shore. The water was shallow enough there were lily pads growing around the walk and lily pads held fish. He'd fished that spot from a boat the summer before and decided it would be a good place for kids to fish from. He just needed to do some more work on the undergrowth to clear a better trail.

Mark put his trimmer back in the storage shed and picked up a pair of lopping shears, a hatchet, and a small shovel and then started down the trail. He smiled to himself. He'd be able to do some work without having to keep doing something with his cock.

He turned into the partially cleared trail he'd left that spring and started trimming away at the underbrush to make it wider. Half an hour later, he was standing on the sloping rock and watching the bluegills cruising in and out of the lily pads. The bluegills were why he'd chosen this spot in addition to the sure footing offered by the sloping rock. There were so many they'd almost hook themselves, so any kid could spend hours catching them

The voice startled him.

"Wow, this is a really beautiful place."

Mark turned to see Roberta standing a few feet behind him. He hadn't heard her because she was holding a beach towel in one hand and her sandals in the other. Her bare feet hadn't made a sound on the soft trail or the hard rock. She was almost as close as she'd been on the other side of the counter at the lodge, but the sun lit up her curves a lot more than had the lighting in the lodge. Mark felt his cock start to rise again because Roberta's nipples seemed to be a lot bigger. When he looked down her body, the sun showed him not only the bush on her mound, but also the sparser hair that didn't quite hide her full, puffy-looking lips.

Mark felt like he should say something instead of just staring at Roberta.

"Well, it's actually supposed to be a fishing spot for kids, but I guess all the lily pads do make it kind of pretty."

Roberta walked closer, and Mark's cock got stiffer because her heavy breasts swayed with each step. She stopped a couple feet from him.

"I think it's romantic too, you know, like in those novels where the big strong guy takes the woman into his arms. They kiss and then he lays her down on the ground and they make love right there on the grass."

Mark smiled.

"I don't read that kind of novels, so I wouldn't know."

"Oh, I read them all the time before I joined the club. It was a way to sort of remember and sometimes relax. I still read them although I don't need to now. If there's nobody here with you, how do you relax?"

"Well, I do read some, and I have a couple beers before bed."

Roberta grinned.

"That's not what I'm talking about. How do you really relax?"

If Roberta hadn't put her hand on his arm, he'd probably have made up something. As it was, he was more worried about the tent in his jeans than saying anything.

Roberta grinned when he didn't reply.

"Am I bothering you again?"

"Well, a little, yes."

Roberta chuckled.

"What I'm seeing isn't a little. It looks like a lot. That makes me feel good, by the way. Being naked makes me feel good too. It's not that being naked and you watching me that does it. It's that I'm confident enough to be naked and like you watching me. You could make me feel a lot better though."

Mark figured Roberta was talking about sex, and he sort of liked the fact that she wasn't embarrassed to do so. Still, it was a more than he'd expected from a woman of her age and he wasn't positive that's what she meant. In spite of his rigid cock, Mark tried to be logical.

"I read that naturists don't go around naked because of sex."

Roberta smiled.

"Didn't Sherry tell you that our group isn't part of the big organization?"

"Yes, she said you don't believe what the national group believes."

Roberta stroked her hand up his arm.

"Did she tell you what we don't agree with?"


"We don't agree with two things. They think kids should be able to be naturists too, and we don't think kids have any business being around naked adults."

Roberta let her hand slide slowly back down his arm then.

"The other thing is, well, when you saw us down on the beach, did you notice anything different?"

That hand on his arm was making it difficult for Mark to think, but he did remember they weren't all on the beach.

"Yes I did. I figured you'd all be there, but you weren't. I figured some of you just slept in."

Roberta chuckled.

"Well, they might have been in bed, but they weren't sleeping. Bill is with Arlene and Madge, and Wanda is with Rochelle.

"See, the other thing we don't agree with is that stupid thing about sex. When all the people ran around naked, do you think they didn't think about sex? Sex is just as natural as the trees and water. People are made like they are to attract the opposite sex.

Roberta giggled then.

"Well, once I became a naturist, I learned to appreciate how both men and women look..."

"She moved her hand from Mark's arm to his chest.

"...and what they can do for each other. You do remember what a man can do for a woman, don't you?"

Mark decided if he answered that question honestly, he'd probably be in trouble.

"You mean they're...but Bill is married to Tiffany and Madge is married to Gary and I thought Wanda and Rochelle were partners just like I thought you and Arlene were partners."

Roberta's hand was on his belly by then.

"Let's just say our club has some rules of its own. Any member is free to ask another member to join them and any member is free to say no."

"So, you're naturists and swingers too?"

Roberta moved her hand down to Mark's belt.

"Let's just say we're all really friendly and we like having a good time. We have a party at one of our houses every two weeks, but we can't really do what we like to do because we had to stay inside most of the time. That's why we came up here."

Mark felt Roberta's hand on the front of his jeans then.

"It feels to me like you'd like to have a good time too."

Mark was running out of the will to say no.

"But what if one of them came along?'

"They won't. They're all doing what we're going to do if you'll just stop talking and cooperate. Maybe this will help you cooperate."

Mark just stood there because Roberta had unfastened his belt and was in the process of unbuttoning the button of his jeans. Once she had the button undone, she pulled his jeans down to his knees and then reached for his underwear.

She looked up before she pulled it down and grinned.

"Take off your shirt too. You need to feel how free this can feel."

Mark used the excuse to himself that no matter what, he had to keep his customers happy or they wouldn't come back and they'd probably tell all their friends not to come either. He pulled the T-shirt off his head at the same time Roberta pulled his underwear down to his knees.

She circled his cock with one hand and said, "Take off your shoes and get naked with me."

Mark stepped out of his running shoes and let his jeans and underwear fall to the ground. Roberta pulled gently on his cock then.

"Now is when you're supposed to lay me down and make love to me, but I think you're still a little shy. You lay down instead."

Roberta spread her beach towel on the smooth surface of the rock, and when Mark stretched out on it, she straddled his thighs, then leaned down and stuck her right nipple in his face. She brushed that nipple over Mark's lips and then giggled, "Don't tell me you've forgotten what to do with a nipple."

She didn't have to remind Mark. He was just still amazed at what was happening. He opened his lips and closed them around Roberta's thick nipple and then licked the tip.

Roberta lurched a little and then sighed.

"I guess you do remember. You don't have to be quite so gentle though."

Mark wasn't sure what Roberta meant, so he sucked on her nipple a little. He felt her lurch a little again, and then her murmured, "Bite just a little. I like that."

Mark was gently pinching Roberta's nipple between his teeth when she pulled up, gasped when her nipple slipped out of his mouth, and then leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Mark felt a surge race down his body to his stiff cock, and then another when Roberta opened her mouth a little and licked his upper lip. He opened his teeth a little, and Roberta moaned after her tongue slipped between his teeth and touched his tongue.

Mark felt Roberta rubbing her mound on his stiff cock as she kept her lips pressed to his and her tongue sliding sensuously over his tongue. When she did break the kiss, she put her cheek against his and whispered, "I need you to get me ready for you", and then guided his hand between them.

Mark supposed the hair on Roberta's lips wasn't matted together because she hadn't been wearing panties. He parted the coarse hair and then slipped his middle finger between her puffy lips. Roberta moaned when she felt his finger slip inside her, and then raised up and pushed her left nipple into his face. In a second, Mark was sliding his finger inside Roberta, then up over her rippled inner lips to her clit, and gently sucking and then pinching her nipple between his teeth.

Roberta smiled to herself as she felt the little waves that started from her entrance and nipple and then collided in her core. She'd hoped Mark would be like this. She'd still have done it if he hadn't been, but this was as much as she'd hoped for this first time. She moaned as another, stronger wave raced to her core when Mark's finger brushed her clit.

Mark had settled into what he remembered the other women he'd been with liked, and it was working. Roberta was a little wet when his finger first explored her entrance, but as he worked it in and out and kept sucking and pinching her nipple, she was getting wetter. It was when he gently massaged beside her large, swollen clit and pinched her nipple at the same time that he felt her passage push out, the little rush of wet warmth that seeped down his finger, and then heard the gasp as her passage sucked back inside her.

When that happened, Roberta knew she was not only ready but that she couldn't wait any longer. She raised up enough to circle Mark's rigid cock with her hand, guided it back to her entrance, and then gasped as she pushed her body down until his cock head slipped through her lips and inside her.

She hadn't intended to put his cock all the way in on the first stroke, but she couldn't stop there. She moaned when she felt her lips flatten out against the base of Mark's cock, and then jerked when he pinched her nipple. After that, all she could do was keep rising over his cock until she felt his cock head catch on the tight spot inside her entrance and then slowly sink down until she felt his cock deep inside her.

Mark was amazed at what he was feeling and even more amazed that a woman as old as Roberta could be causing those feelings. The other women he'd been with had felt great, but this was something else. He kept feeling Roberta's passage tighten up as she stroked her body down over his cock and stay tight until she'd raised up again. Then he'd feel that tightening ease a little, she'd take a breath, and start all over again.

That was getting to Mark and he started trying to hold back. That worked for a while, but soon Mark knew he was going to lose that battle. He let Roberta's nipple slip out of his mouth, and whispered, "Roberta slow down a little."

He felt Roberta's passage grip his cock tighter as she pushed down, and then heard her gasp, "I can't. I'm there."

A second later, Roberta sucked in a breath, held it, and then started rocking her body over Mark's cock so fast he couldn't keep up with her, let alone maintain control over his own body. He groaned as the first spurt raced up his cock and splattered inside Roberta when she was almost sitting on his thighs. She shuddered, her body jerked as she forced out the breath she'd been holding, then sucked in another breath as she raised up almost off of Mark's cock. Mark felt the second spurt race up his cock just as Roberta dropped her arms to hold herself up, cried out, and then began making little rapid short strokes over his cock. He groaned again when the third spurt shot inside Roberta.

Roberta kept shaking and stroking herself over Mark's cock for a while after that, and then eased her heavy breasts down on Mark's chest. She kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Now, that's what I wanted."

Mark put his arms around Roberta, stroked down her sides, and finally cupped her hips. Roberta shivered a little, and then whispered, "We should probably go back. It's almost time for lunch."

A little later, Roberta stood up and Mark followed her. When he started putting on his underwear, Roberta laughed.

"After this, you're going to get dressed again? Why?"

"Well, if I don't and the rest are out there doing what you say they've been doing, I'll get...I'll get hard again."

Roberta smiled.

"Yes, you probably will, but they'll know it's a normal thing for a man to do. See, how it works is this. You got excited when you saw us in the lodge last night because we were new to you. Our guys don't get all excited when we're naked now because they know what we look like. That doesn't mean they never get all excited with us. It just means they pick the time and the place, though we help them figure that out sometimes.

"Come on now. Pick up your clothes and lets walk back. The girls will want to see you just like I did. They probably won't have anything that gets all stiff and hard - well, Wanda might. She's like that around men sometimes."

Just walking down the trail with Roberta didn't seem so bad, but it was like she'd said. He'd done more than just see her naked. Her swaying breasts and hips were still affecting him, but not to the point where he was embarrassed. His cock was just a little stiffer than usual.