Beebe Lake Camp


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When they walked onto the beach was when it happened and there was nothing Mark could do to stop it. The first thing he saw was Abbie kissing Wanda while Wanda was fondling Abbie's breasts. He looked away then, right at Joe with his cock stuck in Tiffany. She was on her hands and knees and her breasts were swinging back and forth with each stroke Joe made.

Bill was sitting on a beach towel watching Arlene lying on her back with her hands stroking her nipples while Madge had her face buried between Arlene's thighs. The others were just sitting and watching, but Abbie was lightly stroking Jack's stiff cock, Tiffany was stroking Joe's and shivered as he stroked her left nipple. Just as they walked closer, Sherry laid back, spread her thighs wide, and held out her arms to Gary.

Mark felt Roberta lightly run her fingernails over his hip and that caused his cock to jerk. She chuckled.

"See, our men aren't any different when they want to be. Now, let's go sit on the beach and see if we can figure out something to do until they get done."

Roberta spread her beach towel on the sand, sat down on half of it and then patted the towel beside her. Mark sat down and then flinched when he felt Roberta's fingers lightly stroking his cock. When he looked at her, she grinned.

"Just reminding you, that's all."

Mark didn't need Roberta reminding him. All he needed to do was what he couldn't avoid, that being watching and listening.

It was only a few minutes later that Arlene jerked her body up, grabbed Madge's head, and then made a little cry as her body jerked up three more times. When Arlene sank back down on the beach towel, Madge moved up, kissed Arlene, and then stood up. Mark's cock bobbed when Madge picked up her towel and started walking in their direction.

Madge stopped in front of Roberta and grinned.

"Could I join you two?"

Roberta smiled.

"I'd like that if Mark would. What do you think, Mark?"

Mark couldn't talk. He was staring at the lips between Madge's thighs. He hadn't really seen them the night before, but now he could. They were long and thick and seemed to be open a little. He could see a little pink line between them and that little line looked shiny like she was wet there.

Madge giggled.

"Mark, cat got your tongue? No, wait, that's probably not it. You're probably thinking you'd like my little kitty to get your tongue. Well, I'd love that to happen right now. Don't worry. All that's happened so far is Arlene and I played around a lot."

Mark still couldn't say anything, so Madge spread out her beach towel beside them and said, "I'll take that as a yes."

Madge sat down, then spread her thighs wide and eased down on her back. Roberta stroked his shoulder and then whispered, "I'll take care of the top. You do the bottom."

With that, Roberta leaned over, planted an open mouth kiss on Madge's open mouth and cupped Madge's left breast. Madge made a little moan and then used both hands to open her hair-fringed lips.

Mark didn't move until he felt Roberta tap him on the thigh. He knew what Madge wanted. He was just surprised that she wanted it from him. That she was ready he had no doubt. The rippled pink inner lips Madge was showing him looked really wet.

Mark couldn't stretch out between Madge's thighs without burying his cock in the sand, so he knelt down on his knees. After replacing Madge's hands with his thumbs, he tentatively tasted those wet rippled lips. Madge moaned into Roberta's mouth and spread her thighs a little wider.

From then on, Mark just let himself go. Denise hadn't really liked his tongue there but Madge seemed to love everything he was doing. He figured he wasn't the only reason. He looked up over Madge's bush and saw Roberta sucking Madge's right nipple while she rolled and tugged at the left. He also saw Madge's hand slide down over Roberta's thigh. He couldn't see where that hand went, but when Roberta caught her breath, he figured he knew.

Madge didn't last as long as Mark thought she might, and neither did Roberta. He felt Roberta stretch out on her side beside him and then felt her thigh against his. A few moments later, Madge started rocking her hips up and down. A few licks to her large clit later, Madge broke the kiss and began breathing in panting breaths. Roberta's gasp and the way he felt her rocking her hips against his thigh told him Madge was taking Roberta there too.

They didn't quite make it at the same time. Roberta cried out softly and he felt her shudder. Then she thrust her body forward hard enough she almost knocked him over. He pushed his tongue down on Madge's clit and licked up and down firmly. Madge shrieked and lifted her body up into his face. She hung there for a few seconds, then gasped and lurched up and down three times.

Roberta rolled onto her back then, and Madge stretched out her legs and by pulling on Mark's shoulders, sat up.

"This wasn't a first for you, was it Mark?"

Mark shook his head and smiled.

"No, I'm probably out of practice, but it wasn't the first time."

Madge stroked his shoulder and then looked down as his rigid cock.

"I think you're going to get a lot of practice over the next two weeks if you're willing. All us girls hope you're willing."

Mark looked around then. None of the other people were doing anything but watching, though he did see Wanda and Tiffany lightly brushing their own nipples.

"I guess I'm willing, but won't that cause problems with the guys?"

Roberta sat up then.

"No, it won't. They like seeing another man or woman making love with their wife. The wives like it too. When I wondered the same thing, Sherry told me it was like when you eat out. You have different restaurants that you like because the food's always good, but there's always one restaurant that's your favorite."

That two weeks changed Mark's life in ways he'd never even dreamed about. That night, Sherry stayed after they'd all left the lodge for their cabins.

"Jack and Tiffany are spending the night together, so I don't have anywhere to sleep. Could I maybe bunk in with you?"

Sherry had been different, but great. She liked throwing her thigh over his and when she was ready, guiding his cock between her slippery lips. When the orgasm hit, she soaked down Mark's bed sheets.

Mark sort of lost track of which woman he was with because it was a different one every night. The night that Tiffany and Rochelle both joined him in bed made him re-think what sex was all about. After some three-way foreplay, Rochelle had stretched out on her back and spread her thighs. Tiffany had knelt between Rochelle's thighs but kept her knees under her. Her lips were open and ready when Mark entered her, and she moaned when his cock went home.

Mark was a little amazed when both women kept rocking their bodies even after he'd filled Tiffany with three spurts that left him gasping for breath. They didn't do anything more that night, but the next morning after Tiffany went to the bathroom, she came back to bed.

She put a leg on each side of Mark's head and whispered, "You do me like you did Madge on the beach. Rochelle will take care of you." With that, Tiffany reached down, spread her lips, and then lowered them to Mark's face.

If Rochelle slowly raising and lowering her slippery lips and passage over his stiff cock hadn't done it, watching Rochelle twist and pull on Tiffany's swollen nipples would have. Mark was holding on for dear lift when Tiffany's body jerked and she gasped. He felt her clit moving in and out against his tongue and then she grabbed the headboard of the bed to keep from falling over as she started to shake.

A few strokes later, Rochelle murmured, "Oh God" and Mark felt her passage start milking his cock. He shot three times while Rochelle danced up and down and from side to side on his spurting cock.

Mark still had things he had to do, and he dressed in jeans because he shuddered at the thought of the lawn mower or trimmer throwing something at him. Other than when he was working, he'd be naked and at the beach or showing the women the flat rock that sloped into the water or sitting in the lodge watching them play cards or pool.

After the third day of the first week, what Roberta had told him came true. He could walk around naked and seeing eight naked women without getting an erection. That bothered Mark a little until he realized that once things got sexual, he didn't have any problems at all. Well, there was one time the second week when Wanda and Abbie pretty much drained him dry one night. He had difficulty the next morning, but that night, he didn't disappoint Arlene.

Checkout time was noon on Saturday, and that Saturday came a lot sooner than Mark wanted. It wasn't all the sex, though he'd had more sex in the last two weeks than in the last ten years of his life. It was that he'd grown to understand why a dozen people did what they did, and he'd found that he agreed with them for the most part. He wasn't ready to completely abandon clothes, but while they were there, being naked did make him feel pretty free, just like Roberta had said.

They were all packed and their cars loaded by eleven. Sherry walked into the lodge to ask if he was taking reservations for the next year. Mark hadn't even made out a calendar for the next year yet, but he said he would.

Sherry smiled.

"We agreed this morning that we want to come back next year. Can you reserve two weeks starting the Saturday before the fourth for us? We'll need six cabins just like this time. Let me know the price sometime after Christmas and I'll pay for the reservation then.

"Well, we'll be leaving now. I'll miss this place, but I think you'll probably be busy enough you won't miss us all that much. See you next year."

She left then, and Mark had started to make out the next year's reservation calendar when Roberta and Alene waked into the lodge.

Roberta grinned sheepishly.

"We were wondering if we could come visit you during the winter. Our husbands left us enough money we don't have to work. We spend a lot of time together and thought maybe we'd drive up once in a while because we both really like it here."

"Well, I usually close up right before Thanksgiving so I won't have any cabins open. They don't have heat anyway other than the little wood stove and it's not enough for winter."

Arlene grinned.

"You have heat in the lodge, don't you? That's all we're talking about, just a weekend visit once in a maybe a weekend when we don't have a house party."

"That's a long drive for just a weekend, isn't it?"

"No, it's only about two and a half hours. If we leave St. Paul at noon, we can be here by three. The only reason we stayed in St. Cloud this time is we got a really late start."

Mark remembered Roberta's heavy breasts swinging over his face and the way Arlene had ridden his cock.

"I suppose that would be OK. I have one spare bedroom that has a double bed. I'd be careful once it starts to snow though. You might get here and not be able to get back home."

Roberta giggled.

"We were kinda hoping that might happen at least once."

Well, the snow before Thanksgiving turned out to be heavy. The winter before, a heavy now had drifted to drive to the resort shut, so that fall he bought a small, used tractor with a bucket on the front. He had the lane cleared out to the road after a day. It took Minnesota two days to clear I-94, and another two to clear the road between Fergus Falls and the resort.

The roads might not have been open for traffic, but Roberta and Arlene were open for anything and they tried everything they could think of. By the time they both kissed him and then drove away, he decided he needed some down time before they came back.

It was after New Year's day that he started getting reservations. Most were families where the husband wanted to do some fishing and liked the idea that there were other things his wife and kids could do. He scheduled them in pencil while he waited on their deposit checks. There was one that seemed odd at first until he figured it out.

He'd already made Sherry's reservation when he got a call from a woman who asked if he had the third week of July open and how much would it cost if she rented all six cabins. When Mark told her two of the cabins were already reserved for that week, the woman asked about a week in August. Mark checked his calendar to make sure, but he already knew he didn't have any reservations from then until deer season started in September.

"Yes, I have both the third and fourth weeks open. Who should I make out the reservation for?"

"I have a couple questions first. I was told that you don't have any rules except for no drugs. Is that still true?"

Mark said it was.

"OK, good. Now, what's the temperature like up there in August?"

"It'll be in the low eighties during the day and drop down into the high fifties at night."

"That'll work for us. I'm Rhonda Mason. I think you know my sister, Sherry Michaels. She said they had a fantastic time up there and that you were a very understanding man. I should probably tell you so you won't be surprised that we both think alike about almost everything."

As Mark filled in his calendar with Rhonda's name and then told her where to send the check, he was hoping they would all be couples with no single women. Roberta and Arlene hadn't said anything about stopping their visits once summer arrived, and in fact had said that Wanda and Rochelle might come with them at Easter. He wasn't sure what he'd do if all four showed up at the same time. If there were any single women in Rhonda's group and they were anything like Roberta and Arlene...

Well, it was income, though if there were many more reservations like this, Mark wondered if he should pull his ads from the fishing magazines and put them into the magazine published by "The Naturist Society".

Roberta had suggested that and said he'd have a lot more business. That was because there were two kinds of naturist resorts in Minnesota and neither was as nice as Beebe Lake Family Camp. There were places that were cheaper by a little but all they had was a couple house trailers and RV and tent sites, and were pretty small and always filled up with people. There were places that were really nice, but the cost a lot more and they enforced the rules of the national organization.

All he'd have to do was take out the pictures of the fish from his brochure and put in some pictures of people on the beach or walking the hiking trails or playing cards or pool in the lodge. He'd have to change the name of the resort and the phone number and of course hide or blur the faces...

Maybe not, though. When she'd told him about the naturist magazine, Roberta said she didn't need to hide anything from anybody except her kids, and that they'd never read the magazine. Then she'd grinned and said it would be exciting to know that somebody might recognize her from the pictures.

Arlene said she'd be willing to be a model too as long as she got a reward for doing it. They'd both been stroking his shriveled cock and trying to get it to stand up again at the time, so Mark knew what they were telling him.

Mark wasn't ready to take that step, but he thought more about it after the phone call he got on the first of May. The woman asked if he was still open in September. Mark said he could be, but it started getting pretty chilly at night. The woman chuckled.

"That won't be a problem. There are plenty of ways to get warm at night. Some of them are even fun."

After that, he had this feeling of déjà vu.

"I was told your resort is the only one on the lake. Is that true?

"Yes, that's true."

"I was also told you don't have any rules except for drugs and that you're a very understanding man. Is that true too?"

"Well, I try to keep my customers happy."

"Tiffany, my hairdresser said she'd been to your resort and had a really good time. She also said you have group rates. If I wanted to reserve all six cabins for the first week of September, how much would it cost?"

After he gave Shirley Mason a price and then penciled her in for the first week of September, he thought maybe Roberta had been right. He had only four weeks reserved for the coming year, but those four would gross almost as much as he'd planned to take in the whole year. If word about Beebe Lake Family Resort got around the naturist community who thought like Roberta's club maybe he could do even better.

That night, Mark sat down at his desk and started a new brochure. This one would only be in the lodge, but some of the wording would still be in the pamphlets he'd put in the gas stations along I-94. It would start with a picture of the whole resort taken from a boat in the lake.

Would you like a different kind of vacation, one you can't find anywhere except for Beebe Lake Resort? Beebe Lake Resort is a place where open-minded people can relax however they want without being concerned about what anyone else thinks. We have a beach, boats if you want to fish, and hiking trails if you want a nice walk in nature. Our cabins are clean and have everything you'll need to fix your own meals.

We have only four rules.

1. We don't allow drugs of any kind.

2. We don't allow any people under the age of nineteen.

3. We don't judge people by what they do or by how they do it. We want our guests to become our friends so as long as it's not against the law and doesn't make another guest uncomfortable, you're free to do as you please. Just respect that no means no.

4. Have fun and tell your like-minded friends about us.

After that would be at least three pictures, one of the lodge with people playing pool and cards, one of people on the beach, and one special picture of Roberta and Arlene on that rock that slopes into the water. They wouldn't be doing anything, but the way they were smiling and touching each other would get the idea across.

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TLandhimTLandhim2 months ago

Loved the story and the characters came across as credible.

Excellent work

wwaldripwwaldrip7 months ago

Excellent story really enjoyed reading it

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Excellent..'5 +" more please sir..

signed ,fellow nudist

EasyReader44EasyReader4410 months ago

Good one, has the potential to be a great Series.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Sequel, please!

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