Big Tits Milked in the Big Easy


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That night, back at her hotel, Charles told her on the phone that there was an issue with the babysitting arrangement for Saturday and had to stay another night in Florida. She was disappointed but also knew that she had lost her bet and was now committed to Annie. Figuring she would tell him afterwards, she told him that she was mulling around some ideas for the night but wasn't sure.

Once off the phone, Ash felt herself and her pussy was still as gooey as it was in the SUV. That experience made her horny. Trying to pinpoint exactly why and what made her cum so quickly took some thought until she realized that when Annie pounced and forced herself upon her and the resistance she put up was the combination that did it. Well, that and the hard pressure on her sensitive nipples.

Slipping off her travel clothes and shucking out of her panties, Ash was soaked. Dipping a finger between her pussy lips, it had collected so much goo that it glistened on her finger under the ceiling light. She tasted her nectar and it was sweet but tangy and she decided she needed a quick release before she fell asleep.

Pulling the pillows out from under the neatly made bedspread, Ash stacked them in the middle of the bed. Now that she was propped up and her legs spread wide, she could see herself and her precum oozing down her crack in the large vanity mirror. The stimulation from Annie's mouth prompted her tits to fill up and now they were so engorged and tight, it felt as though two medicine balls were hanging off her chest. Her nipples were so stiff and sensitive that just one squeeze shot milk onto her stomach and on the bed between her legs.

Panting and rubbing her hands all over her own tits, she closed her eyes. imagining they were Annie's hands again forcing herself upon her. Every time she would pinch a nipple and squirt milk, she fantasized it was Annie's mouth latching on it and taking the stream into the back of her throat. After edging and building herself up, she knew it was time to make herself cum. She reached down and carefully lifted her clit hood with one hand, licked her first two fingers on the other hand for lubrication and placed one finger under and one over the exposed nub, almost gripping it. Letting out an extended sigh, she circle rubbed her clit as it began to swell even more.

"Mmmmmm. Get off me Annie, go fuck someone else! You can't make me cum," she moaned softly imagining Annie sucking her clit with her fingers inserted into her pussy and rubbing her g-spot.

Not wanting to over-sensitize her clit, Ash lightened up on the touch, slid her two fingers in her pussy and used her thumb to flick it up and down, knowing it would make her blast. Trying to keep the noise to a minimum, her grunts were kept in her throat with a clenched mouth. She dug her bare feet into the bed, using her heels as leverage to lift her ass off the mattress. With her free hand, she fondled her stiff, milk-filled tits and allowed her orgasm to overtake her body. It was even more difficult to stifle her grunt once it hit. Watching herself cum through the mirror added to the thrill which caused her entire body to tense up and quiver.

"Fuck off Annie! I'm cumming you fucking slut! How dare you! Ooohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhh!" Ash blurted a little too loudly, lost in the moment. When her ass fell back down to the bed, she had to have one more.

Feeling that her sticky nectar had oozed into her ass crack, she craved a deeper penetration orgasm. For a quick release, she reached beside the bed where her carry-on bag sat on the nightstand and pulled out her hairbrush. Using the handle, she inserted it into her gooey slit. As soon as it parted her slick lips, Ash gasped, still imagining her new friend Annie, "Oooo, get that out of me Annie! Only my husband can fuck me on this trip!"

Because she was so turned on, the abundance of precum made Ash's naturally tight pussy feel looser than usual. Even though the hairbrush handle was large, it easily slid in. Pumping it in and out of her gooey pussy, Ash lifted her legs up almost behind herself so that she could get a better view of the action in the mirror. Watching it disappear over and over switched her imagination back to Annie fucking her with a strap-on dildo.

Ash pounded it in harder and faster and ordered over the sluicing sounds, "Get off me Annie, you sex crazed slut! Pumping me that hard doesn't work on me! You really think a lesbian bitch with a big dick can make me cum?"

Even though she wished the brush handle was bigger so that it could give her that completely full feeling, it was doing the trick. The rapid thrusting caused her juices to splash freely on the bed. She could not stop watching it in the mirror and with her jaw clenched and her eyes glazed over, her orgasm ripped through her, "Oooonnnnngggggggg! Ohhhhhhhhh...God! Unnngggggg!" As soon as her pussy spasmed, she yanked the handle out, allowing her pussy juice to gush out and her inner wall spasms to overtake her.

She laid there on the bed, quivering trying to recover. Once she regained her wits, Ash smelled the handle and licked some of her juices off of it as women often do to validate it was good and to keep themselves aroused. Dropping the brush on the bed, she sighed, still in role play mode, "Whewww...that was good! Now Annie, get your ass out of here and go home."

She needed to pump her full breasts to relieve some pressure but decided against it and just saved the sensation for the Saturday night, Halloween, street party. Still naked, Ash adjusted the bed linen and pillows, turned to the side and went to sleep. Those orgasms put her into a deep slumber.

The next day when Ash awoke, she regretted not pumping her boobs when she found wet spots all over the sheets. To compound her issues, she had slept so soundly that she woke up just ten minutes before the hotel was going to stop serving breakfast and her much-needed coffee. She scrambled around the room, searching for her bra only to give up and throw on an old college field hockey t-shirt that was almost worn to transparency as a last ditch effort to cover them up along with her leggings with no panties and her bare feet into a pair of Ugg boots she had pulled out of her bag. The support was minimal and even the slightest walking caused them to slosh around like water balloons in the back of a pickup truck. While eating in the hotel serving area, she overheard a young couple arguing because his wife had caught him staring at Ash's massive tits.

"Is that what you like? Some slut's huge tits on display in the breakfast area like that? She could use them as a tray to put her food on. She ought to be ashamed of herself being down here without a bra," the woman scolded her husband.

With his hands in the air in surrender mode, he was defending himself with a lie, "I wasn't looking at them. Now that you said something, they are big but not as good as yours."

Ash snickered to herself and when finished eating, returned to the room to straighten up before sitting on the balcony to enjoy the crisp air. The streets were buzzing in anticipation for the Halloween party. Playing on her phone, she began to get antsy in anticipation. Courageously, she stood on the balcony, pulled her shirt off and displayed her bare tits to the sun and anyone who happened to look upward. With a playful grimace on her face, she snapped a selfie of them and sexted them to Annie with the caption, "You see how full these are? Too bad you will never get to taste them again. Happy Halloween."

Playing off Annie's tit and lactation fetish, Ash knew it would drive her new friend crazy. Within minutes, her phone lit up, a text from Annie, "U big titted bitch! Don't worry, those udders will be milked soon enough. Moooooo!"

Even though she wasn't totally sure what Annie meant by that response, she smiled ear to ear then scampered through the sliding glass doors to put on a robe. The rest of the afternoon, Ash couldn't keep her hands off her own clit thinking about what was to come. While in the shower, she masturbated hard in a standing position allowing the warm water to caress her skin until she orgasmed. Once out, she blow dried her long blonde hair and put on that same old worn but clean t-shirt she had worn at breakfast with a pair of thin silk pink panties. She figured there was no reason to get dressed if Annie was bringing her a costume.

Finally about 3:45, a knock on her room door and Ash slung it open, looked at Annie already dressed in her costume and sarcastically snipped, "What are you dressed as...a Swedish prostitute? No are a German Oktoberfest prostitute?"

"Ha ha...very funny coming from one of my farm animals. I had no idea cows could talk. You need to keep your mouth shut and just produce for your milkmaid," Annie jabbed back with a huge bag slung over her shoulder.

Ironically, Annie's costume could pass off as a Swedish prostitute as well as a German barmaid but she was a slutty milkmaid ready to domme her milking cow. Her blonde hair was braided into ponytails past each shoulder, tied together with brown and green scrunchies. Her top was a white shoulder-less thick ruffled shirt on top of a cinched brown and green corset middle with plenty of bows and laces. On her waist, she wore a short pleated skirt that showed bare leg above the thigh-high white nylon hose with bows on top of them. To round out her costume, her white nylon clad feet were strapped inside patent leather black high heels.

"So are you saying I'm going to be a cow for Halloween? Your cow? I don't think so," Ash scoffed.

Annie stepped inside the room and put the bag on the table. She began pulling out Ash's costume and wickedly laughed, "With those milk-filled jugs, I could think of nothing else. The public needs to enjoy them while you provide delicious milk to all."

"I don't fucking think so."

"A bet is a bet and you will wear this or else."

"Or else what?"

Annie lifted out a long slender electric cattle prod and zapped Ash, remembering how wearing a shock collar was erotic to her in Jamaica.

Ash snapped back after taking the voltage in the arm, "Fuck that hurt! I'm going to stick that thing up your ass if you do that again. I think a lesbian like you would like that sort of thing."

Dropping the prod, Annie ran and tackled Ash to the bed with Annie on top staring down into her face, "A lesbian like me huh? We will see about that!" With a huge yank, Ash's shirt tore around the neck and split low enough to see her cleavage.

Like a wrestler trying to avoid a pin, Ash tried to arch upward and throw Annie off but she was stubbornly locked on top of the detective. Annie took advantage of her own teeth to start a straight tear in front of the shirt then like superman opening his suit, she tore the shirt even wider with her hands so she could attack those massive tits.

"No! This was not part of the bet! Get off me," screamed Ash.

Annie did not listen to a word. She had those fleshy firm tits pressed together with her mouth clamped on the first nipple she could get to and attacked it like a ravenous calf who hadn't eaten in days. All night long, she could not think of anything else but draining those boobs into her awaiting mouth. The only difference in this scenario over what happened in the SUV was that instead of trying to make Ash cum, she was so worked up that she was grinding on Ash's leg trying to make herself orgasm.

With Annie's entire weight on her, Ash could not move and would have to allow it to play out. Her engorged boobs did need some relief and Annie's mouth was providing it. The milk was so warm and so sweet and Annie gulped it down, treating Ash's tits and body like they were objects for her pleasure. Straddling Ash's thigh, she grinded faster and harder trying to get her thong covered pussy off.

Annie lifted her head off the squirting nipple and shrieked in orgasm, "Eeeohhhhh! I'm cummmmming! Unnggg!"

As soon as Annie had recovered from her orgasm, she climbed off of Ash, instructing her, "That was hot! We need to share your titties with all the party goers tonight. We will have so many beads. Get your ass up so we can get you dressed."

Before Ash could resist, Annie held up the cattle prod causing Ash to raise her hands, "Ok! Ok! You can dress me how you like...just keep that damn thing away from me."

Annie forced Ash to strip off her shorts and the ripped open shirt. Pulling her by the arm, she was instructed to stand nude in front of the full length mirror. Ash could watch Annie from behind pull the rest of her costume items from the bag and the first one was an X crossing strapped brown spotted cow pattern harness. The straps hugged tightly to Ash's chest over and under each filled boob and connected to a metal circle directly in her cleavage. Dangling off the circle was a cowbell and controlling the tightening pressure was a strap in the back. It resembled a bondage bra with no cups. Annie tightened it up causing the blue veins flowing through the sides to become more prominent and milk droplets to drip from both berry sized nipples.

"There we go. This should allow you to produce for the public tonight when I need you to but, we can't allow you to leak all over the place. We need to turn the taps off for now," giggled Annie.

"I'm not wearing this with the cowbell on it. This is too much," protested Ash even though secretly it was turning her on.

Annie ignored her then put circle clamps on her thick nipples to keep them from leaking and provide that stiff pressure. After the clamps, she put hanging tiny little cowbell earrings on Ash then tapped them with her finger causing a soft jingle. Ash's costume was a French cut cow pattern bodysuit that showed off her bare hips and was cut as low as the belly button. It looked like something Beyoncé would wear in a video. The low cut gap was held together with crossing strings like in a shoe. The final piece of the outfit ensemble was a pair of knee high cow pattern boots with a four inch heel.

Just as she stooped down to fix the crotch area, Annie spotted Ash's bisexual flag tattoo on her pubic hip area. Annie looked at it and then up at Ash, "Well...well...I see someone likes to fool around with the ladies too and you have dug that tongue in some musky pussy yourself."

"Don't get any wild ideas. That was from a drunken wild time in San Francisco with my detective partner and her wife. You keep your pussy lapping lips away from me," Ash sassed.

"These pussy lapping lips will go anywhere they choose tonight and don't forget that," smiled Annie.

That is when Ash realized she wasn't wearing any panties under the suit so she asked, "Wait. At least let me wear a thong. Something to keep me tucked in so I don't get wedgies."

"Are you nuts? No way will you be wearing panties. Look at that gorgeous smooth pussy. We need to show that camel toe so we can lure people to breed you. Why have a grade A milking cow if we can't breed her so that we can have more milking cows?"

"Yeah right. You have lost your mind," snipped Ash. "Nobody is breeding me but Charles. You had your little fun with my tits but that is it."

"If you don't shut that pretty mouth of yours, I will have dozens of men breed that pussy so hard, Charles will echo when he breathes in it. Do you understand me? If so, just give me a little moo."

So with the harness, the bodysuit and boots, Ash was ready to be paraded as Annie's milking cow. Both women looked hot and would have made any dick hard and any pussy wet. They verbally sparred back and forth at any chance they got, in order to get the upper hand.

When the second boot was zipped, Annie giggled, "Are you ready there Bessie? We can't keep this nutritious milk from the people. Those tits need to be shown. Maybe instead of Halloween we can put you in a 4H judging contest and you can bring home the blue ribbon."

"A bet is a bet but don't you think I have to like being paraded around with a slutty milk maid," huffed Ash while rolling her eyes.

Just before they were about to walk out of the hotel room and head for the street, Annie looked down and blurted, "Oh my god! Stop! As soon as you take a step, your ass sticking out the high cut costume is making me horny. I think I need a quickie before the dairy show."

"Can't you keep your pussy eating thoughts on something else at least for a little while?" Ash said with a hand on her hip.

"I didn't realize cow's had an opinion? I think they need to keep their mouths shut and do as they are told."

"This cow has an opinion and this ass is not for sale."

"Oh that ass is for sale alright, along with those udders. My property is my property."

"You think so? I'm glad you are stuck in your own fantasy world."

"Shut the fuck up...the only sounds out of you should be moos," ordered Annie as she grabbed Ash from behind and led her to the bed until her legs hit the edge causing her to flop own on her stomach. With Annie on top of her back, she ordered, "Now hold still. This will only take a minute."

Ash squirmed trying to buck Annie off but she was restrained by her weight. From behind, Annie's hand snuck its way inside the body suit strip covering Ash's smooth pussy lips and dipping her middle finger prompted Ash to stop squirming.

"Shhhhhh...that's my good dairy cow. Don't fight it. Oh fuck, you are so wet. Let my fingers in there Bessie," whispered Annie just as she slipped in a second finger.

Trying to free herself, Ash began writhing underneath her milkmaid who had shifted her body, wrestler-esque style, to where Annie had her head positioned over Ash's ass and her legs almost around Ash's neck, "Get off me you cunt lapper. I agreed to go to the street party with you...not have you accost me."

"Double or nothing! I can make you cum in less than three minutes again, eating you out. If I win, then I get to parade you around on the street and if anyone gropes or comments about your huge milky tits, then you cannot get upset or angry. If you win, then there will no more sex, just drinking and Halloween fun," Annie proposed.

"Oh you are so on. You might have made me orgasm by sucking these boobs but it takes me a while to cum while getting eaten out. There is no way that is happening," bragged Ash with a confident smirk on her face.

Annie wrapped her legs around Ash's torso, slithered forward, yanked the bottoms of Ash's cow suit to the side and started her tongue's descent down the detective's ass crack, stopping momentarily to rim her puckered sphincter then continue to her pussy. The freshly bathed scent of Ash's ass combined with her nectar filled pussy was intoxicating. Annie couldn't get enough and used her tongue around the folds then repeatedly flicked her hooded clit.

With her huge nipples clamped inside the cow suit, the pressure it placed on her tits only made the nipples feel ultrasensitive. Ash lifted her boot covered feet up behind herself as if trying to kick Annie off before sarcastically laughing, "My husband is better than that. You call that pussy licking? I thought you were a lesbian."

Little did Ash know, Annie was setting her up for the kill. She stopped the tongue flicking and shimmied her face deeper to where she could latch onto Ash's stiffening clit and fit her chin just between those round ass cheeks. Ash's cockiness soon disappeared when Annie sucked her nub like a vacuum while spreading and slapping those cheeks.

"Oh no you don't! Not this time! Oh God! No way! Ohhhhhhh!" Ash gasped trying not to cum but feeling it build.

Annie knew exactly what she was doing and the pressure of her lips siphoning Ash's clit, her hand slapping that ass and her chin wriggling in her cheeks was proving to be too much. Ash slapped the bed in protest, "No! No! Ooooooo! No!"

From deep within her abdomen, Ash's orgasm hit! Using her free hand, Annie had found the loose strap inside the back of the suit and yanked on it. It forced some milk out of her tits even with the clamps securely on her nipples. Her pussy began to spasm and drip juice like a squeezed lemon causing her to scream, "Ohhhhhhhhh! Damn you Annieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Unnngggggggggggg!"