Black Tie Affair


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The reception was held at a small, private museum of natural history, which was itself an historic building. Space for a bar, tables, and a dance floor and stage had been carved out by relocating displays of minerals and gemstones to the walls. The result was a warmly lit, soaring space, with delicate, geologic twinkling in the margins.

I made sure Brandy was comfortable and had a drink, then worked back towards the bar for myself. I was immediately intercepted by Nico, who handed me a drink and planted a friendly, polite kiss on my cheek. His drifting eyes indicated he was thinking of our less genteel mingling in the hotel hallway. An instant later, Luca appeared, also bearing a cocktail for me.

"Argh, late by seconds!" Luca cast his head back and staggered his knees, feigning collapse, laughing through his complaint. Undeterred, he also kissed my cheek. "The first dance, it is mine, no?" I nodded, basking in the renewed attention from the fashionable pair. I carried the glow of their interest with me as I was pulled away by my mother for an uninteresting conversation with a pair of uncles.

With a short introduction from the bandleader, music rose in the hall. I barely turned my head to look for Luca when my presumptive partner appeared at my side. Placing a hand at the small of my back, he steered me to the dancefloor, then encircled my waist in his arms. I eagerly draped my own arms behind his neck as we began to sway.

Our bodies hovered inches apart, thighs and chests brushing casually as we moved. Delicately - almost imperceptibly - Luca's fingers tensed and relaxed, rhythmically grasping then releasing the pliable flesh of my waist. The tender, secretive pressure sent butterflies through my belly and up the length of my spine. My earlier bud of arousal returned between my legs. I swallowed a deep breath; my ribs expanded forward and pushed my bust into his chest. Luca's eyes widened as he noticed the supple press of my breasts. I inhaled against, holding his gaze as I let my tits tell my story.

"Hello! Uhm, mi scusi..." My aunt Barbara appeared, tapping Luca's shoulder. "Might I cut in? I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting Emiliano's handsome oldest brother!" From her extended syllables, it seemed Barbara had been sampling the chardonnay. Luca's hands hesitantly released my waist; his pining eyes the last part of him to break contact with me.

"Stay right here. I will be back." He whispered to me, then turned to the interrupting middle-aged aunt. "Barbara, no? Such a lovely brooch on your dress, please tell me about it."

I backed away, dodging a victorious glare from Barbara as she heaved my erstwhile partner toward the center of the floor. A mild sulk settled in my shoulders; temporary disappointment was still disappointment. My aimless fingers fidgeted petulantly with the corsage on my wrist. My body felt neglected and stony at the loss of Luca's touch.

I started - nearly hollered - in surprised as two hands grabbed my hips. The unseen assailant twirled me in a tight half-circle, girdling my waist and hauling me against his chest in one swift motion. I found myself peering up at Nico's beaming face and grinned back as I began dancing with the middle brother. Rocking in unison with my arms looped behind his neck, his palms flattened on the small of my back.

"I see you were interrupted with Luca." Nico chuckled, obviously not feeling overly upset that I wasn't dancing with his brother anymore. "Know that no aunt will tear me from you!" He proclaimed.

Nico's hands slid insistently - but surreptitiously - in divergent paths along my back. One reached the dip below my spine at the foothills of my buttocks. The imperceptible "T" of my miniscule panties rested beneath his fingers. His other hand reached the top of my bodice. Nico's thumb softly stroked my bare spine, as his forefinger traced the tab of my zipper studiously.

I inhaled sharply through my teeth at his investigation. "You had better not play too much with that." I warned him away from the zipper. "Not here..." I added mischievously.

With a glance over his shoulder at his occupied older brother, Nico stealthily navigated us to the edge of the dance floor. "Shall we have a drink?" He announced loudly to no one, then pulled me by the hand in the direction of the rear bar.

Once we were clear of the tables filled with non-dancers, he rerouted our path to an exit and an empty, silent hallway beyond. In daylight, the hallway led visitors from the main gallery-turned-reception hall to smaller exhibit rooms. But tonight, the exhibits were closed, and the corridor was abandoned and filled with dense, concealing shadows.

The soft leather of Nico's soles masked his hurried footfalls, but my heels ticked damningly loudly on the polished marble. We crossed the border where the pink-orange glow from the reception reached no further and the gloom enveloped us. Slowing as we were eclipsed by the dark corridor, we glanced behind to ensure we hadn't been followed. The coast was clear; we were safely concealed in the hallway's deep shadows.

Impatiently, I grabbed Nico's shoulders and shoved him against the wall. My hands grabbed his face, dragging him downward to meet my eager mouth. His grinning lips happily met my own, parting and enveloping my mouth in a wet embrace. I felt his fingers flutter from my bare shoulders to the restricting bodice of my dress, straining against the stubborn fabric to reach my round tits. My own fingers tugged at his collar, the flowers of my corsage scuffed against his jaw and cheek.

Pushing out with his hips, Nico spun us and shoved my back against the heavy oak door of a shuttered exhibit room. His fingers grappled with my restrictive top while his other hand dropped down my back, squeezing my butt. A whimper caught in my throat as my body bubbled warmly. Nico thrust against me, and the panel behind me groaned and shifted under our impact, drifting open a crack as its antique latch released. We mutually broke off our kiss, pausing to peer into the murkily lit room, and letting down our guard for a second.

"There you are!" Luca called; his voice was hushed. He stepped from light into the shadow as he approached. His shoes were the same leather as Nico's and his steps were similarly muted. In the background, the music from the reception echoed faintly. The only other sound in the dim corridor was Nico and my panting breath.

His dark outline stopped beside us, forming a triangular conversation. "You did not wait." He playfully accused. Nico was silent at my other side.

"Sorry..." I murmured though we all knew I didn't mean it. My voice trailed off as he reached out and grasped my hand.

Luca kissed the back of my hand, then my forearm above the corsage, the inside of my elbow, my bicep. I gasped and tilted my head back as his lips progressed to my shoulder, tracing up my neck, up to my jaw, then finally eagerly devouring my willing mouth.

"You are a hound!" Nico chuckled. His own hands flattened on my stomach and butt, and as my kiss with Luca ended, Nico leaned in to resume our own.

Luca interestedly tipped the heavy door open another foot. "If I came upon you, someone else could..." He said, placing his hand on my ass and urging me out of the hallway.

Through the doorway, we found a room of glass enclosed taxidermy scenes built into the walls. Before each exhibit, sat a leather upholstered bench for visitors. Above us, the security lighting provided subdued illumination; the displays also projected dim light into the room. Luca shut the door, testing the knob to make certain we weren't locked in, then smiled warmly as he led me by the elbow toward a bench before a scene of tropical birds. Nico followed closely behind.

Our group stopped before the backlit glass box of multicolored birds. A handsome, Italian man stood at my either side. First Nico kissed me, then my mouth switched to Luca's. While they traded turns with my lips, each brother laid claim to one of my breasts. With a strong hand groping and kneading my tit on either side, I murmured enthusiastically. My own hands fiddled at their shirt buttons.

"Finally!" Nico celebrated as he unclasped the zipper at my back. The whir of the separating metal teeth seemed to echo in the silent room. The dress's bodice sagged, and Luca pulled the loosened front below my bust even before Nico's hand had tugged the zipper to the end of its track.

Two sets of eyes bulged as they at last glimpsed my bare tits. Smiling playfully, I crossed my arms below them, alluringly plumping up my naked rack. Each man attacked my chest with a ravenous hand - two hands, in Luca's case - squashing and mauling the pliable mounds.

Nico's other hand left the unraveled zipper and patted over the meaty dome of my buttocks. Gripping the hem of my skirt, he pulled it above my ass. My dress bunched in a coil above my waist. The slender white thread of my g-string gleamed in the exhibit's lights. With a glimpse behind me, Luca reached and pulled its waistband down my hip on his side. Nico yanked, following his older brother's lead, and my soaked wisp of thong was suspended at my knees. I conceded its uselessness and pedaled my knees to drop the panties to the wood floor.

Naked from the ribs up and the waist down, an urgent fizz of pleasure boiled through my body. I giggled as I pictured my circumstance: standing before a museum display with my bridesmaid dress reduced to a pink ("blush") hoop of material at my navel while my sister's two brothers-in-law pawed rabidly at my tits and ass. "No," I reasoned in my head, "I hadn't needed to bring a friend as a wedding date."

I moaned softly into Luca's mouth, then turned to kiss Nico's lips. The thrilling twofold attention to my bust exploded through my excitedly trembling frame. My hands traced down the pair of tuxedo shirts, past their waists, then along the front of their pants. Extending down each man's leg, my impatient fingers outlined a protruding bulge through the tailored black wool.

"I think I want to sit for this next part." I purred, breaking off our kiss. Excitedly nibbling my lower lip, I tucked two fingers into the waistband of each tux. Towing the men by their pants, I carefully stepped out of my discarded g-string and backed the three paces to the padded bench. The seat was cool beneath my naked cheeks, and I could feel my wet excitement trickling onto the leather.

The men stood bullishly on either side of me. I reached to Nico's waist first, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, then quickly moved on to Luca's fly. With their pants unfastened, I reached into the inviting "Y" of their open zippers, hauling out the throbbing contents that my hands found.

My fingers wrapped around each cock as it waved at face-level. Thick veins ranged the shafts' undersides, leading to matching purple heads glistening with drops of precum. I ducked my head to the left, extending and flattening my tongue as I traced the length of Luca's pole, from base to the rim of his glans. Turning to my right, I lapped Nico's dick from bottom to top. Pausing for a moment, I stroked the rods in unison and smiled gleefully up at the two brothers.

Taking a deep breath, my mouth filled itself with Luca's prick. My fingers bunched into a fist, wrapped at the base of his shaft. My humming lips traveled a circuit between his tip and my hand, while I cranked my wrist and massaged his pole. In my other hand, Nico's cock quivered in my fingers' stroking embrace. His mitts traveled to my chest, groping my bobbling tits while I sucked his big brother's dick. Both men tossed their jackets to the floor, holding back their shirttails from their waists to clear my path.

I swung to my right, forcing my mouth and throat down Nico's throbbing cock. I felt Luca's rigid pole pulse in my pumping fist; the blossoms of my corsage rustled with my arms vigorous motion. My lips fought to the base of Nico's shaft where I held for a long moment, his tip tickled the back of my throat. Gagging, I released and retreated, dragging a thick gob of foamy spit with my lips. As I swapped to Luca's dick, the hanging mass of slobber broke away from my mouth, skipping off the dome of my tit and splattering on the wood floor.

Luca's pipe slipped through my foamy lips and lay heavily atop my tongue. I swirled my tongue around his shaft, massaging his cock as I drove my mouth further down his rod. My lips pursed at the base of his pole, his tip thumping my tonsils as my mouth bottomed out. Coughing from the strike, I rasped up a tendril of drool that flipped over my lower lip and trickled down my chin. My off-hand rigorously stroked Nico's shaft. In my mouth, Luca's tool pulsed and twitched.

"Mmmmfuhgah!" I gasped as I freed my mouth, sucking in a frantic breath before rotating back to Nico's dick. As my mouth eclipsed his prick, realizing that he was afraid of disturbing my professional hairdo, I guided Nico's hand to a dictating position at the back of my neck. Closing my lips on Nico's cock, I whirled my tongue around his rod, then stilled and held him in my mouth. I tensed my cheeks and palate, creating an airtight seal inside my mouth. Towing my constricted lips along his shaft, the dragging vacuum made Nico break his silent enjoyment.

"Ah! Fuck!" Nico sputtered. His older brother shushed him and shot a concerned glance at the door. I grinned around the dick in my mouth, appreciating the demonstration of his English abilities.

As if reminded of our limited time by his brother's outburst, Luca grabbed my arm and hauled me from the bench. Nico's hand at the back of my neck held my mouth firmly on his dick as I was lifted. My heels scuffed on the polished wood floor as I straightened my legs beneath me. Bent at a right angle at my waist, I braced myself with one hand on Nico's hip and the other gripping the base of his manhood.

With a satisfied groan, Luca's dick split my sodden gash. Nico clearly relished his teasing "Ssssh!", repaying his brother for the earlier scolding. Gripping my waist with both hands, Luca started thrusting his hips and feeding his length into my eager slit. I purred lustfully as a cock stuffed me at each hungry end.

Luca's bucking hips built to a galloping pace, pumping his tool into my wet pussy. His thighs slapped into my buttocks; the smacking seemed amplified in the silent museum. I moaned noisily around Nico's prick, but neither man shushed me.

Balancing on my four-inch heels, I teetered between the brothers. Luca's thrusts into me from behind shoved me forward, propelling my mouth deeper onto Nico's cock. Rebounding, I repelled with my arms and drove myself backwards to meet Luca's next plunge. I ricocheted between the groomsman bookends, skewering my eager holes on the twin erections.

The younger brother's prick in my mouth delved deep into the back of my throat as he pushed forward with his hips. A cascade of drool spilled over my lips and collected in foamy pools on the floor between Nico's feet. Behind me, Luca continued thrashing my pussy. With every plunge, my heavy, swinging tits shuddered beneath my body. Luca's fingers dug into the soft meat of my hips and dragged my cunny back to meet every hammering thrust.

Nico released his hold on my neck and lifted my face from his crotch. His hands enthusiastically grabbed my breasts as my back straightened and I rose from my stoop. With a grunt of protest, Luca's cock squirted out of my pussy and beat stickily against my butt. Nico leaned in, kissing my mouth deeply as he molested my rack. His rigid tool jabbed impatiently at my belly.

Reluctantly releasing his grasp on my chest for an instant, Nico's turned me in a half-circled toward his brother. Pulling my back against him, Nico's hands returned, eagerly grabbed massaging handfuls of my tits as he wetly brushed his lips along my neck and shoulder. His manhood squirmed between my thighs, bumping against my taint. I angled one arm behind me, scratching my nails through the trimmed hair at the back of Nico's head.

My other hand reached forward, grasping Luca by the back of his neck. I tugged the older brother toward me, passionately pulling his lips to my own. Reaching below his waist, I wrapped his sticky shaft in my fingers and tenderly stroked his erection. Luca's hand dipped between my legs, inquisitively slipping his fingers into the wet slit that his cock had just explored. Throbbing with the dual pleasure of Luca's digital penetration and Nico's mauling hands on my breasts, I moaned serenely into Luca's mouth.

Luca smiled into our kiss as I whined, then broke his lips from mine. Pulling away, he grabbed my hand and drew me with him as he stepped toward the bench. Reaching the seat, he guided me to sit. With my butt on the cushion, Luca's hands pulled my shoulders to rotate me lengthwise on the bench, and to lay me on my back. I threw one leg over the upholstered base, straddling the bench as I reclined, letting Luca arrange me for his younger brother to use. My head dangled over the end of the seat, looking upward at Luca's legs and genitals, and towering above them, his smiling face.

Nico stepped over the beam, gripping each of my knees and raising my bum from the pad. Folding my ankles around his neck, he positioned himself between my legs. He swiveled his pelvis forward, and his cock glided easily into my soaked pussy. I arched my back, pitching my head as I howled with pleasure, but Luca crouched over my face and filled my open mouth with his rigid prick.

Hunching over me, Nico pumped his hips, pile-driving his dick deep into my eager quim. Each plunge shoved me along the cushion, my tits wobbling bouncily atop my ribs. Luca's cock gouged my mouth, banging across my tongue and bulging out my cheeks. I groaned around his tool, gripping the edge of the bench with one hand and bracing the base of Luca's pipe with the other. Bending backwards, I got high on the feeling of the brothers using me at both ends, like I was an object built for their carnal pleasure.

Behind Nico's head, my feet hovered in mid-air, shaking with his every feverish thrust. If not for the delicately buckled straps on my ankles, my light pink heels would have flown from my toes with his furious efforts. With his elevated posture - my hips sloping up from the bench angled to accept his thrusting cock - Nico's cockhead punched into the deep recesses of my pussy. I whined with my approaching climax, digging my professionally manicured nails into the lip of the seat

Pulling my mouth free from Luca's dick, I shrieked in ecstasy. "God yes! Fuck my pussy, Nico! Fuck! Harde-" Luca muted me, refilling my mouth with his pole. Crippling waves convulsed through my tiny body as my climax struck. I squealed around the veiny obstruction, mewling as my pussy violently came around the younger brother's cock.

As my orgasm subsided Nico lowered my legs from his shoulders, then plucked his rod from my trembling slit. As the best man stepped away, his older brother vacated my mouth, dragging his slobbery pipe over my nose and forehead with a chuckle. Luca lifted me by my elbows, getting me to a seated position on the leather. Catching my breath, I watched Nico rise from the bench and stand with his back to the bird display. Luca walked a half-circle around me, then lay on his back with his legs astride the seat.

Grabbing my wrists, Luca pulled me forward between his splayed legs and dragged me up to a standing pose. Mindful of my heals, I stepped over his legs and straddled his pelvis. Reaching below me to steady his erection as I lowered myself, the familiar head of his prick slid easily into my quim.

"Fuhhhhhhhk!" I groaned as his cock bottomed out in my womb. My heels scraped on the wood floor as I stabilized my feet. Squatting on top of Luca's dick, I levered my knees, rising and falling atop his rock-hard prick. His hands skimmed along my hips and belly before reaching their destination and scooping up heaping handfuls of my supple tits.