All Comments on 'Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 01'

by AVixenLiterally

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LesbianChickLitLesbianChickLitover 10 years ago

Damned interesting composition.

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago


I have been waiting so long for this, my beloved characters are back and now that i have completed this chapter, Words fail me for the first time ever!

OMG! Kara, what have you done? ...Ssssniiff


**Vixen, you have outdone yourself**

akeripperakeripperover 10 years ago

would one stay for these does indeed

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Such a fan!

Breathless, speechless and absolutely amazed. You've done it again. I'd pay for this story. It's in a league of its own. Can't wait for the next chapter. <3

idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago
I can't find the words...but I'll try...

Overall it is a brilliant first chapter and I applaud you Vixen and TOW, in putting this together. many I can't process it all. This story struck a cord with me, especially this line: "I want to hurt until the pain goes away."

I have been there and felt this same thing so I can truly understand where Kara is coming from.

Different from what I'm used to but in no way a let down. Actually it's, in my humble opinion, some of your best work to date.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
Oh wow

I was an emotional wreck at the end of chapter 6, thank you for giving us more. Congratulations to you and TOW for an excellent chapter.

Arago007Arago007over 10 years ago

I actually read this twice, likely will read it again as there is just so much to process. I did not read the original series, so I may need to go back a bit, but even so this was gut wrenching. I wish I knew where Kara was right now so I could go and save her, and yes I know how crazy that sounds, but that's also how real these characters seem to me.

Wildcat2013Wildcat2013over 10 years ago
The pain

Oh Vixen so much pain and so much hopelessness. I have been without hope… been afraid to breathe for fear of the pain. I have sought out physical pain because it hurts so much less than emotional pain.

It was so hard to read… Lissy is broken; Kara is so far beyond broken. How do you reconcile the knowledge that the pain you are feeling is your own damn fault? The pain you have caused the person who means more to you than anything in the world.

Vixen I do not know how you and TOW were able to write this. Its soooo painful. I think I am going to go curl up in my bed, pull the covers over my head and just wait for the pain to stop. I will see you next year well maybe the year after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Never Enough...


I'm an avid fan of your work. Even though this was a very emotionally charged chapter that tempts a gal to turn away and stop reading, your writing is so enthralling that I couldn't stop as each page flew by. Please keep writing in general and please continue with more of this story line so that you're followers aren't left hanging on such a dark thread.

Thanks to TOW for the collaboration and adding even more to your addictive characters. :)

lameezjohnsonlameezjohnsonover 10 years ago

I never saw a rating go up so fast. When i read all the comments about this story and how it rendered them speechless especially our gal, i decided to check it out. i never read the prior series but i am a girl on a mission now. This WAS gutwrenching. My heart went out to these two characters and it made me cry dammit. so real!!

I am so glad i found you Vixen, you are awesome

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago

While I had some clue where this was going from the previews, to see it all in context was earth-shattering.

A couple of things bugged me with both Lissy and Kara, though:

Lissy wonders why Kara doesn't call her. After the way she left, she made it QUITE clear that she wanted nothing to do with Kara, and didn't want her to speak, so Kara is actually acting quite rationally in respecting Lissy's wishes.

And Kara wonders why Lissy didn't come to her when she saw her. But Lissy only had a glimpse, then Kara ducked out of sight, Lissy wasn't even sure it was her.

And why didn't Kara look back into the restaurant and see that Lissy WASN'T with Bette?

Finally, why can't Rachel contact Kara? Maybe she could even set up a meeting between Lissy and Kara. I realize that this would change the whole plot, but if someone I loved was so miserable I would do everything in my power to try to help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
"Experienced" and relieved the wait is over...

I'm more like Kara than I thought! I've been stalking Lit, waiting for this latest installment. I about feinted when I saw it this morning and screamed at my dog to shut up so I could read in peace. GOD was it worth the wait. I've read it twice. It's so unlike your other stories. I love the alternating between Kara and Lissy.

Now, do I have this right? Your Kara wrote her part? Please say this isn't based on a true story. This is one of the most emotional stories I've read in my lifetime and I've been around quite a while. I can feel the connection between both the characters and the writers themselves. Brilliant!!!!!!!!! Enough said.

Skyler35Skyler35over 10 years ago
At last!

So dark and painful yet captivating. Kara deals with pain the only way she knows how. And Lissy?? Well that's another story all together. I'm overjoyed u wrote this, I've been waiting for so long!! 5 stars as usual..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Your best to date

Kudos to you for taking a chance on this story. It takes guts to put yourself out there and add to that something so emotionally charged. You got balls lady! ;)

It has paid off. This is your best writing yet. You and your co-author have a chemistry that is rare to find. Keep taking risks! And PUBLISH.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
To Anonymous

No, her "Kara" didn't write Kara's part (as far as we know!), but Vixen didn't. The Other Writer ("TOW") did.

Her/his identity will be revealed at the end.

DocSavage656DocSavage656over 10 years ago

Forgive me, for I am drained emotionally and must search for the right words.



Heartbreaking..., Heartbreaking..., Heartbreaking,

But still such a very necessary thing, this story.

I was devastated by the last few paragraphs of Book One, and left with so many questions. Now I'm afraid of the answers I was looking for.

The characters are so flesh and blood real, I just want to rescue Kara and Lissy from this turmoil and return them to the lovers they once were,

I couldn't help but hear the chorus of a recently popular song playing in the background of my mind as I read Kara's parts.

"But it was not your fault but mine

And it was your heart on the line

I really fucked it up this time

Didn't I, my dear?

Didn't I, my dear?"

AVL, you and the mysterious TOW have written an amazing new chapter to "A Match Made". I can't wait to see what you two have in store for us next!

Please don't ever stop writing. Yours is such a gift that must be shared with the world.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Vix and TOW,

You've taken this story to a new level. You've captured all of me. I don't quite know if I am ready for this ride but ready or not's begun. Thanks for not leaving us hanging. You both are wonderdul storytellers. Thanks for teaming up. Bravo!

The end of that chapter... I don't know what to say. I loved Kara in the first book, and I love her still. She has some huge demons ... I'm here until this tale is complete.

Great job!

MattAB99MattAB99over 10 years ago
Fast Crash and Burn

Powerful story, but if I'm not mistaken this story has a long way to go, so it seems a bit rushed for Kara to sink so low so quickly.

If she stays there for much of the story, it would seem hard for her to recover to re-connect with Lissy, if that is the plan.

But if she pulls herself up too quickly are we going to see repeated scenes of "There she is, quick, run away?"

Again, both of these are assuming that the ultimate plan is for them to recover their love. I suppose it's possible that they are fated to always be apart, maybe including a really dark fate for Kara.

Gonna be a trip, whatever happens!

MzFlyMzFlyover 10 years ago
An amazing and beautiful story

This is an outstanding introduction to book 2 in this series! It encompasses all the raw emotions of love, bliss, heartbreak and tragedy that so often accompany life. You and The Other Writer have done an excellent job of personalizing the voices of Kara and Lissy in a deeper, emotional way.

As a reader and fan I am preparing for another intense experience and choosing to surrender myself to your tale ;) Thank you for sharing your talents and creative bravery with us. I so look forward to discovering what you have in store!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
In love

Lissy will you marry me?

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago

Ok, first let me make it clear that I am on Team Kara, and want her and Lissy to be together at the end.

Having said that, I find her incredibly frustrating, and yes, I know she is damaged.

Leaving aside her mistakes in Book 1 that led to the breakup (I doubt that I need to reiterate them for anyone here!), let's look at what she has already done here, and this is only Chapter 1!

First, she sees Lissy in the coffee shop, can't talk to her.

Then sees her again, and as soon as Lissy seems to spot her, ducks away (and then criticizes Lissy for not coming to her!)

Then sees her yet AGAIN at the restaurant, sees Bette there, assumes the worst then goes off the deep end. And instead of calling Kelly she goes to Veronica and starts doing god only knows what drugs.

And yes, I know she thinks she's worthless and deserves the pain, but if she even has a GLIMMER of hope of getting back with Lissy she had better get her head out of her ass and work for it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Been down that road

There are many reasons I started reading erotica online and this site in particular. Foremost, I was ashamed of myself. I thought I was sick and alone. While these stories are fantasies, they have begun to fill a void in my life. I haven't had the pleasure of reading all of your stories yet but the ones I have, touched me.

This one has struck an all too familiar cord. I've read all of the comments about this story so far and see that I'm not the only one who can relate to your skillfully imagined characters. Also it seems some, thankfully, don't understand what Kara is going through. Where you have to be emotionally to reach where she is. It's under the bottom. It's a place in your mind you should never go.

I've been there. You are starved for physical pain to numb you - even for a second. It's unthinkable, unimaginable for most, but I can promise you it's very real. Someone mentioned they don't understand how Kara is so scrambled, why she can't make what seem like logical decisions or choices. They should be thankful they don't get it. Personally, I see Kara's behavior to be frighteningly realistic. I cried for most of her dialogue. Either the author of her character has been there or her muse is a dark one. So much emotion was ripped from me. It is masterful how she describes the absolute desperation and agony of a haunted and heartbroken woman.

Let me not forget to say how the voices of these two authors are seamlessly woven. Beautifully done ladies. I'm in awe of the talent you two have and that I'm able to enjoy it. I'm anxiously waiting the next chapter. - A forever fan

AVixenLiterallyAVixenLiterallyover 10 years agoAuthor
Dear "Been down that road"

Please, please, please write to me through the site!! I would like to speak to you about your comment and your experience(s). And thank you so much for having the courage to post your comment - even anonymously. :: soft smile ::

~ AVL ~

janny54janny54over 10 years ago

vixen and tow, for the most part i am speachless. brilliantly written by both, i am at a loss for the right words to express what i feel after reading this chapter. i was not prepared for the darkness and the depths this story would take. the lengths kara would go to from her own pain and misunderstanding of what was happening. it was very difficult for me to read through the tears. i know there are many that feel what kara is feeling and go to the lengths she has gone or even further. and lissy is in her own world of hurt. the love they still feel for each other is evident. but how to work through it is the issue. and first they must work on healing themselves.

i know i will have to reread this again to try and grasp the full meaning of all the details.

i look forward to chapter 2 to see how all of this will continue... thank you!

rkolnerrkolnerover 10 years ago
It's in the details...

Vixen you've always drawn me in with your characterization and your latest is no exception. The genius in your writing is how the details not only lend to the reader being enveloped into the world of your characters but also allows their imaginations to run wild. The comments on your stories always have questions and intense emotions from the reader. This is tribute to the fantasies you take us on. I can't wait to see where we're going next...

ShesUrDreamShesUrDreamover 10 years ago
I was too shaken to comment earlier.

Wow! I read a lot on the site. Seldom have I been so moved, so shaken, so tearful after reading a story. I thought the end of the first "Made" was shocking. I wondered if there was more to be said. Um, it seems so!

And, for me, this was nothing like what I expected. Soft smile... I see I'm a little late to the party in terms of views, votes and comments. Ah well... better late than never. Especially in this case!! My word this was wonderful. And very, very hard to read. These two are a mess.

What a wonderful way to spend a perfectly miserable Thursday. Thank you so much for several great hours of breathtaking and... oh my god, I don't know what else to say.

PatchumzPatchumzover 10 years ago
This was perfect.

We've chatted before and I mentioned one of my criticisms was the lack of variety in the writing style making all the characters seem same-y. This is perfect. Kara really feels like a different person in a different position, since they're definitely not in the same position. I loved this, and I'm at a loss for words to describe it. I just hope it doesn't take **too** long for the next chapter.

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

No matter how many times i read this chapter, reaching the end of it leaves the same emotion each and everytime..........DEVASTATION! In my earlier comment, words failed me and to be honest, it continues to elude me. This chapter is so riveting, i feel compelled to write something.... anything, to try and explain my feelings. My heart bleeds for all Lissy's pain and anger, it screams out at you, page after page as she struggles to come to terms with Kara's betrayal and the loss of a beautiful and perfect relationship. Kara was her soul mate, the love of her life and she is everywhere, even if she manages to remove all physical traces of her from her life, it would be impossible to do so with her heart, mind and soul. She is fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends who support and understand her.

My heart simply broke for Kara ... ssniff... i had to stop reading for a moment to compose myself. So much heartbreak, sadness, suffering and desolation. I am no stranger to pain and suffering, but it was/is nothing compared to Kara's. Now some might remind me that this is only a work of fiction, but these two characters wormed their way into my heart from the start and are so real to me, that every emotion they feel..... I Feel! Kara's chaotic and rambling thoughts berating herself over and over again for the break-up, had me reaching for the tissues. The thought of her being so lost and alone with no-one to comfort her, had me instinctively reaching out my hands towards her..smh.. Her subsequent plan to return to "hell" to prove something to herself, made me flinch and every humiliating and painful degrading act she was forced to act out or participate in, made me want to lash out at something (preferably the authors) shrug.. for allowing this to happen to my beloved Kara. What happened to Kara on page 07 defies description, it was/is .. Gut wrenching. Oh Kara!

Chapter 01 had me reeling from all the emotions it evoked in me, Omg, I feel so helpless!!!!

This is a Brilliant Composition between two amazing writers, who understand and read each other perfectly, bringing forth a chapter so real and riveting, it mesmerizes you!

Well done Vixen and TOW!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Desprately trying to calm my thoughts concerning the horror, pain and devastation of Kara's predicament, struggling to pen my thoughts, i decided to read through the previous comments for some inspiration. I went no further than the previous one because everything i thought, wanted to write and felt, was written there. I was in a very sombre mood so with tears rolling down my cheeks, i proceeded to read the comment. All of a sudden, an earsplitting grin crossed my face at this cheeky sentence ' I wanted to lash out at something: preferably the authors, for causing my beloved Kara so much pain, shrug?' LOL LOL LOL IT WAS PERFECT!!! echoing my sentiments exactly, although i would not have dared to voice my opinion LOL and then thanks them in the footnote for their brilliance', i could not stop smiling at such sassiness. I guess i really needed that after reading this chapter. I have followed this story from the start and even though the end of Book 1 devastated me, it was nothing compared to this chapter. Vixen you are amazing and imho, this is one of your best so thanks to you and TOW for sharing this heartwrenching but brilliant chapte

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Why the mystery?

Absolutely or is it Absotively? :) a wonderfully written chapter to what looks to be something quite different from your norm. I applaud you taking another direction and pulling it off without a hitch (so far!).

My question is why is the identity of the writer for Kara being kept a secret? I went to your website first and couldn't find anything about it. Is it just a way to enhance the mystery of the story or does the other writer not want her (I think it being a man is highly unlikely) identity revealed???? Or is there another reason? I'm not a member of your website and would like to know when or where this information will be released. I would very much like to read other stories by this writer.

Thank you for your willingness to share your talent. I will keep a look out for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I had no idea what I was in store for. This is so unlike book one, it's charged with emotion. After being left at the alter with the last chapter I was tentative when I started. Holy crapness I was sucked in immediately. The elevator gave me chills and likewise the last page got me again. The addition of Kara's writing has elevated the writing by Lissy ten fold. I hope you two continue to write together. It's a beautiful thing to witness and SCARY as hell. I'm skipping dinner and moving to chapter two. I think maybe I should have a shot or twelve of something before I begin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

One of the most powerful and emotional stories I've read. PERIOD. I'd read anything you wrote. Can't wait to get more. <3 <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Almost perfect

A perfect beginning to a tragic ending in the first book. Digging the dual writing and can't wait to read more. A+++++

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Why is this story's rating so low? One of the best I've read. On here or Amazon. Avixen you could easily publish a digital version. I would stand in line.

AVixenLiterallyAVixenLiterallyabout 10 years agoAuthor
:: shrug ::

To Anon...

I won't answer publicly. If you would write to me through the site I'd be happy to tell you what I know and what I suspect. Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. Please be sure to check my bio... wink ~ AVL ~

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Book TWO!

I'm through Book 1 and infatuated to the ninth. Never have I been connected to the people in a story like I am with these. I cheated and read a few of the reviews for the next book. I'm beyond excited.

@Lissy - her closeness with Rachel is so like mine with my youngest. I had tears of happy and laughs out loud at their interactions. On a different road - the way Lissy is open to new adventures in the bedroom is //inspiring.

@Kara - I know you did what you did for a reason. I need to know - Lissy needs to know. You are such a breathtakingly sexy woman //nods to the writer.

@Author - thank thank thank you for sharing this gut wrenching, beautiful and off the deep end sultry story. I haven't actually read chapter 1 of book 2 but I'm on the edge of my seat. This is your best work yet //thumbs up //wink

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Love your decision to have a co-author to bring a voice to Kara. Was a bold and brave decision. One you did incredible well with.

Both of you have such an amazing flow yet a unique difference that highlights the individual characters state of mind and emotions perfectly.

Much love as always


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