Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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"Thanks so much for walking me home Matt," Erica said happily as they neared her building.

"Well I'm happy to have done it and don't take this the wrong way, but I couldn't exactly say no when my Dad put it out there like that."

"Yeah, you didn't have a way out that would have left you looking very good," Erica laughed.

"Yeah, exactly! My only regret is that Dad thought of it first. I should have offered on my own."

"Ahh don't worry about it, If you hadn't have walked me I'd have just taken a cab. This was a lot more pleasant though. Well, this is me."

"I'd better see you all the way inside. I can just imagine what Mum and Dad would say if I told them I'd just left you at the front gate to the house."

"Fine by me," Erica said with a smile. He followed her up the garden path to the front door where Erica paused and turned to face him. "So, I was wondering something Matt."

"Shoot," he replied.

"I really want to kiss you and Bec told me you're not seeing anyone, so would it be okay if I kissed you good night and in thanks for walking me home?" Matt felt trapped. Saying no would likely hurt her and Bec had told her he was single. He couldn't come up with a viable reason to say no on the spot.

"Of course it would," he replied after only a momentary pause. Erica's face lit up at his response and she stepped eagerly in to him, eyes sparkling and her tongue quickly flicking across her lips to moisten them.

Matt bent his head and found her hands at his waist as she tipped her head back. Their lips met and Erica's pointed tongue flicked at his lips, almost bird-like in the way it darted out. He parted his own lips, figuring if he was going to kiss her he'd better do it well enough that he didn't appear to be holding back. Their tongues met and tentatively explored each other.

Matt kissed Erica until he felt it wouldn't be impolite to stop and then eased himself back, disengaging. Erica sighed and smiled at him.

"Thank you, someone's taught you well," she said with a grin.

"Er, thanks?" Matt laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm not about to hunt her down to thank her or anything!"

"Ha, that would be funny, but its cool because its not like it was just one person ... let's just say accumulated experience ... but not like with a heap of girls or anything."

"Well, hopefully I get a chance to add to that learning experience," Erica suggested.

"You never know your luck in a big city," Matt replied with a cheeky grin. He leaned in and gave her a quick, final peck as he would have if he were actually available. "Night Erica, see you next time."

"Good night Matt, thanks again."

Matt's mind ran at a hundred miles an hour on the way home. He knew he'd have to tell Bec about the kiss but was genuinely worried about how to approach the conversation

With the whole family still being awake when he arrived home, he braced himself for the anticipated inquisition.

"Nice walk?" Bec asked.

"I hope you were a gentleman," his mother added before he even had a chance to answer his sister.

"Yes, and of course," he replied.

"Give the guy a break," his father admonished his wife and daughter.

"Yeah, give me a break, after all, I wasn't really left with much of a choice, was I?"

"Oh the poor boy had to walk a pretty girl home," his mother teased him.

Matt childishly stuck his tongue out at her.

"I think I might head to bed," he advised his family.

"Fair enough," Derek replied. "Might do the same myself.

"Well I guess that's it for tonight then," Bec joined in.

"Well I certainly won't be sitting and drinking alone," Heather laughed, moving to put her glass on the sink.

After quickly tidying, up the family all set about getting ready for bed, Bec joining her brother in her bed again.

"I still can't believe we're actually sharing a bed with our parents in the next room," Matt whispered to his sister while his fingers sought bare patches of her skin to caress.

"You should have worked out by now that life's always better with me in it Matt," she whispered back, working her way close enough for her lips to find his in the dark.

"You're not wrong there Bec."

"Never wrong," she replied, tongue slipping between his lips. They kissed tenderly, lips melded together, tongues gently caressing one another.

Matt hardened as he kissed his sister and roamed his hands over her body, enjoying the touch of her smooth skin. He rolled on top off her, the pillow wall having not been instated, and continued to kiss her, his hard cock grinding against her pyjama-clad pussy. The low-throated groan she gave in response only fuelled his desire more.

"Not now Matt," Bec muttered, even though her legs had parted and she was working her hips to grind herself against his stiffness. He rolled back to his side of the bed and sighed. His sister's hand closed over his erection and squeezed.

"That's not really helping Bec," he whispered with a laugh.

"Yeah, I know, but it feels so good ... its me I don't trust. If I thought I could fuck you quietly, I would."

"Probably shouldn't make our parents feel like they should go home at the earliest possibility either," Matt laughed quietly

"Yeah, I don't think they'd take that too well."

Matt lay on his back, staring into the room's darkness, eyes unfocussed but mind active. He thought back to the kiss with Erica. It spun a web through his thoughts and refused to go away.

"Bec, there's something I need to talk to you about," he all but whispered.

"Can it wait?" she mumbled.

"Not really. I mean, yeah, it can, but I'd rather talk to you about it now."

"Okay, shoot."

"Erica and I kissed."


"That's it? Oh?"

"Why? Did you want me to yell and scream?"

"I dunno, I guess I wasn't sure how you'd take it, I mean ... she's your friend and well I feel pretty bad about it, but well as lame as it sounds, I kind of ran out of reasons not to and felt a bit cornered."


"Well, yeah, 'cause apparently you told her I'm not seeing anyone which made me available and once that was established, it was tricky to come up with a decent reason not to, especially when we'd had such a nice chat while I was walking her home. Like the whole thing felt like something of a set up to be honest."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"The kiss? It wasn't horrible," Matt replied.

"Wasn't horrible?" Bec giggled quietly in the dark. "Is that how you describe my blow jobs?"

"Oh definitely not! That requires words like awesome, amazing, spectacular ..."

"Yeah yeah, I get it, so why not horrible for the kiss? For some reason I thought Erica would be a good kisser. I mean, she's hot enough at least."

"Well fine, it was lovely, but like, it wasn't you."

"Mmm, you say the sweetest things when you're scrambling," Bec teased him.

"Well it's true. I mean, I wasn't looking for it, you know? So yeah, it was nice, but I wasn't chasing it or anything, so it was just a kiss."

"Would you kiss her again?"

"Under what circumstances?"

"What do you mean, under what circumstances?

"Well like, I kissed her this time because I felt like I didn't really have a reason not to that wouldn't make her suspicious or offend her in some way. And you're my girlfriend, so like, I'm not about to go chasing another kiss!"

"Okay, right, so what about when you next see her and she wants another kiss?"

"God, I guess ... well, I guess I would yeah, like otherwise what do I say? Sorry Erica, the last kiss didn't really do it for me?"

"Bit of a pickle huh?"

"Bit of a pickle? That's what you've got to say? Are you actually enjoying this?"

"A little bit, yeah," Bec giggled.

"If I didn't think Mum and Dad would freak out, I'd sit on you and tickle you until you peed yourself."

"Promises, promises," Bec replied. Matt settled for finding her nipple under the covers and giving it a little tweak. Bec bit back a yelp and slapped his hand.

"Look, I don't mind if you kiss Erica a little."

"A little?"

"Look, Erica has been into you for like ages and she kept pestering me about whether you were seeing anyone. And like what could I say? You're seeing me? No, and I wasn't about to say you were into guys ..."

"Thanks," Matt interrupted.

"... so I just like let her know that if she got a shot she should take it. And of course Dad had to suggest you escort her home. They were both clued in to how much Erica has the hots for you. I should have walked with you, but I'm sure Mum would have found a way to keep me here anyway. I had a fair idea that once Erica had you alone she'd take the shot I said she should. And now she's going to want more and I don't want you to be an asshole, so if you need to kiss her and date for a bit, then that's what you're going to have to do."


"Mhmm. It's not like I love the idea. I mean, I don't actually want to share you, but I think you need to give her a bit of a chance. Does that make any sense?"

"Weirdly yes?"

"It's a bit of a mess yeah?"

"That's the truth. I'm just glad you're so understanding."

"Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan, I just feel partially responsible for getting you into this position. If she starts talking about getting your pants off I'm not sure I'll be able to take it."

"I guess I'll have to try to dial down the charm then and not be so wonderful."

"Yeah, maybe. Anyway, I gotta sleep Matt."

'Yeah, night Bec."

"Night Brofriend," Bec whispered back. She gave her brother a brief, intimate kiss and then rolled to her side of the bed in search of sleep.

Matt lay thinking for quite some time before he was able to find the sleep that seemed to come so quickly to his sister.

According to Bec, the morning was blessedly clear of any signs of their parents fucking in the room next door. Matt wasn't sure whether he was glad of that or not, because Bec managed to control herself and didn't repeat the antics of the prior morning.

--- +++ ---

"It's been great to see you two looking after each other and getting along so well kids. It's been wonderful to catch up and hopefully it won't be too long until we can drop in again, or you come back home during your break?" Heather said to her kids as they shared a final breakfast.

"Don't worry, we'll be home again soon enough," Bec assured her mother.

"Yeah, nothing quite beats your roasts Mum, so I'll definitely be back for that," Matt assured her mother. "I'll definitely be back during break for a good feed."

"Good feed? Hey, there's nothing wrong with my cooking," Bec objected.

"Of course there isn't! I'm certainly not criticising your cooking Sis! Its just that I love Mum's roasts," Matt said to placate her.

The family finished breakfast together and Derek and Heather departed to drive back to Sydney.

As they walked back into the apartment, Bec jumped into her brother's arms and plunged her tongue into his mouth, kissing him with all the pent up passion she'd contained during their parents' visit. Matt caught her with his hands under her butt to support her while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Matt walked to the kitchen counter and deposited his sister on it, hands immediately pulling at her t-shirt to get it up and over her head. The instant it was clear he kissed her again while his fingers released her bra and then began sorting out the fastenings of her jeans.

"God I need this so bad Matt," Bec groaned as he worked her jeans down and off her legs, to be greeted by a simple black cotton thong. Matt pushed his sister's legs apart and unceremoniously pulled the thong to one side while dropping his face between her legs. His tongue lapped at her pussy, slipped between her lips and then dragged up to assault her clit. Bec sighed happily and leaned back on her elbows on the kitchen counter while Matt went to work, determined to get her off and give her the orgasm she clearly needed.

He diligently worked his tongue around and over her clit, sometimes flicking it, sometimes swirling it but always listening tor the vocal cues Bec gave him when she was feeling particularly good. He flattened his tongue against the swollen little nub and then rocked it firmly back and forth until Bec's breathing became ragged as she approached orgasm. Just as she was about to tip over the edge, he ran it down to her slit instead.

"You fucker!" Bec moaned. "Don't tease me Matt, I need it so bad!" She grabbed his head and pulled his face against her pussy to let him know just how much she did in fact need it.

Matt reached up to get a hand on a tit while using the other to hold her swollen lips open enough to get his tongue back on her clit.

"That's it Matt, right there," Bec gasped. "Lick me right there you fucker!

Matt said nothing and simply set about stimulating her clit again. He didn't bother teasing her again, knowing she'd likely hold it against him and return it in equal measure if he were to deny her a second time.

Bec panted desperately and the wailed aloud when she came, a gush of pussy juice accompanying her cry. Matt stood and watched as her pussy contracted again and again from her orgasm.

"Yes, that's more like it!" She crowed after she'd taken a few moments to recover. Now how about you take me somewhere more comfortable and fill me with your nice fat cock?"

"Might be able to do that," he laughed, taking her hand to pull her first into a sitting position before he had her wrap her legs around him again and lifted her with his hands under her tight buttocks. He stepped back and lifted her enough that his cock nestled against her lips and then lowered her, impaling her as she went.

"That feels so fucking good Matt," Bec purred.

"I know," he replied simply, carrying her through to her bedroom. He lifted her from his dick and lowered her to the bed. "Fuck you look amazing Bec."

"You say the sweetest things Matt," she smiled before quickly moving to her knees. Mat had intended to give her the pounding she'd asked for, but given how quickly she hoovered his cock into her mouth, he figured she'd decided on a little interlude. He wasn't about to stop her, but he also wanted to make sure he exploded inside her, so after a minute or so of her lips sliding gloriously up and down his erection, he gently pushed her head away and then told her to get on her hands and knees.

Bec positioned herself with her knees near the foot of the bed so her pussy was at a convenient height and angle for her brother to simply step in behind her. He needily shoved his cock into her sopping wet, tight, post-orgasmic pussy and grabbed hold of her hips.

"Oh god yes, like that Matt, pound me good," Bec moaned as he started to drive his dick in and out. He watched her drop her chest to the bed and reach out in front of her, fingers curling in the bed-covers to hold them tight as he started fucking her harder and faster.

"Fuck fuck fuck, yes yes yes!!!!!" Bec wailed, clearly happy to be able to let out all her desire and frustration again. "Fill my cunt Matt, fucking fill it!" she demanded after a good hard pounding.

"Oh shit," Matt moaned, his fingers holding his sister's hips in a vice-like grip. He drove his dick as far into her as he could, his balls mashed against her and the head of his cock feeling like it was trying to spear into her cervix. He exploded. Cum blasted Bec's womb and sent her over the edge, her pussy contracting around her brother's throbbing cock as it continued to eject its load deep within her. Only when it was clear there wasn't going to be any more did Bec collapse forward onto the bed, heedless of the cum that began seeping from her pussy.

"You always fuck me so good Matt," Bec purred as she enjoyed her pussy's post-orgasm spasms while it oozed cum.

"Ditto," Matt replied, panting. He dropped onto the bed and lay on his back beside her.

--- +++ ---

"Hey Matt, your phone's ringing, its Erica!" Bec yelled so she could be heard over the shower.

"Thanks, can you answer it? I'll get out to talk to her."

"Hey Erica, it's me, Bec. Yeah, Matt's in the shower but he's getting out if you hang on a sec. No, I'm not going into the bathroom ... brother issues!" Matt heard his sister saying even as he walked naked and dripping into the living area to take his phone from her.

"Hey Erica, what's up?" he said. Bec gave a very pointed look at her brother's naked body and while he started talking Erica, dropped to her knees and all but inhaled his cock. She lost track of what he was saying as she indulged herself and avoided his less-than-persistent efforts to stop her.

"Sure, that would be great. Five thirty it is, see you then," was all she made out of the rest of the conversation.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"I'm meeting Erica to see a movie and have some dinner tonight."

Bec pulled away from his now rock-hard cock. "A date?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. I mean was I supposed to say no? You were the one that said I should probably 'date her a bit.'"

"Yeah, but you say yes while I'm sucking your dick?"

"Hey, its not like I said please suck me while I talk to your friend ..."

"Yeah, fine. I guess," Bec said.

Even to Matt who was often oblivious to his sister's signals it was clear she wasn't happy with the prospect of him going out.

"Well no one else is going to get to do it Bec ..."

"What, dinner and a movie?"

"No, suck me," he replied, knowing it was the wrong thing to say the instant it was out of his mouth.

"You got the no-one part right," she pouted and stood up.

"Bec, wait ..."

She didn't. She retreated to the bedroom and closed the door, making it clear she didn't want him following. Matt sighed and went to 'his room' where he at least had clothes. He had a lecture to get to and so quickly dressed.

"Bec, I have to go to a lecture, but can we talk later?" he called out through her bedroom door. There was no answer and so after glancing at his watch, he left, his mood completely ruined.

Matt attended his lecture, though struggled for focus, worried about his sister's reaction. He felt guilty, but angry as well. After all, she was the one who had essentially put him in the position. Even with that thought in his mind though he felt guilty that agreeing to the date with Erica had clearly upset Bec. He sighed, packed his things and left the hall at the end of the lecture and headed for home, hoping to smooth things over with Bec before he went to the movie with Erica.

She wasn't home when he arrived back at the apartment and there wasn't any indication of where she'd gone. He texted her to check in, but didn't receive a response. She was clearly pissed.

Part of him knew that the best thing he could do would be cancel and stay home ... at least to keep his sister happy, but the part of him that held to the issue of her putting him in the situation with Erica said to go. He waited around for Bec, deciding that if she showed up before he left, he'd call Erica and cancel, but when there was no sign of his sister, he went on the date.

Erica was excited to see him, greeting him with a quick kiss and her enthusiasm quickly rubbed off on him, lifting him from the funk he'd left the house in. She wore a mid-riff baring crop top that highlighted the curve of her breasts beautifully, along with a short skirt that flared nicely with the sway of her butt as she walked. Brown ankle boots with a small heel capped off her outfit.

"You look gorgeous," Matt complimented her when she met him outside.

"Thank you Matt, its nice of you to say so," Erica replied with a smile before taking his hand. Matt led her to where he'd parked and they drove together to the cinema, Erica chatting happily and continuing to lift Matt's mood.

They grabbed popcorn and tickets and settled in near the back of the only slightly occupied cinema where there wasn't anyone sitting behind them.