Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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"Yeah, probably, I hadn't thought that far to be honest."

"I'm not saying you'd absolutely have to, but I just want to understand how committed you'd be before we get too far into it.

"I could go too," Bec blurted out, worried that she'd miss a chance to introduce the thought to the discussion.

"What?" Heather asked in shock.

"I could go too. I could apply to the same Uni to do my marketing degree and live with Matt. It wouldn't really add to the expenses and I could work part time to help out too."

"Well that's a different proposition," Derek hedged.

"It would be a shock," Heather added. "Going from having both of you I living at home to being empty-nesters.

"Well before anyone panics or commits to anything, lets have a look at it all properly and see how viable it might be."

"Thanks Dad, that would be awesome," Matt replied.

With dinner and clean up done, Matt and Bec excused themselves and retreated to Matt's room where they discussed the exciting prospect of an interstate move and living together.

--- +++ ---

"So this is really happening," Derek said, standing beside the loaded car.

"Yeah, it really is," Matt agreed.

"I can't believe I'm losing both of you at the same time," Heather sighed.

"you're not losing us Mum, we're only going to Melbourne, its not like you can't visit, there's like probably 20 planes a day or something.

"Yes, but its not the same and you know it."

"Well we promise not to love you any less," Bec teased. Heather seized her in a hug before doing the same to Matt. Derek also hugged each of his children and then Matt and Bec climbed into the Nissan Pulsar and they said a final farewell before pulling away from the kerb.

"Can you believe this?" Bec gushed as they headed toward the highway.

"It's kind of surreal, isn't it. Like, I struggle to comprehend that Mum and Dad were okay with it and so helpful in letting us realise the dream, let alone processing that we'll be living in an apartment together and able to fuck as much as we want whenever we want."

"God, it could be kind of risky when you say it like that. Like what if I wear your dick out?"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Good because I'm probably going to put it to the test ... see whose bits quit first."

"Well I guess odds are its mine. I'm pretty sure that's just a factor of being male."

"Yeah, poor inferior biology."

--- +++ ---

"Here we are Bec," Matt declared, pulling the car into the building's carpark in Ascot Vale.

"I can't believe we're here!" Bec said happily.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's get the car unloaded and then maybe we can explore the area a bit and find somewhere to get some dinner."

"Or ... we could go up and start christening the apartment?" Bec suggested.

"Or we can be sensible because we have like forever to get up to the kinky stiff but we really need to know more about where we're living?"

"Good God, what have you done with my brother?!" Bec exclaimed in mock outrage.

After some discussion practicality won, but only after Matt had fought off his sister's advances (even though he was inwardly cursing himself for an idiot when he did so).

They spent the afternoon exploring the neighbourhood and shopping for groceries, essentials and things they had forgotten to bring with them from home.

"Should we try out the local for dinner?" Matt suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good. I don't really feel like cooking, so it's a great idea."

They changed and headed to the Union Hotel where they enjoyed a meal together, Matt ordering a schnitzel, while Bec opted for a piece of salmon.

While they ate, Matt teased Bec's leg under the table.

"Not sure you should be doing that, remember?" Bec said quietly even though she knew no-one would be paying them any attention.

"Yeah, but this has been like the best day ever Bec."

"It has, hasn't it?" Bec replied, beaming. "But you were the one that told me we couldn't go out and about as boyfriend and girlfriend because of who might see us."

"Yeah, I must have been all kinds of stupid," Matt laughed.

"No, it was entirely the right thing to do. Besides, its not like you have to wait forever, you can totally do me as soon as we get back to the apartment."

"Yeah, but I'm horny now," Matt laughed.

"Restraint will be good for you," Bec teased.

"Doubt it."

"Did you see the flyer for the band on Saturday night?" Bec asked him after returning from the bathroom through the meal.

"Can't say that I did."

"Well there's a band and I think we should come back and see some live music together, what do you reckon?"

"Sure, its not like we have any other plans."

They finished their meals, enjoyed another drink and then headed back to their new home. Despite Matt's insistence on having been horny throughout the meal, it wasn't until they went to bed together that anything sexual happened. They enjoyed a bout of slow but intense love-making to celebrate their new home before drifting off to sleep together.

--- +++ ---

When Saturday rolled around, Matt and Bec spent the day out and about, exploring their surrounds and seeing what there was to do, sneaking the occasional opportunity to kiss like the horny young lovers they were, enjoying their anonymity and the fact no one knew they were related.

They ate lunch at a local café and then returned to the apartment in the afternoon to rest up and change before their trip to the pub.

Matt donned jeans and a t-shirt for the evening while Bec pulled on a short black skirt, a tight white top that clung beautifully to her breasts and a pair of black ankle boots with a short heel that would boost her height a little without putting her ankles at risk.

They went early enough to enjoy a meal and then had a couple of drinks while they waited for the band to start.

By the time the band did get going, Matt and Bec were a little buzzed from their drinks and as the night wore on, became less conscious of their surrounds and less inhibited in how they displayed their affection for each other.

The crowd wasn't huge, but there were enough people for them to lose themselves and so they enjoyed dancing together, hands wandering over each other's bodies in a way that made it obvious to anyone around them they were intimately together.

Matt's hand snaked between his sister's legs under her flirty little skirt and her thighs parted enough to allow him access and to discover that she'd neglected to wear panties.

"Damn Bec, kinda adventurous," he whispered in her ear as his fingers explored her pussy, which turned out to be well-lubricated.

"Took you long enough to notice," she groaned as a finger slipped between her lips.

"Well its not like I've had a lot of prior opportunity tonight," he replied, grinding a rapidly hardening cock against her.

"I guess that's true," she moaned into his ear, loving the feel of his erection against her. She reached down and groped it, giving it a good firm squeeze. "But don't you think maybe we're a bit too public?"

"There's enough people here that we're okay," Matt groaned, fingers playing with her pussy.

"I can't believe I have to be the one to calm things," Bec giggled, taking him by the wrist and extracting his hand from her skirt. She brought his fingers to her mouth and sucked her juices from them.

They continued to dance and enjoy themselves, occasionally getting amorous before one or the other found the will power to back off.

"Right, we're going to take a break, but we'll be back soon, you've been a great crowd!" The lead singer announced after the band had been playing for a good three quarters of an hour. "And for that lovely young couple getting into each other even more than the music back there, do me a favour and if you get pregnant tonight, name the kid after us!"

Mat and Bec were mortified to find him pointing in their direction. They were greeted with a chorus of cheers from the rest of the crowd and in unspoken agreement withdrew and headed for home.

"So much for keeping a low profile," Bec laughed as they made their way back to their apartment. "I mean, that was a huge fucking turn on you know. I once suggested to Josh that we fuck in his backyard, but he was too much of a wimp. And now that I have someone that might, we can't afford to risk it and we don't have a yard!"

"Damn Sis! I'd totally fuck you in it right now if we had one!" he moaned, giving Bec's tight little ass a firm squeeze. She slapped his hand away playfully.

"We really should keep to the pact of keeping things private hey?" Bec sighed.

"Yeah, we really do need to sorry," he agreed with a sigh

"Don't be sorry, just fuck me thoroughly when we get home!"


The door had barely closed before Matt had his sister in his arms, tongue exploring her mouth and his rock-hard cock grinding against her. His need was matched by hers and moments later they were stripping each other's clothes from their bodies.

With her brother's pants off, Bec pushed him back to the couch until he sat with a thump. She dropped to her knees and all but inhaled his cock, her warm mouth enveloping him.

"Oh fuck yeah Bec, that's amazing," Matt groaned, tangling his fingers in her hair. Bec lingered, her initial hunger and desire tempering slightly but she remained attentive, keeping Matt iron-hard and close to orgasm.

As much as Matt enjoyed it, he didn't want it to be all about him. He drew his sister from the floor and quickly swapped places, kneeling before his sister so he could worship at the temple that was her pussy. His tongue caressed and teased, taking her as close to the height of her pleasure as she had taken him. She pulled at her nipples and squeezed her breasts as Matt pleasured her.

"God Matt, get your cock in me, please, I need it so bad," she moaned.

"As if I could resist that," he groaned in response. He moved so that his cock head was nestled against her wet lips and then thrust easily inside her, sliding inside until he was buried deep. Pulling back he thrust deep inside again, his body slapping audibly against hers. Having both been taken to the brink, neither of them was likely to last long and their sex became frenzied again.

Bec came first, with a squeal of glee and Matt thrust deep, holding himself inside her to enjoy the feel of her exploding around him. He only gave her a few moments though before he resumed thrusting urgently to bring himself to climax. He gave a cry of joy as he exploded into his sister's womb.

"Well damn, that's gonna need a clean up!" Bec laughed when Matt pulled his cock from her and their combined juices all but sluiced from her pussy. Matt laughed with her, but told her he'd take care of it and then join her in bed.

--- +++ ---

Over the next couple of weeks Bec and Matt navigated their way into and through Uni life, meeting people, making friends and getting into their studies. They kept their sex life private and secret, making sure they presented their apartment in a manner that looked like a brother and sister shared it rather than their reality of a brother and sister sharing a bed. It didn't take long for them to have fucked in every room and on every surface in the relatively small place, but it was a novelty rather than a driver of their sexual journey.

--- +++ ---

"Hey Matt, this is Erica," Bec introduced a new friend one Saturday afternoon a month after the term had started. "We're both doing Microeconomics and have teamed up for a group assignment."

"Nice to meet you Erica," Matt replied, not really paying a lot of attention other than to note the blonde-haired girl was attractive.

"And you. Bec seems to rave about you, which is weird 'cause like you're her brother, but hey we can't all have asshole siblings I suppose."

"Okaaaay," Matt replied with a smile, a little taken aback.

"Sorry, over-sharing," Erica laughed.

"No kidding," Bec joined in. "And yes, we have a weirdly cordial sibling relationship where we live together and sometime even go out in public together!"

"Super-weird!" Erica laughed, dropping her backpack to the floor and taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"You don't mind if we study here do you?" Bec checked with Matt.

"Nah, I wasn't really loving this anyway," Matt replied, pausing the Netflix show he'd been watching. "I'll leave you two to it. Might go see if there's anyone up for an afternoon session at the pub."

"Ooh that sounds better than studying," Erica suggested to Bec.

"We can go later if you end up there, but we really need to get this started Erica."

"Yeah, you're right of course."

"I'll message you if that's where I end up," Matt offered.

"Yeah, that would be cool,' Bec replied thankfully.

"Definitely," Erica chimed in.

"You're brother's not seeing anyone is he?" Erica questioned Bec one Matt had left the apartment.

"What? I don't think so," Bec replied, caught off-guard.

"You don't' think so? Like you live together yeah, surely you'd know? And by the way ... how come you never told me how cute he is?"

"Oh my God, Erica! Firstly, eww, he's my brother, why would I ever consider if he's cute and secondly, no, he's never had anyone here or mentioned anyone, but then, maybe if he was seeing someone he'd avoid bringing her here because of me being his sister?"

"I'll just take that as he's not seeing anyone," Erica replied happily.

Bec just rolled her eyes and wished it had at least taken more than thirty seconds for Erica to start showing interest in her brother given he was her secret boyfriend as well.

Bec and Erica buried themselves in their assignment until Bec's phone pinged to indicate an incoming message.

"Looks like Matt's found some friends to keep him at the pub," Bec informed her friend with a chuckle.

"We should definitely go join him."

"We're almost done, then we can go," Bec replied. Erica sighed, clearly eager to ditch the books for fun. Bec held her there long enough that they'd be ahead of the game when the Uni week started and then agreed to go join Matt at the pub.

"I don't suppose you have something I could borrow to wear?" Erica asked, taking a look down at the track pants and baggy sweater she was wearing. "I mean I could go change, but it will be much quicker if I can borrow something."

"Sure, let's take a look," Bec suggested.

A short time later Erica was wearing one of Bec's short black skirts and a fitted red top. Bec watched Erica change with a critical eye, checking out what might be thrown at her brother.

There was a lot to like in what she saw and the fact she was so incredibly nice would likely mean she was of interest to Matt. She could only hope he wouldn't be too interested in what he saw.

Having seen the 'competition', Bec opted for a quick change herself. She pulled on the tightest pair of jeans she owned and a navy blue top that clung to her breasts in a way that left little to the imagination.

"You look awesome," Erica commented as Bec applied her make-up.

"Well given how sexy you look I couldn't exactly go along looking like the frumpy friend," Bec replied with a laugh.

"Oh I doubt anyone would ever call you the frumpy friend!"

The girls made their way to the pub and found Matt watching football with his mates, a half-consumed pint in hand.

"Hey, here they are!" he called out when he saw the two girls approaching.

"Holy shit dude, they're freakin' hot," His friend Chris hissed at him before the girls were within range of their hearing.

"Hey careful that's my sister you know."

"Only one of them though, right?"

"Yeah, but you know, even a friend of my sister is getting close to home."

"Oh so you got your eye on the friend huh?" Chris teased him.

"Nah, just don't need the applecart upset given I'm living with my sister, you know."

"Let me just wrangle my imagination under control," Chris said with a laugh.

"Dude!" Matt protested.

At that point the girls joined them and Matt introduced Bec and Erica to his friends. They sorted drinks and chatted while the football played on the screens around them.

"I know it sounds cliché but do you come here often?" Erica asked Matt.

"Not that often, but we haven't really been living here that long. I can see us getting around here a lot more though."

"They have some good music sessions here some weekends."

"Yeah, Bec and I caught one just the other week."

"Oh my fucking God, wait, was that, no, it couldn't have been ..."

"Sorry, you're not exactly making sense Erica."

"Okay, so like last time I came to see a band here there was this couple at the back of the room and they were like totally into each other to the point that when the band took a break the lead singer called out for them to name the baby after him if they got pregnant that night! It was hilarious and like, God, I can't believe how much you two look like them, but well ... obviously given you're brother and sister it wasn't you!"

"Oh yeah, we were here that night, I totally remember them being called out."

"Yeah, it was hard to forget. I can't believe how alike you look!"

Matt laughed it off with her and changed the topic.

Over the course of the afternoon and into the early evening Erica made it pretty clear she was interested in getting to know Matt better while he danced around her advances, being friendly but not trying to lead her on, instead trying to give her message that while he was happy to be friends, he wasn't looking for something intimate.

"I think you need to back off a bit," Bec suggested to Erica quietly when they had a moment alone.


"Well, I think you're trying just a tiny little bit too hard babe and I don't think Matt is quite ready for you."

"Oh, was it that obvious?"

"A teeny tiny bit," Bec said with a giggle, forefinger and thumb held a millimetre apart to emphasise her point.

"Oh God, I was that girl?"

"Don't be too worried, he'll be flattered and who knows, maybe when he's in the right place he'll remember how ready you are."

"Oh God, kill me now," Erica replied with a dramatic laugh.

Erica did indeed back off and they enjoyed the rest of the night before heading home, Matt and Bec to their apartment and Erica to her parent's house.

"You're such a good bro-friend," Bec purred in her brother's ear, leaning into him and running her hand down his chest.

"Bro-friend?" Matt laughed.

"Yeah, you know, you're my brother but you're also my boyfriend and lover, so, bro-friend ... I dunno what else I could call you."

"Well I guess that works then. Hey, did you hear Erica ask me about the night we went to see that band?"

"No, what happened."

"She just said that she'd seen this couple get so into each other than the band called them out and she thought that we looked a lot like them."

"Holy shit."

"Yeah, but like, before I could even say anything she said it couldn't have been us because like, we're brother and sister, so there's no way we would have been all up in each other's business like that couple were."

"No, clearly not. Brothers and sisters never do that sort of thing!" Bec agreed, one had stroking her brother's cock through his jeans while the other pulled him down to kiss her.

"Definitely not," Matt agreed, his hands groping his sister's butt.

"Just another reason for us to keep the intimacy at home," Bec sighed.

"Yeah, but hey, at least we get to do that freely now," Matt replied, hands pulling at her top and dragging it up and over her head. In turn Bec attacked his pants until she was able to drag them down his legs. She went to her knees in front of him, eagerly sucking his rapidly hardening cock into her mouth the instant it sprung free of his boxer briefs.

"God you're the best sister a brother could ever have," Matt moaned as her lips slid over the skin of his shaft and her tongue fluttered beneath it. He ran his fingers through her hair, luxuriating in the joy coursing through his cock. He allowed Bec to keep sucking for as long as she was willing, which turned out to be longer than he was able to hold onto his load. He came with a cry of joy, exploding and shooting his hot cum deep into her throat.
