Central High Blues Ch. 02


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She handed me my phone. "She wants to talk to you," she said. Her face was bright red.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Josh," Trina's mom sounded calm and perhaps a little amused, "I trust you aren't sneaking my daughter off to have sex with her. If you guys do, though, please use protection."

At that point, I'm sure I was blushing. "We weren't..." I started to say, then grinned at Trina and shook my head. "Yes, ma'am," I said in as calm a voice as I could manage, "We really were just planning to do that homework, though. 'Calculus' isn't a euphemism for anything but math."

She laughed at my response. "Okay, Josh. Should I pick Trina up on my way home from work?"

I had to think about it for a second. I didn't actually know where that gym was. "If it's out of your way, I'd be happy to drive her home. Do you know where we live?"

"No," she replied. I rattled off our address. "Oh, that's not really out of my way at all. I'll call before I leave work."

"Alright," I said, "we'll see you then."

"What did she say to you?" Trina asked as soon as I hung up.

"Apparently, we need to stop and get some condoms on the way," I said.

She punched me in my arm, hard enough that it hurt. I had started to laugh, but then I had to rub my arm and said, "Ow!"

"That wasn't funny, Josh," she said.

"Oh, come on," I said, "That was funny! I don't care who you are, that was funny."

She was trying really hard not to laugh. We did NOT actually stop for condoms on the way, and we were at my house a couple minutes later. Our house is nice, but it isn't a mansion or anything. Trina was surprised to see our swimming pool, though.

"You didn't tell me you guys had a pool," Trina said.

I had to think about our online conversations for a moment. I realized I hadn't mentioned it at all, to any of my friends. Probably because I didn't want a couple of my guy friends to invite themselves over to drool at the sight of Leanne and my sister in their bathing suits. Or my mom.

"Sorry about that," I said, "They had that put in while I was in my coma. It didn't really cross my mind when we were playing online. Would you like to come over and swim tomorrow?"

I would have offered to let her borrow one of my sister's swimsuits, but Trina was not nearly as busty as Beth. I also didn't want to make her uncomfortable by suggesting skinny-dipping. Trina looked a little annoyed.

"I don't think I even have a swimsuit that fits anymore," she said. "I had to replace almost all of my clothes since I grew so much this past year."

Up until that moment, I didn't realize that she had gone through a growth spurt in the last year, just as I had. After all, I hadn't seen her. I nodded, though. I could totally relate.

"Oh, you've got to see my room," I said, "I can totally appreciate where you're coming from on that."

She looked baffled, but followed me. I flipped on the light switch and went over to open my closet.

"When I got out of the hospital," I said, "My mom had totally made over my room. New carpet, new paint, curtains, bed, and none of my clothes fit at all. For the first two weeks I was home, I felt like I had broken into someone else's house." I indicated the clothes hanging in the closet. "I can't wear most of this stuff to school; it's all like men's suits and stuff. I would stand out like a sore thumb."

"First World problems," she chuckled.

"Yeah," I said, "but that doesn't mean they aren't problems."

I turned to see her sitting on my bed. Trina was wearing a loose t-shirt and baggy shorts. Her pale legs looked shapely curled up underneath her like that. I had to suppress a shiver. I couldn't help but think of my mother, my sister, and Leanne each sitting on that bed and waiting for me to take them. I was getting hard, and hoped I wasn't too obvious as I looked at her. I had to grin at her to try to cover a more lustful stare.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Oh, I was just looking at you, sitting on my bed and looking all sexy, and I thought, 'Damn! I should have stopped for condoms.'" I licked my lips, which drew her attention. I think she was about to throw a pillow at me before she became distracted by my tongue.

"Are you thinking about licking my pussy?" she seemed incredulous.

"Yes I was. Sorry about that," I said.

"No, it's just..." she trailed off and her voice was almost inaudible when she finally finished, "nobody's ever done that to me."

Hearing her say that just made me harder. I only realized when I heard it that I had groaned out loud.

"Trina, I would love to lick your pussy," I said.

She seemed torn, and I didn't want to push it. Now, just so you understand, I was really horny. I had not gotten to come when I had been fucking Miss Cahill at lunchtime, nor had I gotten off when Coach Perrine had ridden my cock right at the end of school. If Trina had stripped off her clothes and invited me, I would have eagerly fucked her and not given a damn what happened to our friendship. I might even have gotten her pregnant. However, she just looked so uncertain that I reigned in my desire and took her hand instead.

"Come on," I said, and I led her out to our dining room table. I plopped down my Calculus book and notebook on the table, inviting her to the seat next to me.

"I never did get to say what I need to say," I said as she set down her book bag and pulled out her own book. I made sure I had eye contact. "Trina, you have to understand that Leanne and my sister are just incredibly close. As long as I can remember, Leanne treated me like she was my older sister. But, I always lusted after her. She was my dream girl since at least sixth grade.

"This summer, when I actually got to date her, I felt like it was a dream come true. A week ago, though, she basically broke up with me. She is working on becoming a medical doctor at Johns Hopkins, and she said she didn't want to get in the way of me dating while I am in high school. She won't talk to me at all. She said I need to figure out on my own what I want to do with my life. After that, though, she and I might get back together.

"So, when I ran into you in school yesterday, I was shocked to see you. You are really hot, you know." She blushed at that. "I had been talking to you online, but I kept picturing you the way you looked back before I got sick. I couldn't help but think that I would love to ask you out on a date. At the same time, I was maybe over-thinking it. You know? I was wondering if I just wanted to ask you out because we are both eighteen, or because I am pining for Leanne. I didn't want to ask you out just because I was on the rebound.

"So I talked with my parents about it last night," I said.

"What?" she coughed out, "Why would you do that?"

"It's been really weird with my parents, since I came out of that coma," I was speaking a little slower now, choosing my words carefully. "You know how I said my room didn't feel like it was mine? Well, my parents started actually treating me like an adult. They talk to me like I am a peer, rather than their kid, most of the time. They were fine with Leanne staying the night, in my bed with me."

Her eyes shot open at that. I nodded before going on.

"I wasn't clear on my own feelings, so I asked them," I said, "My dad said that I should just tell you everything, especially the way I feel about Leanne. He said that it wouldn't be fair to you to hold back something like that. My mom said that I shouldn't be afraid to ask you out, and shouldn't let my feelings for her get in the way of trying to have fun with you. I probably won't see Leanne again anytime soon. She'll probably find some guy at medical school and fall in love with him. It kills me, but that's what is most likely to happen. If I sit around pining for Leanne, then I will just be miserable. My parents got that, and once they laid it out for me, I got it too.

"So, I just wanted to make sure you understood all of that before we start dating. For all we know, we could wind up falling in love and having one amazing life together. Or you may kick my ass and dump me because I am such a jackass half the time, trying to be funny."

"Half the time?" she retorted, "You wish it was only half the time."

We shared a laugh at that, but it was a soft laugh as we looked into each others' eyes.

"Josh," she said finally, "You should know, I have only been with two guys—you know, sexually—and both of them were total assholes about it. They bragged about it to anyone who would listen, and they talked badly about me."

I bristled at that. "Anyone I know?" I asked.

"No," she said, shaking her head, "Not one of our friends. Both of them graduated last year, but the whole thing had blown over by then. It just made me hesitant to try it with anyone else. Certainly, I didn't want to date anyone else at our school."

I nodded at that, but I was thinking about asking Mark and Seth if they knew who those guys were. That was just me being protective of a friend. It wasn't like I was thinking about tracking them down and fighting them or anything like that. It was upsetting for me to hear it. Trina saw that in my face and shook her head at me.

"Josh, don't worry about them," she said, "That's ancient history now. I just wanted to explain that I'm not very experienced. I know, I do that whole bit online, but it isn't really me at all. You are nothing like those guys. I think it would be amazing to date you. I just have to tell you, I don't think there's any way in hell I can take on that huge dick of yours, though."

"Hmm," I said, "I just realized, you have me at a huge disadvantage. I showed you mine, but I still haven't seen yours."

"Aren't we a little old for that game?" she asked, "That whole 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' thing sounds awfully junior high-ish to me."

"You're right," I said.

I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her lips, gently working over her soft mouth with mine. When I felt her mouth open, I gently slid my tongue in and found hers. I really enjoyed kissing her. It made my cock stiffen when she moaned softly into my mouth. I finally broke off that kiss and whispered to her.

"Trina, would you please let me see your sexy little pussy and lick it for you?"

She shivered at that. I was all kinds of turned on. Of course, that was the moment my mom pulled up in the driveway. I suddenly worried that she might be coming home all sorts of horny and wanting to have sex with me again. I didn't want to have to explain that to Trina.

"Damn," I hissed. "I'll be right back." I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and got up to rush out the front door.

It was a good thing I did, as it turned out. The look on my mom's face was one of undisguised lust when she stepped out of her Subaru.

"Mom, Trina is here," I said quickly. She groaned in frustration.

"I took her home after school," I went on, "and there were gunshots a block away or so. We came here to do our Calculus homework." I walked up to her and gave her a hug, and whispered in her ear, "and if you had come home five minutes later, you might have found me eating her pussy."

"Fuck," she hissed, "you are such a tease." She leaned back from me and shook her head. "Do you want me to make an excuse and leave?"

"No," I said, "I appreciate it, but she's not on the pill. I'm not sure I could control myself enough today, and I don't have any condoms. It's probably a good thing you came home when you did."

We turned and walked into the house together. My mom gave Trina a bright smile.

"Trina!" she said, "It's so good to see you again. My goodness, you have grown."

"Wow, Mrs. Thompson," Trina replied, "I'm surprised you even remember me. I haven't seen you in years."

"Well, let me leave you kids to your school work," my mother said, "I'm going to go change clothes."

I sat down next to Trina again and smiled at her. "I guess we really should get started on this Calculus," I said.

The homework was surprisingly easy. Mr. Roush had done such a good job of explaining everything in class that the fifteen homework problems took only a half hour for us to finish. The sixth one did stump me for a moment, but Trina explained it and we moved right along to the twelfth. I got to explain that one to her. My mom smiled at us when she emerged from her bedroom and went to the kitchen.

"Would you guys like a snack or something?" she asked.

"That sounds great," I said.

"Nachos sound good?" she asked.

Trina's eyebrows went up at that. I don't know what she was expecting for a snack, but it wasn't that.

"Sounds good to me," I said, "Do you like nachos, Trina?"

"Sure," she said.

My mom made queso dip and warmed up some tortilla chips in the oven. She added all sorts of goodness on top of the chips and put them back in the oven. Ten minutes later, she brought out a huge, sizzling plate full of chips and set it on the table, with queso, guacamole, sour cream, and picante sauce in little bowls around that plate.

"You guys don't mess around with your 'snacks' do you?" Trina said after a bite of chips.

"Nope," I managed around a mouthful, "What can I get you to drink?"

She didn't look like she knew what to ask for.

"Is Sprite okay?" I offered.

"Sure," she said.

"Mom? Would you like one while I'm up?"

"Thanks, sweetie," she replied.

I got them each a glass of Sprite over ice, brought those to the table, and went back for my own.

We sat and talked for a few minutes. When my mother excused herself to answer her phone, Trina turned to me.

"You weren't kidding," she said, "Your mother totally treated me like an adult, just then."

I nodded. I was still stuffing chips into my mouth. The queso and guacamole were both excellent. I finally stopped eating, knowing that I would easily stuff myself if I didn't.

My mother emerged from her bedroom, once again dressed in a skirt and blouse. She had her phone tucked on her shoulder as she pulled on her second shoe. "I'll be there in ten minutes," she said into the phone. She hung up, and then turned to us.

"Sorry about this," she said, "But I need to go and show a house to a client. Trina, it was lovely to see you again. I should be back in an hour or so."

I narrowed my eyes a bit, but she shook her head once. This was legitimate. She really was leaving to show a house.

I got up from the table and gave my mother a quick hug, and she was gone. I was a little nervous when I turned back to Trina. I was actually relieved to see that she looked nervous as well. I smiled at her then.

"I really have to stop eating these chips or I will just stuff myself," I said.

She started at that, realizing just how many she had put away. "Oh!" she said, "I didn't even think about it. These are really good."

"You know, you and your mom would be welcome to join us for dinner," I said, "I mean, if you didn't already have plans. My mom is a really good cook."

"Let me call and ask her," Trina answered. I handed her my phone.

All of this was just to distract us, and we both knew it. After Trina got off the phone, she handed it back to me with her hand shaking.

"Josh," she whispered, "If I let you see my pussy, you have to promise not to fuck me."

It was going to take all my self control. I nodded my head and solemnly whispered back, "I promise, Trina."

I followed her back to my bedroom, where she shyly slid her shorts down her sexy legs. Trina had really long legs compared to my sister and my mom, and her ass was barely larger than my big hand. She had a fuzzy little pussy, with her pubic hair shaped into a dark 'V' just above her lips. She seemed genuinely surprised when I pushed her back onto the bed, spreading her legs and bringing my mouth down to lick her.

I looked up at her face as I sucked her clit into my mouth for the first time. Her eyes were wide and she looked so damned hot as I savored the taste of her. It was incredibly arousing to watch her expression when she came. Trina tried to be quiet, but couldn't quite keep those sexy little cries contained. I was so fucking turned on, feasting on her sweet pussy. It was a good thing I had kept my pants on. I don't know that I could have held back otherwise.

She came five times, in less than twenty minutes. After her last orgasm, she lay back gasping on my bed with her legs spread wide open. My cock was throbbing in my pants, wanting desperately to slide between those moist little lips. I blew out a breath and then kissed the inside of her thigh softly.

"How was that?" I asked her.

"Oh, my god, I had no idea!" she replied.

"I have to tell you, I want you so badly right now," I said softly. "You really should cover that sexy pussy before I lose all control and take you right here."

She grinned, but then saw the look on my face and shivered. I picked up her tiny panties and slid them up her legs to get her started. Then I turned and walked out to the dining room. My legs were shaking as I started putting the guacamole, queso, and other dips into containers to put them away. Halfway through that, I noticed I had missed a call on my cell phone. I did not recognize the number, and they hadn't left a message.

Trina came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. I turned my face to give her another kiss, and she really kissed me back passionately this time. I moaned into her mouth when she lightly grazed my chest with her nails. I pulled my mouth away and shook my head.

"Hey," I said, "You are playing with fire, young lady."

She groaned at that, right into my ear. I gently broke from her arms and finished putting the food away. I didn't know if my mom wanted to have the rest of the chips with dinner, so I put them into a large plastic bowl with a lid. I turned to Trina.

"Let's go outside," I said, "I could use some fresh air to clear my head."

We went out the sliding glass back door and lounged by the pool. It was still awfully warm for me, dressed in those trousers. I chuckled at myself before standing back up.

"This is silly," I said, "Let me go change into shorts. I'll be right back."

I walked into my room and dropped my pants and boxers. I fished a pair of swim trunks out of my dresser. When I turned around, Trina was standing in the doorway staring at my hard dick. Her mouth was hanging slightly open as she walked over to me. She looked like she was in a trance. I felt like I was frozen in some erotic dream until I felt her hand close on the shaft of my cock.

She stroked me as she pulled me over to the bed. She kissed me again, stroking my cock the whole time. I felt her body move as she reached her other hand down to unbutton her shorts. Her tongue in my mouth made it impossible for me to think clearly. Then she was lying back on my bed, pulling me with her and guiding my cock into her molten pussy.

"Josh, you can't come inside me," she murmured into my ear.

Half of my cock was buried inside her soaking wet channel before that registered in my brain.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I thought. I could not help but take half a dozen deliciously slow strokes into that fantastic little eighteen-year-old pussy. Then her long legs were wrapping around my back, and I was buried in her to the hilt.

"Oh, god, Josh!" Trina groaned into my ear, "You are so big! I've never felt so full in my life."

I started to kiss her again, and suddenly realized that I was fucking her again. I had been fucking her with full strokes, for a few minutes at least. I was getting really close to filling her pussy with a massive load of cum.

"FUCK!" I yelled, and somehow I managed to extricate my body from hers just in time to pull out of her delicious, fertile little pussy.

Honestly, I don't know if I've ever done anything more difficult in my life. Even when I had forced myself to stop fucking Jeannie's hungry pussy in the hospital, I had known that it was only by accident that my cock found its way there, and her horny asshole was waiting to take my load. This time, I made a real mess of my bed sheets. My cock was going off like a runaway fire hose, spraying all over the place. After that, I looked down at Trina in disbelief.