Central High Blues Ch. 02


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"Why? So she can beat up on me instead of you today?" she snorted.

"No," I said, "I told you I talked to her yesterday. I promise she won't 'beat up on you' if you ask a good question, okay?"

"How will you make it up to me if you're wrong, Josh?" she asked.

"If I'm wrong," I leaned over to whisper hotly into her ear, "then I will lick your delicious pussy for an hour straight. Would that apology make you happy?"

"You bastard!" she said, "Now you've got me all wet, and we have the whole school day to go!"

I wished my car had better window tint. I would have dearly loved to lick her wet pussy clean for her. As it was, though, I could see people looking over at us already.

"I wish we didn't have an audience," I said, "Or I would take care of that for you."

She looked around at the twenty or so people that were looking in our direction. She turned back to me and smiled.

"Josh, I have to tell you," she said, "I love being your girlfriend."

She leaned in and we shared a marvelous kiss in the front seat of my car. We held hands as we walked in to the school, and I walked her to her locker and gave her a peck on the cheek before going to my own locker. I could practically hear that rumor flying ahead of us down the hall.

We hadn't even gotten seated in Miss Green's Biology class when Carla came in and whispered, "Congratulations," to Trina. I knew she was talking to Trina, but I spoke up.

"Thanks," I said.

I gave Trina's shoulder a soft squeeze, and everyone saw it. Everyone except Miss Green, that is. She looked awful. I excused myself and walked up to where she was standing at the front of the class.

"Miss Green," I whispered, "Are you alright?"

She looked like she had been crying. I had to hold back. My instinct was to hug her tightly and tell her it would be alright, that I would protect her. That sort of thing could very well cost Miss Green her job, though. Instead, my mind worked rapidly to come up with a helpful solution.

I stormed out of the classroom and down the hall to Mr. Delgado's class. He was seated at his desk. I walked over to him quickly and leaned down to whisper to him.

"I'm really sorry to bother you, sir, but I need your help."

He saw my serious expression, and he was on his feet and following me down the hall seconds later. We took Miss Green out into the hallway, and the two of them talked while I shielded them with my body and directed the rest of the students into our classroom. My serious look intimidated the hell out of them.

When the tardy bell rang, the three of us were the only ones in the hall.

"Mr. Delgado," I said, "are you guys coming over to my folks' house this weekend?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Excellent," I said, "Miss Green, you should come over. You need to know, you have friends here who are in your corner."

They both looked at me in surprise. Miss Green looked so grateful it almost hurt. Mr. Delgado nodded and shot me a grin before heading back down the hall to his own class.

Miss Green went to the board and her voice was loud and clear for once. That class flew by. Miss Green, in her element, was something to behold. Trina and Carla kept looking at me through the whole class. At one point, Trina leaned over and whispered to me.

"What did you do, show her your dick and promise she could have it if she taught better?"

I gave her a hard look and tried not to laugh. That was so inappropriate! I don't care who you are, though. That was funny.

After class, I stopped and said, "Miss Green, you were outstanding today. Keep up the good work."

Other students heard me say it, and they mumbled compliments as they shuffled out of her class as well. She was beaming. I hoped it would last.

Calculus class was less intense than it had been the day before. We turned in the homework and then went over it. Mr. Roush was pleased with us as a group, and he did not give us any homework for the weekend.

Trina sat next to me in English class. Nobody seemed surprised at that, including Miss Cahill. Our English teacher looked like a completely different woman today. She still wore a conservative dress, but she was smiling and welcoming students in warmly. I kept my mouth shut the entire class. Trina found her nerve and asked a question shortly into the lesson. I almost turned to her and hissed, "I said to ask a good question," but managed to restrain myself.

"That's a good question," Miss Cahill said with a smile.

I swear, the entire class released a surprised breath at that. More questions—better ones than Trina had asked—followed that. The class was really good and informative. Again, we had no homework. Miss Cahill told us to have a great weekend. I was relieved that she hadn't asked me to stay after class. She did give me a smile and a wink as I got up to leave.

"What was that about?" Trina said to me as we headed to our lockers.

"Wait," I said, "Did you ask her that crappy question just so I would be obligated to..." I looked around quickly, "apologize to you?"

She bit her lip, trying not to smile as she nodded her head. I shook my head in response to that.

"You are so bad," I whispered to her. I realized that I wanted to check in on Miss Green and Mr. Delgado. "I'll catch up with you later," I said to Trina, "I am giving you a ride home, right?"

"Yes," she said.

I grabbed a burger, fries and a carton of milk from the cafeteria, taking it with me as I headed to the science wing. We really weren't supposed to take food out of the cafeteria, but nobody stopped me. I stopped at Miss Green's classroom first. She was talking to two of her male students. They were younger guys that I didn't recognize. They had an annoyed expression as she implored them to behave better in her class.

I couldn't help it. I walked into her class and smiled as I said, "Hey, Miss Green! How's my favorite Biology teacher today?"

She looked up at me and smiled. The two guys looked up at me and the color drained right out of them. I towered over both of them, and they were standing up.

"You guys haven't been causing any trouble, have you?" I asked rhetorically.

Their eyes were wide as they stammered out apologies to Miss Green and fled her classroom. I grinned at their backs and then turned to Miss Green. I recognized that look on her face. She looked like she wanted to jump me right there in her classroom.

"I was going to have lunch with Mr. Delgado," I said, holding up my burger. "Did you have plans for lunch?"

"I was planning to eat here," she said.

"Why don't you join us?" I asked.

She had her lunch packed in a plastic container. She picked it up and we walked down the hall to the Chemistry lab. I knocked on the door.

"Mind if we join you for lunch, sir?" I asked.

"Come on in!" he replied enthusiastically.

It was a really informative lunch. Once they started talking science, I had very little to contribute to the conversation. However, I found I did have a couple of questions that they were only too eager to answer. By the time that Miss Green rose to return to her class, I almost forgot to give her our address. I wound up catching up to her in the hallway to give her a post-it note.

"I hope you can make it," I said, "Oh, we will be using our pool. If you'd like to swim, bring a bathing suit."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she said. She had that look again. I tried not to imagine Miss Green in a swimsuit as I walked back to the Chemistry classroom.

Mr. Delgado was standing by his desk with his arms crossed. He shook his head at me as I walked in the door.

"You are so much like your dad now it's scary," he said. "Only, you're actually taller, aren't you?"

"Yes sir, I am a little taller," I said. "I still haven't gotten used to just how much I look and sound like my dad since I came out of that coma."

"It's not just that," he said, "You take charge just like he does, too."

I would have asked about that, but then Trina showed up and wrapped her arms around me from behind. Mr. Delgado raised an eyebrow at that, but she didn't push it any further. The rest of the class was filing in, and I took up my usual spot behind the class at a lab table for the lecture. Compared to the stimulating lunch conversation, this was fairly mundane. I still paid close attention. At one point, I raised my hand and asked a 'good' question.

The class wrapped up a couple minutes early, and Mr. Delgado let the students talk while we put away some of the chemicals that he had used for his lecture. He thanked me for my help when the bell rang, then turned to the class to wish them a good weekend.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said to me.

"I look forward to it," I replied with a smile, "Thanks again for your help this morning, sir."

He just shook his head and smiled at that.

I walked with Trina, and we stopped in to wave to Miss Green on the way to her locker.

"Trina, my parents are having a pool party this weekend. Mr. Delgado and Miss Green are coming over for that. Do you think you and your mom would like to come?"

"Mom works Saturdays," she replied. She bit her lip as she thought about it. "Josh, I don't have a swimsuit. Honestly, I don't think I can afford to get one right now. I'm afraid I'll have to pass."

"Could I buy you a swimsuit?" I asked. "I don't want to offend you, but if I get to pick it out..." I waggled my eyebrows suggestively and raked my eyes up and down her body.

"Stop!" she laughed at me. "We can talk about it after school."

After school...I suddenly remembered that my mother was expecting my undivided attention right after school. Trina saw my expression change.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Oh, I totally forgot," I said, "I promised to help my mom right after school today. I won't have time to hang out with you like I had planned. I'm still giving you a ride, though."

"Okay," she said. I rushed off to get my own books and get to my next class. My little cadre of young women grilled me about Trina. Their shyness had evaporated when they heard I was in a relationship. I was amused, relieved, and a little annoyed. That was the way things went at Central High.

Miss Smith came over to our group a couple of times to tell us to keep it down. I always said, "Yes ma'am," but I wasn't the one who needed to be hushed. We got through the class, and I told my new friends to have a great weekend. They giggled and blushed again; loving the attention they received from their friends as they left. Miss Smith walked over to me as I got ready to leave.

"You were absolutely right, Miss Smith," I said to her.

"Well, even I didn't expect that to happen so quickly," she said. She was looking me over as she breathed, "Trina is one lucky girl."

Woof. That I did not expect. She turned and walked back to the front of the class. I shook my head and made my way through the packed hallway to my Art class.

We actually did some drawing for once. I thought I did a decent job of sketching the bowl of fruit. Not the most original activity, I thought. Still, Miss Rogers and Miss Chase both pointed out to the students around me how I had done an exceptional job with the shading in my 'composition.' I thought it was silly until I looked at the other drawings around me. Compared to some of those, my sketch was impressive. Unlike most of my classes, I didn't have any real interaction with my art teachers.

I was a little nervous going into my PE class at the end of the day. I was relieved when Coach Perrine completely ignored me. She had a female student assist her today as she demonstrated techniques for body positioning and timing jumps. She never so much as looked at me the entire class. As a result, I was able to quickly change and dropped my bag in my locker before meeting Trina at hers.

"Did you get any homework this weekend?" I asked.

"Nope," she said. "You?"

"None at all," I said, "I wish it would go that way every weekend, but some of these AP classes we're taking will likely suck up some of our weekends."

We chatted as we made our way out to my car. I realized the school principal was standing outside and watching us as I helped Trina into the passenger seat. I knew her name was Doctor Hill, but I had never had so much as a word with her. I never got into trouble, so I never required her attention. It was a bit disconcerting to realize she was staring right at me. I got into the car and carefully pulled into the traffic heading toward Trina's house.

Halfway there, Trina reached over and unzipped my shorts, pulling my dick out and stroking it. She was facing forward in the car, so nobody looking at us would know what she was doing.

"Rude!" I said jokingly, "What makes you think you can just grab my—oh, shit!"

She ducked into my lap and sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. Her tongue licked around it tentatively. I was looking at the traffic around us, but I didn't see anyone looking at me for once.

"Oh, damn, Trina," I hissed, "Your mouth feels so good."

She moaned around me, making it feel even better. I was very careful as I drove her home. She gently sucked my dick the entire way. I pulled in to the driveway when we got to her house. I pulled her face to mine for a deep kiss, and she kept stroking my cock the whole time. This was an entirely new side of Trina—one that I didn't even know existed.

"That was amazing," I breathed as we broke off our kiss.

"Really?" she asked, "It's only the second time I've done that. I didn't even know if you would fit in my mouth, honestly."

"Well..." I said. I trailed off and shook my head. "You just left me speechless. It was that good."

Now, I'm not pretending that Trina's technique could compare favorably with Jeannie's ridiculous deepthroat skills or anything like that. However, her enthusiasm and her probing tongue had been very stimulating. Also, just knowing how inexperienced she was and yet finding my cock in her mouth as I drove her home...I wanted her badly. She kissed me again, then smiled as she slid out of the car.

"Call me when you and your mom are finished," she said.

"I will," I said.

I got home before my mom did. I shot her a text, just typing 'Home' and hitting send. I waited for a half hour, and still hadn't heard from her. I was still achingly hard after leaving Trina, and despite my full day I had been looking forward to quality time with my sexy mom.

Just to clear my mind, I put on swim trunks and went out to the pool. I did remember to slather sunscreen onto my shoulders, neck and chest before walking outside. There was some debris floating on the water, just a bit of grass and a few leaves, but it was spread over the whole pool. I grabbed the skimmer and swept that stuff out before diving in and swimming a few laps. I practically flew out of the water to grab my phone when it finally went off.

"I'm on my way," she said when I answered the phone, "I am really sorry that I'm running late, Joshua."

"It's okay, Mom," I replied. "I cleaned out the pool and swam some laps while I was waiting. Should I grab a shower and wait naked in bed for you?"

"No," she replied, "I am not close. Enjoy the pool, and we can shower together when I get there."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, "Drive safely."

"I will," she said, and she hung up.

It felt like I swam an awfully long time before she finally got home. That sense of anticipation made the time drag by. Normally, I would have really enjoyed relaxing in the pool. After the week I had been through, it should have been a nice way to unwind. Instead, my thoughts were full of terribly inappropriate thoughts of my sexy mom.

What would she want me to do to her first?

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Gadf77Gadf774 months ago

I like this story so far. But I do miss reading about his sister, ex gf and those nurses.

Odess83Odess835 months ago

Как не странно, цикл до школы был интереснее в первую очередь по сюжету и эмоциям. Ну и в интиме тоже)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's really weird that he seems to dominate all the kids socially. I know he's a big guy at 6'3", but I would expect that the school would have a football team with some big, cocky guys. Also, there would be the "Popular" group that would push against him or even invite him to join. So, the social aspect of the story at school seems way off.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Glad we're seeing less of cuck Dad... He's irrelevant!!!

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