Cloudy with a Chance of Pixies Ch. 02-03


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As the final, volcanic ejaculation ripped into the magically-reduced professor it seemed as if Lisa's pussy was sucking him in vampirically as he spasmed out of control.

Matt had lost all control at this point; if these Fae sluts had no notion of modesty, why should he? Slipping inside, Mat let his pants fall, and his penis surge. His throbbing meat had surpassed nine inches, and he stepped over the threshold of the door, baring his manhood in obscene invitation.

Lisa seemed not to notice at first that Matt had entered, her eyes squeezed shut with erotic pleasure. Mat gurgled his lust wordlessly. A small, lavendar-haired pixie fluttered up to Matt's ear and twittered. The tiny fae had the physique of a fitness model with a fetish for hair dyes.

"Not enough, stud. Mom needs more from you..." She was just a pixiespawn; a more recent one. Pixies, and most fae didn't so much choose to have children, with Earth's abundant man supply, the only choice was whether to curtail their bottomless need to seduce and fuck and birth half-human young. And Lisa's willpower was surprising. For a pixie.

Another blond pixie buzzed around Matt's ass before settling for his naked cock. She gripped his mighty penis and dug her legs into the skin near the base and began humping his manmeat suggestively, using him for stripper-pole practice.

He remembered her; the little blond slut already showed signs of a manic sex drive, no chance of her resisting the Fae stripper-whore stereotype. But these two were immature; while they looked like supermodels with boob-jobs, (pixies were just born that way) they were stuck at six-inch size. That was what separated juveniles from adults, their size-control magic. So these young ones would stew in their own impotent lusts, the forms and figures of the most gorgeous of women, unable to consummate their desires with a man for many years while their powers matured.

"Gonna.... need... more....from you...." The blond pixiespawn hissed as she gyrated herself upon Matt's raging cock.

"N-no.... I helped Lisa..." Matt stammered; having this little slut humping his erect dick wasn't helping his self-control at all. "B-Biff.... Biff Bronson, he was mean to... all the Fae on campus; thought he could score extra points with human girls by juvenile stunts, pulling pixie wings, twisting elf-ears. But I got him for you.... trapped him....Now he belongs to Lisa..."

"Old news Loverboy, That was months ago..." It was Lisa herself. She rose to a sitting posture, belly throbbing with young, breasts starting to dribble with short streams of ripe milk.

She had a plush, carrying case next to the recliner, one that Matt was all too familiar with. Reaching into it, she produced a blond, brutish human dildo with the proportions of a linebacker's build, but at the tiny pixie size. Biff snarled in lust, thrashing against his sexy fate. Hoisted by a normal-length penis, Lisa brushed the head of his cock between the ample valleys of her glistening cleavage.

"Come closer, Matt."

No need to ask twice!

Two of her pixiespawn giggled behind him as he approached in a trance. With Biff held in one hand, and Professor Berkowitz's member now stuck between her toes on her right foot, she beckoned Matt towards her. Bending towards his cock.... lips ruby red, wider... closer...

And she inhaled his manhood! Slipping around his length, she encased his rampant penis in the wet heat of her mouth as the sparkles of magic appeared. Matt didn't understand all the details, but it got easier and easier for her to cast her dildo spell the more often it was used on a guy. By now, for him, it was effortless.

But the sensation was like a lightning bolt to his dick - he was even harder, hornier if that was possible as a weightless feeling swept over the rest of him. He quivered, feeling a familar floating euphoria as his body proportions were radically altered to transform him into a living sex-toy.

The urge - the need to spew was far larger, as Matt got smaller, the raging rut swept aside everything; as if his erect penis left no room for rational thought. He already felt the sperm burning to escape, just release.... release...

But Lisa removed him from her mouth, toying - teasing - rubbing his cockhead in circles around her aureolas while pinching his member expertly, maddeningly arousing him while strangling the orgasm to come. Down lower, as she had so many times before - down past her now jacuzzi-sized cleavage (From his perspective) around her silken navel as it swelled with young - each pulse of the life within her was a delicious torment. With his current size, her belly was like a throbbing cottage filled to the brim with life and fertility, she was a giantess of lustful, sensual delight.

At last, the moment of truth, Matt kicked his miniaturized legs as the promised land of pussy approached. Closer, closer...he jerked his hips towards her clit, counting the moments until he could be plunged within her... Her breath seemed as baited as his own, he squeezed his buttocks and thrust his hips... even a moments delay too much when waiting to be plunged inside her.

Yes... brushing against her outer lips as she held his dick between two fingers... Yes...

"See Matt; I've got a problem...." Lisa interjected. Matt wanted to say that his penis would solve all her problems, but somehow all that came out was a quavering gurgle. On a nearby coffee table, there was a thick book with spell-notes and formulae, she absentmindedly flicked a few pages with Biff's dick as he quivered in longing.

And then... Disaster.... Betrayal... after coming soooo close....

Lisa plunged his member....

Not into her juicy cunt, but rather into the nearby bucket of ice for the champagne!


"Sorry stud, but you're going to have to work for your - my pussy." The lovely giantess said above him, as Matt thrashed in shock and thwarted desire. "I have a problem.... and I need an outsider to help.... she'll just clam up and deny it all if I start poking around myself."

"Wh-why...." Matt sobbed.

"Because you'll have to.... you need to do whatever I want. I've got you by the balls.... in more ways than one." She smiled sharkishly down at him. "I've always been a financially-minded pixie, and it's high-time I took advantage of the side-effect of my dildo spell."

"I...I need..."

"Ohhh... I know what youuuuuu need..." She drawled mischeviously. " Because we both know that my dildo spell is incredibly addictive! Your dick gets a little bigger each time, harder for longer, and your body starts to crave that added male potency. Guys get scared, frightened, angry at first.... but then they start to need it, you'll drive yourself up a wall unless you get to fuck me with the spell cast on you, and I intend to reap the benefits!" She gave a raspy, yet girlish chuckle.

"There's another Pixie; I found out she's still an undergraduate at Madison U, a blue-haired pixie with the widest hips you've ever seen. You're gonna find her... you're gonna spy on her... do whatever you have to do.... to find out how she got a hold of my human dildo spell!" Lisa took out her cell phone, held it near her spell book as she tapped several keys to email the pic of the blue pixie to Matt's phone.

And Matt knew he'd have little choice.... Berkowitz would sacrifice his academic integrity, and he would have to find a way to fulfill this quest.... anything to cum inside her! Anything to become her sex-tool and blow his seed at her, in her, on her!



Marsha tapped her foot impatiently Her cheerleader uniform rumpled, but she hardly cared. Finally! The nurse just told her that it was alright to visit her mother. All this waiting! So frustrating! Being one of the last truly human cheerleaders at Madison U. was aggravating enough. Marsha scampered through the sterile hallways of the hospital to quickly reach the entrance to the magical accidents ward.

On the way, she passed the hospital room of a permanently invisible man, (Not sure if he was in there now, though.) and another room where a curving wall of beige flesh bulged out so far it was visible to passersby in the hallway. Boob spell gone waaaaaay wrong. Could always be worse, she supposed.

For years, the real, talented cheerleaders had been replaced by these ditzy, balloon-boobed celestial-sluts with their run-away sex-drives and mischievous magic. But Marsha's blond-goddess looks and athletic talent had been enough to secure her a place on the squad, even in this age. But like a growing number of humans, she was less enchanted by the Fae and more worried about what the future would hold.

And now, all her fears about the Fae had hit home. Well, at least mom wasn't restrained. If this really was her mother.

The creature reclining on the hospital bed might have been the illegal experiment of a mad-scientist of plastic surgery. No one made breast implants that large, no one. Ponderous melons with a diameter close in length to Marsha's forearm swayed and bounced with each breath. The already flimsy hospital gown was strained to capacity by explosive hills of orphanage-feeding breast cleavage.

Perhaps years of surgery and tummy-tucks could produce so svelte and feminine a figure - on a porn star, perhaps.

And her face. Not that it wasn't pretty - far from it. An aquiline sculpture taken from the wet-dreams of a Pygmalion more talented than any Earthly artist of beautiful women. Framed by sky-blue cascades of hair like a sunny day of passion in a spring meadow. But it was disturbing to Marsha in a subtle way that was difficult to put into words. Her mother's looks were perfect in an eerie, unwholesome sense - yes, certainly human enough, but there was a bizarre quality as though she was a video-game fantasy-babe, or sex-cartoon.

"Ooohhhh.... I was wrong, honey-bun, could you hand me that nozzle next to the bed." Well, that was something of a relief. Marsha couldn't be sure that this sex-demon before her had ever been her fifty-plus year-old mother. There was so little of her old appearance left that Marsha wouldn't recognize her on the street. But honey-bun was her mom's pet name for her.

"Uhhh... yeah sure... m-mom."

"Yes, baby it's me. It' shocking I know, but.... I think in time... I can get used to this." When she had the nozzle in hand, the woman pulled down her gown, exposing a turgid nipple to Marsha's wide-mouthed astonishment.

"I thought.... one milking a day would be enough but oooohh.... these new tits.... ahhhhh!" A machine began to churn under the bed, and her hardened, thimble-like nipples began to gush creamy whiteness into the tubes.

"Ohhhhh mom.... that fae whore.... I can't believe she would do this to you!" Marsha exclaimed over her mother's moans of ecstasy as she was milked like a dairy-cow. "What are the police doing to find this... Lisae.... Luri urh... Lisa creature?"

"It's..... c-complicated honey-bun.... AAAHHHHH.... OHHHHHHHH mah boobs..... errhhhhh.... The courts you see... And Congress.... they're still debating the legalities of magic, and magical transformations... what kind of crime it is, if it's a crime, the last two anti-magic laws have been overturned in court. See.... it's because a lot of eroticized women decide not to press charges. It seems.... frightening... at first but... when you get used to it.... OOOhhh...." She moaned as a potent spurt of milk blasted out of the pump tubes, as her left hand crept under the gown between her legs, to fondle her own well-juiced cunt.

"MOM!" Marsha actually slapped her mother's hand away from her own crotch. "This isn't you! You're a successful figure in the fields of international finance and business! You can't..... this just can't go on! I know you... you're not like those other whores that just accept becoming magical sluts! You wanna go back mom! I know it! I know my mother would want to become what she was again!"

" I know baby but... it's just not that easy - you know what the thaumaturgists say - trying to add more magic on top of magic.... will just make it worse in most cases!" She moaned, as she bucked her hips.

"What... what about surgery? Maybe.... maybe with smaller boobs... not so much milk.... you could wear bras again...." Marsha was becoming frantic.

"It's been tried by others. But.... this is the real me now, and... this is what I'll grow to become, whatever nips and tucks they make. And some doctors say surgery in this case just leads to more complications."

"There's got to be something I can do for you!" Marsha whined.

"Yes, Marsha. You.... you remember that football player you used to date? The blond one?"

"Huh? Biff? You mean Biff Bronson? What's he got to do with anything?"

"Yes.... you uh... you said that you got mad at him when you found a big-breast magazine in his apartment?"

"Yeah? So? I got nothing to say to some sicko porno freak."

"Well.... since we know he likes.... chesty girls... and.. and since you're not seeing him... do you think he could...." Marsha's expression darkened as the realization hit her. Her transformed mother continued.

"Can you call him? Bring him here?"

"Mom? You... you wouldn't...?"

"I've been thinking about that stud all morning. I think he would fuck me! I'm sure of it!!!"

"MOOOOOM!!!! NO WAAAAAY!!!" Never heard her cool, calm businesswoman mother talk that way before.

"You think I'm wrong? Look at these tits! My face!!! I saw it in a mirror! I know I'm beautiful! My skin... so smooth.... for a man's hand... when he caresses me... he'll want me. He will...." Her voice deepened into a feral grunt. "When Biff sees me, touches me... nothing in the world will stop him from fucking me!"

"Nooooo.... noooo you can't be saying this?!!"

"You don't understaaaaaand Honey Bun; I... want to be my old self again... sure.... but - right now... I want a MAN more than I want to be myself! I need him.... I need his hands upon me!" She closed her eyes, furrowed her brow as an erotic reverie took hold of her.

"The man.... he'll loose control when he sees me... my tits.... my ass - You don't know.... how wet I am now." Actually, Marsha did. She could see the glistening between her mother's thighs as her drenching pussy moistened with obscene longing. "Your Biff will pound me; he'll ravage me with his manstick, as I lie helpless before his raging lust. He won't care how much I want his cock; I will want him, but he'll be consumed with the need to use me to release the heat of his male urges. His seed.... His seed will take root in me!"

"G- get a hold of yourself Mom!!!" Marsha shook her mother's shoulders.

"Haven't you.... haven't you wanted a little sister, Marsha?"

"Wh- when I was like, Eight!"

"Think about it that way! You'll get a little sister.... When your boyfriend plunders my fertile body with his iron-hard cock! Cum.... He'll cum inside me!" Her eyes were shut, her hospital gown darkening from her own womanly juices that continued to wet her whorish slit. He'll force his seed into me... manhandle me... drive me to pleasures as I become a true woman... his seed... his young.... I will be ripe with his male reward!"

Marsha was beginning to see why male hospital staff were forbidden direct patient contact in cases like this.

"I see how it is... baby. You think I'll steal Biff.... for myself... Even though you're not together now... a part of you still cares about him." She breathed.

Marsha grit her teeth. Her mom could usually see through her. Now it was doubly disturbing.

"It's not forever honey; I just need him to fuck me. Just a few times. Just need your football-playing Biff to fuck me deep, force his seed into my womb. I need to feel him inside me, for just a while. I know he'll want me; I know he'll fuck me - he won't rest until he pins me to the ram himself between my legs...Don't....don't need to keep him. Not for long. He'll come to me.... cum in me.... I'll have no choice but to bear his seeeeeeed!." Was that supposed to make Marsha feel better?

If anything, it only got worse. As the cups slipped off her milking tits, some sort of spontaneous rut-reflex came over her. Marsha's mother raised her hips, as if to receive a phantom lover, and with a grunt, her legs spread themselves in what seemed an involuntary reaction. Inarticulate cries of ecstasy tore themselves from the blue-haired hyperslut's throat. Marsha would not have believed it at first, but the reddening of her mother's cheeks, the gleaming sweat, the pungent scent - and the added wetness; she knew....Marsha knew that her mother had just climaxed right here, in front of her daughter! just by thinking about a man! Legs, spread wide, hips raised in eager anticipation... Marsha became convinced that this transformation included some kind of forced breeding reflex!

She wanted to stop this! She wanted to slap this sex-monster who had taken over her mother's body! She wanted....wanted to sniff further the strange, tangy aroma of arousal that hung in the air.....

NO!!! Everyone knew that Fae could do a lot of damage by releasing powerful sex-pheromones! She wouldn't.... couldn't let herself be influenced!

So the college-aged cheerleader backed away from this silky-skinned, sky-blue haired, hyper-curvaceous nympho sex-bomb that had once been her middle-aged, graying-haired coldly-pragmatic business woman mother. She had never before been in a situation where she felt sexual rivalry from her mother! Her Mother! More than twice her age! Or..... should have been twice her age....the magic of faerie had upended the balance of nature and aging. What could Marsha say? how to respond to this madness?! She backed frantically out of the hospital room. Mom didn't seem to notice; as she groaned about: "I feel him... Feel his cock inside meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"

She thrashed, making a series of squealing moans as her body was rocked by aftershocks of lust! Her thighs glistened, pussy drenching to prepare for a phantom cock that would not come. Her breasts, freed from the nozzles, fountained their fertility in sparkling white arcs of milk. Marsha's lip quivered in horror as she beheld the Price of this magic. Yes, these days there were lots of spells floating around that would give a woman her youth back - not to mention a figure no woman should have; but not everyone today understood what it meant. The price of magical beauty was a nymphomania beyond madness!

"That pixie whore Lisa slut will pay..... oh how she will pay...." growled the cheerleader as she stormed away, blocking out the sounds of the sex-monster wailing in ecstasy.


Not that Matt was overly prejudiced, but some stereotypes about the Fae just helped you save time. Especially if you were looking for one particular Fae and didn't have a lot to go on. He paid the cover charge and stepped boldly into the main lobby of the G-spot. Dance and Strip-club.

If you were looking for a Unicorn you checked nature preserves and forest ranger stations. Sirens or Mermaids you wanted nude beaches or swimming pools. Nymphs you wanted.... well, yeah a lot of them could be found in strip clubs too.... come to think of it, nearly all Fae species found the allure of jiggling their nude bodies for men on stage to be irresistible, so it was a good place to start in any event.

The establishment had seen record-breaking profits in the years since the Celestial Conjunction, and now it sported three night-club style dance floors magically levitated on different stories of the facility. Each of the four levels had its own stripper stage, and discreet miniature pixies fluttered around towards the ears of patrons taking drink orders, while full-sized Fae gyrated and jiggled on poles.

A silvery haired pixie with plump lips fluttered to his shoulder as he settled into a cushy, lip-shaped chair-couch. She alighted on him with a barely noticeable touch and entered a seductive dance routine. Matt gulped at her figure, much of her torso was obscured by the buoyant treasures of her bikini-clad chest. The pixie seemed to read his thoughts.