Cloudy with a Chance of Pixies Ch. 02-03


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"Think about how biiiiiiig these tits would be if I made myself full-sized!" she moaned. " Get a lapdance from me and you can find out... or, we have private rooms upstairs.... for a more.... discreet performance." The silvery-haired fae gurgled with delight; it was clear that giving Matt such attentions was as appealing to her as it was to him.

But he wasn't here for that....

Well, not ONLY for that.

"Can I get a complementary dance?" Matt asked over the booming din of the soundtrack. Silvery pixie moaned while she luridly caressed herself atop his shoulder.

"Sorry.... not allowed to give more than one these days..." she responded regretfully. Figures. The great irony was that, while horny fae seemed ideally suited to lusty lives of adult entertainment, an individual pixie normally didn't stay employed for long at a strip club. It was just too hard for them to resist fucking the club customers - sometimes in the public lobby! Couldn't resist that crazed fae reproductive instinct, and most would get too pregnant to be good dancers. Sure, fae pregnancies were a lot faster than humans, but once a pixie got popular as a regular, with more and more guys seeking her out... even the best strippers would succumb to their faerie nature and screw any man ogling her. Soon, she'd be getting knocked up each night, and would have to miss performances due to the demands from her gravid body, as she happily squeezed out the young fathered from random patrons.

In fact, the young beauty just stepping up to the stage now was essentially human. Probably a Madison U. undergrad working off her tuition. Seemed like a light-skinned hispanic girl, but her hair glittered in a flowing rainbow pattern showing her magical augmentations. Really, Spelled humans did make better employees at a place like this, if they could overcome the gnawing hunger of magical nymphomania. So most clubs kept a reliable stable of human regulars, and rotated in fresh crops of pixies and forest nymphs, dismissing them as their willpower failed, when they allowed random male customers to breed them until they could barely fly with the weight of young growing in their bellies.

"I'm..... looking for someone." Matt informed the silver pixie in between gasps of breath as he settled into a couch in a curtained backroom reserved for lap-dances, as the magnitude of the boobage arrayed before him became apparent. "A...p-pixie..."

"Aaaaand you've found me, stud!" the pixie chirped, as she began to sway and sashay for his eyes alone. She did a trick practiced by many Fae when alone with a hot guy.... or, almost any guy able to muster up a hard cock. She pulled on her bikini straps as she grew out her boobs, quickly rupturing the straps as mammaliam mountains catapulted into view with a girth like pillowy watermelons.

"I'm looking f-for.... for.... ohhh... fuckit..."

"You mean to saayyyyyyyy....." The pixie drawled. "Fuck Me!"

Ohhhhhh.... hell yes.....

She tried her best to perform the expected routine of bumps, grinds, and humping motions into his crotch, but soon enough she succumbed to her nature and gratefully unzipped his pants. Matt thrashed with excitement as she sucked his cock raw, then pulling aside her bikini bottoms as she unceremoniously impaled herself upon his too-rigid manhood. No longer a true stripper, the pixie was using this establishment for easy access to the whorish sex she craved. She thrust, humped, slid herself along Matt's pulsating penis, burying his face between her tit mountains, almost as if she thought hiding his eyes with sloping walls of boobage would hide her guilty violation of the no-sex rules.

Loosing control in a spasm of hyper-stimulation, Matt's legs thrashed as he began to spurt into the inviting womanhood of this faerie whore. She brought her plump lips close to his ear, and growled her lust.

"Fuck meeeeee..... need it.. fuuuuck...." she demanded, as if he needed any more encouragement. She lingered, as he pumped his manseed into her slick folds, her own tightness squeezing, milking his manstick. "Soooo male...." she grunted in bliss. She gave experimental squeezes his her lower muscles, as if to test him, coax just a little more sperm from him.

And that was just the complimentary free lap dance! This whore had practically raped him for free! Had she been human, there might be some doubt but for a pixie this close to a PFF, it was almost unthinkable that she wouldn't be pregnant with Matt's seed.

But Matt just didn't feel right trying to ask her questions after the free dance; and silver pixie was grateful to stay for another song or two, even as Matt's magically-accursed cock arose faster than humanly possible for round two.


Eliellenelleen, or 'Ellen' as she encouraged humans to call her, emerged from the restroom caressing herself. The silvery haired pixie was impressed; she'd experienced a lot of magically-augmented penises since coming to Earth, but that feverish-looking guy she'd just given a lap-dance-fuck to was the most potent guy she'd been with tonight! Not bothering to put on her top, she decided to work the floor, rather than the stage, looking for her next cock. Her impossible tits wavered and bounced in the steamy stripclub air.

She postured herself near a promising table filled with members of a black fraternity; allowing them to get a juicy eyefull of her chest in profile as she turned to the side, pretending to use her phone. Sometimes, it was nice to let the guys actually come to her! Hold on... this wasn't her phone! She must've dropped it in her sexual euphoria.... this.... this must belong to her latest customer/stud. Hmm..... this picture on it.... looked like pages from someone's spellbook! Yeah.... Ellen, mischevious pixie that she was decided to copy what she could of the spell, and surreptitiously use it on a few hot guys that needed a little more kick below the belt!

Yeah.... looking at the spell-forms... yes, it was the same. Her finely-tuned magical senses detected traces of this spell on the guy she'd fucked, so why not share the wealth? Best she'd had all night at least!

Hmm..... Ellen smiled impishly as she recalled some of her girlfriends complaining about their boyfriends' under-performance in the sack... why not spread the good word to some of her gal-pals!


It was a simple prank; but Biff Bronson vowed not to let these fairy sluts win. He wasn't totally sure what kind of slut she was, but this one had silver hair and weird sparkling skin, but she was one of them, definitely one of them, with those tits, and those waaaay long legs. She stood up on a bench outside the Student Administration building and her surreptitiously unzipped backpack tumbled open, spilling all her books and possessions into a nearby puddle.

Not much, but it was something. It would send a message that Biff wasn't going to kowtow to these alien sluts like everybody else. He wouldn't be lining up like the other guys for a chance at some magical pussy. Except that one time.... that ONE time with that pink pixie slut Lisa. Just that ONE time and she'd put her addictive human dildo spell on him! Bitch!! Biff kicked an outdoor waste bin in frustration.

But the slut couldn't keep him locked up all the time, no.... that would be too suspicious. So he still had chances to get back at the Fae. And score points with real, human chicks!

There was a whole class of hot babes that were just not willing to risk boob magic, and reaaaaaaally resented the Fae making every guy go gaga. With so many boys chasing pixie, elf, and nymph pussy, that left a fertile field for Biff!

As he closed and locked the door to his dorm, he felt around in his pockets for a little black book.... yeah! Not just phone numbers from babes, but they were numbers of women he'd met just from talking shit about Fae, or because he was known to have the balls to pull off stunts that left them on their asses like they belonged.

So many guys chased Fae; and Biff didn't, soooo..... he must be special.

That's what some of the regular babes must've been thinking! So Biff told himself. Oh yeah... he flipped open the small book.

"Susie.... brunette with blond highlights, a real actual human woman! With a great ass! It was soon after he'd superglued a pixie's wings together after she'd passed out drunk and nude on a men's only floor of the Dorms. Susie had heard.... and that made her interested!

Or Kaylee, Hispanic looking chick with a deep, bronzish tan, and hair that was about the same color. Striking and exotic! She'd seen him douse a forest nymph's perennially green and flower-sprouting hair with the most potent herbicide the hardware store could sell. Kaylee hadn't ratted him out, he'd chatted her up, and banged her just last week!

Not that he didn't relish the shock and confusion he caused. Those fae bitches! Getting back at them was almost as fun as all the pussy he got from fellow fae-haters.

Now, he had a chance to really get back at that blasted Lisa pixie! A moment of weakness..... or maybe it was a seduction spell he didn't remember, and he wound up a living dildo for her sexual pleasure! The pixie had had a change of heart recently; she'd sent off that Matt loser to find another pixie who'd copied the dildo spell, but it seemed like Lisa was kinda regretting that she wasn't nicer to the poor fool. So she decided to make Biff do more dirty work for her! She'd given Biff this potion to give Matt, something that supposedly would make up for treating him like a tool.

But to do that, she'd been treating Biff like a tool! She made HIM deliver the potion, blackmailing him with her pussy again! Only by doing her bidding would he become a living dildo for her moist cunt again! Biff's penis throbbed as he grunted in outrage inside his dorm room!

Already, the tingling cravings had begun. It started like butterflies in the stomach, such as what you might experience before a stressful public performance. But it grew from there - to his cock! From there, waves of hardening desire boiled outwards from Biff's dick (and probably for all the guys Lisa had ensnared this way.) A lust that weakened, sapping strength and concentration from his efforts. The world was less sweet, his game was off. He was like an amateur at any of his cherished sports. Only the dildo spell, and Lisa's pussy would put things right!

But the pixie was concerned for Matt! Not Biff, Matt! But Biff had a way to even the score!

That was when the knock resounded at his door.

Marsha. Marsha Caldwell. Speak of the devil; he'd just been thinking about real, human women, and here she is!

"We need to talk."

"If that's all you want, babe."

"Stow it dick-brain, we got more important things to talk about!"

"Well now I'm curious. And horny. But also very curious." The blond, busty cheerleader came in and plopped herself down on a Papasan chair in the corner. Before the conjunction, Marsha would have been smokin' hot stuff. But these days, with supernatural supermodels willing to drop their drawers at the hint of a penis, most guys just didn't want to bother with trying to figure out a 'real' woman.

"It's my Mom."

"Uh-huh." Biff was already starting to lose interest.

"That damned pixie whore! She did her thing her.... hyper sexy nymphomaniac thing!" Biff perked up. He'd heard stories of wiiiiiiiild transformations lately.

"You don't mean..... uh oh...." Biff smiled sharkisly. "Did some pixie cast an accidental spell that turned your old lady into a magical hyper-slut?" Marsha growled.

"....just have to keep her away from Men but.... you're the one to go to, Everyone says. They say you've got a stick up your ass about the Fae.

"And I'm with you alllll the way!"

"Sure babe, what do you know about this pixie?"

"Pink hair.... gets pregnant all the time, nothing unusual about that - got an internship with some stock-trading company out of Madison U. Weird fairy name.... Lisae... Lisaeluri - something."

"Goes by the name Lisa...." Biff finished.


"Are we too late?" asked the tall, blond Team MVP as he shrugged off his letter-jacket and strode through the door to the Sigma-Lambda-Upsilon-Tau Sorority House. A Fae Sorority. Mostly pixie. It hadn't taken much to cajole blond MVP and his basketball team into a Fae sorority house for a drunken party, but these guys had just missed the excitement.

"Ohhhhh..... you guys heard about the PFF." stated a cherry-red haired pixie with a wide apple-bottom like a rapper's girlfriend.

"Hell yeah," continued a brawny, bald black player. "You pixies are supposed to go nuts over cock and fuck anything that moves! Worth the trip to Madison U just for that."

"I don't even care if we win the big game tomorrow!" Joked a spiky-haired red-headed guy.

"So sorry guys;" began a dark-haired pixie wearing a only a flimsy, wet T-short and a pink bikini bottom. "We've finished now, the flocking instinct was passed." She seemed regretful, staring pointedly at the broad shoulders and bulging shorts of several black players, as if in longing.

"But I've got a great idea...." it was Lisa, emerging with a splash from inside the punch-bowl in her tiny form. So much easier to spike the punch from the inside. Not that most pixies needed much encouragement. As an Alumni, Lisa no longer had a room in the actual house, but the undergraduate pixies always welcomed successful graduates like her.

"How about this;" Lisa, dripping wet with red punch flew in lazy circles around the basketball team. "Since you boys missed the excitement of hundreds of pixie-nymphos fucking you to exhaustion at once...." Several moans of excitement from the crowd. "We really should do our best to recreate the experience in its entirety for our honored guestssss.... " Lisa tried to fake a drunken drawl to her voice, to make the humans believe she was drunk and vulnerable.

"But let's make it a little more....fair..." Lisa giggled.

"Oh yeah, fair how? I thought you fae bitches were hornier than erh.... a bunch of really horny women.... who... uh don't get sex a lot."

"But see, the thing is - I didn't really get enough cock during the flocking - so many pixies, not enough guys.... never enough...." She buzzed the face of the bald player, showing her curves in profile. "See, I want the reverse of the PFF - instead of a hundred pixies on one cock - I want...."

"You want a piece of MVP dick!" bellowed the blond, cocky jock. Fully confident that the Fae sex-drive would reward his bluster.

"Maybe I do...." Lisa flew in close orbit around the stiffening tent of denim at the front of MVP's crotch. "You know how girls are.... we want attention.... relationships... we want a man to make us feel special." At this point, doors where opening as the entire S.L.U.T. sorority gathered in the living room, pixies began alighting on the second story bannister and along couches, posturing their beauty for the men.

"Yeah but.... everybody says that Fae girls are like these out-of-control hyper-nymphos and... and they actually like it when you call them sluts!" MVP protested. Lisa pouted.

"Nothing in life is ever that simple stud; we still love it when a man pays attention only to us; tells us how special we are... and I want more one-on-one attention."

"Yeah, so?"

"Sooooo..... I don't have any doubt that all these horny girls will do there best to give you a test of a PFF. But I wanna make a bet with you, Mr. 'Most Virile Player'," She giggled. "If I can make you cum in your pants without casting a spell, you'll fuck only me this whole night. As much as we both want. " His blond brow furrowed, as he weighed the pros and cons. "Even after tonight; you can call me up anytime you need to get your rocks off!" she hissed lurdily.

"Anytime eh?" She nodded.

"What the hell, either way I get laid; and erhh.. you're gonna make me cum without some weird fairy spell?" Lisa smiled sharkishly.

Just then, the dark-haired wet T-shirt pixie began to moan sensuously. "I was wrong...." She told the assembled players. "The Flocking instinct.... it hasn't passed! I...I feel it... I want you.... to feel me!" she gurgled. Eyelids fluttering, antennae curling and uncurling, she thrust herself against a lanky player with a goatee and grasped his hand, pressing it against her lush bosom. "Ohhhhh..... F-feel how hard my nipples are! Dark pixie wailed. "Cup them..grope them... feel how my breasts throb when a man touches them. So warm..." A black player with a scar on his chin correctly deduced that the wet T-shirt pixie wouldn't mind a beefy, male hand upon her other breast as well.

The men began feeling, fondling groping the preternatural curves of the fae slut. Nearly delirious with lust, she continued speaking;

"Most teams.... have a home field... a team mascot... and you - make me... MAKE ME YOUR TEAM WHORE!!!!" She shrieked in delight as the wet T-shirt was torn from her, as muscled, male arms bore her bodily into the crowd of men, so long had these Fae lived on Faerie without men; now she would glut herself on sex!

"Eyes on the prize, stud." Said Lisa, diverting MVP's attention from the dark pixie gleefully surrendering her body to the team with a thin finger that tilted his chin back towards her. She had quickly resumed full human stature, and her nude body glistened with moisture from the punch bowl as she began gyrating. For this blond hunk, it would be a stripper dance with a twist. A support pillar near the center of the room took the place of a pole as she began her routine. Being slim and lithe, Lisa was no less adept at the stripper arts than pixies who actually worked in the clubs. The techniques of erotic dance seemed ingrained in the collective subconscious of the species; a needed survival tool for a race with no men of their own.

She started slow, with languid hip gyrations. Thrusting her naked groin into his field of view, then quickly turning to jiggle the moon-like hemispheres of her ass in his face. Upon Lisa's pearlescent flesh, star-like sparkles of glistening moisture teased and tantalized MVP, as his hardening rod tightened his pants ever further. He leaned closer.... yes... that was it... closer.

She played a seductive game; though nude, she attempted to to thrust and jiggle her bowling-ball-sized boobs in such a way as to prevent him from ever seeing all of them at once, captivating and thwarting him at the same time.

The Sigma Lambda Upsilon Tau house, meanwhile was erupting in chaos as the pixie undergrads tried their darndest to get back in the rhythm of the PFF. But in truth, it was more like a sexual free-for-all. The male ratio was much higher - the pixies outnumbering the men by only 3 to 1. Soon, it was difficult to keep track of who a man might be having sex with - pixies rotated penises and partners faster than any could keep track. All the while, the dark-haired pixie never miniaturized herself, but lay sprawled out on the floor; groaning about her warm her tits were, and begging to be fucked.

MVP's breaking point came less than a minute later as Lisa began to grind her delicious ass against his straining denim pants. Though familiar with the protocol of the stripper lapdance, he could not resist touching, caressing.... and finally - licking her smooth flesh.

Lisa chuckled; that had been the surrender she had been waiting for - his tongue pressed into her Venus mound and he tasted the droplets of fruit punch she had been covered with - punch with Lisa had spiked with her own milk.

MVP began gyrating, thrashing - as a surge of sexual potency burned through him. He was lucky; Lisa's body was unusually dangerous now. As a man exposure to Lisa's hyper-active hormones would only throw him into a sex-rage beyond normal control. Had a woman tasted her just now, she would be ripened in under a minute into a pastel-haired, milk-spurting hyper-slut.