Company Trips in Japan


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I looked over to Mika, the hand was back under her and undoubtedly she was giving her cunt up to Hashimoto again. She looked happy it was happening to her. For a moment I thought maybe we should just let her go tonight, I was going to see her on the weekend anyway and it would give Higashi and I some time alone to say goodbye. But then again, if we left her she wouldn't just get fucked by Hashimoto, it would be the lot of them, it would be a gang-bang no doubt. Those things can get silly, people can get hurt. Girls can get hurt.

"She's getting fingered again," I said quietly, "I really don't think it's a good look here in the restaurant."

"I agree," said Higashi. She stood up to go over and deal with it. I gasped as she walked away from me. There was a huge wet patch on the back of her dress, plain as day, right at the level of her pussy. The material showed wetness markedly. My sperm must have poured from her and onto the dress. Shit, hopefully people would think it was spilled drink.

Higashi walked over and authoritatively took her staff by the arm. Mika's bare pussy flashed briefly as she stood and pulled down her skirt. Some of the boys were telling Higashi how great her tits looked but she ignored them and dragged Mika over to where we sat. She put her between us.

"Time you took it easy," Higashi told her in a friendly but firm manner. "The President doesn't need to see you having sex at dinner."

"He can't see from over there," she protested.

"Okada could," I chipped in.

"He cannot," Mika complained.

"Just stay," Higashi told her, pouring hot sake.

For the next hour or so the eating slowed and the drinking sped up. People began yelling from table to table and moving around, fifty people is a big group to have together for dinner. Higashi's tits flicked on and off the whole time exciting all the guys nearby and with a skirt so short Mika's pussy lips glanced occasionally at surprised colleagues. It was the last night and the drink flowed well so nobody minded.

It was a miracle I got both my girls back to my room in one piece. It was fortunate the bus trip was so short. Mika was completely drunk and cornered at the back of the bus. For the five-minute drive there must have been at least five different fingers in her. At Higashi's request I sheltered Mika all the way back to their shared room after we got off the bus, we wanted things to calm down, in case anyone saw her come into my room. But then I lost Higashi. She turned out to be in the stairwell on our floor, that young Hashimoto had her top ripped open and a hand up her skirt at the front. The front paneling of the dress was torn from the bottom. I watched them through the small window on the door to the stairs. I'd not seen Higashi with another guy, only with Mika. It was hot as hell. He was fingering her fiercely and sucking madly on her breasts. I remembered her saying to Mika she thought Hashimoto was cute.

I kept watching with a massive hard-on as he turned her around and lifted her dress over her head, throwing it down the stairs. He pulled on his own jeans to get his cock out. Higashi's eyes were glazed over, she wasn't going to stop him. She let him kick her ankles apart and bend her forward, an arm against the stair rail. It didn't take him much prodding to hit the spot. Higashi yelled out as the cock went up her. As exhilarating as it was to watch her fuck, he wasn't wearing any condom, I didn't want to be mixing my own cock amongst his sperm later. I opened the door and stepped into the stairwell.

"Higashi, hi, how you doing?" I said as if it was just an ordinary moment. Hashimoto kept pumping Higashi's pussy, he had no intention of letting me interfere with his prize.

"Hey, my turn," he said, holding her hips firmly.

"Sorry. Ordinarily I wouldn't interfere, but she specifically asked me to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. So I'm going to take her back to her room."

"After I fuck her," he slurred. Thankfully the young buck was wasted. When I took his prize off him and picked up her purse he went to tackle me but missed entirely, falling onto the upward stairs. With his pants around his ankles he couldn't get up quickly so I whisked Higashi down the hall and put her safely in my room.

"Shit, what happened to my dress?" she mumbled.

"Hashimoto happened."

"Where's Mika?"

"I'll go get her," I told her. I took her room key from her small purse and went to get Mika. She was alone in there, face down on the bed. Ohta was nowhere to be seen. The room had two singles instead of a double like mine, and there was a futon on the tatami floor. I guessed Fukuda was actually meant to be down there, I can't imagine the most junior one would get a bed. I lifted her up to standing, half asleep.

"Brett-san," she said, lifting her arms for me to take her top off. That hadn't been my attention but I obliged, pulling her sweater and t-shirt off together. As promised no bra, though the boys all night had been after a greater and more easily accessed part of her. I held her by the hand and took a look out down the hall. No one was around so I led her to my room wearing nothing but the tiny white skirt. The hall was cold and her tits covered in goose-bumps, her nipples huge.

In my room Higashi was holding the whisky in one hand, a glass in the other. "This needs to be finished right?"

The last thing Higashi needed was more drink, and I told her.

"But it's still early," she protested. It was true, it was only 11pm. But this was our last night. Check-out was 11am in the morning, then we would take the bus to Hirafu for lunch. After that we were off to the airport for a 5pm flight to Osaka and 6pm flight to Tokyo. I fully intended to spend as many hours between now and then wrapped up in Higashi and Mika. Both were already too close to passing out to drink more.

I put the whisky bottle onto the coffee table and pulled the three of us to bed. We fucked like there was no tomorrow, which there wasn't. With the drink in her Higashi went crazy, dancing her hips on my cock. Her and Mika got into each other as well, literally. I'd never seen proper fisting before. With a small woman's hand it's easier no doubt but I almost came when Mika's thumb disappeared and her hand slipped in to the wrist. I had to film it. It was truly amazing. That and those two doing sixty-nine. I really didn't think girls liked the taste of cunt. All the women I had been with talked up other women's breasts but I'd never been with one that showed any interest in another woman's cunt. And yet these two were drinking from each other with such ease. I was disappointed we had to go home.

I came in Higahsi as much as my body would allow. In the end I was trying to force it back in there half-soft and had to give up. Around 3am we slept, three of us exhausted.

The next part of the night was a blur. The light was on. Mika and Higashi were still asleep in the bed next to me, wrapped in each other, Higashi's arms around her from behind in embrace. A man was standing over them shaking Higashi's shoulder trying to wake her. I pulled the sheet up and over my cock but the girls were uncovered. It was Okada.

"Higashi. Higahsi. Wake up!"

What the fuck? "What's going on?" I slurred. Behind Okada was another guy, in uniform, some hotel staff. He must have been there to open the door.

"Higashi. Wake up!"

I looked at the bedside clock. 4:17am. We'd been asleep only an hour or so. I helped roll Higashi out of Mika and pulled her to sit upright.

"What!" she yelled in the grumpiest way.

"Higashi. Listen to me. Something's happened," Okada said seriously. I woke up at the tone but Higashi wasn't still with it.

"You again?" she asked, squinting in the light.

"You need to get up. We need to go," Okada told her.

"Go where?" Higashi said.

"Go where?" I repeated.

Mika stayed asleep, oblivious to all of it. I noticed the staff staring at her bare pussy, a different guy to the one they had fooled around with.

"You need to pack and go now. There is a bus downstairs, we've booked you on the 8:45am flight to Tokyo but you'll have to hurry."

"What are you talking about?" Higashi said still squinting.

"There's been an accident."

That was enough to explain. It didn't matter who, or when, or how. That phrase at 4 in the morning was enough for both of us to take him seriously. Okada didn't joke. Whatever it was it couldn't be good. Higashi shuffled over Mika and out of bed, pausing for a moment as she felt dizzy standing there.

"Where's your clothes?" Okada asked her.

"Where's my clothes?" she asked me in turn.

"Gone," I had to say.

Higashi stood there with those two guys staring, holding her head.

"Where's my key?"

"I don't know, over on the kitchen bench maybe."

Higashi walked around the room turning on lights and searching for her room key. As serious as the situation was, a woman like her walking around the room with nothing on...I felt a twinge, no way those two didn't either.

"I can't find it," she said frustrated. I didn't feel quite the same way about walking myself around naked so I hesitated to help.

"We can open the door for you, ma'am," the hotel staff said, continuing to stare.

"Come on then," Higashi said, walking to the door.

"Are you not going to put something on?" Okada yelled out.

"No one will be awake."

So out they went, down the hall to the girls' room. Once the men were gone I dashed over and stuck my head out the door. Higashi stood there with them as the guy fiddled around with the key. I dashed back to get my trousers and a shirt, then ran down the hall. Inside the room Higashi was running around getting her things, still undressed.

"Where is Ohta?" I asked.

It hadn't even occurred to any of them. "I have no idea. Can you help with all the stuff in that drawer? Throw everything on the bed."

Higashi went into sort out which of the bathroom things were hers. I took everything from every drawer and put it on the bed. Higashi came out and sorted everything into mine-and-theirs piles.

"Can you boys pack that? And pick out some underwear, and something warm to wear," she said, dashing back to clean her teeth.

"We should wait outside," Okada said finally. "Please be quick."

Okada and the hotel staff moved out into the hall. It seemed a bit late to have a final piece of Higashi, but I took advantage. I moved into the bathroom and stood behind her, dropping my pants. Like Hashimoto in the stairwell I kicked open her legs. I was hard enough to push into her even though she wasn't super wet.

"This will be the last one," she said as I pumped her quietly. Her tits in the mirror were superb. Higashi turned her head back and around to kiss me. It was a magical few minutes to have before she would be gone.

"My cunt will miss you," she said, groaning.

"Will miss this...," I said gasping and sending the bit of cum I had left in my balls into her vagina.

"Yes," she agreed.

I backed off and looked at her. She spun around and dropped to her knees, cleaning herself off my cock before moving out to the room to dress and put her nakedness away for the last time.

"What's happened?" I asked, following her out, doing up my pants. "What's the accident?"

"He won't say, said he'd tell me on the bus."

"Okada is going with you?"

"I don't know. Oh, shit, my pill is in your room. If I don't take that now it's a problem."

"What pill?"

"The one to stop me getting pregnant."

"Oh, fuck, I'll get it. Where is it?"

"In that box in the bathroom, on the right of the sink."

I didn't really know which box, but I'd find it. I ran over to the door checking my pants were on properly. When I went into the hall Okada was on his mobile phone. He was in tears. "What?" I said, a tingle in my spine. "What?"

He walked in past me back into the room. Higashi was holding up her underwear about to put it on.


"What?" she said knowing there was an even bigger problem.

"The accident. I'm sorry. Your husband. He has passed."

Things were pretty much a blur after that, for everyone. Higashi dropped her underwear and dashed to the toilet throwing up. Okada wanted to help, I wanted to help, but what could we possibly do. To add to the disaster we three men could plainly see my sperm running out from inside her vagina as she leaned over the toilet. Oh my god. What have I done to her? To her family.

I'm not sure how it happened but Ohta burst into the room. She looked hastily dressed. Had she been in bed with one of our female staff?

"What's going on? I heard there is a problem with Higashi."

I pulled her aside and explained as best I could, it was terribly emotional. Ohta took a wet towel to the toilet then went back for a large one to cover her.

"Out," she demanded of me and the hotel staff. Okada stayed and spoke with Ohta then followed us a few minutes later into the hall where I waited with the staff.

"What will happen now?"

"Higashi wants to go home, so we'll still try and get the 8:45 flight. Ohta will travel with her."

"What can I do to help?"

"Brett-san, I'm sorry, I think it's time for you to not help. It's time for her to be with their family. Try and get some sleep, if you can," he said. Looking at my blood-drained face he added, "Brett-san, accidents happen."

I nodded. Was Okada trying to allay my guilt of fucking the wife of a young man who died? Guilt from lying naked in a comfortable bed with his wife as it happened? As life was taken from him I was inseminating the woman he loved and married. Shit. It was too weird, something I could never prepare for.

"Brett-san. Please. Leave her now, there are more important things."

I nodded and trudged back down the hall, into my room. I was in shock. Mika was sound asleep with the light on and the covers off. I felt her ass, it was freezing cold. I undressed and pulled in next to her to warm her cold skin, pulling the entire thick quilt up and over us. I dare not turn the light off, the thought of darkness terrified me. I lay for the longest time staring at the picture on the wall opposite. Higashi would carry this guilt forever, and I was to blame. Me. I looked down at Mika. Her boyfriend as well. Those bruised tits, the shaved cunt, it was my fault their life had been ruined. Mika told me she had a boyfriend. Higashi told me she had a husband, they were trying to have a baby, but what did I do? Ignored it, thought about their cunts, about fucking their cunts. No wonder I was 35 and single, I was an asshole. I repeated it to myself over and over as I unintentionally slept.

I woke to warmth on my cock. Cold daylight was creeping in the gap in the curtain. Mika was under the quilt sucking me. When she felt me stir awake she crawled up my body and her head popped out from under. With a leg each side of me she reached down under and lined me up with her pussy, pushing down slowly but deliberately. She had a smile on her face.

Her cunt completely full she asked, "Where's Higashi?"

I held her bare ass as she slowly fucked. "Gone home."

"What? What are you talking about gone home."

"Gone home," I said morosely.

"How? Why?"

"Don't you remember anything from last night?"

"Sure," Mika grinned, "You fucked the shit out of us."

"After that."

Mika shook her head. "What...what are you talking about?"

"About 4:20 this morning Okada came and woke us up to tell us Higashi's husband had an accident."


"You slept through the whole thing."

"What happened?" she asked, stopping her hips.

"I think it was a car accident. I'm not really sure."


"He died."

"Holy Shit!"

"Yeah. It's not good."

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" Mika cried, sat bolt upright with her cunt full. "You're fucking joking, right?"

I shook my head. My face didn't say 'joke'.

"Holy shit! Okada saw me here with you?"

"Mika! There are bigger issues than that!"

"I'm sorry. So where is she, is she packing, is she going?"

"Gone. Left sometime around five," I said. I looked at my watch. "She will be on a flight to Tokyo in about 20 minutes."

"Holy shit. Who knows?"

"Okada and Ohta as far as I know. For sure he would have told the President. And someone else must know, Ohta came in because she 'heard' there was a problem with Higashi so she must have heard it from someone who knew where she was sleeping. Why the fuck was Ohta not staying in your room?"

"You're asking me?"

"You room with her."

"We don't exactly share personal stories, especially after that night in the mixed bath. She wasn't very happy with me."

Well, I thought, Ohta had some secret lovers herself possibly.

"Poor Higashi," Mika said leaning down on me, tits against my chest.

"Yes," was all I said. Mika was probably too young to comprehend how miserable someone must feel to be cheating on their spouse the moment they were killed. The sort of thing that would haunt you, spook you.

"What's the time?" she said after a while.

"Almost 8."

"I'm so sleepy. What time do we need to be packed downstairs?" she asked, slowly masturbating herself on my cock.

"11, I think."

"I don't want breakfast. I don't want to leave bed. I don't want to stop fucking you," she said sincerely.

"Don't want to stop fucking, or fucking me? You haven't really minded who got into your pants these last few days."

"Oh, don't make me think about it," she said, sitting up and lifting the pace. Her tits were a mess still, the yellow from the bruises setting in around the dark purple.

"You going to show your boyfriend these tits?"

"Huh?" she grunted pumping herself, maximizing the grinding on her vaginal walls.

"Are you going to show your boyfriend your tits?"

"I guess. Once. That should be the end of us, though."

"Then why bother?"

"Difficult to stop him. If we wants my clothes off, he'll get them off. If I say no, he doesn't just say 'okay'."

"Really? He doesn't stop when you say no?"

"I don't know. I guess I've kind of given up saying it. We just do what he wants."

"Is he dangerous? Will he hurt you?"

"No...least he never has."

We slowly fucked and kissed until time started to worry me. Both of us needed to pack and there were only a couple of hours left. I wanted to worry for Higashi but forced myself to keep good spirits with Mika here. She would be more anxious if she thought I was stressed. She helped me pack first, picking out my clothes, sucking my cock clean before I put my underwear on.

"You want to cum?" she asked, mouth full.

"It's okay. Next weekend," I told her and she smiled.

We clothed her in the tiny skirt and my jacket and went back to do her packing in her room. Given the other two were packed and gone I let her do it naked, filming her moving around the room. Her cunt looked fantastic.

"Make sure you're hairless for the weekend, yeah?" I told her.

"How? I don't want to shave it myself."

"Get some hair-removal cream."

She didn't know what I meant so I showed her on the internet on my phone, emailing the link to her personal account. She said she would try. And that was that. Mika put her clothes away, put her clothes on (minus panties at my request) and we trudged out into the hall. The thought that only a few days later I would be back into her reduced the tension at least.

When I went in to pick up my bags I did a quick check around the room. Suddenly I remembered to check the box in my bathroom. Sure enough there was a plastic bag inside with two sealed tablets, made out to Higashi's name. How could I get these to her? No chance she would be in the office tomorrow, this week, maybe ever again, so there was no point giving it to Mika to pass to her. I thought about calling or leaving a message but I guessed she knew, she would go to a Tokyo doctor. Poor thing.

I pocketed them. Mika next weekend...these would come in handy.