Cuckold Coaching


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"The uncertainty risk?"


"The third option is no uncertainty. People who can't cope with it will break off contact. It's actually a good way of classifying friends and family. I think your parents and my parents would stick with us. Most of our friends would too, especially Tony, Lisa, and Barry."

"Yeah, I suppose our friendly throuple would be unlikely to abandon us." I laughed.

"So the only category left is career. And this isn't the 19th century. Neither of us should expect employers to evaluate our spouses when selecting us for promotion. So, my analysis is that the only relationships that would break are the relationships that don't have much value anyway."

"What was the fourth option you glossed over?"

"That was the no children option. I don't want to go down that road if we can avoid it."

"Agreed. I know I need children. It's just necessary."

"Good. So, you know what? I think we should see if we can chat with Joyce and Neil again. What do they know that we should? What have we not even started thinking about?"

* * *

This time, Joyce and Neil were sitting in the living room, with a large photo of them and Joyce's three kids. They were all quite young in that one and it looked very sweet.

We updated them on our experiment and analysis.

"Good for you. Not bringing Zak home with you was the right decision." Joyce said. "It might not have been a disaster but thinking and feeling things through first is definitely the right approach. And, you don't really know Zak and there are some things you need to know before you decide to bring him in -- or anyone else."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Other than the stability of your relationship, the most important things to consider are health and safety. From a health perspective, you need to get tested with anyone you bring in and see their results. Of course, you owe them the same respect."

"Oh, of course. That makes sense." We agreed.

"The other thing is that you might not want to bring them home with you. You might prefer to meet at a hotel or even at their place. You might not want them being able to turn up on your doorstep whenever they like."

"I hadn't thought of that." Douglas said. "But that's right. A hotel might be best."

Then, Joyce continued.

"Now, let's talk about what Neil and I discussed when we were deciding on family planning. We had a similar chat to you. And importantly, that chat didn't just focus on me."

"OK. We're listening."

"A baby is a lifetime commitment. A frantic fuck with a hot man might not even be a nighttime's commitment. It's really important that you are very confident you'll be able to love and support a baby before you have one. We have loved and supported the three babies Neil watched other men give me. But that does not mean you'll love it. Nigella. You need to make sure you aren't getting pregnant with a baby you or Douglas might regret."

"Oh, I'm on the pill already."

"Good." She continued. "But the next thing is health. You have to make sure any partners you don't know use condoms. I know it's not quite the same but it's way better than getting something. And not everything can be cured with a course of antibiotics. One night stands are fine but you have to be careful."

"Of course. Especially as Douglas and I want kids."

"Now you're getting it." Neil said. Then Joyce continued.

"Of course, if and when you find a bull who'll be with you regularly, well then you can adjust your approach. You can both get tested and share your results with each other. Then, the condoms can come off."

Then Douglas spoke up.

"This all makes fine sense but I really want to focus on children. Nigella and I both want children. I would never deny her if she wanted me to father one -- or all of them. But Neil, what was it like for you to know that Joyce would be carrying another man's baby. And to know that it would be immediately obvious to everyone for your whole life that you couldn't have been the father?"

"I think I still feel incredibly smug. I knew that quite a few of our friends -- still friends incidentally -- were jealous. When they saw Joyce's first and they saw how happy we were I knew they felt like they were missing out."

Douglas was nodding along with that but had another question.

"But that's just outside, right? What about how you felt and feel about Joyce?"

"Oh, well I always felt that each child was like an extra wedding ring. A symbol of our love and commitment to each other. Joyce is an intelligent and beautiful woman. I'm confident that she could find another man quite easily if she wanted. But she wanted me and still wants me. It's been an incredible journey and I've loved it."

"OK." I said. "I don't think we need to rush anything. Maybe we could re-run our kissing experiment a few times. We need to make sure it wasn't just the excitement of the new."

Joyce was supportive.

"Yes, that's a nice safe way to continue testing and communication."

* * *

Over the next couple of months we went to a few clubs across London. Douglas watched me snogging and getting fingered by nine men. And we agreed that we absolutely loved it. So we called Joyce and Neil again.

"You really have put in the work on your relationship." She said when we described not just our clubbing experiences but also our discussions.

"We have. We review our feelings and more after each club visit. But we've decided," I said, "we want to take this further. We want the next step: a bull. But we don't know how to find one."

Neil spoke.

"There are lots of ways to do it. You could follow up with Zak, place an ad, or go to a fetish club and look for single men there. But sometimes a personal introduction is a good approach. So, maybe we could help you make contact with someone who's been reliable for us?"

"Neil's right," Joyce said. "And we can probably introduce you to someone who'll give you a great first experience. One thing I'd advise is to find an experienced bull and not a teenage wannabe. I'm not saying that Zak couldn't or wouldn't be good. But you don't really know what he knows. It could be a disappointment and maybe we could save you from that. So, what are you looking for, Nigella?"

"Well, obviously we want to both get on with him. And he needs to refrain from giving Douglas orders. Only I give Douglas orders. But physically, I'd like a really heavy cummer with a very thick cock. So that means getting some tests done before we meet up for real."

"Neil, can you iMessage them a picture of Dante? Well, maybe two pictures?"

A minute later there was a ping and we had what must have been a recent picture of Joyce kissing a very handsome bald black man. Their passion was communicable and I could feel myself getting turned on.

Then, the next picture showed a very thick black cock. It was erect and the foreskin was just starting to pull back, showing the head and a drop of precum.

"Oh Joyce, I said. I want to meet him. I really want to meet him."

Douglas put his right hand on my thigh and just did a thumbs up with his left hand.

"OK you two." Joyce smiled. "I'll make an introduction. I hope you have a wonderful time with him. I want to hear back afterwards to make sure he treats you both right. And Neil and I both want to know how you feel afterwards."

* * *

We met Dante for a coffee in a Costa coffee near the sexual health clinic. We spoke for 15 minutes and agreed that we were happy to move forward, so we went in and got tested. A couple of days later we all got clean results, so we decided to meet in a hotel in Cambridge.

Dante was in his mid-30s and was ripped. Not a gym body but a body with hard muscles from being a music roadie. When he worked it was long days and nights of carrying heavy equipment. He had no problem carrying me. I looked up into his face and spoke.

"Dante, Douglas is going to sit down and watch. I want you to undress me, throw me onto that bed and fuck me full of your cum. You have to cum inside me Dante; that's why we got tested. I want to feel pulses of your cum deep in my pussy. And then I'll order Douglas to clean me up. Can you do that?"

"I promised Joyce that I'd give you the best possible introductory experience. I want to give you all that and I want you to have incredible orgasms. In fact, Douglas might even want to use that pad to record how many you have. Are you ready?"

I was. Douglas pulled my dress off me to find no underwear. He lifted me up and tossed me onto the bed with the same ease a child would toss a teddy bear.

I was juicing up. I could feel it.

"I can't get inside you yet, Nigella. You need to relax. I think we should start with some foreplay. How about we 69 for a bit and only take another step after your first orgasm."

Dante wasn't magically long but he was so thick that I found it hard to get the head of his cock into my mouth. While he was nuzzling my clit and licking my lips, I had to lick his foreskin and then start sucking his helmet as it slowly emerged.

The whole scenario was so exciting that it didn't take me long to cum. When I came I gently wrestled him onto his back.

"You're so thick, Dante. I need to be on top so I can control the entry. But you're going in and you're gonna fill me with your seed, OK?"

"You know what you want. I'm gonna let you take it."

I made a slow start. Sure, his cock was covered in my slobber and my pussy was nice and wet but he was thicker than any man I'd ever had. It must have taken a couple of minutes to just get most of the head in. Getting the rest of his shaft in was slow, too. I need to push, relax, pull up, and try again. Eventually I'd got most of him in me and I was grinning like a loon.

"OK Dante, you go on top now. Can you fuck me?"

He was very gentle as he rolled me over. Then he pulled almost all the way out and started plunging back in. His rhythm sped up but was never violent or too fast. He made sure I was yelping with pleasure and not in any pain.

Without warning I came. I came hard. But Dante's rhythm didn't stop and that orgasm became the new plateau. My pleasure only rose and then I knew another one was coming. The big one.

"Oh, I'm cumming Dante. I'm almost there. Can you cum when I cum? I want your seed in me!"

Dante didn't say anything but grinned and built up his pace slightly. As my orgasm began I felt him shudder and then pulse when he was as deep as he could be inside me. He came a lot and I could feel his warm goo. That brought more shudders.

"Dante, don't pull out yet. Douglas, lie down beside me. I'm going to sit on your face."

Douglas got into position and I quickly moved over. I could feel Dante's warm sperm travel down my pussy and then cling in thick droplets, slightly above Douglas's lips.

"Please drop down a bit, darling. My tongue can't reach you."

I lowered myself slightly and felt Douglas eagerly lick up Dante's sperm. Then I felt his tongue search inside me, seeking more. Eventually I yelled.

"Suck me Douglas. Suck Dante's cum out of me."

Douglas tried to make a seal with his lips and sucked. I don't know if he actually got anything extra out but the emotional connection was intense. My lovely husband was keenly licking and sucking my first lover's -- or bull's -- seed from my pussy. I don't know the word for my emotion but it felt like a mix of sexual pleasure, emotional joy, and physical exhaustion.

I lay down and spoke.

"Dante, that was the best introduction I could imagine to cuckolding my husband. You were wonderful. The only question is whether you'll be ready to go again in a bit."

"Nigella, you were wonderful, too. And yes, give me a few minutes and we can go again. And we have all weekend. I hope to go home completely drained of cum."

We all laughed at our shared joy.

* * *

"Dante, do you have enough left in you for a quickie? Can you fuck me doggy-style over the desk and leave me with a cummy pussy? I want to go home with your seed slowly oozing into my knickers."

When we got home, Douglas shut the door and immediately got on his knees.

"May I clean your pussy?"

"Of course. And make sure none gets on the carpet."

He gently removed my knickers and licked up the bits of cum that hadn't been absorbed by the gusset. The smell was quite erotic and I wondered if anyone on the train realised what it was.

"Good weekend?"

Douglas laughed.

"Good doesn't come close. You looked so happy this weekend. And what was amazing was that you made Dante fuck you so hard but you were so gentle and loving with me. You made me feel so special. It's going to take me a while to feel normal again. If I ever can."

"So, just a good memory?"

"If that's what you want. If you just want this as a golden memory then that's fine."

"You think you might be up for doing something like this again?"

"Oh yes. It was so good. Witnessing your joy was so special. I want you to always have that kind of joy. I love you and I want the best for you."

"So, I think we should report in to Joyce and Neil. Joyce wants to know how Dante treated me."

"I tried counting orgasms but they merged a bit. So many. And he was respectful to me when I know he could have been aggressive or rude. Five stars, would try again."

* * *

"Oh, I'm so glad your first experience was so positive." Neil responded once I'd given a report that focused on emotions more than details.

"It was spectacular and it left us wanting more."

"Well, feel free to follow up with Dante again if you want. He is a lovely chap and I wouldn't want to deny him to others, even if I could."

"Thank you. I'm sure we'd love to see him again. And maybe others. But my mind keeps coming back to children. I must have children, you know. It's not optional. And I wouldn't say no to having some magnificent bull impregnate me. But if I choose to have children fathered by anyone other than Douglas, well how would I choose?"

"In what sense?" Neil asked.

"Well, I mean, Douglas and I want to be the parents. How could we be sure that the bull will impregnate me and then move on?"

"Ahh. Now that's the hard bit isn't it. On the one hand, you want to know the bull well enough that you can get tested with each other or rely on whatever testing they give you. But on the other hand you don't want them to try and turn you into a throuple."

Joyce spoke up.

"Nigella, don't worry about that too much. You have two choices: speak with bulls you'd consider as fathers and see what they think. They might be happy to give a baby but stay away. That's especially true if they're married themselves. On the other hand, you could find someone you like the look of, test with them, then meet up for a few weeks. Once you're pregnant, politely step away without saying why. The first option is probably best. It's the decent thing to do."

"That's a hard conversation to have, isn't it." I said.

"It could be. On the other hand, the bull might be expecting it. Especially if you've been begging him to give you his cum and then stay inside you. 'Bull' is the term of art we use but that doesn't mean they're dumb. Most people are just as smart as you, you know."

"I prefer to be honest, I think."

"I thought you would, honey. You're a sweet girl, Nigella. But remember you're at the start of your life. You've kissed a few blokes and been with one bull. You could have so much fun before you start having kids you know. Kids take it out of you. They are wonderful but you won't sleep for the first three months. Play for a year or so!"

* * *

And that's what we did. We spent a solid 18 months playing with bulls Joyce and Neil introduced us to, a couple we found ourselves, and even Zak.

I'm glad Dante was our first because Zak had probably never been a bull before. But he was a nice lad and had stamina as well as cumming like a fire hose. That was so good. But he didn't know how to be gentle.

Douglas and I became closer and closer. And it's not that we stopped having sex but it came less frantic and more sensual and loving. The bulls satisfied my base sexual desires, with Douglas playing a supporting role. And after he'd cleaned me up and they'd gone home we focused on us.

Importantly, we focused on the things that weren't part of our love of kinky sex. After all, we needed our marriage to survive when we found the bull who'd give us a baby. So we laughed at live comedy, went to live music, and even started doing the FT's cryptic crossword together.

Then we found Clément.

Clément was everything I want from a bull. He was kind and gentle, very tall, and absolutely ripped. And he definitely stretched me and came a lot. A very lot. It was magnificent.

"I need your sperm in me Clément. Don't you dare pull out. Cum in me. Breed me!" I yelled one night. And he did as I demanded and I came like a freight train. It was amazing. Douglas was there as quick as lightning and licked out Clément's sperm, making me cum again.

"Do you need to share anything, Nigella?" Clément asked a few minutes later.

"Oh, well I probably should. In fact I wanted to ask you. We wanted to ask you something." I said.

Douglas was lying next to me and I could feel him trembling with excitement.

"Douglas and I have been married for a couple of years now and we were thinking about. Well, you see. The thing is." I stumbled into silence.

"Are you saying that you want to start a family?" Clément asked.

"Yes, Clément. That's what I couldn't get out. I'm on the pill... now but, well..."

"Do you want to know if I'd be willing to get you pregnant? Give you my baby?"

"Would you?" I asked in a way that was almost begging.

"I don't think I could be involved in bringing up a baby, Nigella. It would have to be just you and Douglas."

"That's what we want, Clément. Would you give us your baby? Let Douglas and me raise them. Just us?"

He went silent for a moment.

"OK. But we shouldn't rely on luck. We should probably plan on seeing each other all through your most fertile time. Then you'll have the best chance. If you give me some notice I can block those days out and you can fuck all the cum out of me."

* * *

We carefully scheduled time with Clément, so he could get me pregnant. I generally have a 29-day cycle. My five day fertile window started on Friday 22nd. Douglas and I both took some holiday so we could spend those five days with Clément.

Sex with Clément had always been good. But beyond his physical characteristics, he was kind and gentle. He took his time and he made sure he brought pleasure instead of pain. Some bulls -- the ones we only saw once -- weren't so careful.

And sex during this period was extra special. It wasn't just sex for pleasure; it was sex for breeding. Being impregnated by a kind, lovely and very sexy man was special. Involving my husband made it extra special.

We knew that elevating my hips after Clément came inside me was unlikely to make much difference. That was especially true as he was cumming inside me multiple times each day for my whole fertile window. But it added an element of ritual that consecrated our baby-making sex.

Douglas pretty much throbbed with excitement while I had pillows under my hips. We waited together for the sperm to find my cervix -- and then my egg. But once we'd performed that little ritual, he got to clean me up. And Clément's cum was a little further in, or so it seemed to us. Douglas had to work harder to reach it and clean me. His dedication to my pleasure and our marriage made my orgasms emotionally explosive and quite tiring.

But we put the work in because it was in service of our family.

Once Douglas was done, Clément had generally recovered and was ready for me to fuck his sperm into my fertile pussy again.

We were all worn out by the end of those five days. I could just about walk but was very glad we had driven to the hotel. I didn't have it in me to walk to the tube, walk to the bus stop, and then walk home.